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OT: Potpourri

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John Hanson

May 4, 2003, 2:21:05 AM5/4/03
First, I'd like to thank everyone for their encouraging words in reply
to my meet results post.

Second, I really enjoyed my trip to Fresno. On my flight in, the
three gals I was chatting with couldn't say enough bad things about
Fresno. They cited the bad weather, the pollution, the boredom and
many other things. But, just before we landed they all were taken
aback by just how beautiful the weather was that day. Apparently good
weather is rare there. Anyway, the weather stayed nice until just
before I boarded my flight out of there on Friday.

I took Pat and Selene's advice and drove up to Yosemite. I was very
impressed with the beauty of the area. I didn't, however, eat at the
Elderberry House (Josho's suggestion). The folks at Pelco kept me so
well fed that I didn't want to think about food. Seeing Oakhurst for
the first time was very cool too.

Lastly, I went to buy a handgun last night and I was delayed by NICS.
This is the third or fourth time I have tried to buy a gun since the
NICS system went into effect that I have been delayed and every time
it ends up being a default proceed. I have to wait 3 business days
before I can get my gun. What's up with that? BTW, I decided to go
with a Smith & Wesson (yes, the traitor company) SW99 in .40 caliber.
Its basically the same thing as a Walther P99. I also signed up for
concealed carry training. Shall issue CCW is now law in Minnesota.


May 4, 2003, 3:40:44 AM5/4/03
Listen up, fuck for brains !!! Don't make off topic posts to MFW. You stupid
cock sucking fool !!! My fist meets your face if you do it again.

Got it BOY !!

"John Hanson" <> wrote in message

Brian Link

May 4, 2003, 4:17:38 AM5/4/03

I like pie.

Brian Link in St. Paul, Minnesota

Lucas Buck

May 4, 2003, 5:25:18 AM5/4/03
On Sun, 04 May 2003 02:21:05 GMT, John Hanson <> wrote:

>First, I'd like to thank everyone for their encouraging words in reply
>to my meet results post.
>Second, I really enjoyed my trip to Fresno.

Was lots of alcohol involved?

>On my flight in, the
>three gals I was chatting with couldn't say enough bad things about
>Fresno. They cited the bad weather, the pollution, the boredom and
>many other things. But, just before we landed they all were taken
>aback by just how beautiful the weather was that day. Apparently good
>weather is rare there. Anyway, the weather stayed nice until just
>before I boarded my flight out of there on Friday.

But what about the gals?!?!?

>Lastly, I went to buy a handgun last night and I was delayed by NICS.
>This is the third or fourth time I have tried to buy a gun since the
>NICS system went into effect that I have been delayed and every time
>it ends up being a default proceed. I have to wait 3 business days
>before I can get my gun. What's up with that?

It's TEN days in CA, and the list of "state-approved" handguns is limited.

>BTW, I decided to go
>with a Smith & Wesson (yes, the traitor company)

Not anymore. New ownership.

>SW99 in .40 caliber.
>Its basically the same thing as a Walther P99.

Sorta like a Kimber, except the trigger isn't labeled "Begin Jam"

>I also signed up for
>concealed carry training. Shall issue CCW is now law in Minnesota.

Somebody's gotta protect us from the Canadian horde.

David Cohen

May 4, 2003, 8:34:16 AM5/4/03

"Lucas Buck" <> wrote

> John Hanson <> wrote:
> >First, I'd like to thank everyone for their encouraging words in
> >to my meet results post.
> >
> >Second, I really enjoyed my trip to Fresno.
> Was lots of alcohol involved?

Must have been. "I really enjoyed my trip to Fresno" is right up there
with "Those Greek men are really macho".

> >On my flight in, the
> >three gals I was chatting with couldn't say enough bad things about
> >Fresno. They cited the bad weather, the pollution, the boredom and
> >many other things. But, just before we landed they all were taken
> >aback by just how beautiful the weather was that day. Apparently
> >weather is rare there. Anyway, the weather stayed nice until just
> >before I boarded my flight out of there on Friday.
> But what about the gals?!?!?
> >Lastly, I went to buy a handgun last night and I was delayed by
> >This is the third or fourth time I have tried to buy a gun since
> >NICS system went into effect that I have been delayed and every
> >it ends up being a default proceed. I have to wait 3 business days
> >before I can get my gun. What's up with that?
> It's TEN days in CA, and the list of "state-approved" handguns is
> >BTW, I decided to go
> >with a Smith & Wesson (yes, the traitor company)
> Not anymore. New ownership.

Good company now. Horace and Daniel are no longer turning in their

> >SW99 in .40 caliber.
> >Its basically the same thing as a Walther P99.
> Sorta like a Kimber, except the trigger isn't labeled "Begin Jam"

<fingers in ears> lalalalalala...I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!

> >I also signed up for
> >concealed carry training. Shall issue CCW is now law in Minnesota.
> Somebody's gotta protect us from the Canadian horde.

Someday, the military will be allowed to do their proper job and
secure our borders.


John Hanson

May 4, 2003, 4:13:33 PM5/4/03
On Sun, 04 May 2003 05:25:18 GMT, Lucas Buck
<> wrote:

>On Sun, 04 May 2003 02:21:05 GMT, John Hanson <> wrote:
>>First, I'd like to thank everyone for their encouraging words in reply
>>to my meet results post.
>>Second, I really enjoyed my trip to Fresno.
>Was lots of alcohol involved?

The first and last nights it was. It all started at the Roadhouse on
Route 66 bar in the B concourse of the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport and
continued throughout the evening.

>>On my flight in, the
>>three gals I was chatting with couldn't say enough bad things about
>>Fresno. They cited the bad weather, the pollution, the boredom and
>>many other things. But, just before we landed they all were taken
>>aback by just how beautiful the weather was that day. Apparently good
>>weather is rare there. Anyway, the weather stayed nice until just
>>before I boarded my flight out of there on Friday.
>But what about the gals?!?!?

I never seen them again. Only one was worth seeing anyway.

>>Lastly, I went to buy a handgun last night and I was delayed by NICS.
>>This is the third or fourth time I have tried to buy a gun since the
>>NICS system went into effect that I have been delayed and every time
>>it ends up being a default proceed. I have to wait 3 business days
>>before I can get my gun. What's up with that?
>It's TEN days in CA, and the list of "state-approved" handguns is limited.

The Federal system is supposed to be instant. I get a default proceed
every time. The FBI keeps checking even after the 3 business days and
will come after you if you cannot legally purchase a firearm. They
never have come after me (because I'm legal) so I wonder why I always
get a default proceed.

>>BTW, I decided to go
>>with a Smith & Wesson (yes, the traitor company)
>Not anymore. New ownership.
>>SW99 in .40 caliber.
>>Its basically the same thing as a Walther P99.
>Sorta like a Kimber, except the trigger isn't labeled "Begin Jam"
>>I also signed up for
>>concealed carry training. Shall issue CCW is now law in Minnesota.
>Somebody's gotta protect us from the Canadian horde.

No shit. Maybe the Canucks will actually tip a waitress for fear she
might shoot them as they sneak out of the restaurant. Cheap bastards.


May 4, 2003, 7:55:52 PM5/4/03
John Hanson wrote:
> First, I'd like to thank everyone for their encouraging words in reply
> to my meet results post.
> Second, I really enjoyed my trip to Fresno. On my flight in, the
> three gals I was chatting with couldn't say enough bad things about
> Fresno. They cited the bad weather, the pollution, the boredom and
> many other things. But, just before we landed they all were taken
> aback by just how beautiful the weather was that day. Apparently good
> weather is rare there. Anyway, the weather stayed nice until just
> before I boarded my flight out of there on Friday.
> I took Pat and Selene's advice and drove up to Yosemite. I was very
> impressed with the beauty of the area. I didn't, however, eat at the
> Elderberry House (Josho's suggestion). The folks at Pelco kept me so
> well fed that I didn't want to think about food. Seeing Oakhurst for
> the first time was very cool too.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it.


May 4, 2003, 7:56:24 PM5/4/03

Pie, pie, me oh my; I like pie.

The Queen of Cans and Jars

May 4, 2003, 9:03:17 PM5/4/03

Dave H

May 5, 2003, 2:37:01 PM5/5/03
"The Queen of Cans and Jars" <> wrote in message

Weebl looks Canadian.

dave h

The Queen of Cans and Jars

May 5, 2003, 9:52:28 PM5/5/03
Dave H <davewhF*> wrote:

are they roundish and slack-jawed up there?

i guess i'll see for myself when i hit vancouver in june :)


May 5, 2003, 9:56:12 PM5/5/03
"Dave H" <davewhF*> wrote

> "The Queen of Cans and Jars" <> wrote
> > gps <> wrote:
> >
> > > Brian Link wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I like pie.
> > >
> > > Pie, pie, me oh my; I like pie.
> >
> >
> Weebl looks Canadian.

It's the toque.


May 5, 2003, 11:48:38 PM5/5/03

> I like pie.

I like pie, too. And guns. But I don't like to shoot pie, I prefer
to eat it.

I really dislike top-posting trolls. I won't go into my proclivity for
shooting them, though. Discussing that sort of thing can raise the ire
of law enforcement types.


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