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Condensate everywhere

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Gary M

Aug 7, 2003, 2:16:21 AM8/7/03
I really hope someone will be able to help me here; I own a 99 Oakwood
home with a Intertherm/Nordyne HVAC unit. The coils of the unit are in
an 'A' configuration and sit in a plastic tray which rests over the
blower cabinet. Ostensibly, this is to catch the condensate and drain
it away via a hose which leads outside. This part of it works fine and
I have cleared the hose more than once.
The problem I have is this; A lot of the water doesn't reach the
drain hose. Instead, it leaks down into and onto the blower equipment
below. This has led to the sequencer and the cicuit breaker shorting
out and they have been replaced. The repairman told me that the drain
had gotten clogged, but that is not the case now. The water seems to
be coming from some other part of the tray. Before I get another
serviceman out here to tell me, "Your drain hose was clogged. That'll
be $xx.xx." I would like to know if there is another cause and better
still, if there is something 'I' can do about it without having to
dismantle the entire cooling system.
Thanks in advance,
-Gary M-


Aug 7, 2003, 2:29:00 AM8/7/03
Without being there...........
.........I'd say the coil is dirty........
.............causing a restriction in air-flow.

Which is allowing the excessive air-flow pressure to blow the water off the
(being you say the drain is clean)

Get a competent tech to clean the coil and check the refrigerate charge.
(not just pressures.............they need to check the SH & SC)
As someone may have put some refrigerate in it to keep it from freezing.
(at some the coil got dirty)


( kjpro @ starband . net ) remove spaces to e-mail

Want it done yesterday? Or done right today, to save money tomorrow!!


"Gary M" <> wrote in message


Aug 7, 2003, 1:27:39 PM8/7/03

"Gary M" <> wrote in message
> I really hope someone will be able to help me here; I own a 99 Oakwood
> home with a Intertherm/Nordyne HVAC unit. The coils of the unit are in
> an 'A' configuration and sit in a plastic tray which rests over the
> blower cabinet. Ostensibly, this is to catch the condensate and drain
> it away via a hose which leads outside.

That part we all know..its a standard slap in...the way that Oakwood and
every other mobile home maker wanted that used that crappy Nordyne set up.

> This part of it works fine and
> I have cleared the hose more than once.
> The problem I have is this; A lot of the water doesn't reach the
> drain hose. Instead, it leaks down into and onto the blower equipment
> below. This has led to the sequencer and the cicuit breaker shorting
> out and they have been replaced. The repairman told me that the drain
> had gotten clogged, but that is not the case now. The water seems to
> be coming from some other part of the tray. Before I get another
> serviceman out here to tell me, "Your drain hose was clogged. That'll
> be $xx.xx." I would like to know if there is another cause and better
> still, if there is something 'I' can do about it without having to
> dismantle the entire cooling system.
> Thanks in advance,
> -Gary M-

Well...since we deal with this about once a week in a setup like yours,
offer a few suggestions...

did the last service tech seal the pan to the blower compartment with either
a foam tape that is applied to the top of the blower that the A coil
assembly sets on, or with a good quality metal tape around the sides, or a
combination of both?

did the last service tech insure that after he cleaned the drain, that the
coil blower and coil had a slight tilt towards the drain? Did he put a level
on it? Was it dead level? IF it was, its should NOT be on those..

Does your system have a proper condensate trap on the drain line? If not, it
needs one, or the unit, IF sealed properly, might not be draining until the
unit shuts down and you are getting water not so much leaking, but being
pulled into the works..

Did they speed the fan up trying to get better air flow, instead of properly
balancing your single duct line? In other words....has someone put that
sucker on high, and opened all your vents in the triler? If so, its all
wrong, and you are not getting the cooling you need, and should have...and
the air flow could be such that the condensate is being literally stripped
off the coil before it can flow into the pan.

Those are normally plastic pans in the coil assembly, and under normal
circumstances, you will need to replace the coil long before the pan gives
you any trouble. IF the rear or front of the A coils covers have rusted out,
its possible that the coil is getting water pulled over the lip of the pan
that way...

Peter Swinson

Aug 7, 2003, 6:13:19 PM8/7/03
I have seen these pans crack in the center where the injection molding
circles are. Don't try to repair it because it will recrack. Replace the
"CBHvac" <> wrote in message


Aug 7, 2003, 7:19:38 PM8/7/03
"Peter Swinson" <> wrote in message

> I have seen these pans crack in the center where the injection molding
> circles are. Don't try to repair it because it will recrack. Replace the
> coil.


You mean JB Weld won't work!!!! :-0

They won't like to hear that!! :-)


Aug 8, 2003, 12:30:48 AM8/8/03
Actually, there is this new epoxy that a sample was given to me by the
Mastercool rep last week when they were having a big shindig down at the
supply house for MC and OmegaFlex...bonds and seals underwater, and I havent
had a chance to try it yet...
IF, and thats IF I had to absolutly positively NOT replace a pan, and try a
fix, it would be with fiberglass resin and cloth..done that on a couple of
OLD mothers that we could not get parts for....or a coil to fit.

"kjpro" <( kjpro @ starband . com ) see-my-sig-for-e-mail> wrote in message


Aug 7, 2003, 9:43:20 PM8/7/03
Here is a different water leak that comes from line before it gets to the
unit go to this page and click on water leak picture show

"Peter Swinson" <> wrote in message


Aug 8, 2003, 1:09:18 AM8/8/03

"D.S." <> wrote in message

> Here is a different water leak that comes from line before it gets to the
> unit go to this page and click on water leak picture show

I have to admit..other than the way you present what you call photos, I cant
see shit...just lots of glare..
A very cheap POS case, and some OmegaFlex..

That line, is called a suction line, btw...thought you might want to at
least know what its called, even if you dont know why its got condensation
on it..


Aug 7, 2003, 10:22:56 PM8/7/03

"CBHvac" <> wrote in message

> "D.S." <> wrote in message
> news:YeDYa.2577$
> > Here is a different water leak that comes from line before it gets to
> > unit go to this page and click on water leak picture show
> >
> I have to admit..other than the way you present what you call photos, I
> see shit...just lots of glare..
> A very cheap POS case, and some OmegaFlex..
> That line, is called a suction line, btw...thought you might want to at
> least know what its called, even if you dont know why its got condensation
> on it..
> >I know it's condensation but if I want to call it a leak since that is
what it's actually doing in the end, when it drips into the opening and then
LEAKS into the plenum, which is actually just wood from frame of the house
where the old return used to be , before this unit was put in and changed to
a down draft or whatever.

To help with glare turn down your brightness on moniter , it's the setting
that resembles a sun with a minus sign on one side and a plus sign on the

Aug 7, 2003, 10:43:44 PM8/7/03
On Fri, 08 Aug 2003 01:43:20 GMT, "D.S." <> wrote:

>Here is a different water leak that comes from line before it gets to the
>unit go to this page and click on water leak picture show

Geez, I love the part about how you're going to sue the
builder and his brother and everyone else you ever met for "UNSAFE

And you're going to sue, including the AC contractor (s):


Among your complaints :

"A copper tube that connects to blower unit from outside a/c unit
gurgles when a/c is turned on."

"2nd is I can hear my neighbors a/c unit when it's running."

" 3rd is the sound of dripping rain vibrating through the sheetrock ,
(this was with ear against the wall, might not count)"

"4th was still hearing the fireworks going off at driller's stadium

"They did the cleaning but didn't let the Maids finish on Monday "

"Maybe soon I can get the floor moulding or is it called trim,
whatever it is I want it pulled off and walls/doors/window areas
behind it finished "

"To the Terrell worker who likes the F word, if you shut the opening
for underneath the house the dogs won't do that under there also if
someone calls the dog catcher again tomorrow because of my dogs being
out you will pay to get them out since you can't shut the gate."

"The rules where broken by only having one sub-contracter here by

"Work was finally done to fix leaks, they tried anyway. Terrell was 42
minutes late"

"Whortman Air has an ad out talking about refrigarent 22 being banned
in 2008 I believe. Combine this with the minimum Seer rating going to
12 in a couple years too gives a double whamy on the units being
installed for the project.We sign rights away for a livetime and they
give us an A/C systems which will be obsolete in a few years."

Paul ( pjm @ pobox . com ) - remove spaces to email me

Coming eventually - PMTherm version 2.0 !!
Free superheat charts for 38 Ref's online at
My personal site is at ,
featuring free HVAC, psychrometric, stock market, and other software is my domain for helping critters

Aug 7, 2003, 10:47:20 PM8/7/03
On Fri, 08 Aug 2003 02:22:56 GMT, "D.S." <> wrote:

>"CBHvac" <> wrote in message
>> "D.S." <> wrote in message
>> news:YeDYa.2577$
>> > Here is a different water leak that comes from line before it gets to
>> > unit go to this page and click on water leak picture show
>> >
>> I have to admit..other than the way you present what you call photos, I
>> see shit...just lots of glare..
>> A very cheap POS case, and some OmegaFlex..
>> That line, is called a suction line, btw...thought you might want to at
>> least know what its called, even if you dont know why its got condensation
>> on it..
>> >I know it's condensation but if I want to call it a leak since that is
>what it's actually doing in the end, when it drips into the opening and then
>LEAKS into the plenum, which is actually just wood from frame of the house
>where the old return used to be , before this unit was put in and changed to
>a down draft or whatever.
>To help with glare turn down your brightness on moniter , it's the setting
>that resembles a sun with a minus sign on one side and a plus sign on the

And do it now, or he'll sue.

Regardless of the fact that his suggestion is meaningless


Aug 7, 2003, 10:51:21 PM8/7/03

<> wrote in message
Ok maybe I've gone overboard here and there , hey another item to sue about
, making me go looney after more than 8 months of this...... lol

Wait I'm not the only looney , you actually took the time to look at it
that much................


Aug 8, 2003, 2:03:43 AM8/8/03

"D.S." <> wrote in message

> "CBHvac" <> wrote in message
> news:pDDYa.240$
> >
> > "D.S." <> wrote in message
> > news:YeDYa.2577$
> > > Here is a different water leak that comes from line before it gets to
> the
> > > unit go to this page and click on water leak picture show
> > >
> >
> >
> > I have to admit..other than the way you present what you call photos, I
> cant
> > see shit...just lots of glare..
> > A very cheap POS case, and some OmegaFlex..
> >
> > That line, is called a suction line, btw...thought you might want to at
> > least know what its called, even if you dont know why its got
> > on it..
> >
> > >I know it's condensation but if I want to call it a leak since that is
> what it's actually doing in the end, when it drips into the opening and
> LEAKS into the plenum, which is actually just wood from frame of the house
> where the old return used to be , before this unit was put in and changed
> a down draft or whatever.

And you want to put up a page of bitchin...LOL...

First, your a bitchaholic..seen your page before, and it hasnt changed much.
Second, its not a leak, its condensation and its dripping, not leaking. A
leak, you jackass, would mean that the pipe that is SWEATING, would carry
water, and its not. Glad this isnt rocket science, and your not workin for

Glad I am not your neighbor..and you are glad of that too....
Trust me..

Have the inspectors stopped coming to your home now? Do they run to the
other side of the street when you come out? Have you bitched, cryed and
whined enough that the property values have hit new lows in your area?
They must have...if sound insulation would exceed 50% of the value of your

Just a few thought genuis..

1- On your rumors page, its HIRE....not higher..

2- What are your qualifications to determine what is an unsafe condition?
Are you licenced and bonded with the State of OK as an inspector?

3- Oh screw it...I could go on, but I am afraid that it might be beyond your
comphrension skills since YOU let the work be done to your home, and didnt
stop it...and choose now to whine..

> To help with glare turn down your brightness on moniter , it's the setting
> that resembles a sun with a minus sign on one side and a plus sign on the
> other..........

Actually Jackass, its not. I suggest that if you are that fucking brilliant,
you look at what the brightness setting on a T40 is, and how you set it.
I also suggest that you learn how in hell to use a digital camera, since you
plain suck ass at it, and THAT, sir, is a fact, and I dont have to assume

Oh...dont like it?
So sue me....LOL
You are out to sue everyone else....of course, its prob the ONLY way you
will ever have more than you do...LOL

I hope that all those people listed on your site know about it....and if
they dont...they will...LOL

All thoughts presented are based upon the assinine way that the original
poster presented himself, and in the manner that his page represents him.
As a fucktard that wants to whine and cry, even about an inspector using his
TV as a my god..thats hilarious...not the fact it happened,
the fact that he found a way to bitch about it..

Aug 7, 2003, 11:07:02 PM8/7/03
On Fri, 08 Aug 2003 02:51:21 GMT, "D.S." <> wrote:

><> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 08 Aug 2003 01:43:20 GMT, "D.S." <> wrote:

>> " 3rd is the sound of dripping rain vibrating through the sheetrock ,
>> (this was with ear against the wall, might not count)"

>> "To the Terrell worker who likes the F word, if you shut the opening

>> for underneath the house the dogs won't do that under there also if
>> someone calls the dog catcher again tomorrow because of my dogs being
>> out you will pay to get them out since you can't shut the gate."
>> "The rules where broken by only having one sub-contracter here by
>> themself"
>> "Work was finally done to fix leaks, they tried anyway. Terrell was 42
>> minutes late"

>Ok maybe I've gone overboard here and there , hey another item to sue about

>, making me go looney after more than 8 months of this...... lol
> Wait I'm not the only looney , you actually took the time to look at it
>that much................

Never said I was sane :-). Besides, it was compelling stuff !

I got this mental picture of you, at 2:AM when the world is
silent ( except your world, of course :-) ), ear pressed against the
wall, holding your breath, listening for rain drops, and the echos of
that guy who was 42 minutes late and then stepped in dogshit, cursing
in your crawlspace all alone :-)


Aug 8, 2003, 2:09:24 AM8/8/03

<> wrote in message
> On Fri, 08 Aug 2003 01:43:20 GMT, "D.S." <> wrote:
> >Here is a different water leak that comes from line before it gets to the
> >unit go to this page and click on water leak picture show
> >
> >
> Geez, I love the part about how you're going to sue the
> builder and his brother and everyone else you ever met for "UNSAFE
> And you're going to sue, including the AC contractor (s):
> Among your complaints :
> "A copper tube that connects to blower unit from outside a/c unit
> gurgles when a/c is turned on."


> "2nd is I can hear my neighbors a/c unit when it's running."

I cant hear mine....but then, they cant hear mine either...its nice and

> " 3rd is the sound of dripping rain vibrating through the sheetrock ,
> (this was with ear against the wall, might not count)"

I missed THAT one...hilarious...

> "4th was still hearing the fireworks going off at driller's stadium
> tonight."

Fireworks....NOT a 737..LOL

> "They did the cleaning but didn't let the Maids finish on Monday "


> "Maybe soon I can get the floor moulding or is it called trim,
> whatever it is I want it pulled off and walls/doors/window areas
> behind it finished "

Demanding little redneck aint he?

> "To the Terrell worker who likes the F word, if you shut the opening
> for underneath the house the dogs won't do that under there also if
> someone calls the dog catcher again tomorrow because of my dogs being
> out you will pay to get them out since you can't shut the gate."

I think he said someplace, that he took responsibility for his dogs under
the home...I mean..I own a couple, and they are MY responsibility..if I know
the basements open, and I dont want them in the basement, I make sure they
cant get there...sheeeesh...
Common sense lacking in OK...

> "The rules where broken by only having one sub-contracter here by
> themself"


> "Work was finally done to fix leaks, they tried anyway. Terrell was 42
> minutes late"

Holy Crap each and every job with a stopwatch...
Forget lunch got to PEE??? DAMMIT man..hes got a STOPWATCH!!!!!

> "Whortman Air has an ad out talking about refrigarent 22 being banned
> in 2008 I believe. Combine this with the minimum Seer rating going to
> 12 in a couple years too gives a double whamy on the units being
> installed for the project.We sign rights away for a livetime and they
> give us an A/C systems which will be obsolete in a few years."

To think some believe this..

Aug 7, 2003, 11:11:50 PM8/7/03
On Thu, 7 Aug 2003 23:03:43 -0700, "CBHvac"
<> wrote:

>First, your a bitchaholic..seen your page before, and it hasnt changed much.

Well put :-)

>Second, its not a leak, its condensation and its dripping, not leaking. A
>leak, you jackass, would mean that the pipe that is SWEATING, would carry
>water, and its not. Glad this isnt rocket science, and your not workin for

Ummm.... considering recent events.......

>I also suggest that you learn how in hell to use a digital camera, since you
>plain suck ass at it, and THAT, sir, is a fact, and I dont have to assume

Oh, stop beating around the bush :-)

>As a fucktard that wants to whine and cry, even about an inspector using his
>TV as a my god..thats hilarious...not the fact it happened,
>the fact that he found a way to bitch about it..

Shit, I missed that one !!!


Aug 7, 2003, 11:46:20 PM8/7/03

"CBHvac" <> wrote in message

Loudly in the hallway is normal?

> >
> > "2nd is I can hear my neighbors a/c unit when it's running."
> I cant hear mine....but then, they cant hear mine either...its nice and
> quiet...LOL
> >
> > " 3rd is the sound of dripping rain vibrating through the sheetrock ,
> > (this was with ear against the wall, might not count)"
> I missed THAT one...hilarious...
> >
> > "4th was still hearing the fireworks going off at driller's stadium
> > tonight."
> Fireworks....NOT a 737..LOL

5 miiles away

> >
> > "They did the cleaning but didn't let the Maids finish on Monday "
> LOL..

another that you had to be here

> >
> > "Maybe soon I can get the floor moulding or is it called trim,
> > whatever it is I want it pulled off and walls/doors/window areas
> > behind it finished "
> Demanding little redneck aint he?
> >
> > "To the Terrell worker who likes the F word, if you shut the opening
> > for underneath the house the dogs won't do that under there also if
> > someone calls the dog catcher again tomorrow because of my dogs being
> > out you will pay to get them out since you can't shut the gate."

Different time period , they would not shut crawl space entrance when they
left for the day. Dogs pulled on insullation on ducts that was hanging down
since they used staples to hold insulation so it left pieces dangling and
tempting to a young dog. I have accepted the actions of my dogs even though
they would not have gotten under there had they closed the opening.I can't
close it when they leave if I'm at work

> I think he said someplace, that he took responsibility for his dogs under
> the home...I mean..I own a couple, and they are MY responsibility..if I
> the basements open, and I dont want them in the basement, I make sure they
> cant get there...sheeeesh...
> Common sense lacking in OK...
> >
> > "The rules where broken by only having one sub-contracter here by
> > themself"
> HUH??

Another one you have to be here to understand. They have a written
guidelines for the project . One day my neighbor came home and found a
worker in his son's bed sleeping.

> >
> > "Work was finally done to fix leaks, they tried anyway. Terrell was 42
> > minutes late"
> Holy Crap each and every job with a stopwatch...
> Forget lunch got to PEE??? DAMMIT man..hes got a STOPWATCH!!!!!

I had to wait 2 months for this day and was missing work and the
contractor for this house was not happy either about them being late . It's
not hard to make an 8 am appointment

> >
> > "Whortman Air has an ad out talking about refrigarent 22 being banned
> > in 2008 I believe. Combine this with the minimum Seer rating going to
> > 12 in a couple years too gives a double whamy on the units being
> > installed for the project.We sign rights away for a livetime and they
> > give us an A/C systems which will be obsolete in a few years."
> Idiot...
> To think some believe this..

Not True?


Aug 7, 2003, 11:46:19 PM8/7/03
I love reading this , it's been fun and I take it you had a rough day.PJM is
at least funnier than you. Did you miss this page it shows what was found by another company
on the work done.It took 6 months to get this far and another 2 months for
them to come back out to caulk instead of making an actual chamber .This
area is about 4' long 2' wide and 2' tall . Wouldn't it make more sense for
the air to go thru a chamber of some sort instead of filling up this area
before making it into the 2 main ducts? At least it wouldn't leak (excuse
the use of that word) air through the wall and cracks and out the baseboard.
Yes I bitch , yes some is petty .No I didn't wait till work was
stopped to complain. Yes the companies know of the web site, they will not
sue me because then it will become more public and you can't win a suit on
slander if it's true. Sorry for the offense you took for pokeing fun at you
. If you get that upset about it don't dish it out. Why is it when a regular
on a newsgroup doesn't like a post grammer always becomes an issue? After
the condensation leaves it's location of origin and drips to a flat area
then goes down an open hole would it not then become a leak. It could be
called draining I suppose but wouldn't it need to be a drain hole to say
it's draining and not leaking?
Yes it's the same site and it's been up since December just new rework was
done recently and you would have to live in this neighborhood to really
understand it all and my neighbors feel the same about thier houses.
Excuse not posting this below, I didn't feel like it . Just sue

"CBHvac" <> wrote in message


Aug 7, 2003, 11:53:22 PM8/7/03
On Fri, 08 Aug 2003 03:46:19 GMT, "D.S." <> wrote:

>I love reading this , it's been fun and I take it you had a rough day.PJM is
>at least funnier than you.

Told ya so, CB :-)


Aug 8, 2003, 3:44:52 AM8/8/03

<> wrote in message

> On Fri, 08 Aug 2003 03:46:19 GMT, "D.S." <> wrote:
> >I love reading this , it's been fun and I take it you had a rough day.PJM
> >at least funnier than you.
> Told ya so, CB :-)

Yea..but I do real HVAC work, and not like that hack that he allowed work on
his home..

I aint paid to be a standup comedian.


Aug 8, 2003, 9:14:04 AM8/8/03
So...people have problems with their stick built homes too....what a
wonder...I thought all stick builts were perfect..

"D.S." <> wrote in message


Aug 9, 2003, 7:02:33 PM8/9/03
"D.S." <> wrote in message

> LEAKS into the plenum, which is actually just wood from frame of the house
> where the old return used to be , before this unit was put in and changed
> a down draft or whatever.

Wow, A warm air "supply" plenum...............made of wood????

Now that's gotta be a nice job! :-)


Aug 9, 2003, 7:04:43 PM8/9/03
"AugustaGa" <> wrote in message

> So...people have problems with their stick built homes too....what a
> wonder...I thought all stick builts were perfect..

No, there are Hacks as building contractors too.

And an occasional HO that thinks they can build a home if they can work with

But, as the last note.............. occasional home F***ed up........vers "EVERY" trailer is no

Aug 9, 2003, 7:29:01 PM8/9/03
On Sat, 09 Aug 2003 23:04:43 GMT, "kjpro" <( kjpro @ starband . com )
see-my-sig-for-e-mail> wrote:

>"AugustaGa" <> wrote in message
>> So...people have problems with their stick built homes too....what a
>> wonder...I thought all stick builts were perfect..
>No, there are Hacks as building contractors too.
>And an occasional HO that thinks they can build a home if they can work with

Or can reliably identify the hammer section at Home Depot 9
out of 10 times....


Aug 9, 2003, 8:24:29 PM8/9/03

<> wrote in message

> On Sat, 09 Aug 2003 23:04:43 GMT, "kjpro" <( kjpro @ starband . com )
> see-my-sig-for-e-mail> wrote:
> >"AugustaGa" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> So...people have problems with their stick built homes too....what a
> >> wonder...I thought all stick builts were perfect..
> >
> >No, there are Hacks as building contractors too.
> >
> >And an occasional HO that thinks they can build a home if they can work
> >wood!!
> Or can reliably identify the hammer section at Home Depot 9
> out of 10 times....

and they can find the section with those sharp pointed poundie thingies too

Susan Janowski

Sep 15, 2004, 7:57:43 PM9/15/04
President Bush is taking credit for increasing security of our homeland, but
he forgot that in the first place, he created this disaster.
We have lost 1000 soldiers, only because the administration is counting on
winning the re-election. If they are re-elected the soldiers killed in Iraq
will increase exponentially, because President Bush won't care, and a draft
for our young men is around the corner.
This is not his fault if he is re-elected, but totally the people's fault,
if we allow this to happen. This is only one chance we have to vote for
another candidate.
This is only one chance we have to protect our boys from the killing fields
of Iraq, by voting for another candidate.
The other reason is the tax cut for the1% of rich, and let him have only
this vote.

"kjpro" <( kjpro @ starband . com ) see-my-sig-for-e-mail> wrote in message


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