If you are interested in purchasing Villa Appalling!
Please write to:
Villa Appalling Publishing, Inc.
Post Office Box 451278
Los Angeles, CA 90045
The price of the book is: $44.99
California Residents add sales tax.
Shipping and Handling is $6.00 per book, inquire regarding bulk shipping rates.
Thank you for your interest, it is truly appreciated.
The price of the book as well as the S&H is pretty hefty isn't it?
We actually thought it was a great price and will be worth EVERY dollar.
Of course, you could always hire your own lawyer and pay ten times more!
Dear Mr. Thompson,
There are over 500 pages of *hard work* in the publication, substantive
footnotes and incredible costs in putting together such a project/publication.
If you wish to discuss the book with us further, that is, prior to drawing
hefty conclusions, we would be absolutely delighted to talk with you. Please
feel free to email us your telephone number to VillaAp...@earthlink.net; or
call us at (310) 410-5100.
Thank you for your consideration.
Donie Vanitzian (co-author)
"VillaAppalling" <villaap...@aol.com> wrote in message
"Les Thompson in CA" <lest...@aol.com> wrote in message
"VoteFiala "Sub"" <subcom...@dslextreme.com> wrote in message
Regardless of the worth the bottom line to enforce the law is that you must
hire an attorney isn't it?
Is your book available through Barnes & Noble?
Actually, the title is - VILLA APPALLING! Destroying the Myth of Affordable
Community Living, written by Donie Vanitzian and Stephen Glassman.
> --
> All the best,
> Stephen Horrillo
> MLS Realty
> www.stephenhorrillo.com
Did you buy it at the "expired" order form price? Wasn't it offered for
some $10.00 dollars less at a pre publication price?
"VillaAppalling" <villaap...@aol.com> wrote in message