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Viability with age

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phil scott

Nov 3, 2010, 8:06:07 PM11/3/10
This began in an MC forum

Bikes with thin, light weight ultra sticky tires. vastly superior to
what we have now except for two up. or long distance touring,

What will enable that? Frames made of carbon fiber in molds for a
few dollars in minutes, engines reving at 20,000 RPM, made cheaply
with many ceramic parts.. basically disposable.

With a light wt. wind screen that curve over head and down the back a
bit these wiil be good all weather commuter bikes and allowed on rapid
transit. as bicycles are now.

This will be driven by the collapse of the USD and the US economy ...
that will require these measures to survive. and the same with
housing., as myself and others have been early adaplters, I run a
fairly reasonable consulting business from a single broad band
connection from a not so big or nice boat in San Francisco bay... and
maybe from Tailand one of these days on a retirement visa.. *

thats whats next. and its why the current housing ownership market
is being encouraged via ultra low interest rates for housing that will
drop another 50% more in inflation adjuated dollars shortly

That represents 50 or 100 trillion in US bank and national
collateral.. and will go begging increasingly as people move to these
more light weight/ and mobile life styles unless they are married to
those investments by means of the mortgage... its not all bad, such
arrangements will tend to stabilize the culture.

but i don't see it as ideal

For this to be viable however as a person ages, they need to remain
mentally sharp, at least viably sharp. computers can go a long wa to
enabling that as well.

Ive posted a lot on that, and the extensive amyloid research thats
going on, and for those ahead of the curve this will extend their
economic viablity and satifaction with a meaningfull life 20 or maybe
30 years or longer,

The penalty of working for govt,

not challenged in a stable environment with a guaranteed sweetheart
retirement drives ones epigenetics south at warp speed, I got a
taste of that for a few years when doing longer term consulting
contracts for govt and some larger firms/.. one relaxes, then
challenges. challenges with one own skin in the game are nill or

I thought I was still sharp. but wasn't, when I tried to build and
wire an advanced -120F chiller for one of my clients personally, I had
lost virtually all of my skill with hand tools, and was unable to sort
out the control systems logic or wire it without using diagrams and
connecting things mindlessly, wire for wire.

It took fully 20 years back in the field to recover from that bit of
debilitation... I see now that it is pervasively comon.

My advice, keep your own skin in the game, say involved with tools and
equipment hands on phyically (thats from recent research. it must be
both hands and on as many axis as possible, under stress.. not golf or

Come up to speed on the various toxins that can ruin you., and this
amyloid research and others. Then build a career that can morph on
line... so you can run it from anywhere, and use any available talent
besides yourself as you age

and avoid situations with fixed costs such as property taxes as much
as possible... you find you will adapt to that, in the most pleasant

who will get screwed,

and anchored to a desk or job. putting up with idiots all day.
stressed and taxed to ruins for fear of losing their homes?

not those living this new paradigm.

Phil Scott

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