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Gated Communities are Apartheid

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His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 13, 2010, 12:33:38 AM10/13/10
Hey, nothing like picking on white South Africans. Now it's
everywhere, trendy and even blacks are part of the game. Maybe a few
civilized nations are exempt from it, but for the most part it's a
reality of Globalization. Actually it is said to have started in
America, not SA, which explains why it became trendy instead of evil.

The jungle is behind the walls, with its culture of gangs, drugs and
violence, but they only want to be like the people in the walls at the
subliminal level, and even drive an SUV which is a symbol of power in
the underworld too.

Thing is, the Mighty and Powerful also live in fear, which is another
good reason to abandon this form of Apartheid. Think about this stuff
as you go to sleep, and your conscience will reveal you the path,
which includes legalizing drugs.



"Get off the beaten path and take a stand for the right issues. Crime
is #1"


Forrest Hodge

Oct 13, 2010, 5:08:12 PM10/13/10
On 10/13/2010 12:33 AM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of

I'm curious, what's so wrong with Darwinism? It seems to work well and
has been around since the dawn of the universe.

Mrs Irish Mike

Oct 13, 2010, 8:34:43 PM10/13/10
On Oct 13, 2:08 pm, Forrest Hodge <> wrote:

> I'm curious, what's so wrong with Darwinism? It seems to work well and
> has been around since the dawn of the universe.

Darwinism works for cockroaches and rats. Humans are susposed to be
self-aware, noble beings.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 13, 2010, 9:44:26 PM10/13/10

Civilization is supposed to be the negation of Darwinism, but ever
since we entered the Reagan era, we rejected all the advances made.

Now there are only winners and losers, and the winners live inside and
the losers outside.

Here are the very early beginnings (before civilization)...

}There was a time in the long ago past of the human race when we lived
in secure private communities. They were called caves. They were
surrounded by large stone walls, and the only access to them was
through a single narrow gate. The gate was guarded by a big burly
fellow whose purpose was to make sure that the only people, or animals
that came inside were the ones that belonged there."

Jeff Thies

Oct 13, 2010, 10:09:57 PM10/13/10
And exactly how well has that been working out?


His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 13, 2010, 11:03:06 PM10/13/10

It hasn't been working that well. The combination of EXCLUSION and
QUICK CASH to be made selling drugs has led to an explosive

'In post-liberal Los Angeles, awareness of this desperate situation is
such that the defense of the privileged and middle class neighborhoods
has taken on a sudden urgency. The desire of the ordinary middle class
to live in socially insulated communities has created a frenzy for
security fencing around entire neighborhoods, emulating the luxury,
fortressed "minimal" cities that developed in the 1950s and 1960s,
like Hidden Hills, Bradbury, Palos Verdes Estates, Hidden Hills and
Rancho Mirage. Older communities like Bradbury, with 900 residents and
ten miles of private streets, are fully enclosed with guarded entry
points and served by public and private security services and are
impossible to enter without an invitation from a resident. The San
Fernando Valley, completely open ten years ago, now has over one
hundred newly gated communities. The demand for more security is
nearly insatiable. Valley contractor Brian Weinstock remarked, "The
demand is there on a three-to-one basis for a gated community than not
living in a gated community."'

'By establishing a siege mentality amongst middle and upper classes,
the real problems are essentially ignored.'

'Los Angeles illustrates these principles perhaps on a greater scale
than cities such as Houston or Dallas, but unless these issues are
confronted in a realistic manner, periodic riots, repressive police
actions, increasing gang violence and environmental degradation
promise to reduce the quality of life for all citizens.'

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 13, 2010, 11:13:12 PM10/13/10
On Oct 13, 8:01 pm, B Sellers <> wrote:
> On 10/13/2010 06:51 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
> the Jungle wrote:

> > On Oct 13, 5:34 pm, Mrs Irish Mike<> wrote:
> >> On Oct 13, 2:08 pm, Forrest Hodge<> wrote:
> >>> I'm curious, what's so wrong with Darwinism? It seems to work well and
> >>> has been around since the dawn of the universe.
> >> Darwinism works for cockroaches and rats. Humans are susposed to be
> >> self-aware, noble beings.
> > Civilization is supposed to be the negation of Darwinism, but ever
> > since we entered the Reagan era, we rejected all the advances made.
> > Now there are only winners and losers, and the winners live inside and
> > the losers outside.
> > Here are the very early beginnings (before civilization)...
> > "There was a time in the long ago past of the human race when we lived
> > in secure private communities. They were called caves. They were
> > surrounded by large stone walls, and the only access to them was
> > through a single narrow gate. The gate was guarded by a big burly
> > fellow whose purpose was to make sure that the only people, or animals
> > that came inside were the ones that belonged there."
> >
> Actually the beginning of (in)civilization as we know it was when
> people began to settle down in what were at first small communities
> and farm. They had to stick around to mind the crops. Then the people
> who hadn't gotten around to minding crops would follow their herds
> and the farmers fought to keep the herds off their croplands. The
> little settlements got together into little towns that looked like
> the native American pueblos of the North American Southwest and some
> people became warriors to drive off the nomads and their animals
> and others the tenders of the crops and this was the beginning
> of Law and Order but not the TV show which would come much later.
> Real civilization has yet to arrive as Gandhi said, it would
> be a good idea but it seems but our technology isn't up to civilization
> yet.
> In some places the nomads moved on to horseback eventually
> and terrorized the rest of the world but fortunately they succumbed
> to the blessings of settled life and became the decadent rulers of
> the people they had conquered. The blessings of settled and
> ordered life seem to lead to decadence except for the bottom
> of the social order.
> We have gates on all communities but they are mostly
> invisible matters of speech, manners, and money.
> later
> bliss

Also separated by the ones that buy the drugs and the ones that sell
it, and the types of drugs as well. Marijuana and crack for the

A good way to fight all this jungle is to legalize the illegal and
crack down on the obvious crimes like armed robbery. Place cameras in
hot places, increase police presence, give opportunities to the
youngsters to do something like riding a bike and breaking away from
the gang.

The problem is now our resources are channeled into terrorism and the
war on drugs, as well as managing the prison industry.


Oct 14, 2010, 4:50:09 AM10/14/10
On Oct 13, 11:13 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of

Yes, legalize all drugs. Let people be responsible for their own
Our resources are channeled in the wrong direction, I agree.
But, this world is all about profit, and there is enormous profit if
illegal drugs, terrorism, and the prison industry. Taking away the
resources from the gov and others who currently drain our pockets, is
likely not going to happen. Therefore, people realize that they must
take care of their own self-defense. So, gated communities.
Also, the "right to bear arms" should be returned to the people
everywhere, unrestricted, and much of this lawlessness would come to
an end real quick.
Police presence being a deterrent is a myth. A homeowner, armed
and capable of defending him/herself is a deterrent. It's not the
police's job to "protect" you. That's been proven in numerous court
cases. It's their job to protect "property", not your life.
Mostly, they show up after the event to do the paperwork and send the
bodies to the coroner.
Taking your right to protect yourself by bearing arms, and telling
you to rely upon someone else--who is usually overwhelmed with calls--
is a criminal act in itself.
Darwinism still applies. It is a jungle out here, and giving your
ability to defend yourself to someone else, is willingly making
yourself a victim. Hey, wake up! This is like asking a lion-hunter
who is being attacked by a lion, to hand his spear to someone else and
ask them to fight the lion. This is a lethal act of
irresponsibility. that's what most Americans do every day. The
world has not become gentler and kinder so that yo can lay your
weapons down.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 14, 2010, 9:34:29 AM10/14/10

I agree with you some 75% and we do speak the same realistic language,
not BS. It's obvious you think like COMPETITION, while I think more
toward COOPERATION. It's not every shark that attacks you upon sight,
so you don't carry a knife to the beach. Predators seldom attack at

The reason the predators of the human jungle attack us is because they
want quick money for their addiction, so the solution is simple: WE
MUST LEGALIZE DRUGS. The question is, do we fight those little rats
for survival or we concentrate on fighting the big predatory system
all around us?

Once you expose the beast for what it is, A HUNGRY PREDATOR, not
something that cares about our kids being free from drugs, then we are
talking business. The issue is those living in Gated Communities know
the name of the game, and yet they decide to do nothing. I think they
are fair game for SHIT THROWING too, which is a powerful weapon in the
hand of the monkeys.

I live in a cage --not gated-- and whoever comes into my turf gets an
axe between his eyes, the old fashioned way, no guns. I also carry
mace around so I'm not easy meal either. The NRA wants to believe you
need a gun. They are also a predatory institution with a vested
interest in keeping you armed to the teeth.

So a revolution to tackle this issue would proceed in this order:

1- Legalize drugs,

2- Dismantle gated communities,

3- Keep an eye --or camera-- on hot spots,

4- Give something to do to the young --such as bike facilities,

Our system is incapable to provide them work, and then they don't have
much of a choice.

Something to think about: Crime rates are very low in Scandinavian
countries with low gun possession and also in Muslim countries where
they chop off their hand. The most cruel way is to exclude them, tease
them with advertising and then make them rot in jail when they commit
the crime. In the Muslim countries they know how to handle the

"Take Saudi Arabia for example. Saudi Arabia practices Shariah Law. In
Shariah Law a rapist, killer, homosexual, kidnapper, drug smuggler
gets their head chopped off in public. Adulterers are stoned to death.
Thieves get their hand or foot chopped off on the third offense. Women
and men who commit fornication are whipped 100 times in public since
virginity is important for both men and women until marriage in Islam.
This deters crime because of the severe penalties for certain crimes
and scares the entire citizens of the country making it safe to live
in. You don't need to worry about being killed for your money or for
just stepping outside your door. You can carry $200 or more in your
pocket and can go outside without having to worry about someone
robbing you for your cash. Now look at the USA. If you rape someone
then you go to jail for 25 years which means you'll be out in 15 for
good behavior and then that person will continue to rape other women
until he dies. Or the woman might be afraid to testify against her
rapist because she is afraid that when he gets out he'll kill her. You
can be shot for just stepping outside your house or over $1.00 in the
USA! How does this make the USA safe? The USA has the highest crime
rate in the world. If the USA implemented Shariah Law the USA would be
a lot safer. The USA is concerned about human rights in other
countries but they don't bother to protect their own citizens from

Again, I don't like the Muslim way, but it shows that swift
retaliation works. What doesn't work is the Christian way. My way is
to legalize the crimes that shouldn't be crime and concentrate on the
ones that really are crimes. Rape? Feed the balls of the predator to
the cats. ;)

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 14, 2010, 10:48:49 AM10/14/10
On Oct 14, 7:36 am, edspyhill01 <> wrote:
> On Oct 14, 10:24 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of

> the Jungle" <> wrote:
> > On Oct 14, 1:50 am, Sandlin <> wrote:
> > > On Oct 13, 11:13 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
> > Let's call my way the "Law of the Jungle" with an emphasis on
> > PREVENTION. You think you may be tempted by adultery? Don't get
> > married or be honest! Crimes that don't hurt anyone are not crimes:
> > drugs, prostitution, homosexuality... We live in a world of hypocrisy.
> > The Christians have failed.
> > -----------------------------------------------------------
> > quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> Neither. Secular law.

I'm all ears... Tell me how to bring peace to the jungle. The rapist
saves his balls? ;)

By the way, this is the Christian answer to crime:

1- Build prisons

2- Build Gated Communities

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 14, 2010, 1:44:14 PM10/14/10
This is obviously not recommended for everybody. Maybe good for child-
molester priests...


James Jenkins wanted to end it. No more fantasies. No more molesting
little girls. He knew he was the only one who could stop it; he was
just waiting for the right time.

The right moment arrived one night nearly three years ago when he was
alone in an Accomack County, Va., jail cell. He had spent five years
in a Virginia prison for sexually molesting three young girls and
another 2 1/2 years for violating his parole. The next morning, a
prosecutor was going to ask a judge to commit him to a state facility
for high-risk sex offenders. Jenkins could think of only one way out.

He asked a jail guard for a razor. He told the guard he wanted to look
nice and cleanshaven for his court hearing the next day. The guard
hesitated but handed Jenkins the blade. Jenkins walked to the shower
in his cell. He bit the blade out of its plastic casing and stuffed an
apple in his mouth to muffle his screams. Then he castrated himself
and flushed his testicles down the jail cell toilet.

Jenkins, 63, doesn't flinch when he talks about it now. "Castration
has done precisely what I wanted it to do," he said. "I have not had
any sexual urges or desires in over two years. My mind is finally free
of the deviant sexual fantasies I used to have about young girls."


Oct 15, 2010, 11:00:13 AM10/15/10
On Oct 12, 11:33 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of

You know the weakness of the gated community don't you? Everything has
to be brought in for the residents to survive. The lack the ability to
grow their own food, create their own electricity, hell they can't
even be bothered to collect rainwater to keep from dying of thirst.
When the revolution comes all we need to do is cut the wires and block
the road in and in less than a month they'll be begging for a quick
and merciful death, cut the water and it would only take a week.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 15, 2010, 11:35:30 AM10/15/10
How 'bout the ones that hate either one? Stay in the safety of your
home! Not much of a choice it seems.

On Oct 15, 3:19 am, Max <> wrote:
> Hey Jungle man....just being nosey here!
> Are gated communities in the US quite prevalent are they? They do have
> a few over here, but they're very much the rare thing. I mean, why
> would you hole up with a bunch of wankers.....oh that's right, you'd
> have to be a wanker yourself.
> But if it's a 'fear' thing, is this fear justified or is it like the
> Mike Moore doco's that postulate that yanks are fucking shit scared of
> everything imagined, which is a big reason why they just lurv their
> guns.
> Funny people them yanks.
> The country is filled with guns cause they're scared shitless, but
> most gun deaths are not caused as a result of criminal activity, but
> by suicide and family homicide.

I think the Christians got a big enterprise going with the FEAR
INDUSTRY --starting with the fear of God-- but we must fear the

It's not that they are home invaders or something, but they love
driving SUVs in the chaotic traffic --a certain danger to all,
particularly my bicycle-- or allow gangs to roam the street looking
for an easy meal to get their fix. Their Christian solution? Create
the BIGGEST PRISON INDUSTRY IN THE WORLD, move to a gated community,
drive another SUV, buy guns, security alarms, etc --and wait for

I think the Devil is really running this place. ;)


(for those who hate cages --including the automobile)

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 15, 2010, 12:17:03 PM10/15/10

They seem able to hire part the poor to control the other part. Around
here it's disfranchised blacks that control admission to the Gated

They also hire the gardeners, the cook and the maid, which are said to
generate employment. Maybe the poor doesn't know they can live with a
bicycle and peanuts. They only need safety in their own areas.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 15, 2010, 12:34:16 PM10/15/10

On Oct 15, 7:00 am, Max <> wrote:
> People don't live in gated communities for safety. They live there for
> the prestige of it. To be away from the great unwashed. To enjoy the
> spoils of 'success' without being confronted with the reality of how
> most others live. It disturbs them to mix with the riff raff.

I think it's a combination of the two. They don't need gates to keep
the unwashed away. The poor know where they are not welcomed and stay
away. Let's call them Unwashed Private Communities. ;)

I have both areas around here.

> Have you ever seen the Sth African & Nuiginian residential compounds.
> They exist to keep their occupants alive, with barbed wire, security
> gates, CCTV, armed guards.

Don't forget the well-trained guard dogs. Sausage doesn't work with
them. ;)

> If the US continues on it's way, their gated communities will end up
> as compounds as well.

It's hard to tell which is which but they are discreetly secured by
high tech security.

> Maybe not in 20 years or 50 years, but if the US continues on with
> it's 'look after yourself' attitude and 'get fucked if you fail'
> approach, then sure as shit, the watch out for the fireworks.

So long as we keep the concept of "the terrorists are threatening us,"
they'll be discreetly camouflaged in plain view.

The concept of Weapons of Mass Distraction is important in the jungle.

Mike A Schwab

Oct 15, 2010, 10:29:37 PM10/15/10

Cockroaches would be the most successful bugs after a nuclear war.

Mike A Schwab

Oct 15, 2010, 10:37:33 PM10/15/10
On Oct 15, 10:00 am, Opus <> wrote:
> On Oct 12, 11:33 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
> You know the weakness of the gated community don't you? Everything has
> to be brought in for the residents to survive. The lack the ability to
> grow their own food, create their own electricity, hell they can't
> even be bothered to collect rainwater to keep from dying of thirst.
> When the revolution comes all we need to do is cut the wires and block
> the road in and in less than a month they'll be begging for a quick
> and merciful death, cut the water and it would only take a week.

This is true of any small city or larger. You don't need gates. Just
think of these as a revival of the medivial castle & moat & wall or
fort. Designed to keep the poor thief out and the property safe. We
did not need it from the time of the black death until now, because
even the poorest had enough aid to eat. Now they don't and they are
turning back into robbers.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 15, 2010, 11:54:07 PM10/15/10

On Oct 15, 8:45 pm, Max <> wrote:
> No, because I'm a social capitalist.
> Many countries have balanced individual success community
> responsibility.
> The 'land of the free' feeds off it's capacity to rape pillage &
> plunder for the benefit of a few with little regulatory challenge
> other than perhaps another competitor. The system rewards those that
> hold all the cards. It is neither free nor fair.

Well said, I'm quoting from above...

"Fear within communities causes decreased consumption as consumers
choose to stay at home rather than explore their local retailers."

This is my case exactly. I try but I get so depressed by finding those
gangs and homeless that I choose to stay in the cage.


As witnessed today at a local water fountain: one homeless with a cart
full of junk keeping the people away.

Notice though this is NOT the deep jungle. Just the bushes.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 16, 2010, 12:05:47 AM10/16/10

People outside are getting hungrier and more desperate with crime.
Feudalism is the perfect symbol which I used before.

But the media is doing a great job at covering it up and giving it
fancy names: SUVs and Gated Communities --they go together-- sound
like "sport, utility and community."

My strategy is to hit them with label JUNGLE, which captures all the
Darwinism behind it. Darwinism for the 21st Century --until the end of
times. Jesus coming soon, right? ;)

Tom Sherman °_°

Oct 16, 2010, 5:55:05 PM10/16/10
On 10/15/2010 10:00 AM, Opus the Poet wrote:
> [...]
> When the revolution comes[...]

The people divided will always be defeated.

Tom Sherman - 42.435731,-83.985007
I am a vehicular cyclist.

Mike A Schwab

Oct 16, 2010, 8:10:01 PM10/16/10
On Oct 16, 4:55 pm, Tom Sherman °_°
<> wrote:

> --
> Tom Sherman - 42.435731,-83.985007

So what is your favorite drink at "Hell in a Handbasket"?

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 16, 2010, 8:59:01 PM10/16/10
On Oct 16, 5:55 pm, Tom Sherman °_°

<> wrote:
> On 10/15/2010 10:00 AM, Opus the Poet wrote:
> > [...]
> > When the revolution comes[...]
> The people divided will always be defeated.

The revolution won't come to America like that. It will happen
somewhere south of the border where conditions are perfect. Mexico is
a strong candidate for such honor.

Number one decree of the Jalapeno Revolution is to legalize drugs and
give room to cyclists. Gringos will go in hordes and drain the
American economy.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 16, 2010, 9:19:27 PM10/16/10

On Oct 16, 5:53 pm, Gokudomatic <> wrote:
> Law of jungle, or law of the strongest, is part of the core itself of
> evolution. The thing is that the worst asshole, able to get all the
> wealth, women and territories will survive, in contrast to the good
> honest gentleman who reached the awakening of the wisedom. No matter
> what we do, this "law" will still be back.
> If God existed and really put some laws, it will be one of them, if
> not the first.

Last one to declare the Law of the Jungle openly was Hitler and he
didn't last long. However if they camouflage it under democracy,
communism or Christianity it can last until the end of times.

The Law of the Jungle though can also be SOLIDARITY, COOPERATION AND

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Oct 18, 2010, 7:45:56 AM10/18/10
On Oct 17, 4:37 pm, Joel <> wrote:
> "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle"

> <> wrote:
> >> >The revolution won't come to America like that.
> >> Do you even own a TV?
> >A little one. I even watched a full show the other day.
> >But you only need Internet to know what's going on. Actually that is
> >the only way to know.
> My point is that the U.S. is at a stage in the culture war where
> anything could happen - I'm not saying it *will* come to a
> "revolution" in the sense of civil war, but it doesn't take a math
> wizard to compute the circumstances. The Middle East situation is at
> a fragile, critical point, as well as other hot spots (e.g. North
> Korea, Pakistan/Afghanistan, etc.) starting to reach a new level of
> uncertainty. The potential for global unrest is pretty God damn
> scary. *Something* is going to have to give - to fundamentally
> change.

I think there's a good chance of change coming in a peaceful way, the
way of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The LIE was not
sustainable anymore and the bubble popped. The lie now is DEMOCRACY
and "JESUS IS COMING SOON," which are used as a pain killer. But the
cancer is working on.

The lie is the li-on in my wise stories:


One day all the little animals went up to the King of the Jungle and
complained about their poverty, and in particular about the fact that
every time, during the dry season, they had to travel long distances
to drink the precious fluid, and demanded a WATER WELL be built for
them... They cited how the resources that they contributed to the
kingdom were wasted in WARS and EXTRAVAGANT PROJECTS to the tastes of
the King... He, however, replied with all kinds of excuses: the lack
of resources, that it wasn't a matter of him not wanting it, but that
it was a matter of "priorities" --which was one of his favorite

Meanwhile, an Owl --who had very good eyes-- had been observing life
in the jungle, and thought this way: "Every time there's a dry season
the little animals must come to the little dirty waterhole where the
Lion waits for them... Had they been well fed and strong, he would
have had to run after them and even risk resistance. And, more
importantly, the little animals are forced to fight the Lion's wars as
the quick way out of poverty..."

And that's how the Owl landed an important --and well paid-- post in
the brand new Astronomy Department created by the King of the Jungle --
to the effect of exploring life in other planets...

Edward Dolan

Oct 18, 2010, 9:15:24 AM10/18/10
"His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle"
<> wrote in message

> The lie is the li-on in my wise stories:
> One day all the little animals went up to the King of the Jungle and
> complained about their poverty, and in particular about the fact that
> every time, during the dry season, they had to travel long distances
> to drink the precious fluid, and demanded a WATER WELL be built for
> them... They cited how the resources that they contributed to the
> kingdom were wasted in WARS and EXTRAVAGANT PROJECTS to the tastes of
> the King... He, however, replied with all kinds of excuses: the lack
> of resources, that it wasn't a matter of him not wanting it, but that
> it was a matter of "priorities" --which was one of his favorite
> words...
> Meanwhile, an Owl --who had very good eyes-- had been observing life
> in the jungle, and thought this way: "Every time there's a dry season
> the little animals must come to the little dirty waterhole where the
> Lion waits for them... Had they been well fed and strong, he would
> have had to run after them and even risk resistance. And, more
> importantly, the little animals are forced to fight the Lion's wars as
> the quick way out of poverty..."
> And that's how the Owl landed an important --and well paid-- post in
> the brand new Astronomy Department created by the King of the Jungle --
> to the effect of exploring life in other planets...

I am fed up with your animal metaphors. How about I liken you to your god
damn fucking monkeys myself? Yea, I think you are really into monkeys. What
is there about them makes you want to fornicate with them? I think the rest
of us would like to know about the depths of your depravity.

And your attacks on Christianity are truly mind boggling. How would an idiot
like you know anything about something so abstract as religion. You are
strictly a concrete knower, one who knows about monkey asses and penises and
not much else.

If there is a God, let us hope that He will consign you to Hell from whence
you came. Yea, I pray every day that some motorist there in Florida will
take you out of your misery. And the sooner the better!

Fucking Regards,

Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

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