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Telephone company for a personal toll-free (888) number

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Jan 29, 2009, 10:20:22 AM1/29/09
I have had a personal toll free number (888-xxx-xxxx), that rings back
to my home phone, for >5 years. got this in the days when I did not
have a cell #, and to avoid the exhorbitant cost of collect calls.

Now the usage is very low, some months nothing, other months just a
few calls. The carrier (AireSpring) just informed me that beginning
next month, they would charge $2/month for "low activity", if my usage
is under $15/month. My bills is under $15 for the WHOLE YEAR!

looking for recommendations for some carrier which does not have any
inactivity /low activity fee, or "maintennce" charges. I am fine with
online only bills (reduces the cost of carrier), and also, per minute
charges can be up to 8 to 10 cents/minute, if need be.


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