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Re: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is an announcing amnesty for illegal aliens, including the removal of the border fence!

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Jan 14, 2009, 6:08:45 AM1/14/09
On Jan 14, 1:07 am, "R.S." <> wrote:
> False Bill title does just the Opposite and Crook Senate Leader is
> Responsible for the deception!
> S. 9, “Stronger Economy, Stronger Borders Act of 2009" it is neither
> but a stealth trick to Pass an Amnesty Bill by the Old School Insider
> Crook Harry Reid, this guy needs to be booted he's an anti-legal
> Citizen worker shill pupet for Big Business and Cheap Labor.
> Will our country remain a sovereign United States of America or become
> another Latin American state?
> We are reaching the tipping point in this fight for our country,
> especially in terms of demographic shift, and while we do not have the
> resources of the opposition, we still have the numbers.
> Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has fired a shot across the bow by
> introducing S. 9, “Stronger Economy, Stronger Borders Act of 2009”.
> The title is misleading—it sounds like it is pro-American worker and
> pro-border enforcement. It is neither. The text is not available yet,
> but Senator Reid’s introduction given on the floor of the Senate is an
> announcement of amnesty for illegal aliens, including the removal of
> the border fence!
> Suggested actions against S. 9 will come in the days and months ahead.
> The timing is dependent on the determination and arrogance of the open
> borders’ politicians in our Executive Branch and Congress to move this
> reprehensible agenda forward.
> One of our immediate concerns is the United States government’s total
> disregard for the unemployed American worker! Our elected officials
> have shown by their inaction that they do not care about job loss or
> the suppression of the wages of American workers, from the unskilled
> to the highly technical.
> The government of the United States is continuing to allow 138,000
> foreign workers into this country every month on work Visas!
> The continued importation of foreign labor, the failure to secure our
> borders and to enforce immigration law in this economic crisis is
> egregious. The fault lies with the globalists, the business lobby, the
> open borders lobby, radical ethnocentric groups and academia along
> with their bought and paid for elected representatives in the United
> States government.
> We are partially to blame because many of us have become complacent
> bystanders to the destruction of our nation.
> The importation of foreign labor is the subject of our action alert
> below.
> I hope you find the reading informative and if you are so moved,
> please post your comments and any additional information you want to
> impart to readers of the Forum. And, please use the Digest and Forum
> to reach family, friends and acquaintances in spreading the word about
> our corrupt, non-representative United States government.
> God Bless and Keep up the fight!
> Jason Mrochek
> Co-founder & Executive Director
> FIRE Coalition
> Why should you be concerned about the illegal alien invasion?
> Take 30 Minutes and find out:
> Network with other patriots at
> Read my blog at
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-----
> Support American Workers:
> Tips for informing our Senators and Representatives of our positions:
> An email and a fax are fine, but nothing beats personally calling our
> federal and state offices for a little one-on-one with an aide. This
> guarantees your concerns will be heard, not deleted or shredded.
> Be very polite and engaging. Pretend you are talking to your children,
> your grandchildren, a niece or nephew or a younger friend. These aides
> most usually in their early 20’s!!!
> Be well-informed and ask “did you know” or “do you think Congressman
> ____ or Senator ________ is aware” questions.
> Do not express anger! This only gives them an excuse not to listen.
> Possible talking points when calling the offices of your United States
> Congressman and your two Senators:
> Pleasantly inform them that you are an American citizen living in the
> state or district where their bosses were elected to office by those
> American citizens they swore an oath to represent.
> Ask them why American jobs are not being protected from the monthly
> importation of 140,000 foreign workers and unknown quantities of
> illegal aliens. (Source: The Department of Homeland statistical data)
> Ask them if Senator _____ or Congressman________ would like to comment
> on why American jobs are going to foreign nationals over United States
> citizens.
> Ask them if they or other staff members know that based on the number
> of jobless claims, it appears that in excess of 2 million American
> jobs were lost in 2008.
> Ask them if the Senator or Congressman they work for understands that
> the American people deserve to have the jobs that American businesses,
> farmers and other American institutions are giving to foreign visa
> holders and even illegal aliens.
> Thank them for their time in listening to you and tell them you,
> friends and family will be watching for Senator _______ or Congressman
> _________ to introduce and/or vocally support legislation that ends
> the importation of the foreign laborers…the labor that keeps Americans
> jobless and suppresses Americans wages.
> Inform them that now, more than ever, is the time for enforcement of
> immigration laws. No amnesties are acceptable and would be great and
> permanent harm to the sovereignty of America.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-----
> Background information on the failure of our government to protect
> American jobs in favor of cheap foreign labor, even as jobless claims
> rise:
> Our Urgent Request of Obama -- Stop Importing Foreign Workers, by Roy
> Beck
> (
> of-Obama--Stop-Importing-Foreign-Workers.aspx)
> Excerpt:
> The Department of Homeland Security's most-recent-year data show that
> the U.S. granted:
> 744,531 permanent green cards to working-age adults ages 20-64, and
> 912,735 new employment authorization documents to temporary foreign
> workers…
> That adds up to an annual rate of 1,657,266 new foreign workers (not
> counting illegal workers) added to our economy. There are no
> indications that the pace has slackened.
> Source: (
> Foreign-Worker Arrivals Continue as Jobless Claims Rise to 26-Year
> High
> (
> Arrivals-Continue-as-Jobless-Claims-Rise-to-26Year-High.aspx)
> Excerpt:
> The United States will import another 140,000 foreign workers this
> month despite worsening jobless numbers.
> With the new numbers, job losses for the year [2008] are expected to
> exceed two million
> Last-minute changes to farm worker program raise groups' ire
> (
> to-farm-worker-program-raise-groups-ire.aspx
> Excerpt:
> Farm worker advocates and opponents of illegal immigration are
> blasting one of President George W. Bush's "midnight regulations" that
> will make it easier for agricultural employers to hire foreign
> workers.
> ...
> Mehlman said that by continuously adding foreign workers to their
> employment rolls and paying them according to the prevailing wage,
> employers undercut the need for domestic workers by relying on a
> steady stream of immigrants who can be easily replaced if they
> complain. Employers' actions also cap wages at such low rates that
> Americans can't compete for agricultural jobs…
> H-1B's Negative Impact Goes Beyond IT and into Science and Academia
> (
> Impact-Goes-Beyond-IT-and-into-Science-and-Academia.aspx
> Excerpt:
> …Bottom line: The H-1B program is being used in academia for cheap
> labor, just like in IT. It's ruining the careers and lives of people
> like "Otto B. Doing-Better," even to the point of forcing a Nobel-
> level researcher into blue collar work to earn a living. And all this
> is occurring unseen behind the hype that "Johnnie can't do science"
> and the U.S. is on the verge of losing its technical edge…
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-----
> Noteworthy news stories on immigration for the week of January 3, 2009—
> January 9, 2009
> Amnesty Bill Introduced: "Stronger Economy, Stronger Borders Act of
> 2009" SESBA
> Senator Harry Reid introduced S. 9 (the text of the bill is not
> available yet)
> Excerpt of comments by Senator Reid on the Senate floor:
> Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, as we begin the 111th Congress, we will try,
> once again, to enact comprehensive immigration reforms that have
> eluded us in the past several years. With an administration that
> understands the critical necessity of meaningful reform and that
> understands the policy failures of the last 8 years, I am hopeful that
> the new Congress can finally enact legislation consistent with our
> history as a nation of immigrants…more…
> Ruling Says Deportation Cases May Not Be Appealed Over Lawyer Errors
> The Bush administration has issued a ruling that illegal immigrants do
> not have a constitutional right to effective legal representation in
> deportation hearings, closing off one of the most common avenues for
> appealing deportation decisions…
> New Report: U.S. Infrastructure Overwhelmed by Influx of Immigrants
> $1.6 Trillion Needed to Repair and Maintain Nation's Hospitals,
> Schools, Parks, Water Supply, Bridges, and Basic Infrastructures
> WASHINGTON, D.C.- Immigration policies need to go hand-in-hand with
> decisions to repair the deteriorating U.S. infrastructure, according
> to a unique new report ...
> read more »

Note the sources to contact your folks in Congress. Senator Reid is a
fanatical Morman who feels everyone should
come to America and be "converted".


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