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Bottom line on grocery shopping

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Donald Cameron

Jul 12, 2022, 2:32:44 PM7/12/22
1. Sell your car and use grocery store delivery service.
2. When you do visit stores, use cash/mattress money, instead of credit card.
3. My idea of survival groceries would be:
a. eggs,
b. rice,
c. potatoes,
d. chicken breasts,
e. breakfast food and fruit,
f. hamburger,
g. tomato sauce, slices,
h. chile mix,
i. pasta,
j. pasta sauce,
k. frozen fish,
l. canned soup, like mushroom,
m. beans, pinto and kidney,
n. tortilla wraps,
o. a few spices, such as parsley, sage, rosemary, tyme, majorum, cumin, oregano, salt and pepper.
p. onion,
q. celery,
r. mustard,
s. ketchup,
t. mayonnaise,
u. soy sauce.

I note that bread, cheese, tomato, salads, and fresh fruits may be off the table due to relative expense. Pizza is questionable. On the positive side, my choices seem to square with good health and loss of fat, plus economical, which are choices for survival.

Dim Witte

Aug 12, 2022, 9:22:46 AM8/12/22
On Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 10:32:44 AM UTC-8, Dim Witte wrote:
> 1. Sell your car and use grocery store delivery service.
> 2. When you do visit stores, use cash/mattress money, instead of credit card.
> 3. My idea of survival groceries would be:
> a. eggs, [BIG recommendation for this]
> b. rice, [BIG NO]
> c. potatoes, [BIG NO]
> d. chicken breasts, [Yes]
> e. breakfast food and fruit, [Yes, can find (expensive) keto versions, like one for Granola]
> f. hamburger, [YES, as with all meats, fish, poultry]
> g. tomato sauce, slices, [Not completely sure, but doubt processing and added sugars]
> h. chile mix, [NO, because beans are not good]
> i. pasta, [BIG NO, except for a few brands]
> j. pasta sauce, [NO, but there may be some labeled "keto"]
> k. frozen fish, [YES, but to stay away from crunchy coatings]
> l. canned soup, like mushroom, [YES, and there are some labeled "keto"]
> m. beans, pinto and kidney, [NO]
> n. tortilla wraps, [NO, except for ones labeled low carb]
> o. a few spices, such as parsley, sage, rosemary, tyme, majorum, cumin, oregano, salt and pepper. [YES]
> p. onion,
> q. celery,
> r. mustard, [?]
> s. ketchup, [Probably NO]
> t. mayonnaise, [YES, some labels say "keto"
> u. soy sauce. [YES]
> I note that bread, cheese, tomato, salads, and fresh fruits may be off the table due to relative expense. Pizza is questionable. On the positive side, my choices seem to square with good health and loss of fat, plus economical, which are choices for survival.

I have to reverse some of my suggestions, in the above, because of new information (for me) about changing diet, from starches and carbohydrates, to proteins and greens. Happened to stumble on an article on learning about Keto, and don't see any downside to it. They are saying that in a few months, you can lose weight, BIG time, without side effects.

So see how I have changed my list to include suggestions others make about going Keto. BAD news is that all the keto products are expensive, so you have to rationalize that, especially for salads and fruits, except for canned. GOOD news is that some bread, like Franz, are keto and even gluten-free.

[Note: don't worry that I'm trying to sell something, because my post is mostly for myself.]

Dim Witte

Aug 13, 2022, 4:06:21 AM8/13/22
[Note: Cheese is a YES.]

Dim Witte

Aug 14, 2022, 6:25:34 AM8/14/22
On Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 10:32:44 AM UTC-8, Dim Witte wrote:
Another note on best keto diet items, found at:
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