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THe T parties ace in the hole

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phil scott

Oct 29, 2010, 6:49:35 PM10/29/10
A standard... enforced.. and not compromised. and argument only on
the bases of that guidline, in this case constitutional law..not smear
jobs.... the public is fast becomng hip to the situation.

Brace yourself for a house cleaning Nov 2. then again in 2 years..and
that house cleaning will include any T party people gone limp in the

Can this idal wave level movemement be subverted by plants, ?


I have some experience with this in our efforts to handle the
criminal cult of scn.. we had only one rule..documentable truth or
don't say it, and if anyone lies, critic of scn or not, we nailed them

So with facts as a standard and no other, that movement expanded to
hundreds of thousands world wide and the cult of scn is mostly closed
down now.

Same the T party... their standard is the US constitiution and plain
intent of the founders.. they want to see all else washed away..


Due to extremely damaging actions from both parties of late, they are
opting to support republicans..but have presented and supported only
strict constitutionalists candidates..based on thier undestanding and
respect for the constitution..... thats a bit hard to subvert..

. now thie movement is going to a broad puplic base who are sick of
seeing half the US working class in govt.. many incompetent fat
asses.. 'earning' twice what a comparable position pays in the private
sector....and cant be fired, and with 10x the retirements! 100k a
year no uncommon lately.

.. the people are getting a grip on the issues as govt has bloated to
entirely fatal and unfundable levels...the costs making our nation
uncompetitive in the world markets...

and many of its agencies doing way more harm than good... CARB in
calif with bogus regulatons re we find their math was
400% off! and their head guy, Long Dong Tran PhD.. had a fake
diploma (and he is still on their payroll).

The worse things get the stronger this grass movement will get, any
'infiltrators' will be detected by what they do, in office or

Something like when 'anomymous' entered the anti cult fray... 9,000
people a day showed up to protest and have now posted over 25,000 cult
expose vids to youtube... and hundreds of these professional
researchers... some inside the cult... it has simpply inploded.

Same with corrupt govt as every act is held against the standard of
the constitution, regardless an often corrupted court system.. the
grass roots prevail over all of that. Non compliance with fraud and
corruption works.

Similar is on track with the T party and constitutional law despite
decades of brainwash in the schools that its out of date.

Justice and reason are never out of date.

The worse either ,or both parties get, and the govt bloat they have
created make things... the stronger the virolent grass roots are
becommng and the weaker corrupt govt gets because *they have
collapsed their own tax base*

Thats just how it is... its unsubvertable. Just as it was in 1772 or
whenever the first T party at Boston Harbor was.. it founded the USA
in many if not most aspects..

Why can't perverted govt win at this point? they have ruined their
own net national productivity in a thousand ways... no money.. no to
further fund their disaster. The T party, being at the grass
roots... well it lawn, it thrives on pee and dog shit...

No way to stop it. Now way to turn it from its standard.

Phil Scott

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