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All the bike lanes lead nowhere

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His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jul 23, 2010, 7:08:27 PM7/23/10
I understand the roads should lead to Rome, and the bike lanes should
lead to Amsterdam, but here in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and much of the
States I gather, they lead nowhere. They are built for some mysterious
purpose (probably some CONTRACT) and they don't have any known
purpose. There are dozens around but there's no connection, north to
south, or east to west.

But they do count toward the total miles of bike lanes, though some
only appear on paper, such as this one...

Many of these routes lead to most dangerous areas, which only those
with a death-wish dare to cross. But I refuse to lead suicidal



"Don't be a fool, don't be martyr, be an activist"

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jul 24, 2010, 11:29:37 AM7/24/10
On Jul 24, 9:13 am, "J.R.Guthrie" <> wrote:
> "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock"
> <> wrote in message

> > Many of these routes lead to most dangerous areas, which only those
> > with a death-wish dare to cross. But I refuse to lead suicidal
> > missions.
> Thanks for the good news!
> With luck, that should cut down on the numbers of idiots on bicycles.
> Maybe we could have more bike lanes that lead to such places. I often think
> we'd get rid of all of them with some well-placed deep shafts that they and
> their &#*&$^ bikes would dive into, never to be seen again upon sailing
> through a red light or stop sign.

That arrogant attitude toward the weak almost guarantees you that real
suicide bombers will come to spoil your nice dreams. Dream on, we are
in a jungle.

We cyclists are the only ones that can bring peace by example...

Mrs Irish Mike

Jul 24, 2010, 11:49:52 AM7/24/10
On Jul 23, 4:08 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the

Eat your heart out. Look at the PDF versions to see we have bike
routes to commute, shop, and play.


Jul 24, 2010, 5:26:01 PM7/24/10

He has no place to go anyway, just wants to get out of the basement
and away from the two closest women in his life, mom and the
girlfriend with the large badonkadonk.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jul 24, 2010, 5:52:36 PM7/24/10
On Jul 24, 12:43 pm, "J.R.Guthrie" <> wrote:
> "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock"
> <> wrote in message news:7952a9e0-

> >That arrogant attitude toward the weak almost guarantees you that real
> >suicide bombers will come to spoil your nice dreams. Dream on, we are
> >in a jungle.
> >We cyclists are the only ones that can bring peace by example...
> You cyclists have ti stio killing pedestrians first:
> Cheers,
> Jim Guthrie

I'm AGAINST cyclists on the sidewalk. They need to be on the road,
having a traffic lane to play it safe. Cyclists are pushed to the
sidewalks looking for safety and then nobody is safe, not even

Banning cyclists from the sidewalks would a first step toward solving
the problem. Then they either tame traffic or the carnage would be too
much for the system to bear.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jul 24, 2010, 5:55:07 PM7/24/10

I have many places to go, starting with the nudist beach. Then all the
shops and parks around.

Remember the name of the campaign:




His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jul 25, 2010, 11:43:26 AM7/25/10
On Jul 25, 12:39 am, Miles Bader <> wrote:
> "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of
> Tantra-Hammock" <> writes:
> > When the laws are not enforced, that's a symptom of Banana Republic.
> > Funny thing is some laws are enforced in a very strict way, usually
> > when it affects those in power.
> Yeah, and obsession with pointless rules is a symptom of a control-freak.
> There are lots of stupid laws in even the best societies; that's a
> shame, of course, and we should work to get rid of such stupid laws, but
> it's hardly surprising that people (and police) tend to ignore them
> until that happens.
> In a Banana Republic, by contrast, _all_ the laws get ignored, not just
> the stupid ones.

In First World Banana Republics laws are randomly applied. For
example, beaches here are closed at midnight for the average citizen,
but not for the homeless who have taken up shelter under the stars.

In Costa Rica you can camp at the beaches anytime.

But the cyclists in the First World don't make that much money to
worry about. The War on Drugs though is BIG BUSINESS, so expect strict

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jul 25, 2010, 9:42:26 PM7/25/10
On Jul 25, 9:27 pm, Miles Bader <> wrote:
> "" <> writes:
> >> > Come back when cyclists are treated the same as motorists.
> >> Why? Traffic laws are strict and enforcement against motorists is
> >> rigorous because motor vehicles are inherently _dangerous_.
> >> This is not true of bicycles or pedestrians.
> > Oh, horse shit.
> Tsk.
> > Ever seen a bike doing 20 mph hit a pedestrian? Ever had a bicycle hit
> > your car at 30 mph? Both are my sad experience. The cyclist ran a red
> > light on Fifth Avenue when he rammed me.
> Yes, I've seen, and been involved in bicycle/pedestrian/car accidents.
> It certainly isn't _pleasant_ to be hit by a bicycle, and it can
> certainly cause injury, but it's _nothing_ like being hit by a car; this
> isn't surprising, as a bicycle has something like 1/100 the mass of a
> car (if not less), and is almost always going at a much lower speed.
> Moreover, bicycles have far better acceleration/de-acceleration, are
> much more maneuverable, and the rider has vastly better awareness of
> what's around him.
> The current laws are made for cars, with all their weaknesses, and with
> their insane level of danger, their lack of maneuverability, their long
> braking distances, and their poor situational awareness. Cars _have_ to
> be rigidly controlled, because the risk is _so_ huge.
> With bicycles, that's not true to the same degree (they're sort of
> midway between pedestrians and cars I guess). But because they use a
> system of roads and road-regulations basically fine-tuned for cars,
> there's a distinct gap between necessity and reality -- and when laws
> don't reflect reality very well, people tend to ignore them.

So why are our clever authorities here in Miami Beach invest a fortune
in MIXED PATHS that endanger kids and old people.

What's the NATIONAL STRATEGY? None, of course. ;)


Jul 26, 2010, 10:34:59 AM7/26/10
On Jul 25, 8:42 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:

> What's the NATIONAL STRATEGY? None, of course. ;)

The US National Transportation plan as announced last year is that all
modes of travel (foot, bicycle, transit, and motor vehicle) are to be
treated equally during planning. No longer will the private motor
vehicle be the only mode considered when planning streets, roads, and
highways. And that's the word from LaHood, head honcho of the USDOT.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jul 26, 2010, 11:10:19 AM7/26/10
On Jul 26, 2:52 am, Miles Bader <> wrote:
> "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of
> Tantra-Hammock" <> writes:
> > Regular bikes on sidewalks could be a real threat.
> Only if they're going fast. And "fordables" ("foldable"?) are no less a
> threat if they are going fast.
> My point is that making such rules based on arbitrary differences in
> hardware doesn't address the "problem" at all. Rules, if they're
> necessary at all -- and in many cases, they're neither necessary nor
> desirable -- should be targetted as closely as possible at the root
> issue. In this case, that's mixing fast traffic with slow-and-erratic
> traffic.

> The best thing would be to do exactly what you asked for earlier, and
> provide infrastructure that gives people enough choice that they can
> naturally select an appropriate place to ride; by and large, if the
> infrastructure is adequate, they will. That's a _positive_ solution, in
> that it helps solve the problem by making people _want_ to do the right
> thing; you can back it up with some mild rules ("fast riding should use
> the street") to use in case of flagrant offenders, but the laws should
> address the issue directly, and shouldn't be overly specific (if they
> are, they'll usually get it wrong).

I have two higher end, and one basic. The basic is the perfect
sidewalk bike: Cruiser style, you can break with one hand, having foot
brakes. Many people ride aggressive bikes on sidewalks and that
aggravates the problem. Most of the time they don't even have BOTH
hands in position for braking.

This bike though would be too slow for the road. Maybe no more than 8
miles for hour.

If I were the Comandante somewhere I'd promote it as Hitler did with
the VW. And I would ban SUVs altogether (except those real ones always
needed). ;)

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jul 26, 2010, 11:13:14 AM7/26/10

That may not mean much for the next 50 years. Tell me when I can get
on the road, TAKE THE LANE, and not be harassed. It's very simple.
Call those terrorizing cyclists TERRORISTS.

Our race may be living like rats in the next half century.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jul 29, 2010, 3:07:03 PM7/29/10
On Jul 29, 2:58 pm, Jimmy <> wrote:
> Bolwerk <> wrote:
> > Remember that upper class white woman who dared let her 9-year-old ride
> > the Subway alone a few years ago? It actually made the news.
> Metro North explicitly allows children 8 and over to ride
> unaccompanied. See
> .
> Jimmy

Try letting your child ride a bike alone.

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