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The last time spam. I am Isaac Newton. I will appear in Jerusalem. According to "the Hebrew Bible", my date of birth can be calculated. I am a hero. I will tell you what is "Armageddon". I think that Chinese people like dogs. I will take the yellow people and the black people into concentration camps. When you see me, I will make you feel Speechless. I will take Barack Obama and Condoleezza Rice into concentration camps, I think that the black people and Latino like dogs.

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Jan 13, 2009, 10:06:02 PM1/13/09
"Cities of Babylon" refers to China. From January 2007 to October 2008
on Radio Free Asia, I am forced China to become a country ruled by
law, I half-way to terminate a third world war, the Chinese government
Immediately wanted to kill me. The first time I listen to Radio Free
Asia in 1999. If you doubt my identity, please look at "secondary
scripture". The Chinese government wanted to kill me, I am sorry for
my safety, I do not have so much time to play in English, Chinese
writing the article far faster than the English, written Chinese
characters dragged into a google translation to English made up of.
The first time I listen to Radio Free Asia in 1999. When I listen to
Radio Free Asia again, I do not have so much time to play in English.
I want to kill these dogs.
The divine word will be struck from the sky,
One who cannot proceed any further.
The secret closed up with the revelation,
Such that they will march over and ahead.
After the victory of the raving tongue,
The spirit tempered in tranquillity and repose:
Throughout the conflict the bloody victor makes orations,
Roasting the tongue and the flesh and the bones.

Moderator: Hello hotline listeners, I am linked Wei
I am: I am Mr. Guangzhou
Moderator: Mr. Guangzhou, please
I: Israel during the nation with the Western European nation
This should be my last time in the voice of Radio Free Asia, the
following information than the "Dead Sea Scrolls" found that the more
important, I have no doubt that the existence of a harbinger, allow me
to get well prepared for the rapidly after the finish. My birth to
death as early as 500 years ago was full of prophecy, I do not think I
have the ability to say here's a lie. Prophet predicted that the major
Israeli history has occurred, they have all been in me all come true,
I really Really Is that all Jews have been waiting for the Messiah,
Jesus the son of evil aliens to take my name came to the use of high
technology to deceive all the people, so that the Jewish nation cast a
unredressed injustice, which as early as before Christ Written on
"secondary scripture" in the. I have never been a Christian, I do not
believe in Jesus has always been, I am not a Muslim, I never Jiubu Xin
Mohammed. I was discriminated against Jews because they A Offended
God, God abandoned the law in the near future to become the king of
the Jews and I certainly will be in accordance with God's will you
come back to correct. I like the psychological and moral England with
a person exactly the same, but it is in the soul On the cause of this
is entirely in religious beliefs other than. Jesus, Muhammad two big
liar distorts the image of God and humanity and the contract, God is
never to use intermediaries, God is there is no body of Since the
ultra - However, with the power of a miracle. Likely in the near
future I am going to be a prophet, a great scholar and the king. I
really was, "the Hebrew Bible" and "Nostradamus Prophecy And
Prediction" and "Revelation of St John" and "secondary scripture" The
prediction , Also a prophet to predict that the future since ancient
times, no one's reputation can be compared with me. Israel's many
prophets have long predicted that the metaphorical to my life, the
people of Israel, and so I had more than 3000 years, from the I In the
end who up to now, four in this book to be able to predict, for my
safety, I can only tell you all come true in me, and I was
"Nostradamus Prophecy And Prediction" predicted that into the grave to
another person , As a result of It must be said that my life is
totally your year. Prophets of Israel is usually around things
metaphorical familiar with the way God communicated to us in the "the
Hebrew Bible" by the book to see what All Is metaphorical. "Dead Sea
Scrolls" predicted that the Messiah is a very strong power of the
Messiah, the facts have proven that Jesus is only so-called alien made
out of a God, is the so-called non-alien According to Jia Sisuo
According to the literal interpretation created a big liar, by the so-
called Virgin born and the bar is a serious departure from the hands
and feet, "the Dead Sea Scrolls", the so-called Christ's true, "the
Dead Sea Scrolls" and predicted that actually metaphor to point to me
I will explain to you to listen to; in the "Dead Sea Scrolls"
predicted that will lead to all of the Jewish king was referring to
me, "The Message of Fatima" is the so-called alien masterpiece,
"Revelation of St John" Author and we will never know his true
identity, but he must not believe Jesus was a Jewish prophet, he is
not written in Jesus before. In addition to the "Revelation of St
John", "New" is not credible It Repeat of the "Dead Sea Scrolls" a lot
of content, should be "Revelation of St John" and "Nostradamus
Prophecy And Prediction" and "Juan Paul Valdez" into the "Dead Sea
Scrolls" will be composed of books that they can Known as the saint
After. Maya from the books, I think the so-called ancient alien is
subject to the punishment of God, fled to the vicinity of the Earth,
large-scale can not breed, can not re-adapt to the environments of the
Earth's ancient humans, they must be separated for some To be back at
the time of the earth to supply requirements, the Earth is the only
supplies they needed, the extinction of species on Earth, they can not
survive; it is not so-called human-made is. Darwin once said , Found
that as long as there is a kind of biological evolution in the body
can not get the small parts, then his theory of evolution completely
bankrupt, modern science has proven that the theory of evolution is
wrong. Indeed, human beings by God Created by God has no physical
strength and the supernatural miracle, because God promised in the
universe formed a protein component, to land on Earth, to have had a
wonderful variety of biological machine, and then a miracle Have had a
variety of species like the DNA, culminating in a variety of species;
As this is miraculous, I can assure you that life on Earth in the
universe is indeed unique. Reference from the Falun Gong cult "Toru
save the world poem". "Nostradamus Prophecy And Prediction" in a
poem:"For five hundred years more one will keep count of him, Who was
the ornament of his time. Then suddenly great light will he give, He
who for this century will take them back very satisfied. "As in I do
not know completely in any predictions that I said to you in the end
who, while a few months later I found that as early as in a long time
ago and I have long predicted would be his own regeneration, and my
life as early as On the whole in mind I have set out in the definition
of the "Bible". Appearance from the point of view, I would definitely
not a personal copy, I met the teachings of Judaism, I was absolutely
out at the so-called alien unexpected. I advocate "Fate By day, into
the subject, "predicted the existence of what I did not constitute any
impact. I just did not say what, in a long time ago I spent more than
50 years, to break the "the Hebrew Bible" and all the prophets
Predicted, I lost To the memory of the past, now I really do not know
what I wrote, I finally know that I was his, which took place from me
as a miracle, a miracle and this has long been hidden in the writing
My Under the definition of the "Bible", I will explain to you listen
to, any person who is not better qualified than I to see the former in
the end I wrote what, I think, in fact did not dare open a large
number of these books, The Vatican Gang Holy See's religious leaders
have long known but Jesus was a liar and who I am. There is no doubt
that faith in God is my whole life, in accordance with the "the Hebrew
Bible" as provided for in the book of God, the Jews must paste I
legislation for the king of the Jews, I have to be in accordance with
God to the people of Israel to come back to correct; I am really
looking forward to is that the Jews have been the Messiah, I must
abide by God's strong Israel, all Mu Gosling is not a place to stay
out of Palestine, to lead you to the upcoming terrorist deal with a
major disaster.
Moderator: President of Guangzhou, the time has come
I: Good-bye
Moderator: Good-bye
I: Good-bye

After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is prepared,
The Great Mover renews the ages.
Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,
Is the heavens fire seen, a long spark running.
The humane realm of Angelican offspring,
It will cause its realm to hold to peace and union.
War half-captive in its enclosure,
For long will it cause them to maintain peace.
The world near the last period,
Saturn will come back again late.
Empire transferred towards the Dusky nation,
The eye plucked out by the Goshawk at Narbonne.
Where all is good, the Sun all beneficial and the Moon
Is abundant, its ruin approaches:
From the sky it advances to change your fortune.
In the same state as the seventh rock.
A scythe joined with a pond in Sagittarius,
at its highest ascendant.
Plague, famine, death from military hands,
the century approaches its renewal.
The great seventh number’s revolution,
It will appear a time of the year for hecatomb.
Not far from the great millennial age,
When those can enter will leave the tomb.
He will be born of the gulf and unmeasured city,
Born of obscure and dark family.
He who the revered power of the great King,
Will want to destroy through Rouen and Evreux.
The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror.
To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
The Moon in the full of night over the high mountain,
The new sage with a lone brain sees it.
By his disciples invited to be immortal,
Eyes to the south. Hands in bosoms, bodies in the fire.
Long awaited he will never return,
In Europe, he will appear in Asia.
One of the league issued from the great Hermes,
And he will grow over all the Kings of the East.
For five hundred years more one will keep count of him,
Who was the ornament of his time.
Then suddenly great light will he give,
He who for this century will take them back very satisfied.
The auxiliary way, one arch upon the other,
Many deserted except for the brave one and his genet.
The writing of the Phoenix Emperor,
seen by him which is (shown) to no other.
The Easterner will leave his seat,
To pass the Apennine mountains to see Gaul.
He will transpire the sky, the waters and the snow,
And everyone will be struck with his rod.
The sacred pomp will come to lower its aisles,
Through the coming of the great legislator.
He will raise the humble, he will vex the rebels,
There is no emulator on the earth.
The prince who has rare pity and clemency,
After peace his great water barrels.
Will come to change by great jurisdiction of dead,
By great recreating, reign exquisitely.
The present time together with the past,
Will be judged by the great Jovialist.
The world too late will be tired of him,
And through the clergy oath-taker disloyal.
The body without soul no longer to be sacrificed,
Day of death put for birthday.
The divine spirit will make the soul happy,
Seeing the word in its eternity.
The earth and air will freeze a very great sea,
When they will come to venerate Thursday.
That which will be never stuffed and filled so much,
From the four parts they will come to honor it.
He will come to topography to expose the falseness,
The (water)urns of historic significant will be opened
Sect and holy philosophy to thrive,
black for white and the new for the old.
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will cause two suns to appear:
The big mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff will change country.
When they will be close the lunar ones will fail,
From one another not greatly distant,
Cold, dryness, danger towards the frontiers,
Even where the oracle has had its beginning.
A multitude of people will appear at Vicenza
without force, fire to burn the Basilica.
Near Luna age, the great one of Valenza defeated:
at a time when Venice takes up the quarrel through custom.
From the three water signs will be born a man,
who will celebrate Thursday as his holiday.
His renown, praise, rule and power will grow,
on land and sea, bringing trouble to the East.
The valiant elder son of the King’s daughter,
He will hurl back the Celts very far.
Such that he will cast thunderbolts, so many in such an array,
Few and distant, then deep into the Hesperias.
Throughout all Asia great proscription,
Even in Mysia, Lycia and Pamphilia.
Blood will be shed because of the absolution
Of a young evil one filled with felony.

Isaiah 53:3
He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted
with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised,
and we esteemed him not.
Isaiah 53:4
Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did
esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
Isaiah 53:5
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our
iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his
stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:6
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his
own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isaiah 53:7
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth:
he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her
shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
Isaiah 53:8
He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his
generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the
transgression of my people was he stricken.
Isaiah 53:9
And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death;
because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
Isaiah 53:10
Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when
thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed,
he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper
in his hand.
Isaiah 53:11
He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by
his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall
bear their iniquities.
Isaiah 53:12
Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall
divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul
unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare
the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

My birth to death as early as 500 years ago was full of prophecy, now
you understand why "on land and sea, bringing trouble to the East".
This proves that An Anglo-person who grew up in China is a very
painful. When I was a baby, "he wants to eat me". I think that Chinese
people like dogs. "Mr. Hitler", it should be a means to deal with
these evil race. Sychological and moral, I am an "Angolmois"(Anglo). I
think I will become a second Hitler. I was writing a book, it is
called "Mein Kampf". It describes the object is the yellow people, the
black people, Arabs, Celtic, Slavs...

I am sorry for my safety, I do not have so much time to play in
English, Chinese writing the article far faster than the English,
written Chinese characters dragged into a google
translation to English made up of. When I listen to Radio Free Asia
again, I do not have so much time to play in English. When I was still
a baby, I look down upon Chinese. I think that Chinese people like
dogs! One day, I will pass on these dogs locked up in concentration
The young Nero in the three chimneys
Will cause live pages to be thrown to burn:
Happy those who will be far away from such practices,
Three will watch out nervily for his blood will be death.

If you want to know what is "Armageddon", it is necessary to look at
the following. I hope it was translated into English, I am learning
我的父亲上帝耶和华所创造出来的这个世界解决巨大的人道世界末日,为中国建立新的秩序.如果我没有从"Westerner"经过"The great
seventh number’s revolution"复活再生成"Easterner",那么将无任何人能阻止由台海战争所引发的巨大的人道世界
末日,为了我的安全,当然在这里我是绝对不会告诉你"The great seventh number’s revolution"究竟是多少;除非
我安全了,我才会帮你们解开预言.如《以斯拉书下》和"After the victory of the raving tongue, The
spirit tempered in tranquillity and repose: Throughout the conflict
the bloody victor makes orations, Roasting the tongue and the flesh
and the bones."所预言的一样,我轻而易举地通过律法的形式将发动战争的这个唯一目标消灭,并使它建立新的秩序,如《死海古卷》一样,作
我的父亲上帝耶和华的律法,这一切必将成为事实,因为这一切已经被犹太人先知预言了."The divine word will be
struck from the sky,One who cannot proceed any further. The secret
closed up with the revelation,Such that they will march over and
ahead. "这句描写的是从2007年5月至2008年10月,欧美开始利用我所揭露的巨大黑幕逼迫中国政府自7月底要求1个月内全国有腐败的官员
大灾难,最后至今为止,如"After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is
prepared,The Great Mover renews the ages.Rain, blood, milk, famine,
steel and plague,Is the heavens fire seen, a long spark running. " 预言的一
样,我使中国彻底更新,而且这种更新是不可逆,因此你们也必须知道事实了".The Moon in the full of night over
the high mountain, The new sage with a lone brain sees it. By his
disciples invited to be immortal, Eyes to the south. Hands in bosoms,
bodies in the fire."这句话指的是我在2007年1月到2008年10月期间双手拿着写好的文章,话筒夹在头部,眼睛向南望着读,
中国共产党,你们都被耶稣这个古代人类之子骗了.公历的1643年1月4日是星期四,现在的我又复活再生于星期四,根据"The body
without soul no longer to be sacrificed,Day of death put for birthday.
The divine spirit will make the soul happy,Seeing the word in its
eternity."和"The earth and air will freeze a very great sea,When they
will come to venerate Thursday. That which will be never stuffed and
filled so much,From the four parts they will come to honor it."这两句诗,我必将


Isaac Newton
From 25 December 2008 to 6 January 2009

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