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looking for new rewards credit card

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May 6, 2010, 9:46:03 AM5/6/10
It appears that we are looking for a rewards credit card for the
first time in about 5 years. We've been using a Triprewards Mastercard,
which underwent a slight name change & became the "Wyndham Rewards
Mastercard" about a year and a half ago.

Our current card goes the way of the dodo at the end of next month.
We'll miss it, because it allowed us to get roughly 3 or 4 hotel nights
for free each year, just by spending on what we usually spend. My
understanding is that while the Wyndham Rewards program will continue,
it won't be linked to a credit card any longer.

We don't carry any balance on our credit cards, so interest rate is
meaningless to us. I would much prefer something with no annual fee,

I'll miss the free hotel nights, since we used them for our
anniversary each year, as well as 1-2 short getaways during the year.
Previously, we had a Shell Mastercard that gave us 3% back on all fuel
purchases, and 1% on all other purchases.

Can anyone recommend another rewards card that gives you a free hotel
night stay after spending roughly $6k? Or another rewards card that
gives a 3% reward or better?


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