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What would Jesus ask a Darwinian? A possible explanation

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His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 5, 2010, 12:59:14 AM6/5/10
(What a stupid question, right? Not so fast, that was posted in
another group and I give a possible explanation)

Jesus would say,

"What time is it, pal?"

And the Darwinian would ask, "What for?"

And Jesus would say,

"I have an important dinner tonight."

And the Darwinian went around his business thinking what a stupid
question that was in those times.

"It's time for REVOLUTION," he added.



His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 5, 2010, 5:02:22 PM6/5/10
On Jun 5, 4:34 pm, "J.H.Boersema" <> wrote:
> I suppose it might happen like that, because jesus had nothing more to
> offer then empty whaffle.
> When I'm meeting with a Darwinian, which I already tried to also online,
> I tell them: "you missed something, it is called 'technology."
> The Darwinian as a rule doesn't dare to react, so I am assuming the
> Darwining thinks: ``is this discovery going to cost me my tenure,'' or
> unfortunately more likely ``get out of the way you maggot.'' Then I'd
> try again and say: "technology changes who survive for the human
> species, infighting is no longer necessary to outsrip the power of other
> technology-less creatures." If the Darwinian was paying any attention he
> (why is it always a he?) may start to worry about his tenure - for
> failing to miss the obvious. Then I might say: "If you don't persue the
> revolution now, you may very well lose your life together with your
> tenure."
> Sadly, nobody seems to realize that it is true, or how serious and
> pressing the situation really is. So, good luck with the 3rd world war
> then, have a blast y'all !
> PS, I tried to find out what your Banana-revolution means, but no clear
> idea. Tip: delete your site and pop mine in its place, thanks.
> Maybe something might change, then (ideally for the better).
> --
> _ _ /_\ _ _http://www.SOCIALISM.nlFree markets and democracy,
> \ /v`vvv\ / but now: properly.
> /_\_#_#_/_\
> \ / Day 39 of the revolution.

Very clever thoughts there! It reminds me of these quotations...

"There is no wilderness where I can hide from these things, there is
no haven where I can escape them; though I travel to the ends of the
earth, I find the same accursed system — I find that all the fair and
noble impulses of humanity, the dreams of poets and the agonies of
martyrs, are shackled and bound in the service of organized and
predatory Greed!"


"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job
depends on not understanding it."

They are the words of Upton Sinclair in 'The Jungle,' written in 1906.
It seems like not much has change after all. Actually things seem to
have gotten worse ever since that Jesus made it to the Last Supper on
time. We are still waiting for the miracle and the prophet.

Well the predators of the jungle have always known it's all about
PREDATION... so do we.!&l4=

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 6, 2010, 12:27:26 AM6/6/10
On Jun 5, 11:46 pm, James A. Donald <> wrote:

> Cities are civilization, more or less. White people build
> cities, black people don't to anything like the same extent -
> observe what happened to Detroit, Leopoldville and Salisbury
> when the blacks took over, and what is happening to
> Johannesburg. They are turning into ghost towns. People
> whose skeletons look like those of white people first
> appeared about ten thousand years ago or so, cities appeared
> about eight thousand years ago. The obvious implication is
> that around eight or ten thousand years ago, some humans
> evolved into city building creatures, civilization building
> creatures - that Darwinian evolution first created civilization
> building creatures ten thousand years ago or so.
> Civilizations started to be built about as soon as the first
> race that builds civilizations showed up.

The little Indians of South America with their great civilizations
seem to challenge to a great degree your white supremacy theory.

Germans destroyed themselves for no reason other than to rebuild
themselves and prove their superiority once again. ;)

On the other hand Rome had a great civilization that was as Barbaric
as the Barbarians, so everything is relative.

The blacks of Africa, probably lived better in tribes than in an urban
center. But our urban centers are starting to look like a jungle, so
the cycle never stops.

And the "successful" alpha males/females in SUVs are killing our
planet. Perhaps we need more losers to ride bikes.

Rod Speed

Jun 6, 2010, 12:48:40 AM6/6/10
James A. Donald <> wrote

> Cities are civilization, more or less. White people build
> cities, black people don't to anything like the same extent -
> observe what happened to Detroit, Leopoldville and Salisbury
> when the blacks took over, and what is happening to
> Johannesburg. They are turning into ghost towns.

LIke hell they are.

> People whose skeletons look like those of white people
> first appeared about ten thousand years ago or so,
> cities appeared about eight thousand years ago.

But those who built them werent anything like white.

In fact citys came to those who were white MUCH later
than they came to those who were brown or yellow.

> The obvious implication is that around eight or ten
> thousand years ago, some humans> evolved into
> city building creatures, civilization building creatures

Nope, just someone came up with the idea of citys and that idea took off.

> - that Darwinian evolution first created civilization
> building creatures ten thousand years ago or so.

Fraid not, there was fuck all evolution happening at that time.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 6, 2010, 11:22:28 AM6/6/10
On Jun 6, 7:31 am, James A. Donald <> wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Jun 2010 21:56:52 -0700 (PDT), Bill <>
> wrote:
> > We really don't gain anything comparing "races"; all humans,
> > everywhere and
> > at all times do the same things; there's no significant differences in
> > behavior.
> Blacks take over cities, they turn into ghost towns. It is fairly
> obvious.
> Here are some photo essays on detroit.,29307,1882089,00.htmlLarge
> parts of Johannesburg are starting to look similar. The entire
> downtown area of Johannesburg, which used to be the central business
> district, is now a ruin occupied by feral humans, Barbecues made of
> old oil cans blaze in the marble foyers of what used to be the
> headquarters of banks and airlines. There are goats tethered in the
> hallways
> Ponte City, a gigantic skyscraper with a magnificent view over all of
> Johannesburg, originally containing highly desirable offices,
> apartments, and a shopping center, intimately connected to a
> university, is now an abandoned slum, with a handful of low lifes
> hanging out in the ruins. Supposedly it is being redeveloped, but it
> has been being redeveloped for a long time. The black redevelopers
> cannot seem to get the lifts working properly. They are mostly
> redeveloping the ground floor.
> Similarly Zimbabwe.

Your description sounds hellish enough, and it seems to indicate the
black race's inferiority...

Wait a minute, Haiti is in similar conditions, and yet the Haitians
that make it to America live in rather decent conditions and wear
better than average clothing, and are willing to progress in their
communities. "Little Haiti" is nice.

My point is that (forgive my metaphor) the jungle makes the monkey,
not the monkey makes the jungle. Once you allow GATED COMMUNITIES,
where the lions live above and beyond the rest, the communities of the
monkeys crash.

Around here, we have a few wild monkeys (of all races), who seem to be
able to predate at will because the lions live in the safety of their
GC, where they enjoy heavy police presence and cameras. It's not a
deep jungle by any means, and the COMMUNITY seem to hold on together
to allow an implosion, but you see the HOMELESS SETTING UP CAMPS right
in front of rather elegant restaurants for all the diners to enjoy the
view, and people somehow don't seem to focus on it.


Blame, not Darwin, not blacks, but GLOBALIZATION, SPRAWL, and the NEW

I live in Miami Beach in a rather white community, surrounded by upper
class Jews, and I'm not able to ride a bike on the road without being
harassed. If you call this "civilization," I call it a jungle.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 7, 2010, 8:23:20 AM6/7/10
On Jun 7, 7:58 am, James A. Donald <> wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Jun 2010 19:21:32 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the , Creator

> of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <>
> wrote:
> On Jun 6, 9:20 pm, James A. Donald <> wrote:
> > > And a little later you tell me you cannot ride a bike without being
> > > attacked. Could it be that Little Haiti has some resemblance to big
> > > Haiti?
> TibetanMonkey
> > Listen, it's hard to understand that I do NOT live in Little Haiti? I
> > live in a mixed community with no blacks. No whites either. Just Jews
> > further down the road, and they take care of *their* community only.
> But you cannot bike without being attacked. Where do you think the
> attackers live?

I live next to the lions. I've been attacked by the lions who hate the
competition from the monkeys on bike. Never mind I'm a VIP monkey and
my bikes are the Rolls Royce of bikes.

> > > You complain that the elite live behind walls. You think they are
> > > happy with that? They want the trash to be locked behind walls.
> > They wished, that's the argument behind B-13...
> >
> Seems like a good idea to me.

They are going to nuke the jungle. But everything is exposed and the
"gated community" for the monkeys is open again.

How about the lions REALLY trying to pacify the jungle and trying not
to keep the monkeys dumb? How about legalizing drugs to see 50% of the
problem gone?

Too bold a step? That's what I propose in the next step up in
evolution (the revolution).



His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 9, 2010, 9:32:20 AM6/9/10
On Jun 2, 6:28 pm, Michael Coburn <> wrote:
> On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 12:11:11 -0700, His Highness the TibetanMonkey,
> ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic Enterprises wrote:
> > On Jun 2, 2:28 pm, Les Cargill <> wrote:
> >> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic
> >> Enterprises wrote:
> >> > On Jun 2, 1:12 pm, (Anthrax Mailer) wrote:
> >> >> Ilya Shambat<> wrote:
> >> >>> There are many people, especially in America, who believe in
> >> >>> capitalism but not in evolution.
> >> >> Nobody believes in evolution. Evolution is a directly observed
> >> >> phenomena not subject to belief or disbelief any more than
> >> >> gravitation is.
> >> >> Yes, ignorant cult savages don't *accept* the fact of evolution, but
> >> >> that's because they're ignorant cult savages.
> >> > It may not be convenient for them because:
> >> > a) It clashes with the Bible
> >> Odd. The Roman Catholic Church has no significant difficulties with it.
> >> > b) Evolution implies embracing change and assuming responsibility for
> >> > the world
> >> Not really. Indeed, evolution is a non intentional process, so there's
> >> significantly *less* responsibility than if faith were involved.
> >> Evolution just marches its merry track without regard to what you or I
> >> think - Space Does Not Care.
> >> > Yes, we can change our own evolution.
> >> Uh, not... so much.
> >> --
> >> Les Cargill
> >> --
> >> Les Cargill
> > Oh wait a minute, there's a supreme authority out there...
> Well, COMMON SENSE, anyway.

The problem is people are moving beyond what is necessary (a roof,
food, refrigerator) to what is a luxury and want to buy TV's, cell
phones, etc. Capitalism does a good job at allowing the free markets
work, but then fucks up at wasting for the hell of it.

That's where your COMMON SENSE and FRUGALITY kick in.

Again, the bicycle is the perfect example of the success and failure
of capitalism. Anyone can afford a bike in America, but few are lucky
enough to be safe on the road.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 9, 2010, 10:08:40 AM6/9/10
On Jun 8, 11:16 pm, Michael Price <> wrote:
> On Jun 2, 11:01 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana
> and Chief of Quixotic Enterprises" <> wrote:

> > It all makes sense, except that in such capitalist jungle the
> > predators run the process of evolution (selling Stupid Unnecessary
> > Vehicles, for example) instead of looking for a balanced and equitable
> > development (such as providing bike facilities or public
> > transportation).
> Selling SUVs isn't predatory, nor do those who sell them run the
> process.
> They just sell what people want, just like programmers and organic
> food
> stores. They don't determine what people want or what will be
> successful
> in the marketplace.

It exploits our WORST PREDATORY INSTINCTS. What's the point of selling
a MEAN, WASTEFUL, UNSAFE vehicle for city roads? Back to the caveman.

I bet you people would buy ANYTHING that will give them power over
other people.

> > This is the dinosaurs in the middle of the Jurassic
> > refusing to evolve to smarter ways of life, surely influenced by
> > religion's denial of evolution.
> Who is supposed to be influenced by religion's denials, the
> dinosaurs
> or the sellers of SUVs? Because the whole point of evolution is you
> don't need to believe it to do it.

The whole point is that the Christians deny EVOLUTION in the past and
present. They try to avoid changes. Europe has changed a lot since
WWII, but America hasn't. A lot of transportation infrastructure for
the common good, while America is totally dependent on oil.

They ignore the laws of nature and in so doing, they DOOM

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most
intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." -Charles Darwin

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 9, 2010, 3:14:45 PM6/9/10

On Jun 9, 2:36 pm, thea <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 9:09 AM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of
> the Movement of Tantra-Hammock <> wrote:

> His Highness: I like the quote you just gave about responsiveness to
> change. Most of the Christian community are being lulled to sleep -
> thinking that the world as we know it will never end. If an abrupt change
> comes, they will holler and yell - but will they have what it takes to make
> the change necessary so that the fittest can survive?

Thank you. You are a smart Christian, perhaps an endangered
species. ;)

Well, you would have to go either into embracing change, or try to
survive it, because it's coming for many reasons. One is the lack of
natural resources for all (with the competition from China and India);
two is the technological and efficiency edge from Europe and Japan;
and three is the increasing pressure from Climate Change and pollution
(the oil slick) to change.

Stupidity won't save us from those.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 9, 2010, 3:29:55 PM6/9/10
On Jun 9, 1:28 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote

> > It's the third world,
> Nope, thats the second world, stupid.

They call it by a euphemism now, stupid: "DEVELOPING NATIONS," as if
they will ever be developed... ;)

Certainly, not following the path indicated by the West.

> > what do you expect. There's another problem: If Brazil has a problem
> > with poverty but Curitiba didn't, then all the poor would move there, right?
> Wrong.
> > The do have Universal Healthcare believe it or not,
> So does every other modern first and second world country except the US.

Well, they are working their way up to civilization then.

> > so they may be ahead of us in some areas.
> Nope. There are parts of the US that are as well designed.
> > Our Emergency Rooms look like Haiti after the earthquake. ;)
> And those in other modern first world countrys arent.

Not if you practice PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, such as RIDING A BIKE OR
WALKING, something few are able to do freely in the West.

Rod Speed

Jun 9, 2010, 4:58:18 PM6/9/10
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote


>>>> Nope, that dump has the most obscene slums in the world.

>>> Well, they are relocating them too.

>> Nope.

>> Its actually just an example of a complete fuckup where they did produce
>> a quite decent living environment for a subset of the city's population and
>> some utterly obscene slums for the group that didnt get to live in the well
>> designed part, because the cost of the well designed part was insane.

>>> It's the third world,

>> Nope, thats the second world, stupid.

> They call it by a euphemism now, stupid: "DEVELOPING NATIONS," as if they will ever be developed... ;)

They called singapore that at one time, and its more developed than some parts of the US now.

> Certainly, not following the path indicated by the West.

Wrong, as always.

>>> what do you expect. There's another problem: If Brazil has a problem
>>> with poverty but Curitiba didn't, then all the poor would move there, right?

>> Wrong.

>>> The do have Universal Healthcare believe it or not,

>> So does every other modern first and second world country except the US.

> Well, they are working their way up to civilization then.

But cant even manage viable govt yet.

Or even work out how many kids their circumstances can support either.

>>> so they may be ahead of us in some areas.

>> Nope. There are parts of the US that are as well designed.

>>> Our Emergency Rooms look like Haiti after the earthquake. ;)

>> And those in other modern first world countrys arent.

> Not if you practice PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, such as RIDING A BIKE
> OR WALKING, something few are able to do freely in the West.

Wrong, as always. Almost everyone is able to walk stupid.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 9, 2010, 7:59:17 PM6/9/10
On Jun 9, 4:58 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:

> Wrong, as always. Almost everyone is able to walk stupid.

You ain't able to walk or ride a bike...

On Jun 9, 3:43 pm, e_space <> wrote:
> no i dont sorry ... think outside the cage my friend ;-^)

Hey the cage is everywhere, you live in a cage and when you step out
the cage and get into your car you get into another cage, because the
jungle is IMPOSSIBLE to walk due to long distances or because it's
crazy to ride a bike on the road.

My girlfriend says she would not sweat to get to work. But I say,
provide showers at work. Anyway I propose that you can ride a bike
whenever and wherever is practical, so the option is yours. OPTIONS is
not a word to be afraid of. Actually it should be part of a democracy
where the sheep don't run your life.

So the revolution will have to include people who are willing to
sweat, but unwilling to take shit from drivers...

Source: Talking Point, BBC News


Having lived in the US last year, I can say most of the comments here
belittling this lawsuit stem from ignorance of life in the US. People
here in the UK are MUCH more aware of what is healthy. In the US "Big
Food" dominates the airwaves and the vast majority of people are
genuinely misinformed. Americans live off processed food regularly
Having said that, I think the lawsuit is partially misguided because
food is no more than half the problem of obesity that is now coming to
the fore in the US. The other half is the lifestyle the country
on people. In the US you are literally FORCED to drive everywhere -
a 5 minute hop to a local supermarket. People live in a system where
they do everything sitting down. So it is not just that massive
of calories (with little nutrition) are readily and cheaply on offer,
but that burning any of it off in the normal course of a day is near
James, UK

Rod Speed

Jun 10, 2010, 3:03:17 AM6/10/10
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote

>> Wrong, as always. Almost everyone is able to walk stupid.

> You ain't able to walk

Wrong, as always. I walk a hell of a long way almost every day.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 10, 2010, 9:02:19 AM6/10/10
On Jun 10, 2:50 am, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote
> > Rod Speed <> wrote
> >> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote
> >>> Rod Speed <> wrote
> >>>> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of
> >>>> Tantra-Hammock wrote
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> Nope, that dump has the most obscene slums in the world.
> >>>>> Well, they are relocating them too.
> >>>> Nope.
> >>>> Its actually just an example of a complete fuckup where they did
> >>>> produce a quite decent living environment for a subset of the city's
> >>>> population and some utterly obscene slums for the group that didnt
> >>>> get to live in the well designed part, because the cost of the well
> >>>> designed part was insane.
> >>>>> It's the third world,
> >>>> Nope, thats the second world, stupid.
> >>> They call it by a euphemism now, stupid: "DEVELOPING NATIONS," as if they will ever be developed...
> >> They called singapore that at one time, and its more developed than some parts of the US now.
> > Ha, ha, ha. They will be developed competing against the
> > Chinese who are willing to work their life away for pennies.
> Singapore is doing fine economically. Corse they dont bother with much manufacturing at all.
> > How about all that corruption in those Banana Republics meant to pave the way for inversions?
> > Do you think Mexico will ever be developed,
> Depends on what you mean by developed. They do have a
> rather better car industry than china does. So does Brazil.

Fuck the cars. We are talking real comprehensive transportation
infrastructure. Curitiba has a lot to show for it, other poor
countries just are copycats of the West.

Funny the poor countries (I kind of like the word) don't have
trillions of bikes.

> > where there's no law because of your stupid War on Drugs?
> Taint my war on drugs, monkeyboy.

> >>> Certainly, not following the path indicated by the West.
> >> Wrong, as always.

> > The Law of the Jungle from the West. Gated Communities
> Fuck all in the west live in gated communitys.

Many that can afford it, do. Those are the very people that could lift
the whole community if they wanted too.

> > and SUVs for the elites
> Its stupid women that buy SUVs, not the elites, stupid.

RACIST PIG. You got alpha males and alpha females in predators, so you
are just feeding their natural killing instincts. Actually the
lionesses do the job for the lion.

> > and fuck the rest.
> They do a hell of a lot better than some ape on a bike thats too
> stupid to be able to work out the risk he is taking on a bike.

Maybe say CONSCIOUS where you you say STUPID, because he's the only
one not feeding the OIL SLICK.

> Great, time we got some darwinian selection back into the system.
> Hopefully you havent bred yet.

Actually my type is yet to emerge from the shadow of the dinosaurs.

> >>>>> what do you expect. There's another problem: If Brazil has a problem
> >>>>> with poverty but Curitiba didn't, then all the poor would move there, right?
> >>>> Wrong.
> >>>>> The do have Universal Healthcare believe it or not,
> >>>> So does every other modern first and second world country except the US.
> >>> Well, they are working their way up to civilization then.
> >> But cant even manage viable govt yet.
> >> Or even work out how many kids their circumstances can support either.

> > Only a few brilliant example like Curitiba,
> Nothing brilliant about it given the much bigger obscene slums all around it.
> The west does it much better, nothing like those slums in the west anymore.

The West is much cleaner, but also much more wasteful. Your sprawl is
the most stupid thing in the world. Even London put a cap on it in the
30's. But you keep pushing this model to whoever crazy elite loves the
idea of living in the boondocks.

> > which is going their own way, can come out of the capitalist jungle.
> Just another of your silly little pig ignorant fantasys.

Funny you steal the word PIG when I should be calling you CAPITALIST

> > Public transportation, pedestrian-only streets,
> > lots of parks, putting the homeless to work...
> Pity about the immense slums surrounding it.

Yes, part of life in the Poor Nations, and they are there to supply
raw materials for you and follow your distorted Darwinism.

> >>>>> so they may be ahead of us in some areas.
> >>>> Nope. There are parts of the US that are as well designed.
> >>>>> Our Emergency Rooms look like Haiti after the earthquake.

> >>>> And those in other modern first world countrys arent.
> >>> Not if you practice PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, such as RIDING A BIKE
> >>> OR WALKING, something few are able to do freely in the West.

> >> Wrong, as always. Almost everyone is able to walk stupid.

> > Come to Miami!
> No thanks, too many fools like you there.

Exactly, living in fear and sprawl, like most cities in the South. Not
NYC certainly.

> > No one outside, some more in Miami Beach.
> Because they choose not to. Not because they arent able to.
> Corse there are hordes so obscenely obese they cant even manage to
> walk around the store and load up with vast amounts of food to pig out on....

Because MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO, and they are not daring enough to walk
where others don't.

> > The s-p-r-a-w-l is the b-i-g p-r-o-b-l-e-m, but other problems is that there's
> > no space for bikes on the road. What can you do, masturbate for peace? ;)
> You do that furiously, it clearly isnt working.

Neither is your prayers. Not even your Mother Teresa. But you are a
wolf in plain view, not a religious sheep in wolf's clothing.

You must be a funny American Libertarian promoting the Law of the
Jungle without the government.

> > Source: Talking Point, BBC News

> > Having lived in the US last year, I can say most of the comments
> > here belittling this lawsuit stem from ignorance of life in the US.
> > People here in the UK are MUCH more aware of what is healthy.

> Another pig ignorant lie. You stupid poms actually have even worse
> health problems than most of the whites in the leafy suburbs of the US.

> > In the US "Big Food" dominates the airwaves and the vast majority of people
> > are genuinely misinformed. Americans live off processed food regularly now.

> Corse none of you stupid poms ever do anything like that, eh ?

ADDICTED TO JUNK FOOD. Nice concept, huh?

The sheep fight a War on Drugs, but are addicted to Junk Food. Funny

> > Having said that, I think the lawsuit is partially misguided
> > because bad food is no more than half the problem of
> > obesity that is now coming to the fore in the US.

> The food's fine. The problem is the quantity of it that fools keep shovelling into their mouths.

The food is all wrong. Read FAST FOOD NATION.

Of course, even worse is the fact they can't BURN THE CALORIES.

> > The other half is the lifestyle the country imposes on people. In the US you are
> > literally FORCED to drive everywhere - even a 5 minute hop to a local supermarket.

> Pigs arse you are.

> > People live in a system where they do everything sitting down.

> Pigs arse they do.

They try to survive in a system designed for the pig. The fatter the
more industries he feeds, including the Medical Industry.

> > So it is not just that massive amounts of calories (with little nutrition) are readily and cheaply
> > on offer, but that burning any of it off in the normal course of a day is near impossible.

> Wrong, as always.
> > James, UK
> Guess which silly little monkey boy is about to get comprehensively shafted by his new govt.

Not even Obama with his best intentions can change the jungle. Too
many hungry predators won't let him and drag him down. That's why I

"Illegitimi non carborundum" is a mock-Latin aphorism meaning "Don't
let the bastards grind you down".

Rod Speed

Jun 10, 2010, 3:17:26 PM6/10/10

>>>>>> Nope.

> Fuck the cars.

No thanks, I'll fuck the bikes instead.

> We are talking real comprehensive transportation infrastructure.

Pity about the immense swath of slums that the bulk of those who 'life' in that city have to live in.

> Curitiba has a lot to show for it,

Yeah, like all those slums.

> other poor countries just are copycats of the West.

Because that works a hell of a lot better than Curitiba does.

> Funny the poor countries (I kind of like the word) don't have trillions of bikes.

China used to and is now discarding them.

>>> where there's no law because of your stupid War on Drugs?

>> Taint my war on drugs, monkeyboy.

>>>>> Certainly, not following the path indicated by the West.

>>>> Wrong, as always.

>>> The Law of the Jungle from the West. Gated Communities

>> Fuck all in the west live in gated communitys.

> Many that can afford it, do.

Nope, fuck all do. Even in the US, the highest estimate is 8M people.

Thats fuck all of the total US population.

> Those are the very people that could lift the whole community if they wanted too.

Mindless silly stuff.

>>> and SUVs for the elites

>> Its stupid women that buy SUVs, not the elites, stupid.


Women arent a race, fuckwit.

> You got alpha males and alpha females in predators,
> so you are just feeding their natural killing instincts.
> Actually the lionesses do the job for the lion.

Even you should have noticed that not too many lions drive SUVs.

>>> and fuck the rest.

>> They do a hell of a lot better than some ape on a bike thats
>> too stupid to be able to work out the risk he is taking on a bike.

> Maybe say CONSCIOUS where you you say STUPID,
> because he's the only one not feeding the OIL SLICK.

Thats a lie too.

>> Great, time we got some darwinian selection back into the system.

>> Hopefully you havent bred yet.

> Actually my type is yet to emerge from the shadow of the dinosaurs.

Taint gunna happen. You'll die out because the risk is so much greater on a bike.

Darwinian selection in action.

>>>>>>> what do you expect. There's another problem: If Brazil has a problem
>>>>>>> with poverty but Curitiba didn't, then all the poor would move there, right?

>>>>>> Wrong.

>>>>>>> The do have Universal Healthcare believe it or not,

>>>>>> So does every other modern first and second world country except the US.

>>>>> Well, they are working their way up to civilization then.

>>>> But cant even manage viable govt yet.

>>>> Or even work out how many kids their circumstances can support either.

>>> Only a few brilliant example like Curitiba,

>> Nothing brilliant about it given the much bigger obscene slums all around it.

>> The west does it much better, nothing like those slums in the west anymore.

> The West is much cleaner, but also much more wasteful.

Like that or lump it, monkey boy.

> Your sprawl is the most stupid thing in the world.

No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to even visit.

You're always welcome ot fuck off to somewhere like HongKong any time you like.

> Even London put a cap on it in the 30's.

Like hell they did.

> But you keep pushing this model to whoever crazy elite loves the idea of living in the boondocks.

Taint just the elite that prefers to live like that, monkey boy.

>>> which is going their own way, can come out of the capitalist jungle.

>> Just another of your silly little pig ignorant fantasys.

> Funny you steal the word PIG

Everyone can see for themselves that you are lying, as always.

I've been using that since LONG before you ever showed up, monkey boy.

> when I should be calling you CAPITALIST PIG.

Its your labor party that fucked the british economy, monkey boy.

>>> Public transportation, pedestrian-only streets,
>>> lots of parks, putting the homeless to work...

>> Pity about the immense slums surrounding it.

> Yes, part of life in the Poor Nations, and they are there to supply
> raw materials for you and follow your distorted Darwinism.

Brazil doesnt supply even a shred of anything like that to me, monkeyboy.

>>>>>>> so they may be ahead of us in some areas.

>>>>>> Nope. There are parts of the US that are as well designed.

>>>>>>> Our Emergency Rooms look like Haiti after the earthquake.

>>>>>> And those in other modern first world countrys arent.

>>>>> Not if you practice PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, such as RIDING A BIKE
>>>>> OR WALKING, something few are able to do freely in the West.

>>>> Wrong, as always. Almost everyone is able to walk stupid.

>>> Come to Miami!

>> No thanks, too many fools like you there.

> Exactly, living in fear and sprawl, like most cities in the South. Not NYC certainly.

Yep, hordes of the dregs of central america there.

>>> No one outside, some more in Miami Beach.

>> Because they choose not to. Not because they arent able to.

>> Corse there are hordes so obscenely obese they cant even manage to
>> walk around the store and load up with vast amounts of food to pig out on....


Nope, they find fast food convenient, monkey boy.

Hordes of you stupid poms do too.

> and they are not daring enough to walk where others don't.

So stupid it didnt even notice the 60s, presumably because you werent even born then.

>>> The s-p-r-a-w-l is the b-i-g p-r-o-b-l-e-m, but other problems is that there's
>>> no space for bikes on the road. What can you do, masturbate for peace? ;)

>> You do that furiously, it clearly isnt working.

> Neither is your prayers.

Never prayed in my life, monkey boy.

> Not even your Mother Teresa.

That stupid cow has nothing to do with me, monkey boy.

> But you are a wolf in plain view, not a religious sheep in wolf's clothing.

> You must be a funny American Libertarian

So stupid it cant even get the country right, or anything else at all either.

Typical stupid pom.

> promoting the Law of the Jungle without the government.

Completely off with the fucking fairys, as always.

>>> Source: Talking Point, BBC News
>>> Having lived in the US last year, I can say most of the comments
>>> here belittling this lawsuit stem from ignorance of life in the US.
>>> People here in the UK are MUCH more aware of what is healthy.

>> Another pig ignorant lie. You stupid poms actually have even worse
>> health problems than most of the whites in the leafy suburbs of the US.

>>> In the US "Big Food" dominates the airwaves and the vast majority of people
>>> are genuinely misinformed. Americans live off processed food regularly now.

>> Corse none of you stupid poms ever do anything like that, eh ?


Corse none of you stupid poms ever do anything like that, eh monkey boy ?

> The sheep fight a War on Drugs, but are addicted to Junk Food. Funny sheep!

Corse nothing like that ever happens on that pathetic soggy little island of yours, eh monkey boy ?

>>> Having said that, I think the lawsuit is partially misguided
>>> because bad food is no more than half the problem of
>>> obesity that is now coming to the fore in the US.

>> The food's fine. The problem is the quantity of it that fools keep shovelling into their mouths.

> The food is all wrong.

That pathetic soggy little island is absolutely notorious
for having the worst food in the entire world.


> Of course, even worse is the fact they can't BURN THE CALORIES.

Anyone with even half a clue doesnt shovel into their mouths what they cant burn, monkey boy.

>>> The other half is the lifestyle the country imposes on people. In the US you are
>>> literally FORCED to drive everywhere - even a 5 minute hop to a local supermarket.

>> Pigs arse you are.

>>> People live in a system where they do everything sitting down.

>> Pigs arse they do.

> They try to survive in a system designed for the pig. The fatter
> the more industries he feeds, including the Medical Industry.

Corse nothing like that ever happens on that soggy little island of yours, eh monkey boy ?

>>> So it is not just that massive amounts of calories (with little
>>> nutrition) are readily and cheaply on offer, but that burning any
>>> of it off in the normal course of a day is near impossible.

>> Wrong, as always.

>>> James, UK

>> Guess which silly little monkey boy is about to get comprehensively shafted by his new govt.

> Not even Obama with his best intentions can change the jungle.

Clegg will change things for stupid bludgers like you, you watch.

> Too many hungry predators won't let him and drag him down. That's why I say:

> "Illegitimi non carborundum"

Sorreee, dont speak wog.

> is a mock-Latin aphorism meaning "Don't let the bastards grind you down".

How stunningly original, monkey boy.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 10, 2010, 4:02:17 PM6/10/10
On Jun 10, 3:17 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote

> > We are talking real comprehensive transportation infrastructure.

> Pity about the immense swath of slums that the bulk of those who 'life' in that city have to live in.

At least they can have transportation and universal healthcare, right?

> Yeah, like all those slums.
> > other poor countries just are copycats of the West.
> Because that works a hell of a lot better than Curitiba does.

No, because they are more corrupt.

> > Funny the poor countries (I kind of like the word) don't have trillions of bikes.
> China used to and is now discarding them.

Japan dismissed the Chinese way. Bullet trains are better than

> >>> where there's no law because of your stupid War on Drugs?
> >> Taint my war on drugs, monkeyboy.
> >>>>> Certainly, not following the path indicated by the West.
> >>>> Wrong, as always.
> >>> The Law of the Jungle from the West. Gated Communities
> >> Fuck all in the west live in gated communitys.
> > Many that can afford it, do.
> Nope, fuck all do. Even in the US, the highest estimate is 8M people.

La Creme de la Creme, right? The very people who can change the world

> Thats fuck all of the total US population.
> > Those are the very people that could lift the whole community if they wanted too.
> Mindless silly stuff.
> >>> and SUVs for the elites
> >> Its stupid women that buy SUVs, not the elites, stupid.
> Women arent a race, fuckwit.

You are a chauvinist pig, I make the correction.

> > You got alpha males and alpha females in predators,
> > so you are just feeding their natural killing instincts.
> > Actually the lionesses do the job for the lion.
> Even you should have noticed that not too many lions drive SUVs.

Have you actually seen those lions on the back of Land Rovers? They
are pussycats compared to the American SUVs.

> >>> and fuck the rest.
> >> They do a hell of a lot better than some ape on a bike thats
> >> too stupid to be able to work out the risk he is taking on a bike.
> > Maybe say CONSCIOUS where you you say STUPID,
> > because he's the only one not feeding the OIL SLICK.
> Thats a lie too.
> >> Great, time we got some darwinian selection back into the system.
> >> Hopefully you havent bred yet.
> > Actually my type is yet to emerge from the shadow of the dinosaurs.
> Taint gunna happen. You'll die out because the risk is so much greater on a bike.

Because of the dinosaurs.

> Darwinian selection in action.

Darwinism also means that stupid dinosaurs went extinct when smarter
forms of life survived.

> >>>>>>> what do you expect. There's another problem: If Brazil has a problem
> >>>>>>> with poverty but Curitiba didn't, then all the poor would move there, right?
> >>>>>> Wrong.
> >>>>>>> The do have Universal Healthcare believe it or not,
> >>>>>> So does every other modern first and second world country except the US.
> >>>>> Well, they are working their way up to civilization then.
> >>>> But cant even manage viable govt yet.
> >>>> Or even work out how many kids their circumstances can support either.
> >>> Only a few brilliant example like Curitiba,
> >> Nothing brilliant about it given the much bigger obscene slums all around it.
> >> The west does it much better, nothing like those slums in the west anymore.
> > The West is much cleaner, but also much more wasteful.
> Like that or lump it, monkey boy.
> > Your sprawl is the most stupid thing in the world.
> No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to even visit.
> You're always welcome ot fuck off to somewhere like HongKong any time you like.

Holland sounds good to me.

> > Even London put a cap on it in the 30's.
> Like hell they did.
> > But you keep pushing this model to whoever crazy elite loves the idea of living in the boondocks.
> Taint just the elite that prefers to live like that, monkey boy.

The same elite that refuses to evolve.

> >>> which is going their own way, can come out of the capitalist jungle.
> >> Just another of your silly little pig ignorant fantasys.
> > Funny you steal the word PIG
> Everyone can see for themselves that you are lying, as always.
> I've been using that since LONG before you ever showed up, monkey boy.
> > when I should be calling you CAPITALIST PIG.
> Its your labor party that fucked the british economy, monkey boy.

And you are the same Conservatives that fucked up America and the

> >>> Public transportation, pedestrian-only streets,
> >>> lots of parks, putting the homeless to work...
> >> Pity about the immense slums surrounding it.
> > Yes, part of life in the Poor Nations, and they are there to supply
> > raw materials for you and follow your distorted Darwinism.
> Brazil doesnt supply even a shred of anything like that to me, monkeyboy.

My hammock has wood from Brazil, but it's a tiny amount for such a
great result.

> >>>>>>> so they may be ahead of us in some areas.
> >>>>>> Nope. There are parts of the US that are as well designed.
> >>>>>>> Our Emergency Rooms look like Haiti after the earthquake.
> >>>>>> And those in other modern first world countrys arent.
> >>>>> Not if you practice PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, such as RIDING A BIKE
> >>>>> OR WALKING, something few are able to do freely in the West.
> >>>> Wrong, as always. Almost everyone is able to walk stupid.
> >>> Come to Miami!
> >> No thanks, too many fools like you there.
> > Exactly, living in fear and sprawl, like most cities in the South. Not NYC certainly.
> Yep, hordes of the dregs of central america there.

From all over the world, that is.

> >>> No one outside, some more in Miami Beach.
> >> Because they choose not to. Not because they arent able to.
> >> Corse there are hordes so obscenely obese they cant even manage to
> >> walk around the store and load up with vast amounts of food to pig out on....
> Nope, they find fast food convenient, monkey boy.
> Hordes of you stupid poms do too.

Fast food and obesity are killing people a long agonizing death.

> >> Corse none of you stupid poms ever do anything like that, eh ?
> Corse none of you stupid poms ever do anything like that, eh monkey boy ?

It's restricted in Scandinavia. Good move.

> > The sheep fight a War on Drugs, but are addicted to Junk Food. Funny sheep!
> Corse nothing like that ever happens on that pathetic soggy little island of yours, eh monkey boy ?

You are killing the sheep.

> >>> Having said that, I think the lawsuit is partially misguided
> >>> because bad food is no more than half the problem of
> >>> obesity that is now coming to the fore in the US.
> >> The food's fine. The problem is the quantity of it that fools keep shovelling into their mouths.
> > The food is all wrong.
> That pathetic soggy little island is absolutely notorious
> for having the worst food in the entire world.

What island, you must be masturbating.

> > Of course, even worse is the fact they can't BURN THE CALORIES.
> Anyone with even half a clue doesnt shovel into their mouths what they cant burn, monkey boy.

It's easy for the pig to grow fat from the easy life. The fatter he
is, the more business.

> > They try to survive in a system designed for the pig. The fatter
> > the more industries he feeds, including the Medical Industry.
> Corse nothing like that ever happens on that soggy little island of yours, eh monkey boy ?

It doesn't have to happen. Take the "industry" out of medical and make

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 11, 2010, 12:18:01 AM6/11/10
On Jun 10, 1:58 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:

You speak for the dinosaurs, I speak for the little guys. It sounds
similar to David vs. Goliath...


Once upon a time lived a race of dinosaurs whose violence and appetite
alarmed everybody... One day a Little Ant, tired of feeling stepped
upon, and worried about her cooperative enterprise, came up to the
Americanus Raptor --the biggest dinosaur of them all-- and asked: "Why
you eat and eat everything in your path? Why don't you slim down? Why
can't we little animals at least have our own way? You can't deny
evolution, you know." Then the dinosaur, blowing the Little Ant away,
shouted: "Bigger is better, so get lost!"

And it is said that the Little Ant, later, gathered the whole
cooperative and said: "Comrades, our world is being threatened by the
dinosaurs, so..." And at that precise moment the Earth was hit by a
big ball of fire, destroying all but the small animals...

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