Man, EVERYTHING in this Christian world is REFINED, MANIPULATED &
PLASTIC! I was reading the other day how even the common salt is
refined to the point that it's totally empty of natural minerals, thus
just producing long agonizing illness. And they do it just to make it
look "white & pure." Nothing is sacred!
Add to the above that they are SEDENTARY by choice, and then you get a
"couch potato." I would assume their spiritual message is no less
empty of "substance," wouldn't you?
"Many people are surprised to see that unrefined raw sea salt is dark
in color. In fact, sea salt may come in a variety of colors. Different
salts will vary in the amount and types of minerals that it contains.
Because of this range, the salt will appear different colored
depending upon the source. Refined table salt is typically white and
dry, but this is not the case with unrefined raw sea salt. This salt
is moist from the amounts of minerals that it contains."
"The revolution must come fully loaded with nutritious value and food
for thought"
On Mar 8, 12:40 pm, Brock Organ <> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 12:44 PM, LionTeaser <> wrote:
> > There's only WISDOM --and it comes from the jungle.
> To the degree the pronouncement has a subjective basis, its easy to note:
> Humankind is not the measure of all things.
> Regards,
> Brock
It's not! Other species must be considered as well.
Maybe you should even consider riding a bike and going vegetarian!
If a Christian will tend for me in old age, it's because the Medical
Industry takes a big bite out of it while denying most mortals the
same benefits.
Actually you were quite indifferent to your president (GW Bush)
denying the same benefits to ALL children. And more chances than not,
you are OK with advertisers (read HUNGRY LIONS) preying on small
children, something already banned in Scandinavia.
But, of course, SCANDINAVIA IS A HUMANIST SOCIETY, and so is Holland
where the doctors do house calls. And you even fight Obama on the
grounds that he's a socialist for extending the healthcare to all.
You know what, the CHRISTIANS even sold my mom my own burial without
my consent. Yes, predation on old and young is perfectly legal! And
I'm looking for a way to feed the real predators (sharks* is my
favorite) with my body as if I care where I go after death. ANYTHING
but feeding the VULTURES in the Funeral Industry.
Perhaps I'll jump in the sea someday when I see the need for
euthanasia, so... the Christians will eat my money, but not my
banana. ;)
* I'm actually afraid of sharks while alive. I'm also afraid of SUVs.
Monkeys enjoy higher IQ than the sheep and are more likely to:
a) Admit Global Warming
b) Do something about it (eg. ride a bike)
c) Enjoy good food in this life
The sheep only enjoys junk food because who cares about this life.
What matters is the afterlife, which is the junk food for the soul.
See the pattern?
They know how to be a lion better than me... That's for sure!
But the problem is, my unenlightened friend, that they are f*** up the
whole planet because of their consumeristic, filthy ways, comprende?
I'm really humble in my ambitious, though, just riding a bike anywhere
to do my share.