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Epigenetics for young and old

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phil scott

Jan 1, 2009, 2:05:59 PM1/1/09
Epi means 'above' or as a precursor to... over riding genetics etc.
in this case.

Its an old but fast advancing science. Search recent book by Dr
D'adamo (sp).

many facinating studies bearing on how genetics changes in the womb,
or more accurately which genes get active and which supressed ...while
the baby is forming in the womb, according to the stresses the mother
is facing at the time... if she is not well fed, then the child will
be programmed in the womb for such a world... tending to hoard
things, eat too much, and retain the fats etc.. or get lazy, hyper
active and whatever.

accordinglly it appears that the 5 generation national life cycles
described in great detail by Kondratiev (his 260 year long cycles) and
analyzed by Dr Ravi Batra in his book 'the coming collapse (or
depression) 1990.. is driven by epigenetic factors..
the genes remain the same, but are selectively tuned as we are pre
birth and later to drive behaviors at that level..beyond our choice

I wont elaborate on the obvous effects of flush times on the
epigenetics of its offspring, the results though seem evident these

a cure:

I am age 68, a working tradesman/ and consulting engineer when I can
get a contract (industrial mechanical/ electrical systems and
controls)... and in my slack time my body and metabolism can get
slower than mollasses, its bad for my health... epigenetics effects
of laying around.

When I get jambed into a hard work situation for a few weeks, it is
quite painful, most people would nto perist, but I persist and
recover.. the recovery time physically is about 2 months... mentally
it is in the 5 to 10 year range unfortunately.

Ive been though both cycles more than a few times, and am currently
doing very well mentally after 10 debilitating years consulting
(mental work without the physical interaction while associating with
idiots is debilitating... all stress, no joy, no control.).

as the USA heads into its collapse phase, life will get difficult,
many will go hungry, forcing people to work hard......... and

It will take a while however nationally, given the massive debt we
have accumulated and various bad law and way too much of our
rescourses spent on govt bloat.

That would be the epigeneitcs of national recovery in my view.

Phil scott

Jan 2, 2009, 9:26:15 PM1/2/09

Well Phil, the good news is you won't have to go through this hell
much longer. Hope cramming for your finals works out.

phil scott

Jan 3, 2009, 1:38:37 PM1/3/09
> much longer. Hope cramming for your finals works out.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Im an old flat tracker, cramming for the finals aways works out,
apparently right to the end... it works out in advance of the end
also... the effort defines who you actually are.

Flat tracking (motorcycles on dirt oval tracks) is probably the
bloodiest motor sport there is.. at every race the infield is stocked
with at least two
ambulance/ paramedic teams, Ive been hauled off a few times
myself. .. I ran some cross country events also, the Ensenada grand
prix and others.

One time i had been recovering from a broken leg..
about 5 weeks into the recovery with my favorite cross country event
of all time coming up... 'Wilseyville Hare and Hound'.. riders come
from around the world, its 5 laps, 10 miles each through some steep
sierra nevada terrain. climb, 1,000 feet or so out of a deep
canyon just after you ford a fairly deep bit of fast water, its
rutted, muddy some years, full of tree roots, ruts and
takes out half the riders each year by itself, those who make it do so
by using the fallen machines for traction.


Its a dead engine start, all riders start at once, 400 or so that day,
in a line standing in front of yourbike, back to the starter, The
starter fires a shot gun and you run around to the side of your bike,
kick start it... and yer off. .. the first 100 yards for on your back
wheel standing up so the potholes in the field dont take your back
out. its 300 yards or so to the first turn, a pinch point about 3
bikes wide between a very large granite boulder and a more or less non
flexible 2 ft diameter oak tree... in those days you could smell
caster oil in the air and faint traces of nitro methane... a few
cheated on occasion... I ran aviation gas, thats not cheating.

I had cut the cast off my right leg the day before the race at 5
weeks.. did a left foot kick start in order to give my slightly
fexible right leg the best possible chance of survival.. and was the
7th man between the rock and the oak tree. I won the open class
that year. (360cc Yamaha)

There have been many other such events in my life, that one when I was
considered an old man for the sport.. these things shape a person.
now im finding out the study is called epigenetics, and I can attest
to it.


My advice, don't ever give up or quit, keep planning for your next
advance...right to the end... and a leading edge advance at that ..
not in some cowardly activity either such a loan sharking like the
banks do etc....

I suppose that maybe such gain transcends death, im looking forward
to that also. Maybe it will be like the night races, the crowd on
its feet, sometimes in stunned silence, sometimes going wild...... and
it will not matter who won or lost.

It does however seem to matter if you played the game or not..

Phil scott

Jan 3, 2009, 5:51:52 PM1/3/09

I have to say I'm shocked. Now I understand.

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