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Tax Fraud, cancer, and the IRS

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phil scott

Dec 7, 2008, 4:11:06 PM12/7/08
Many posting here are too young to recall the events related to gross
and ruthless corruption in the IRS ..... and its absolutely criminal
assaults on tax payers.

This led to congressinal investigations and an appalled congress in
the1980's... it seems the IRS had been engaged in the following:

- On the theory that going after one tax payer for small change,
ruthlessly.. would intimidate the rest they began using sledge hammers
to break down peoples doors to intimidate them... breaking the
windshield out of the volkswagen one pregnant tax payer was sitting
in, covering her with broken glass, when she refused to hand over her

- Targeting very old people with paid off homes, arbitrarily send
them lien notices unless tens of thousands of dollars were paid
withhin 10 days. then seizing the homes if they didnt pay putting
many elderly on the street who in fact owned drove many
to suicide... hard working people who helped build this nation...why?
so the criminal thugs in the IRS could get promotions.

thats a matter of congressional record.

Much of this was covered by the Readers Digest and also on 60
minutes..many times.. you can search it on google. key words 'IRS,
abuse, taxpayers, congressional investigation, suicides, elderly,
reforms, happening again'


The motives and drivers:

Its complex so I will address only the immediate motives. IRS
collectons agents were promoted and given raises in salary based on
how many liens they filed and enforcement actions they took... (the
more complex aspect involves the FED/IRS composit..its a private
operation, most dont know that... it does operate on US govt contracts
though. Search presidents Wilsons lament over that... he sighed the
original contracts. )

old folks, too old, too tired and feeble to fight back were their
primary targets of this ruthless scum. The tax claims were found to
be entirely without basis in many if not most of those cases, same
with imigrant businesses, another of the IRS's prime targets at the
time.... along with small business, one and two man shops not making
enough money to afford legal or even accounting assistance.

the IRS knew this, and targeted those extensively,

...with claims they knew were entirely bogus...and ruthless
enforcement that did 100 times more damage to their targets than any
legitimate tax owed... purpose to intimate the public into 'voluntary'

that has failed for the the most part...the public has
caputulated..incentive to work, get educated and produce going going
gone..... we have now the current scene.

congressmen were seen crying as some of these testified...tear
streaming down some of their faces. The outrage resulted in some
changes... those have lasted about 15 years...but the ruthless
criminality is again ramping up... it will fail as all ruthless
criminality fails...

it ruins first its targets, then itself... as the idiots involve gloat
at their own good fortune to be 'workiing' for the govt. ... not

I was one of the IRS targets in those days, because I was outspoken
then, as I am now.. so they came after me with automatic weapons and
sledge hammers breaking down the door to my home at the time... they
claimed I owed them 5,000 dollars. ... false. they did about 50,000
in damages. (thats when I ran them off with the 12 gage).

(I beat them in court later)

However not wishing a repeat of such crap I closed down my businesses
over the next few years, 27 employees at one of the operations..a
total of 50 or so in all... all those then out of work and no longer
paying any income taxes at all, in fact many going on welfare.

net loss to the tax base significant... we are seeing the same today
but its into the trillions now...let me explain.

I advise others that due to this nasty little habit of govt...dont
have a lot of taxable/ siezable assets, dont have high overhead costs
requiring high income with resulting high income tax exposure... keep
all that low, then you will not be mowed down or assaulted by machine
gun armed thugs as I was.. well they tried at least... I managed
to get the drop on them first.

(story in the 1975 Sacramento Calif Bee... key search term 3202 O

At the time, the state said to me..... and its still in their
professional licensing exams... "we go after 'non payers' with the
goal of putting them out of business"....

"because we know the work has to get done, and if those who don't pay
are put out of business, then those who *do pay will do the work and
we will collect the taxes"...

"thats why we do this' ..."so pay your taxes" most of their exams
today have test questions on the topic as well.

so thats the thinking you see.... its bogus of course. The work
does not 'have' to get done.


My view, we are all willing to pay our *fair share...most of us at
least, I had a long history of that then, and since, often on 1040
form work not claiming any deductions... I let em keep the money. I
support fair taxation and pay a lot of taxes, direct and hidden.

Taxes at ruinous levels however, ruin the nation... no decent american
when they understand it well, support that.


beyond that level of taxation it destroys us, at that level we owe it
to ourselves not to self destruct....

its not rocket science and is addressed in the US
constitution. fact this nation was founded on a tax rebellion, a
1% tea tax to be we have a net 51% tax rate on all of our
production (most of it going to pay interest to the foreign bankers
who loan paper money to us at interest via the FED).

Its a massive fraud half dozen US presidents have spoken the point...
search youtube for some video on the topic.. zeitgeist, fed.

btw in 1930 the income tax rate on the highest earners was
its over 50% on blue collar workers... see?

that has had some disasterous effects...the US is no longer
competitive in the world economy, we are going out of work, the tax
base is in collapse, collapsing our own govt.



this is what happens when any growth on any living organism turns seeks its own interests, the cancer cells interests,
the civil 'servants' interests..other vested interests and kills its


the 'work' does not actually have to be done.... duhhh...the building
does not have to be either built....or fixed, it can collapse into
ruins just like total slum status... Entrepreneurs can
and do fade away...they do then when success is penalized to the point
of ruin... only criminals in govt and on the street are left standing.

the banana republcis prime examples.


the economy can shrink... the tax base can evaporate...

then the govt and tax payer collapse.. ... and thats whats occuring
now. for those reasons and only those reasons.

This those glorious tax collectors with the machine guns and sledge
hammers out of a job... while making about 200 million of us tax
collector targets, with only 100,000 tax collectors, and the blood
gone from all the turnips on top of way to pay for any of
that, and govt with absolutely no recourse but to collapse.

it happens like clock work in world history.

thats how its playing out nation wide now...with the primary seizable
assets, homes goiing under water and not saleable in an economy
bankrupted by a net 70% tax rate (direct and hidden taxes).


. always it goes this way.. first decent, useful and valid govt
bloats, then becomes a bleed on the culture..

.both parents have to work to survive, they can't save, they can't
educate their kids... the kids grow up out of contol, poorly
educated....the work force is degraded.

production collapses.

govt bloat then goes vicious in an attempt to squeeze blood from the

the ruthlessness takes out the rest of the productive culture.

At this viciously destructive stage good govt has turned to a
malignant cancer.

then sadly as we see all though history these are all thats left of
the breeding stock...cancer cells.... it turns into more cancer,
producing kiddies who do not produce either..

.always in these end stages you see this.

collapse happens at light speed after that... the US right now on that
threshold with time run out in many aspects.


Recent examples: the USSR, 1970's...just starting to recover,
Germany in the 1930's, thern ruthlessness, then a hundred mlllion
killed, then collpse, Italy in the same camp, much of tthe balkans,
Earlier it was France, search Bastile day on google, and find out what
happend to the civil servants heads and why... same thing happened iin
Romania 20 years ago.... and early in many nations all though history.

these are naturally occuring patterns, unstoppable apparently, driven
by human nature and the drive any organism has to grow and survive...
even govt agencies... the grow, then as will all aging things, distort
and corrupt.. then die.

The US is now, exactly and precicely on the same path, same
trajectory with the same drivers...and same inevitable outcome.

** the cure! oh yes... there IS in fact a cure...hope **

The cure. Cut govt by 80%, default on the bogus 150k pensions, reboot

who did that? ??!

Argentina... in the last quarter century... they are booming now.

Thank you very much,


I post by my real name btw, and it is traceable on the web.. and yes
the IRS hates my guts and has tried to take retribution several times,
each time it gets worse for them....

historically as seen recently in the USSR and currently in china such
outspoken types as myself are imprisoned or shot... .. then the nation

myself, Id rather be shot than see my nation ruined by non productive
scum, currently using tax payer money by the trillions to pay bonus's
to their criminal cohortsrunning the fraudulent bank loan and
derivitives schemes.

sorry, thats just how it is.

Phil scott

Dec 8, 2008, 10:29:53 AM12/8/08

phil scott wrote:

> myself, Id rather be shot than see my nation ruined by non productive
> scum, currently using tax payer money by the trillions to pay bonus's
> to their criminal cohortsrunning the fraudulent bank loan and
> derivitives schemes.

> Phil scott

Sir, do you request a blindfold?

phil scott

Dec 8, 2008, 1:43:36 PM12/8/08

It is understandable that men with families seek to stay out of
trouble, not agravate
those in power ..... in order to give their famiies a chance at some
food and shelter...thats been
the history of men in these regards... all such men and nations, and
thier families die in utter degradation, all thougout history.... some
dressed better than others, a little fatter.

thats the only difference.

a man can live, and die, limitlessly above that level if he has the
mind... some of us planned it that way...

thats been absolutely wonderful.. not cowering or any of that...such
frees the mind, sinues and spirit to much greater insight.
some of us live for that..

we dont value the comfort of cowering in fear, we are not in the least
afraid to die, or to live for that matter...
in fact we look forward to each of those second by second... as an
opportunity.. yet another frontier, and as a gift left behind.


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