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Re: "Told Ya this was coming - Laid-off worker kills CEO" (Q: Are scumbag employers of illegal aliens NEXT?)

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Dec 15, 2008, 4:32:24 AM12/15/08
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 19:50:56 -0800 (PST),
"" <> wrote:

> Just the other day I was surprised to hear a colleague -- one not
>known for being very "political" or for making "startling" statements
>-- say that in light of the rapidly collapsing U.S. economy he expects
>to see some laid-off worker, "snap".
> It sure looks like outspoken Net activist Hal Turner similarly hit
>the nail on the head less than three weeks ago when, in yet another
>prescient column of the type he's becoming famous for, he predicted
>that dispossessed Americans would begin taking direct action against
>the "masters of the universe" who for decades now have been selling
>them out.
> My only question is this:
> Does anyone think that any of those Americans who've been laid-off
>and so terribly back-stabbed by many of the country's ruthless,
>illegal-alien-hiring, anything-for-a-buck outlaw business owners will
>begin targeting for such direct action those who (under both Clinton
>and Bush) have been raking-in money hand over fist, in many cases
>becoming multimillionaires in the process, by employing illegal
>aliens, evading taxes and basically screwing their fellow U.S.
>citizens, who were left to pay their illegal alien employees' health
>care, education and other costs even as the illegals were turning
>Americans' communities into dirty, crime-ridden Third World enclaves?
>December 14, 2008
>Told Ya this was coming. . . . Laid-off worker kills CEO
>By Hal Turner
>[See: "Police allege sacked employee killed his former boss" at
>Vancouver, BC -- A 61 year old man shot and killed the CEO of his
>company after being laid off just before Christmas.
>Three weeks ago, I warned all of you that "bloodshed and death" were
>coming to the business community over the present financial crisis.
>[See: "Bloodshed and Death is Coming to American Businessmen" at
>I specifically warned that it would be the CEO's, CFO's and other
>"masters of the universe" who would be doing the bleeding and dying
>and that is, in fact, the case!
>In fact, I took the liberty of sending the column above as an OP-ED
>submission to "Business Week," "Forbes," "Fortune," "Time," "Newsweek"
>and "The Wall Street Journal." I wanted business people to understand
>the depth of trouble they were in and give them a chance to make
>things right. Not one of the media outlets above dared to print what I
>had written.
>Here we are just weeks later and the violence I warned about has
>begun. It seems to me there will be more; much more.
>Those who thought they were masters of the universe are now finding
>out how vulnerable they really are. They are learning that "the little
>people" have a terrible wrath when their lives get wrecked.
>In my opinion, this type of violence is well deserved.

I suggest public demonstrations at the homes of those business types
who knowing hire illegal aliens. Nothing like a picketing of a home on
Sunday morning.


Dec 15, 2008, 2:40:19 PM12/15/08
Ha ha ha! There are 11 million "illegal aliens" in the USA. You
propose to kick them all out? The Government is broke; it doesn't have
the money to hire buses and trains. Nor does it have the wit and skill
to find many of the 11 million.

And if it did, the US economy would shut down for good; crops would
rot on the farms. A new Dust Bowl, a new Great Depression would ensue.

Ha ha ha!


Dec 17, 2008, 6:11:28 PM12/17/08
On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 11:40:19 -0800 (PST),

Keep laughing while the government blows your money ....


Dec 18, 2008, 10:08:32 PM12/18/08
On Dec 18, 7:11 am, kim <> wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 11:40:19 -0800 (PST),

Hmmm...thats a lot of money.


Dec 21, 2008, 3:45:47 AM12/21/08
<> wrote in message

> Ha ha ha! There are 11 million "illegal aliens" in the USA. You
> propose to kick them all out? The Government is broke; it doesn't have
> the money to hire buses and trains. Nor does it have the wit and skill
> to find many of the 11 million.

Try waking up from your PC stupor and Googling "Operation Wetback". Back in
the '50s we had a president (Eisenhower) who took his oath of office
seriously. When informed of an illegal alien problem, he ordered the illegals
deported. It was only necessary to actually round up 10-20% of the illegals,
though -- the rest saw the handwriting on the wall and left on their own. The
same thing would happen today. In fact, many Mexicans are already heading
back home as the Yanqui gravy train dries up.

> And if it did, the US economy would shut down for good; crops would
> rot on the farms. A new Dust Bowl, a new Great Depression would ensue.

Most crops are harvested by machines these days, dolt. More machines would be
used if the illegals were sent packing. A machine to harvest citrus fruits
has already been invented. It languishes unused because growers find it
easier to import foreign slave labor. Without the slaves, they'd be forced to
use those machines. In Japan, hospitals have been using robot nurses for
several years rather than bringing in foreigners. The Japanese have this
strange idea that their country, heritage and culture belong to them, not
outsiders. Japan for the Japanese -- what a concept!

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