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The wasteful Christian way vs. the Tibetan Monkey Way

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Jan 29, 2010, 12:03:24 PM1/29/10
In one of my most celebrated quotes I say, "I can live with peanuts!"
But the Christians say, "It's my way or the highway!" Well, they don't
mean they are willing to share their lion's share of the road with my
humble bike. They just mean, "Get lost of 'my' way."

This young guy, a smart monkey no doubt, tells things like it is. The
SUV is highly symbolic of the wasteful Christians, who think nothing
of the consequences of their actions. Jesus is coming soon, right?
"Stupid sheep are ruining the planet," says the wise Tibetan Monkey.
And he added, "It ain't easy to survive in their jungle."

So let's hear all about it...


Common sense would dictate that the finite supply of oil and its
impending exhaustion would deter people (Americans specifically) from
using it inefficiently, but unfortunately that is not the case. There
are a variety of ways in which Americans are wasting oil, but perhaps
the most conspicuous is through our use of oversized vehicles.


It is worth pondering what makes SUVs appealing to people when they
are so wasteful. Some psychologists have argued that people drive SUVs
because they create a sense of superiority and safety due to their
size and height. SUVs are often even viewed by many as a status
symbol. On the contrary, these gas-guzzlers are not cool. The only
people who think SUVs are cool are those who are ignorant about the
adverse consequences of wasting oil. SUVs are undesirable for a number
of reasons other than those previously stated. They are on average
louder than passenger cars, as if to intentionally make the driver
come off as tough or menacing (or perhaps to run their engine, which
must make loud sounds to move such a massive object). The size of SUVs
also works wonders at obscuring other drivers’ vision on the road.
They are also extraordinarily dangerous.


"Tibetan monkeys can live on peanuts and banana, but other monkeys
need to show they are lions"


Jan 29, 2010, 12:51:04 PM1/29/10
On Jan 29, 12:11 pm, e_space <> wrote:
> who celebrates your quotes? i mean, other than yourself?
> i guess you are saying that no atheists drive SUV's, and that they all
> ride bicycles? astounding! you must have embarked on quite an
> extensive survey to come to this determination. care to share it? ;^-}

According to the sayings of the Christian SneakySnake atheists are
either amoral or immoral, but that doesn't seem to be the case. If
that were to be the case I could scream at them, "Hey you pigs, you
don't believe in god or humanity or nothing!"

But then we need a strong condemnation from across the Christian
churches, denouncing the SUVs as EVIL. In other words, that lacking
such declaration, and seeing so many SUVs parked at churches and
bumper stickers celebrating Jesus, we can come to the conclusion
that... THE CHRISTIANS ARE THE PIGS, not the heathen.

I just say that in my humble but wise Tibetan way.


Jan 29, 2010, 4:24:06 PM1/29/10
On Jan 29, 12:03 pm, TheTibetanMonkey <>

For the most part you sound like a person who can't afford decent four
wheeled transportation or has been prohibited by law from operating
such vehicles. I share your distaste for people driving needlessly
heavy vehicles for no useful purpose (in my mind). My distaste extends
to the manufacturers of those vehicles. Bob Lutz used to say, "It's
our (car companies) job to tell people what they should be driving."
Now he says that is an electric cheese-box for $40K. I personally
drive a big GMC Sierra that has to be big to get some jobs done. I try
not to move it unless the truck is earning it's keep. Otherwise, the
bike is my vehicle of choice down to about 15 degrees.

TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle

Jan 29, 2010, 5:02:59 PM1/29/10
> bike is my vehicle of choice down to about 15 degrees.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

My monkey side yearns to ride and ride bike, but it's wise enough not
to do it in the name of survival. Only some humble 4 mile ride to the
supermarket, which is not even the closest one to me. Beyond that
point I'd be at the mercy of every predator out there.

Yet I drive an older yuppies' car, my girlfriend's Lexus, which she
got when she was part of the bourgeoisie. Now that her job was sent to
El Salvador, we enjoy pure capitalist decadence and drive when we have
to until it finally explodes. I think it can be a metaphor on wheels
for the hungry system we live in.


Jan 29, 2010, 6:38:32 PM1/29/10
On Jan 29, 5:02 pm, TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-

Well, that pretty much answers my questions: No money; no job;
probably not insurable either, kicking it with the girlfriend until
she explodes.
Sounds like a plan.


Jan 29, 2010, 7:12:53 PM1/29/10
> Sounds like a plan.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Maybe the jungle explodes before us. You never know.

Hey, I know how to survive on peanuts, and the lions won't.


On Jan 29, 9:18 am, "Mavisbeacon" <Mavisbea...@nospam.forme> wrote:

> There are THOUSANDS of academics and qualified scientists ( and that
> petition is ONLY IN THE US) who challance ANTHROPOGENIC global warming. What
> I believe is besiude the point. They present their case. Where do you find
> the flaw in their argument?-

Your argument is so stupid that you don't even seem to be a smart ape,
but a lesser monkey.

EVOLUTION is in the past; CLIMATE CHANGE is in the future, and yet the
signs are everywhere and it's predictably real based on science and
common sense.

You want me to bring my crystal ball and tell you the future?

OK, yes we human are the cause of climate change because there are 7
billion of us (counting the illegal immigrants) and because some of us
are acting like hungry lions in the face of climate catastrophe.

This consultation is free, but next one you will pay for it...


The Wise Monkey comes to tell the future:

"Yes, it is true"


Jan 29, 2010, 8:58:25 PM1/29/10
On Jan 29, 7:41 pm, "Mavisbeacon" <Mavisbea...@nospam.forme> wrote:

> But what is the difference between what you claim then and "if you dont
> follow the Bible you will go to Hell"?

It seems like we will all go to hell if we don't listen to science.
But you are quite unique among the thinking species who doesn't
believe in science. Kind of natural for the sheep, but not for a

You are either as confused or as sneaky snake as the Christians who
dispute science. You said that thousands of scientists don't believe
in it, and yet the overwhelming majority of them do...

Surveyed scientists agree global warming is real

Human-induced global warming is real, according to a recent U.S.
survey based on the opinions of 3,146 scientists. However there
remains divisions between climatologists and scientists from other
areas of earth sciences as to the extent of human responsibility.

Now, the question is NOT "if," but the "degree" of human participation
in it, obviously much more than it needs to be with the kind
participation of America.

And now I turn again to my crystal ball and it tells me: "It doesn't
look good."


Jan 30, 2010, 10:33:59 AM1/30/10
On Jan 30, 2:35 am, sagetea <> wrote:
> On Jan 29, 5:06 pm, TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle

> > Yet I drive an older yuppies' car, my girlfriend's Lexus, which she
> > got when she was part of the bourgeoisie. Now that her job was sent to
> > El Salvador, we enjoy pure capitalist decadence and drive when we have
> > to until it finally explodes. I think it can be a metaphor on wheels
> > for the hungry system we live in.

> If you trade the lexus for an older diesel mercedes and some cash
> you can run the mercedes on waste veggie oil. use the cash for the
> conversion and some fun stuff to do with your girlfriend.

That sounds very clever, but I don't fry that much. If I ride a bike,
it can can run on bananas!


Jan 30, 2010, 4:29:38 PM1/30/10
On Jan 30, 2:00 pm, thea <> wrote:
> We were at the zoo years ago in San Francisco. My father had us stand away
> from the monkey cages because he had been watching some young boys tease
> them. Up walked a lady in a beautiful pink fur coat - and she and her
> escort went close to the monkey cage.
> That old monkey had his hand at his hind end - and threw his ..... all over
> the lady. She screamed bloody murder and how she was going to sue everyone
> around -- well, of course, the management quickly let her know that they
> would take care of her coat.
> My father was smart -- we stayed away from the monkey cages after that,
> whenever we went to the zoo.

Monkeys in cages are a bad idea. They grow rebellious and start
throwing shit.

Look at me, I could be riding a bike in this beautiful day, but such
is life in the jungle.


Jan 31, 2010, 9:53:47 AM1/31/10
You're insane. Belief in a higher power is what's holding you back.
How about the frugal atheist way instead of the magical-thinking
wackjob way?


Jan 31, 2010, 11:32:50 AM1/31/10
On Jan 31, 10:45 am, default <> wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Jan 2010 11:42:42 -0800 (PST), TheTibetanMonkey
> <> wrote:
> >How many kayaks you got? Don't you wish for a newer motorcycle? How
> >about the sailboat that you had? A lot of labor went into it, and yet
> >it's entirely sustainable!
> Two yaks - both cheap and recycled milk jugs. My mc is '81 vintage
> and I don't want a newer one. Sailboats aren't much work.
> With my first bike I could pay for a tank of gas, with a quarter and
> get change.
> Now if everyone on the planet has a sailboat kayak and motorcycle is
> it "sustainable?"
> "Sustainable" is a very tricky concept when talking about the
> environment and population. You still don't get the idea that people
> don't want sustainability?
> Like the concept of growth - The US needs to add some 1.5 million jobs
> annually to maintain the status quo and satisfy the growth in
> population. China and India, don't bear thinking about.
> The population of the planet doubles every ~47 years, between 40 to 50
> years depending on where you live (that's only a 1-3% increase).
> Demand for drinkable water doubles in ~20 -30 years world wide.
> Arable land decreases as populations increase. - Some long dead Roman
> commander made the observation - "Where Rome goes, desert follows."
> Wisdom is not a factor of age. Look at GW Bush's appointees. Old
> wise Cheney Rumsfeld Rove and sycophants like Kissinger? They seem
> all that wise to you? The wise old ayatollahs? The wise popes?
> The few people that do achieve wisdom, were well along in their teens.
> --

I agree mostly with the last part, but those are corrupt individuals
as well as those who resist change because they are afraid of it. I'm
all against a gerontocracy, and we live under one with all those
clueless senior citizens who vote, but still many people are looking
for a path of enlightenment which comes at a later age. It's like sex,
some people never get it, some people get better. Never heard of
Tantra in my youth. ;)

Now for the question of sustainability, doesn't Holland with a very
high population of density and a combination of EDUCATED people, and
BICYCLES offer a hope for the world? Isn't America because it's big,
the land of SUVs and anything SUPERSIZED?

Well, I admire people like you who are so frugal and use older kayaks
or bikes, but I like my fleet to tell this to the world:

"Hey, you may be king at your wasteful game, but I'm king of

I hate those stupid monkeys who go around with a junkie Huffy riding
sidewalks. They make us look stupid and low life. We must educate them
to have at least a good bike and be proud of what they do, not be a
survivor of the jungle. And, of course, we must absolutely ban riding
on sidewalks. I think we must be proud of who we are, "Hey, we are VIP

I have two canoes, one comfortable and compact, the other one large
for having guests, one serious British kayak, and one sit-on-top
double for the beach. The rest I'm selling.

You know, let's talk about this issue:


Just doing simple things like going to the supermarket on a bike.
That's off the top of my head, but I'm seeing all the waste out there
that could be stopped.

Jan 31, 2010, 12:52:59 PM1/31/10
TheTibetanMonkey <> wrote:


As an engineer..... I agree!

But have little hope


Jan 31, 2010, 1:16:28 PM1/31/10
On Jan 31, 12:52 pm, wrote:

> TheTibetanMonkey <> wrote:
> As an engineer..... I agree!
> But have little hope

Don't you worry about it. Change is coming soon, one way or another.
The sheep will be awaken out of their complacency. ;)


Jan 31, 2010, 1:17:18 PM1/31/10
On Jan 31, 11:57 am, default <> wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 08:32:01 -0800 (PST), TheTibetanMonkey

> <> wrote:
> >Now for the question of sustainability, doesn't Holland with a very
> >high population of density and a combination of EDUCATED people, and
> >BICYCLES offer a hope for the world? Isn't America because it's big,
> >the land of SUVs and anything SUPERSIZED?
> Bicycles make sense in cities without large numbers of autos. You've
> no doubt tried to ride a bike in the sand or on a sandy dirt road?
> Not many bike races across the Sahara would be my guess.

Yes, I believe bicycles are the perfect solutions for distances say,
within a 5 miles radius. That such is not the case is because the
dangers that traffic present to us. But I don't believe that reckless
driving is a necessary evil, nor that we don't have any bike

> Bikes alone can't come close to solving the problem - they are only
> one mitigating factor.

Not alone, but perhaps the most simple step in frugality. Most driving
is done within 5 miles and most trips beyond that are avoidable. I

> People can't ride Huffy bikes? Makes more sense to me to get a
> reasonably good quality cheap steel bike than a carbon fiber or
> titanium. But then I can buy a new motorcycle and never wash it
> except to work on it. I just don't care what it looks like I guess.

They can ride whatever they want, but those Walmart bikes do a
disservice to cyclists. I don't care either about carbon bikes, but
elite cyclists do, and that makes them happy. Better than driving an
SUV, even a car, for sure.

> I only have a aluminum bike because my wife gave it to me. I think a
> steel Mongoose, road bike, strikes the right balance between cost and
> ridability. If they still make them. I had a Rudge english bike when
> I was in grammar and high school - with a hub generator, then a
> Austrian 10 speed in the Navy (with "Sears" on the name plate). First
> motorcycle was a Gilera (with Sears on the tank decals).

I'm into practical bikes in the 300-800 bucks range. Some of the new
technologies are awesome and must be tried. The belt drive --just like
in motorcycles-- simplifies the maintenance. The 3 speed internal
gears are a pure joy in simplicity too. The Huffies are just junkie
bikes with lots of gears for baiting the ignorant.

Hey, it's not my way or the highway, but I think the cyclists must be
rescued from the dump.


Jan 31, 2010, 1:33:59 PM1/31/10
On Jan 31, 12:27 pm, T. Keating <> wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 08:33:58 -0800 (PST), TheTibetanMonkey

> <> wrote:
> >I hate those stupid monkeys who go around with a junkie Huffy riding
> >sidewalks. They make us look stupid and low life. We must educate them
> >to have at least a good bike and be proud of what they do, not be a
> >survivor of the jungle. And, of course, we must absolutely ban riding
> >on sidewalks. I think we must be proud of who we are, "Hey, we are VIP
> >monkeys!"
> I see you haven't had an encounter with a drunk driver or an
> untrained, unlicensed, uninsured illegal alien in a SUV. Darwin will
> reserve a special award just for you.
> I ride on sidewalks, LEGALLY, but only when they are empty and there
> is too much and/or high speed/risky(drunks) vehicle traffic on the
> adjacent road.
> Mountain (all terrain) bikes with suspension systems make riding on
> uneven sidewalks a breeze.

I'm very much aware of the dangers in the jungle (I even call it a
"jungle"), but that single step would make the roads more friendly to
us. Of course, I wouldn't trust the PREDATORS, so I will make sure

a) The bike takes the lane like a vehicle

b) The car leaves the lane 50' before and after the bike

c) Enforce such regulations the way the school zones are enforced

d) Cars speeding on the right lane pay double amount for the ticket

e) The car is at fault in an accident with a bike unless proven
otherwise, like Holland



TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle

Jan 31, 2010, 1:42:20 PM1/31/10
On Jan 31, 1:13 pm, "I M @ good guy" <I...@good.guy> wrote:

> >Just doing simple things like going to the supermarket on a bike.
> >That's off the top of my head, but I'm seeing all the waste out there
> >that could be stopped.

> You are asking a lot, Monkey, the supermarket
> is 7 miles up the most dangerous road in America,
> no sidewalks, traffic goes 70 MPH on a 4 lane road
> with no center media, and no side media in some
> places, and a bridge and an overpass with no
> room for a bicycle lane or sidewalk.

> My bones are over 81 years old (82 in China),
> and I am very sensitive to pain.

> How about if I just buy 3 times as much each
> trip, and only go to the supermarket in my gas
> guzzler one-third as often?-

OK, good old wise monkeys like you are excused. ;)

But I'm still craving to do 7 miles to a supermarket or somewhere --
for practical purposes.

Jan 31, 2010, 3:16:30 PM1/31/10
TheTibetanMonkey <> wrote:

>Don't you worry about it. Change is coming soon, one way or another.
>The sheep will be awaken out of their complacency. ;)

Oh I agree

Just a shame that so MANY people have their head in
sand and don't understand the awesome power of
exponent growth rates....and how fast things can get to
the point of "no going back"

Jan 31, 2010, 3:18:05 PM1/31/10
TheTibetanMonkey <> wrote:

>Not alone, but perhaps the most simple step in frugality. Most driving
>is done within 5 miles and most trips beyond that are avoidable. I

I've observed people driving around Walmart parking lot
for minutes ..... JUST trying get that "closest"
parking space.....hahahaha

TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle

Jan 31, 2010, 3:59:34 PM1/31/10
On Jan 31, 3:16 pm, wrote:

The point is that our alpha-male leaders are predatory and the sheep
follow them to the cliff. I was watching the other this documentary
about Goebbels and in 1943 --when they were being beaten-- the Germans
were in this congress where they chanted, "The Fuhrer leads, we
follow." There was no Black Sheep around to tell them Hitler was the

But now we don't know who to blame, if the Pope, the sheep, communism
or capitalism... or all of the above.


Jan 31, 2010, 4:17:17 PM1/31/10
On Jan 31, 2:12 pm, T. Keating <> wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 10:33:10 -0800 (PST), TheTibetanMonkey

> <> wrote:
> >On Jan 31, 12:27 pm, T. Keating <> wrote:
> >> On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 08:33:58 -0800 (PST), TheTibetanMonkey

> >> <> wrote:
> >> >I hate those stupid monkeys who go around with a junkie Huffy riding
> >> >sidewalks. They make us look stupid and low life. We must educate them
> >> >to have at least a good bike and be proud of what they do, not be a
> >> >survivor of the jungle. And, of course, we must absolutely ban riding
> >> >on sidewalks. I think we must be proud of who we are, "Hey, we are VIP
> >> >monkeys!"
> >> I see you haven't had an encounter with a drunk driver or an
> >> untrained, unlicensed, uninsured illegal alien in a SUV. Darwin will
> >> reserve a special award just for you.
> >> I ride on sidewalks, LEGALLY, but only when they are empty and there
> >> is too much and/or high speed/risky(drunks) vehicle traffic on the
> >> adjacent road.
> >> Mountain (all terrain) bikes with suspension systems make riding on
> >> uneven sidewalks a breeze.
> >I'm very much aware of the dangers in the jungle (I even call it a
> >"jungle"), but that single step would make the roads more friendly to
> >us. Of course, I wouldn't trust the PREDATORS, so I will make sure
> >that:
> >a) The bike takes the lane like a vehicle
> >b) The car leaves the lane 50' before and after the bike
> >c) Enforce such regulations the way the school zones are enforced
> >d) Cars speeding on the right lane pay double amount for the ticket
> >e) The car is at fault in an accident with a bike unless proven
> >otherwise, like Holland
> All the rules/laws in the world isn't going to make it safer for
> bicycles on public streets if you have a large segment of population
> who ignores, forgot, or never learned those rules. Illegal Aliens,
> Unlicensed, Uninsured, Age'd, DUI drivers, the list goes on and on.
> Exactly what are going to get out of them?
> You'll be lucky if they even slow down after running you over?
> I'll stick to the sidewalks if the roadway traffic appears to be
> risky. Distance and height is a friend. (P.S. Riding on sidewalks
> is legal in my area.)- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Hey, "a man gotta do what a man I gotta do." Do whatever it takes to

Now let me go and enjoy some cool air. ;)

Rod Speed

Jan 31, 2010, 4:44:02 PM1/31/10
TheTibetanMonkey wrote:
> On Jan 31, 11:57 am, default <> wrote:
>> On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 08:32:01 -0800 (PST), TheTibetanMonkey
>> <> wrote:
>>> Now for the question of sustainability, doesn't Holland with a very
>>> high population of density and a combination of EDUCATED people, and
>>> BICYCLES offer a hope for the world? Isn't America because it's big,
>>> the land of SUVs and anything SUPERSIZED?
>> Bicycles make sense in cities without large numbers of autos.
>> You've no doubt tried to ride a bike in the sand or on a sandy dirt
>> road? Not many bike races across the Sahara would be my guess.

> Yes, I believe bicycles are the perfect solutions for distances say, within a 5 miles radius.

No they are not, most obviously in the depths of winter etc.

> That such is not the case is because the dangers that traffic present to us.
> But I don't believe that reckless driving is a necessary evil,

The main problem is not reckless driving, its just that minor misjudgements that
at most dent a car can and do produce serious injury and death to bike riders.

> nor that we don't have any bike facilities.

>> Bikes alone can't come close to solving the problem
>> - they are only one mitigating factor.

> Not alone, but perhaps the most simple step in frugality.

Nope, staying home instead is that.

> Most driving is done within 5 miles and most trips beyond that are avoidable.

Trips within that are avoidable too.


Just another meaningless mantra.


Jan 31, 2010, 7:16:51 PM1/31/10
On Jan 31, 4:44 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> TheTibetanMonkey wrote:
> > On Jan 31, 11:57 am, default <> wrote:
> >> On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 08:32:01 -0800 (PST), TheTibetanMonkey
> >> <> wrote:
> >>> Now for the question of sustainability, doesn't Holland with a very
> >>> high population of density and a combination of EDUCATED people, and
> >>> BICYCLES offer a hope for the world? Isn't America because it's big,
> >>> the land of SUVs and anything SUPERSIZED?
> >> Bicycles make sense in cities without large numbers of autos.
> >> You've no doubt tried to ride a bike  in the sand or on a sandy dirt
> >> road? Not many bike races across the Sahara would be my guess.
> > Yes, I believe bicycles are the perfect solutions for distances say, within a 5 miles radius.
> No they are not, most obviously in the depths of winter etc.

Hey, options is nothing to be afraid of. Bike in good weather, public
transportation and even cars in bad weather.

> > That such is not the case is because the dangers that traffic present to us.
> > But I don't believe that reckless driving is a necessary evil,
> The main problem is not reckless driving, its just that minor misjudgements that
> at most dent a car can and do produce serious injury and death to bike riders.

Are you trying to say something here?

> > nor that we don't have any bike facilities.
> >> Bikes alone can't come close to solving the problem
> >> - they are only one mitigating factor.
> > Not alone, but perhaps the most simple step in frugality.
> Nope, staying home instead is that.

Wouldn't it be better to stay in bed? Then I go shopping in the
Internet. ;)

> > Most driving is done within 5 miles and most trips beyond that are avoidable.
> Trips within that are avoidable too.
> Just another meaningless mantra.

I'm all ears for your solutions.

Rod Speed

Jan 31, 2010, 11:53:22 PM1/31/10

Continue to use cars, stupid.


Feb 1, 2010, 12:38:41 AM2/1/10
> Continue to use cars, stupid.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Whatever it takes to survive in the jungle.


Feb 1, 2010, 12:50:00 AM2/1/10
On Jan 31, 4:41 pm, "I M @ good guy" <I...@good.guy> wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 14:12:17 -0500, T. Keating <>

> >I'll stick to the sidewalks if the roadway traffic appears to be
> >risky. Distance and height is a friend. (P.S. Riding on sidewalks
> >is legal in my area.)

> Who cares who has the right of way, who would
> pay, what is right or wrong, it is my ass, and I am
> not going to chance somebody not seeing me,
> not judging distance right, or any of the dozens
> of other things that could happen, no lightweight
> bike or auto for me on this crazy highway I have
> to drive on, I had a 1979 Alfa Romeo 4 door with
> all accessories, I was scared to drive it on this
> highway.
> I was driving a 1982 Cadillac 4100 Digital
> Fuel Injection that gave an instant readout of
> 29 MPG going up the highway, and a big truck
> waited at a stop sign for me, and aimed for
> the door post between the passenger doors,
> he must have known I am skeptical of AGW
> science.-

Do whatever it takes to survive because the sheep ain't stopping for
you. But if you are skeptical of AGW then you don't need to put your
life on the lane. Probably God is punishing us with GW. ;)

Rod Speed

Feb 1, 2010, 3:29:20 AM2/1/10

There is no jungle, we chopped it down LONG ago now.


Feb 1, 2010, 10:40:47 AM2/1/10
> There is no jungle, we chopped it down LONG ago now.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

There's no jungle, just predators and prey, and someone who owns the
lion's share of the road. Oh, and the sheep who smile from behind the
steering wheel while bearing those bumper stickers that say, "God is
my copilot."


Feb 1, 2010, 11:00:45 AM2/1/10
On Feb 1, 6:12 am, Dionysus <> wrote:


> > “Never tease the monkey”

> he threw his banana back to me with other monkeys.I was hurt.I gave
> him my true heart and he rip it apart.-

I understand monkey language quite well. When a monkey throws his
shit, he means: "YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT." When he throws a banana, he
means: "KISS MY ASS."

Of course, he resents being in that cage like I resent being in mine
unable to ride a bike.

Ron Wallenfang

Feb 1, 2010, 9:28:03 PM2/1/10
On Jan 29, 11:03 am, TheTibetanMonkey <>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Tibetan monkeys can live on peanuts and banana, but other monkeys
> need to show they are lions"

In my life, I've been to Mass something on the order of 10,000 times,
celebrated by an accumulated total of many hundreds of Priests, and
I'm still waiting to hear my first sermon preaching waste or road-
hogging. I'm less familiar with what our Protestant brethren have had
to say, but limited exposure to their radio and TV evangelists over
the years makes me doubt that your shoe fits them, either.


Feb 2, 2010, 12:33:41 AM2/2/10
> the years makes me doubt that your shoe fits them, either.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

They still deny GW as a "HOAX"!

No one who believes in evolution and science would say that.

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