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Re: Poll: Only 33% of Americans support Obama's lawsuit against Arizona, while 50% of Americans know that Obama is an idiot

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brad herschel

Jul 9, 2010, 3:33:30 PM7/9/10
On Jul 9, 2:53 pm, "f. barnes" <> wrote:

Obama has been a wonderful catalyst. People are now getting involved
in active politics. Global Gulag

Marcus Aurelius

Jul 9, 2010, 7:42:38 PM7/9/10
Despite all of the extremely powerful interest groups that support
Obama on this issue, Obama's decision to sue Arizona is an significant
political error on his part. These powerful interest groups will,
also, face significant political retribution as a result of their
opposition to Arizona's attempt to control it's borders and to bring
law and order to the state. I, of course, adamantly support Arizona's
new law.


Jul 9, 2010, 9:10:44 PM7/9/10

"Marcus Aurelius" <> wrote in message

I also support the new Arizona law. Send money to Jan Brewer at her website
to help fight the feds. You can print a form at the site to donate by
check/money order or can donate directly by credit card. Fox News says more
than $500,000 has been collected since the Federal Government announced
plans to sue Arizona. You don't need to send a big donation, even a few
dollars will help.

J. Hugh Sullivan

Jul 10, 2010, 10:12:29 AM7/10/10

I would have thought lawyers in AZ would be lining up to defend pro

The government has abdicated its responsibility to protect the borders
and regulate immigration. The case should be thrown out of court. Only
a government lawyer would have a hard time understanding that.

Law - I have a tough time recognizing a profession that frequently
tries to get the guilty declared innocent.



Jul 10, 2010, 10:22:08 AM7/10/10

Too bad these morons all voted for the chimp


Jul 10, 2010, 8:05:54 PM7/10/10

Agreed. As a libertarian, I can't for the life of me figure out how it
is wrong to expect people to prove they are here legally before they
are allowed to suck from the public teat. Or do anything else, for
that matter. And for the people who say it's discrimination because
only "brown people" will be asked for ID, that's ridiculous. If this
law were passed in MA, then they'd be stopping all the Irish Colleens
asking for ID, and they'd find a LOT of illegals. Sure, the illegal
Irish students whose visas ran out tend to pay their own way and not
live on the dole, but they're still not paying taxes on their
bartending pay, either. And they'd be happy to do so, if allowed.

I don't understand why ALL states don't REQUIRE proof of legal status
BEFORE providing services. Don't have a green card? Then you can't get
your kids in school, can't get welfare, can't get treated at a
hospital, etc. And, any employer caught employing/paying illegals
should go to jail. Period. What's wrong with that? How is that
"discriminatory"? If you're not here legally, you should be deported.

However, I also think that anyone who wants to come here and pay their
own way, including taxes, should be allowed to do so, assuming he/she
is not a criminal. You know, the way it was 100 years ago.


Jul 11, 2010, 11:52:47 AM7/11/10

"tmclone" <> wrote in message

Nice idea except where are all of these people going to get jobs? Look at
the current unemployment rate. Years ago there was a need for more people
especially in the manufacturing sector. Those jobs are gone. How are
people who lack resources and education going to pay their own way? If we
are going to allow people into the USA then let's have laws like Mexico's:
Prove your identity and prove your ability to support yourself.

Also, what are we going to do with the millions who are already here
illegally? Too many of these people are a major drain on our already
suffering economy. I am opposed to discrimination but as a nation in debt
we cannot continue to care for millions who are not self-supporting.


Jul 11, 2010, 4:59:44 PM7/11/10

"Janie" <> wrote in message

> Also, what are we going to do with the millions who are already here
> illegally? Too many of these people are a major drain on our already
> suffering economy. I am opposed to discrimination but as a nation in debt
> we cannot continue to care for millions who are not self-supporting.

Agreed. I'm in favor of cutting benefits for citizens as well. A 14-yr-old
girl with a baby does not a family make. The idea that she will get bennies
simply for having babies she cannot support makes me sick.

Regarding the illegal problem, how about we check IDs, and then deport
anyone here illegally? You know, what they're doing in AZ. Works for me.
They run drunk driver checkpoints around here all the time, and no one
screams "discrimination". How about ID checkpoints where EVERYONE has to
show ID? And you shouldn't be able to get gubmint ID without proof of
legality. No bennies/school, etc. unless you're legal. You should have to
proof legal status before you are allowed to rent an apartment or buy a


Jul 11, 2010, 5:58:01 PM7/11/10

"h" <> wrote in message

>You should have to proof legal status before you are allowed to rent an
>apartment or buy a house.
Sorry, that should have been either "provide proof of legal status" or
"prove legal status". It's very aggravating when my typos are real words.
And they usually are. Grr.


Jul 11, 2010, 9:18:16 PM7/11/10

"h" <> wrote in message

Great ideas, but how can we get the guy in the White House to agree with us?
He is running the country into the ground with all the spending, Now we
have to watch our taxdollars get spent on the Arizona lawsuit. So far, my
only solution has been to send some money to Jan Brewer to help fight the
federal lawsuit. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? I'm tired paying
taxes so people who aren't even citizens can get free medical care,
schooling, and other govenment benefits. It just isn't frugal.

a real cheapskate

Jul 12, 2010, 9:54:50 AM7/12/10

> >You should have to proof legal status before you are allowed to rent an
> >apartment or buy a house.

great time to institute a national secure ID card with your physical
description, photos, fingerprints, retinal scan, DNA sample and a
injected ID chip like the AVID ones for pets....... all data held on a
secure federal read only computer.

as you ride by checkpoints it would track you.

if a illegal leaks in one they get deported and a stern warning next
time you get ton stay, 5 years at hard labor 12 on 12 off 7 days a
week no work no food..... being found with no chip would get you
immediately arrested.

so is this what you want?

it would be illegal to shop, eat out, get any services unless you have
a working chip.

there that will send the illegals packing


Jul 13, 2010, 9:52:36 AM7/13/10
On Jul 12, 9:54 am, a real cheapskate <> wrote:

> so is this what you want?
> it would be illegal to shop, eat out, get any services unless you have
> a working chip.
> there that will send the illegals packing

Umm, yeah, it would. I'd LOVE to have a chip. Just use my thumbprint
to pay for things, provide ID, etc. My cats are chipped, why not me?
Seriously, though, what's wrong with checking IDs? If you are here
illegally you should be deported. Period.


Jul 13, 2010, 1:26:11 PM7/13/10
On 10/07/10 5:05 PM, tmclone wrote:


> Agreed. As a libertarian, I can't for the life of me figure out how it
> is wrong to expect people to prove they are here legally before they
> are allowed to suck from the public teat. Or do anything else, for
> that matter.

The reason for the lawsuit is because states are not allowed to enforce
federal immigration laws--even if the federal government is not
enforcing those laws. Period.

Arizona knew going into this that the law they passed would not hold up.
They did it because a) they wanted to make a statement about just how
much federal unfunded mandates are costing them, b) they knew it would
encourage illegals to go to other states, saving Arizona money, c) it's
a hot button issue that the Republicans knew would put the Obama
administration in the difficult position of following federal law and
the constitution versus following popular opinion.

> I don't understand why ALL states don't REQUIRE proof of legal status
> BEFORE providing services.

It should be easy to understand. Federal law prohibits it in certain
cases. It's illegal to deny certain services to anyone, such as
emergency health care, thanks to the Emergency Medical Treatment and
Active Labor Act (EMTALA) signed by President Reagan.

Some states also consider their own self-interests. Since they can't
deport illegals, they need to consider the alternative to providing
services. It's all about looking at the big picture rather than taking a
narrow view.


Jul 13, 2010, 2:06:56 PM7/13/10

"SMS" <> wrote in message

So...just pass a STATE law requiring that you be in the state legally, or
face deportation. Problem solved.

a real cheapskate

Jul 13, 2010, 9:43:30 PM7/13/10
so we will all be carrying around our birth certificates?
that will be very convenient:(

The ID chip will come after the next major terrorist attack......


Jul 13, 2010, 9:44:39 PM7/13/10

The states have no authority to deport anyone. That's the root of the
problem. If they arrest those that are in their state illegally (even if
it's legal for them to arrest them), they haven't solved the problem
because they're paying to keep them in jail or prison. Nor are they
allowed to drive them to the border of a neighboring state and let them go.

What Arizona did was very clever. Since no one wants to be arrested and
be put in jail, illegals will now avoid going to Arizona. Arizona has
effectively pushed the problem onto other states, at least until the
Supreme Court rules that the Arizona Law is unconstitutional or lets
lower court ruling voiding the law stand.

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