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England and the EU laying off millions, no way to fund the bloat. and please notice, who is rioting? is it the taxed to death, half starved private sector? No/// that should be a cloooo.

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phil scott

Oct 25, 2010, 4:42:32 PM10/25/10
.. they can't afford the waste, and bloat.. especially since its
become cancerous..

. this half million is only the start. and its happening all across
the EU as well... and guess who's **rioting, even if they get a slight
pay cut? the grossly over taxed productive class? Nooo00ooo...
even if they are out of work and starving? No.

Its these fat ass's in snivel service with retirements the private
sector cant even dream of.. and 20 years sooner. at age 50 In many

(I'm 70 and still slinging heavy tools with many others my age in the
private sector... and glad to be doing it. it keeps me fit, smart and
decent... Im being of service to people.).

Will thess 'civil' service bode well for anyone? not actually..

500,000 who are used to being on the dole out looking for work is
just going to drive rates down for those of us who have been
productive all of our lives and funding all that bloat in the first

..., and it lower the standards in the private sector... something
like we have seen from TITS on this Ng before he slinked off atter his
agency blew it on the PB disaster and allowed drinning too deep into
the earths core regions.... against world class advice not to because
of the uncontailable 100,000 pis pressures. (TITS from anohter ng
fancied himself as a trol who then went on to brag how he cut other
bikes off on a practice race track and caused them to crash at over
100 mph.. nice guy.. govt employee, US Dept of Energy.. he has since
slinked off, but not before he was advised on the issue of how such
people end.. he is now having to fact that music)

The US is next at the federal, state, and local levels. Burocrats at
state agencies with the fake diploma's (at CARB for instance... should connect your) off mentalities with no
comprehension of morality... will be next..

along with all those millions of kids we sent into that mess of abuse
in Afganistan and Iraq unfortunately... I can tell you one thing for
damn sure.. those who make it out alive and recover from this
heinousness will be a bit tough to deal with on the issue of govt

many now broken in mind and spirit irrecoverably.. some ruined
physucally as well.. and hundreds of thousands turned entirely
vicious...our nations next police force.

a nation pays for its corruptions.. very very quickly.. We went from
the greatest nation in the world war 2 era.. to what most of the EU
terms a war crimes bankrupt nation today.

My advice. again.

what works. Decency works, not catering to slime at all, but
decent behavior and the golden rule.. treating others as you would
like to be treated regardless any flaws.. that works... abd iit *works

What else works? Broad scale skill sets, kept practiced, advanced
and up to date at all costs.

What else.. and this is important. Do not put up with any abuse
from anyone for longer than a millisecond.. be pleasant but firm.. put
a hold on it. Then leave immediately or arrange to be gone if idoes
not stop 100% dead in its tracks.

WhY.. abuse actually ruins its target. thats a good google search..
it ruins the targets physical health and amazingly shrinks the persons
brain! It ruins their families, businesses and contaminates their

Taking abuse is entirely fatal, the abuser knows this at one level
or the other.. the intent is to ruin.

And we see that in no small measure in life and on these NG's

So don't take abuse, be decent to others regardless, help others
advance. be fair in your dealings (I reocmmend outright generosity).

... and for you.... well for you... life will be wonderful, generous
and decent as you keep on doing the right thing and putting out
valuable products.

One other thing about abuse, when tax rates and enforcement get so
nasty that you cant afford to EAT, feed or house your family.. and
your kids have to eat a diabetes producing diet..... that will ruin
you to core also.. AND with stress and hUnger and no time to

that abuse needs to be handled just as one does all other forms of
abuse if a person, a company or a nation is to succeed.

Phil scott

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