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Re: RANT: Two ?? about Human Behavior

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The Real Bev

May 7, 2011, 4:46:13 PM5/7/11
On 05/07/11 11:08, Derald wrote:

> 1) Why is it that people who begin sentences with, "I had the strangest dream",
> or something similar invariably recount that dream even though the listener has
> expressed no interest in hearing about it and really doesn't give a rat's
> bee-hind?

Next time it happens, agree that the dream is so strange that it
probably indicates some form of mental illness that the dreamer should
seek therapy for immediately. Be annoyingly sympathetic. Offer to
explain to the dreamer's wife his urgent need of therapy and to drive
him to the emergency room RIGHT NOW.

> 2) Why is it that people perceiving one to be wearing a headset invariably
> attempt to start a conversation?

Pretend you can't hear him. Don't make eye contact. When you finally
can't avoid being in a position where you can see him, jump and scream
as if he frightened you badly by sneaking up on you.

> I mean, here I am doing stuff in the veggie garden on a fine Saturday
> afternoon, under close kitty supervision, ears filled with Gould playing some
> one or the other Bach Goldbergs (1955 recording), cophesthic to the max, and
> some dunce approaches and begins, totally unbidden, shouting about his dreams.
> Now, I fully comprehend, "Some people live only because it's illegal to shoot
> them".

Don't you have a shovelful of manure you could accidentally fling at
him? Get one immediately!

Cheers, Bev
It's true that Smokey the Bear deserves praise for his
campaign against forest fires, but nobody ever mentions
the boy scouts he kills for their hats.


May 8, 2011, 10:17:53 AM5/8/11
"Derald" <> wrote in message

> 1) Why is it that people who begin sentences with, "I had the
> strangest dream",
> or something similar invariably recount that dream even though the
> listener has
> expressed no interest in hearing about it and really doesn't give a
> rat's
> bee-hind?

At one time people were not so selfish to think only of themselves.
They were interested in the thoughts and feelings of other people.
They also used to "talk" to each other about all sorts of things.
(This was before video games and "texting" came along.)

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Annie Woughman

May 8, 2011, 4:36:05 PM5/8/11

"Derald" <> wrote in message

> "Bill" <> wrote:
>>At one time people were not so selfish to think only of themselves.
>>They were interested in the thoughts and feelings of other people.
>>They also used to "talk" to each other about all sorts of things.

> There ain't a chance in hell that you can prove that. Well, if sentimental
> popular "literature", movies, and teevee are to be believed, that may well
> been
> true, "at one time". However, in what way does your dubious assertion
> address
> the question that was asked? Which would you consider the more "selfish"
> in this
> context (note: "selfish" is a pejorative term only to bigots and the
> feeble-minded), my lack of interest in some bonehead's dream -- which is,
> after
> all, a work of fiction that most likely would be recounted unedited and
> without
> benefit of actual thought -- or his insistence on recounting same
> unbidden?

>>(This was before video games and "texting" came along.)

> Baloney. Sentimentalists used to say trivial conversation as entertainment
> died with the advent of teevee, radio, sound recording, movies, symphony
> concerts, opera, theatrical performances, on and on. Seems to me, though,
> trivial conversation is purely self-indulgent and the result of boredom;
> of the
> absence of intellectual stimulus; of a chronic, nearly ubiquitous,
> aversion to
> conscious thought and has nothing to do with actual communication. For
> example,
> I definitely would prefer listening to Glenn Gould play Bach than
> listening to
> anyone's dreams but would gladly interrupt the music to hear my wife tell
> me
> that Gurney's finally has mailed that damned French tarragon of which we,
> apparently, are waiting for them to root a cutting. Surely, you see the
> difference. If not, I sure as hell don't want to get trapped on an
> elevator with
> you.
> --
> Derald
> P.S: You do know that changing the subject line breaks a thread, right?
I have to agree that so much of what passes for "conversation" is a
one-sided brag-a-log by some bore who doesn't care a fig about anyone else's
ideas or feelings--they just want to hear the sound of their own voice.
When conversation is a true exchange of ideas and thoughts that BOTH people
are interested in, then fine, give me a real conversation. Other than
that--give me a good book, my ipod, a well written and acted movie or
television show any day.

The Real Bev

May 8, 2011, 5:00:21 PM5/8/11
On 05/08/11 11:00, Derald wrote:

> The Real Bev<> wrote:
>>Don't you have a shovelful of manure you could accidentally fling at
>>him? Get one immediately!
> On the whole, good generic advice. Unfortunately, in this specific, the
> wife absented herself twenty-some years ago; our acquaintance is such that he'd
> accept the screaming and jumping as normal for me; I place too great a value on
> the cow dung than to risk its loss, although, the satisfaction might be
> sufficient reward! I'll have to think about it....

Too much negative thinking here! The cow dung won't stick. Well, maybe
a little would, but I think you can sacrifice that much just for the
entertainment value.

Scream, jump and attack.

Or move...

A curious thing -- something in the eternal-september newsfeed canceled
my previous message in this thread, although it's available here at

Cheers, Bev
"I've learned that you can keep puking long
after you think you're finished." -- SL

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May 9, 2011, 7:45:50 PM5/9/11
On Mon, 09 May 2011 10:10:21 -0500, Derald <> wrote:

> Moving the household goods will be pure zydeco
>but moving the garden dirt will, I suspect, be a little more problematical.
>Doesn't everybody take his own dirt with him?

I think Dracula did -- hmm.

Dennis (evil)
My output is down, my income is up, I take a short position on the long bond and
my revenue stream has its own cash flow. -George Carlin

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May 10, 2011, 7:21:30 PM5/10/11
On Mon, 09 May 2011 21:40:50 -0500, Derald <> wrote:

>Dennis <> wrote:
>>I think Dracula did -- hmm

>. Yes! I'd forgot about him. Bet he didn't grow garlic, though.
>>Dennis (evil)
> I thought you were dead; are you?

Hard to tell -- this dripping grey twilight wasteland shrouded in mist
could be the next plane of existence. Or it could be La Nina spring
in Oregon. Can't be sure.

Dennis (evil)
I'm a hands-on, footloose, knee-jerk head case. -George Carlin

The Real Bev

May 11, 2011, 12:37:46 AM5/11/11
On 05/10/11 16:21, Dennis wrote:

> On Mon, 09 May 2011 21:40:50 -0500, Derald<> wrote:
>>Dennis<> wrote:
>>>I think Dracula did -- hmm
>>. Yes! I'd forgot about him. Bet he didn't grow garlic, though.
>>>Dennis (evil)
>> I thought you were dead; are you?
> Hard to tell -- this dripping grey twilight wasteland shrouded in mist
> could be the next plane of existence. Or it could be La Nina spring
> in Oregon. Can't be sure.

I love La Nina. Best ski season ever. OTOH, mist shrouds are cool,
enjoy them while you can!

Cheers, Bev
"If Mary Jo could float I would have been president."
-- Ted Kennedy

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May 11, 2011, 11:11:36 AM5/11/11
> 1) Why is it that people who begin sentences with, "I had the
> strangest dream",
> or something similar invariably recount that dream even though the
> listener has
> expressed no interest in hearing about it and really doesn't give a
> rat's
> bee-hind?

Also because people used to "read books".

Some people have read books like "The Interpretation of Dreams by
Sigmund Freud". After reading such a book, the person might be curious
and interested in what someone else has dreamed about...

The Real Bev

May 11, 2011, 4:23:03 PM5/11/11
On 05/11/11 05:30, Derald wrote:

> The Real Bev<> wrote:

>>OTOH, mist shrouds are cool, enjoy them while you can!

> That's what I was thinking. If Scotty could beam me up there for a while
> it'd be a nice break from our bright, near 90s, rain-free days. Another blast
> of coffee, and I'm out to finish preparing a spot for more okra while it's still
> fairly cool. Yes, I _know_ okra always is cool but I meant the outdoor
> temperature.

How does Okara do in containers? I plant cherry tomatoes in ~2 gallon
pots and they do fair-to-OK.

Cheers, Bev
"Mr Panetta also revealed that the US Navy Seals made the final
decision to kill bin Laden rather than the president."
--S. Swinford, The Telegraph
[Aside from that minor error, those Seals did a fantastic job!]


May 11, 2011, 6:10:27 PM5/11/11
On Wed, 11 May 2011 07:30:35 -0500, Derald <> wrote:

>The Real Bev <> wrote:

>>OTOH, mist shrouds are cool, enjoy them while you can!

> That's what I was thinking. If Scotty could beam me up there for a while
>it'd be a nice break from our bright, near 90s, rain-free days. Another blast
>of coffee, and I'm out to finish preparing a spot for more okra while it's still
>fairly cool. Yes, I _know_ okra always is cool but I meant the outdoor


Perhaps you are thinking "The grass is greener...", but I'm guessing
that after no more than a short visit here, you too would tire of all
the wet grey weather that La Nina has brought us this spring.

Speaking of the green grass, just last weekend I was getting in a
little driveway batting practice with my son when he accidentally hit
pop fly into the thick of the lawn. Without thinking, I went in to
look for it -- a foolish move on my part given the late hour. I soon
became hopelessly lost, with darkness fast approaching. By sheer luck
I stumbled upon an encampment of friendly aboriginals who took me in
for the night. At the break of twilight, they sent me on my way with
a few provisions and a crude map of the way out of the tangle. I
never found the missing baseball, but I consider myself lucky to have
emerged with my life.

Dennis (evil)
"There is a fine line between participation and mockery" - Wally

The Real Bev

May 12, 2011, 1:07:56 AM5/12/11
On 05/11/11 15:10, Dennis wrote:

> On Wed, 11 May 2011 07:30:35 -0500, Derald<> wrote:
>>The Real Bev<> wrote:
>>>OTOH, mist shrouds are cool, enjoy them while you can!
>> That's what I was thinking. If Scotty could beam me up there for a while
>>it'd be a nice break from our bright, near 90s, rain-free days. Another blast
>>of coffee, and I'm out to finish preparing a spot for more okra while it's still
>>fairly cool. Yes, I _know_ okra always is cool but I meant the outdoor

> Perhaps you are thinking "The grass is greener...", but I'm guessing
> that after no more than a short visit here, you too would tire of all
> the wet grey weather that La Nina has brought us this spring.
> Speaking of the green grass, just last weekend I was getting in a
> little driveway batting practice with my son when he accidentally hit
> pop fly into the thick of the lawn. Without thinking, I went in to
> look for it -- a foolish move on my part given the late hour. I soon
> became hopelessly lost, with darkness fast approaching. By sheer luck
> I stumbled upon an encampment of friendly aboriginals who took me in
> for the night. At the break of twilight, they sent me on my way with
> a few provisions and a crude map of the way out of the tangle. I
> never found the missing baseball, but I consider myself lucky to have
> emerged with my life.

Stop buying cheap drugs.

Cheers, Bev
"Why does everybody always forget the eigthth dwarf? Just because
poor old Lumpy died of cancer doesn't mean he should be written
out of history." -- RMassey

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May 12, 2011, 10:23:02 AM5/12/11
ME, ME, ME ,ME , I, I, I,, I ME, ME, ME
ME, ME, ME ,ME , I, I, I,, I ME, ME, ME
ME, ME, ME ,ME , I, I, I,, I ME, ME, ME
ME, ME, ME ,ME , I, I, I,, I ME, ME, ME
ME, ME, ME ,ME , I, I, I,, I ME, ME, ME ME, ME, ME ,ME ,
I, I, I,, I ME, ME, ME ME, ME, ME ,ME , I, I, I,, I
ME, ME, ME ME, ME, ME ,ME , I, I, I,, I ME, ME, ME
You know Bill I think you've got it right, You nailed it.
OH SHIT!!! did I justuse the word "You"? woooooops sorry, I
May You reep the poverrty You have Voted for.
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