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Foreclosed Homes: The Effect On America

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Apr 28, 2010, 12:58:39 PM4/28/10
On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 05:35:20 -0700 (PDT), Tracey12
<> wrote:

>Wall Street Journal did an investigation on how many foreclosed homes
>there are on the market across America.
>The number is absolutely stunning.
>At normal home sales rates, counting all homes foreclosed and now on
>the market as well as those about in the foreclosure process, there
>are 105 months of homes to be sold.
>108 months is 9 years, so thats almost 9 years of homes that will be
>backlogged for sale.
>What does this mean?
>It means that because of the massive amount of homes across America
>that are for sale, new home sales will be slow for years to come.
>It also means that all the skilled trades like electricians,
>carpenters, tile men, concrete men, and all the others involved in the
>construction of homes will be very poor for a long time.
>Americans are suffering tremendously. Our leaders deny help even to
>storm victims in the NE, but Haiti, and New Orleans were given
>billions. Will America survive this administration?

Hey there. Uncle Suckemoff keeps importing a million legal immigrants
a year!

Does anyone support the rotten fucking government in Washington?


Cindy Hamilton

Apr 28, 2010, 1:25:00 PM4/28/10

Good. The legals usually have well-paying jobs, and they'll be able
to buy some of those houses.

> Does anyone support the rotten fucking government in Washington?

More than I supported the previous rotten fucking government in

Kevin Alfred Strom

Apr 28, 2010, 1:40:44 PM4/28/10
Cindy Hamilton wrote:

>> Does anyone support the rotten fucking government in Washington?
> More than I supported the previous rotten fucking government in
> Washington.

That's very unfortunate. If we want real progress, we need to
abandon the Left/Right paradigm and the two criminal parties.

Both gangs support these illegal and immoral aggressive wars, and
both support the destruction of our freedom and privacy in the name
of "national security." Seeing, and acting on, those two truths --
across traditional political divisions -- is the beginning of real

Code Pink, a women's anti-war group, has already reached out to the
Tea Party folks in hopes of understanding and collaboration. That is
a most hopeful sign, as was the racial right's support for Cindy

With every good wish,

Kevin Alfred Strom.

Jeff Thies

Apr 28, 2010, 3:14:16 PM4/28/10

In fact new housing starts are up 27%.

>> Does anyone support the rotten fucking government in Washington?
> More than I supported the previous rotten fucking government in
> Washington.

Just in case no one remembers where W left off:

600K jobs/month lost
Financial system in free fall
GM and Chrysler ruined
Afghanistan spirally out of control
Housing in free fall.
DJIA at 8000

The trouble with the Tea Party is that success to them is the
destruction of the government. Haven't we just tried 8 years of that?



Apr 28, 2010, 10:03:23 PM4/28/10
"Jeff Thies" <> wrote in message

You're assuming tea baggers support Dubya, which is a really stupid

Rod Speed

Apr 28, 2010, 11:50:27 PM4/28/10
Kevin Alfred Strom wrote
> Cindy Hamilton wrote

>>> Does anyone support the rotten fucking government in Washington?

>> More than I supported the previous rotten fucking government in Washington.

> That's very unfortunate. If we want real progress, we need to
> abandon the Left/Right paradigm and the two criminal parties.

Taint gunna happen.

> Both gangs support these illegal and immoral aggressive wars,

Afghanistan isnt illegal or immoral.

> and both support the destruction of our freedom and privacy in the name of "national security."

So did most of the voters, you watch.

> Seeing, and acting on, those two truths -- across traditional political divisions -- is the beginning of real change.

Taint gunna happen. You watch.

> Code Pink, a women's anti-war group, has already reached out to the Tea Party folks in hopes of understanding and
> collaboration.

And that wont amount to a hill of beans in the election, you watch.

> That is a most hopeful sign,


> as was the racial right's support for Cindy Sheehan.

Wont get anyone elected, you watch.

Jeff Thies

Apr 29, 2010, 7:12:11 AM4/29/10
Largely as individuals, they did at the time and still do. The
"movement" came later.

[Tea Party supporters] do not want a third party and say they
usually or almost always vote Republican. The percentage holding a
favorable opinion of former President George W. Bush, at 57 percent,
almost exactly matches the percentage in the general public that holds
an unfavorable view of him.

Teabagging is all about self interest. Note how they came out in Florida
to support a program that was way over budget and behind schedule.

Tea Party is not really about being for anything, it's about being
against. Even things they used to be for.


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