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Too much ease can be a baaaad thang.

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phil scott

Jan 10, 2010, 11:23:18 PM1/10/10

This article is about epi-genetics... how to grow strong, oror
weak. fast.

An example:
When I ceased working as a design builder of industrial equipment,
much of it I put to together myself, welding, piping and wiring
etc.... and began consulting, sitting in a cubicle.. drawing pretty
pictures and waxing eloquently,. (for such as IBM, the US Dept of
Energy etc)

Doing that I LOST that entire gung ho, design builder, guttsy skill
set... my metabolism slowed up, I got fat...

....and I developed an unreal view of life and my profession, my
engineering ability suffered... I estimated jobs poorly etc

..... my health suffered, I developed heart trouble and diabetes,
that was at age 58

its the first worlds primary disease as i see it... it is wall to
wall common in the engineering business, Ive seen it coast to coast
and in dozens of major corporations and government, it is possible
for people to go totally out the bottom and keep breathing and drawing
a pay check.

As the economy tanked, I went back to the tools... beginning again in
the building trades and some small equipment packages, It took me 5
years to rebuild a modicum of my former prowess with tools and trouble
shooting, moxie and etc.

It took 10 years to recover what I have of my health.. (Im more or
less OK now for age 69, though I had to give up flat tracking.)


Epi-genetics is the study of how this occurs,,, epi in this context
means 'above or resting on top of' and you know what genetics
means,... epigeneitics is the fine tuning of ones genetics by
activity or lack of it.... and the quality of the activity and other
environmental factors

these are lightening fast acting drivers... immediate in some cases,
and noticeable in hours at times. but not know to the average person
or doctor, and even to most who study the area, these think it takes
years,,, I am asserting it begins instantly and is ongoing,... it is
just it takes years for the damage to become totally obvious.

ones epi genetics changes from what I have seen in my own life and by
observing business and industry and the post office sort of
situations... fast.... then it is my view that ones actual genetics
change, and the children changed by how the parent developed along
those lines.


a persons metabolism can be driven down in a day, in a few days
neurons in the brain begin to loose touch with one another, within a
year or two the person is severely debilitated.

*** the drivers for this first up, as I began my career in the
usual struggle,,,,, then hit an easy plateau, and went into
decline,, is the well established main line science of epi-

Search amazon for the the most recent books on the topic... there are
late breaking new discoveries.

My view and esperience has been that by staying active, facing
challenges yourself, for instance do minor or major repairs on your
own car or house, learn how to debug your own computer and if you run
a business get out in the field at least a day a week and work wth the
tools.... you can reverse these negative developments most associate
with age,,,, but its not age entirely .... it is these drivers Ive
mentioned playing a very large part,

Politically,... '
if we give people an easy ride, take care of them from cradle to
grave, the epi-genetic phenomena insures they will decline in
performance, physically and economically along the same path...the
entire nation then follows....

Even with hard working people ease, seen as a goal by many.... is
actually destructive...

my advice, stay in business (but not as a wage slave at the command
of others for sure) and do physical work at least 8 hours a week,
mentally challenging highly skilled work. that pays off,

a man or woman can stay sharp and healthy that way..

Phil scott, (age 69)

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