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Pedestrians and cyclists represent a threat to civilization

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TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu

Apr 6, 2010, 10:49:24 PM4/6/10
They slow down traffic, and make those drivers in SUVs momentarily
lose the thread of the conversation, which could result in business
loses or worse, that that they spill the coffee!

I've almost been run over at the light several times, and stay away
from the bicycle, but I understand the potential consequences of my
dangerous activities.



"Don't stick your head in the mouth of the lion"

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 7, 2010, 12:13:07 AM4/7/10
I made a quick dash for freedom today... I went to the supermarket and
back on foot! Almost heroic. No incidents with traffic, but a lot of
rough people, crazy people, drunks and homeless. Not a pretty picture,
for sure. What can I say, "I'm alive!"

Notice this is NOT the deep jungle, nor is the total desert devoid of
people that prevails almost everywhere, just a bit intimidating or
depressing. Drivers feel emboldened enough though to blast the horn,
cutting you off and taking aim at you, sometimes shouting at you just
for slowing them down --at the light!

Rod Speed

Apr 7, 2010, 1:46:08 AM4/7/10
TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit wrote:

> I made a quick dash for freedom today... I went to the supermarket
> and back on foot! Almost heroic. No incidents with traffic, but a lot
> of rough people, crazy people, drunks and homeless. Not a pretty
> picture, for sure. What can I say, "I'm alive!"

Pity about that.

> Notice this is NOT the deep jungle, nor is the total desert devoid
> of people that prevails almost everywhere, just a bit intimidating
> or depressing. Drivers feel emboldened enough though to blast
> the horn, cutting you off and taking aim at you, sometimes
> shouting at you just for slowing them down --at the light!

They should just run you over and stop you doing stuff like that.

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 7, 2010, 1:58:46 AM4/7/10

Rod Speed

Apr 7, 2010, 5:37:02 AM4/7/10

Fat lot of good that will do you apechild.


Apr 7, 2010, 8:46:27 AM4/7/10
On 06/04/10 7:49 PM, TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu wrote:
> They slow down traffic, and make those drivers in SUVs momentarily
> lose the thread of the conversation, which could result in business
> loses or worse, that that they spill the coffee!

You're absolutely right. My daughter is just starting to drive and I
asked her if she knew why you shouldn't drink and drive. She started
giving me statistics on blood alcohol levels, and I had to interrupt her
and say, "no, no, that's not what I mean." I explained that the real
reason you shouldn't drink and drive is that you might go over a bump
and spill your drink. Distractions like bicycles could have similar
result, and the last thing you want is coffee staining the carpet or

TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu

Apr 7, 2010, 11:20:37 AM4/7/10

I thought she would be disappointed at you not to teaching her
MULTITASKING while driving. Is she ready to be a SOCCER MOM with an


Apr 7, 2010, 11:54:56 AM4/7/10
On 07/04/10 8:20 AM, TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu


> I thought she would be disappointed at you not to teaching her
> MULTITASKING while driving. Is she ready to be a SOCCER MOM with an
> SUV?

Hopefully not.

TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu

Apr 7, 2010, 12:28:18 PM4/7/10

Well, then you may have to teach her that while soccer moms may be
good protective mothers (protected by that much tonnage), they are
also antisocial and dangerous.

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 7, 2010, 12:38:39 PM4/7/10
On Apr 7, 9:26 am, Marvin the Martian <> wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Apr 2010 18:57:28 -0700, TibetanMonkey, Originator of the

> > I see what you mean. But to face those alpha apes, you'd need a Toyota
> > Land Crusher, not a Corolla.
> I find it easier to just avoid the apes than to confront them. The whole
> social dominance via driving ritual is just one of the strangest thing
> that hew-mons do. Like, this Lexus car. It's just a very expensive Toyota
> Corolla. No bones about it, it's made by Toyota. Change the name, slap a
> new logo on it, and hew-mons pay twice as much for essentially the same
> utility. That's just strange.
> Or as you say, the SUV. Alpha Ape indeed! You have that right. Out right
> physical dominance. No one in their right mind would get one of those
> monster cars to haul around a fat ape ass. With the money saved from not
> driving such a car they could rent a truck for their occasional excessive
> hauling needs.
> > Then it defeats the purpose to save a few bucks on Toyota when America
> > offers the best Supersized Unnecessary Vehicles. I don't think Toyota
> > can make you the King of the Jungle like a Hummer or F-350.
> True. It's the "jungle" part that I find disturbing.

The jungle part is created (or allowed to run its course) so that
people are "driven" into ever bigger vehicles... Remember the basic
law of the jungle? BIGGER IS BETTER.

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 7, 2010, 12:42:02 PM4/7/10
On Apr 7, 8:45 am, "Mike Hunter" <Mikehunt2@lycos,com> wrote:

> MONEY & OIL? You are correct bet. I'll bet you would be one of those
> screaming the loudest if the production of Mid East oil was cut off and gas
> went to $9 a gallon, however. LOL

What a scary thought! You may be riding bikes, scooters and driving
Smarts instead of boring Toyotas.

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 7, 2010, 1:35:07 PM4/7/10
On Apr 7, 10:24 am, sagetea <> wrote:
> On Apr 7, 12:44 pm, "TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit"

> > What a scary thought! You may be riding bikes, scooters and driving
> > Smarts instead of boring Toyotas.

> When the people of China and India all have automobiles, expect oil
> to become very expensive, if people do not change their tactics. The
> new upcoming thing will be algae bio-diesel.
> An algae pond optimized can produce close to 100,000 gallons of fuel
> per acre/yearly. Once this technology becomes more common then war for
> oil will become a thing of the past.
> Until then duck and cover.

I thought bananas would be the future... Yes, you get 3 miles per
banana on a bicycle, plus they taste great. Of course, you can use any
other foodstuff, but the point is that we should drop a few tons of
weight in order to get efficient. How many miles per banana on a car?
1 block.

I got the numbers from the Giant bike brochure.

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 7, 2010, 2:19:30 PM4/7/10
On Apr 7, 1:46 pm, jl <> wrote:
> On Apr 6, 11:03 pm, TheTibetanMonkey <>

> wrote:
> > They slow down traffic, and make those drivers in SUVs momentarily
> > lose the thread of the conversation, which could result in business
> > loses or worse, that that they spill the coffee!
> > I've almost been run over at the light several times, and stay away
> > from the bicycle, but I understand the potential consequences of my
> > dangerous activities.
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > "Never trust a Christian behind the wheel"
> >
> A texting motorist in an SUV has every right to vent his hostilities
> at bicyclists and pedestrians. Here in my neck of the woods these
> road clutterers which victimize vehicular traffic are run down every
> few days, carried off, and quickly interred.
> I did notice a diametrically contrary philosophy in Southern
> California. One day I was riding the paved bike trail along the
> Pacific Ocean from Hermosa Beach to Santa Monica. Near Marina Del Ray
> and Venice you have to cross the street a few times, and the signs
> require motorists to yield right-of-way, a curious phenomenon which
> would have caused bloody rebellions among our alpha motorists here in
> Western North Carolina. A woman in a jalopy bearing an Oklahoma tag
> honked at me as I pedaled across the street in front of her, slowing
> her down. Whereupon, I boldly threw up my middle finger at her... and
> pumped it. Some kids along the sidewalk saw and yelled, "Good for
> you!" Yes, they were talking to me, not the Okie.
> Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't have stayed in Hermosa Beach.

Hermosa Beach means "beautiful beach." Yep, I'm afraid you went to the
wrong place if you are not a top predator. ;)

Besides, I lived in LA I can tell you the drivers there are mostly
civilized and give you right of way. You still no see no bikes on the
road, but you are OK as a pedestrian.

One of the mottoes of the revolution is "Life's a beach," so
everything comes together for a reason. ;)


Apr 7, 2010, 6:27:29 PM4/7/10
On 07/04/10 11:19 AM, TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

> Hermosa Beach means "beautiful beach." Yep, I'm afraid you went to the
> wrong place if you are not a top predator. ;)
> Besides, I lived in LA I can tell you the drivers there are mostly
> civilized and give you right of way. You still no see no bikes on the
> road, but you are OK as a pedestrian.
> One of the mottoes of the revolution is "Life's a beach," so
> everything comes together for a reason. ;)

The first time I went to southern California I visited an old college
roommate that lived in Huntington Beach. We were walking along the PCH
(CA 1) in Huntington Beach and he said, "watch this." He stepped off the
sidewalk as if he were about to cross the street, and all the traffic
immediately stopped. This was in 1979. I'm not sure if the drivers still
behave the same way.

TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu

Apr 7, 2010, 10:07:31 PM4/7/10

Yep, the highest form of civilization (respect for pedestrians) and
primitive behavior (gangs) happen in the same location. And it was the
latter that made me move. ;)

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 8, 2010, 4:37:04 PM4/8/10
Like I said, cyclists are a threat to "civilization," so expect tough
opposition and even attacks from the lions of the jungle...

(shocking video!)

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