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Olive oil being adultrated with peanut oil, other kinds of oils

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Jul 8, 2010, 1:16:24 AM7/8/10
to (Consumerist blog)


Jul 8, 2010, 2:08:59 AM7/8/10
On Jul 7, 10:16 pm, enough <> wrote:
>  (Consumerist blog)

Peanut oil is the rarest oil in grocery stores in my area -- is this
why? But the price runs 2/3-3/4 the cost of standard EVOO (not from
olive oil boutiques). And it has a strong flavor of its own.
Stretching EVOO with a neutral-tasting, cheap oil like canola would
make more sense.

lil abner

Jul 8, 2010, 10:42:14 AM7/8/10
enough wrote:
> (Consumerist blog)
Everything is adulterated in US food supply products from the corporations.
The Depart of Ag and FDA was a servant of Big Business under Bush and
continues to protect Industry interest not Citizens.
A loaf of bread is now almost universally contaminated with soy and is
stale first day on the shelf.
Everything has high fruitcose corn syrup in it despite all the facts
that it is detrimental to our health, from everyone except Industry.
Ice Cream is now a chemist brew and leaves a chemical taste. It has the
consistency of thick slime or mayonnaise or something. It's not ice
cream. You don't even get a half gallon. It's one and a half quarts.
Poultry and beef is franken food. Chicken has a ton of salt and
chemicals in it and the taste, there is none without the salt and chemicals.
You can't use old cook books because large eggs are not large eggs
anymore. Extra large is large as in the rest of the world now.
Those that can't tolerate soy are in a world of hurt. They adulterate
everything with it. It's cheaper than the actual product, so bulk it up
with soy and other fillers and add chemicals to give it some flavor.


Jul 8, 2010, 12:34:38 PM7/8/10

I think the article just said "peanut oil" to try to leverage the mass
hysteria about peanut allergies a few years ago.



Jul 8, 2010, 1:00:38 PM7/8/10
On Jul 8, 7:42 am, lil abner <@daisy.mae> wrote:

> Poultry and beef is franken food. Chicken has a ton of salt and
> chemicals in it and the taste, there is none without the salt and chemicals.

A 2008 report from Center for Science in the Public Interest showed
some Purdue products are lower in salt than most Tyson products.

> You can't use old cook books because large eggs are not large eggs
> anymore.

Chickens are huge these days. Cooking times for fried chicken based on
a 2-1/2 to 3 lb. chicken don't work for todays 4-5 lb. chickens.

Forrest Hodge

Jul 8, 2010, 4:15:17 PM7/8/10

It's all Bush's fault...right. It's not like HFCS hasn't been around for
20+ years or anything. And it's not like chemically altered food is a
recent development, but let's blame Bush anyway, it's clearly his fault.
I accidentally left my clothes in the washer last night..damn that Bush.

The Henchman

Jul 8, 2010, 6:50:06 PM7/8/10

> It's all Bush's fault...right. It's not like HFCS hasn't been around for
> 20+ years or anything. And it's not like chemically altered food is a
> recent development, but let's blame Bush anyway, it's clearly his fault. I
> accidentally left my clothes in the washer last night..damn that Bush.

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bush invented kraft dinner, cheez whiz and hot dogs.
Damn that bush.

Jeff Thies

Jul 9, 2010, 8:04:51 AM7/9/10

Clearly not everything is W's fault.

What is also clear is that W believed in letting big businesses decide
what is best. He deregulated wherever possible and acted to marginalize
government agencies. At the end of his tenure most government
departments were lacking leadership throughout the top 2 or 3 rungs and
were dysfunctional.

That is the Tea Party Mantra. Less Government, except where it suits
their needs and then they want more government largess. Look at Bobby

The results are predictable, short term profits and then a need for
massive government intervention to fix Mad Cow outbreaks, Financial
Market meltdowns and blown out oil wells.

Not everything is Bush's fault, but not for lack of effort and
philosophy on his part.


Christopher Helms

Jul 9, 2010, 9:31:06 AM7/9/10

I hate the way our food is becoming a monument to overprocessing and
mass production. I hate the bizarre frankenstein chemicals like
Aspartame that are being added to it and the crap being fed to the
animals that are to be part of it. I detest the way those animals are
treated, too. I also hate the Food Cops whose careers seem to be based
on making people panic over food products, so I'm not thrilled with
anybody these days when it comes to food.

lil abner

Jul 9, 2010, 1:56:14 PM7/9/10
I buy local produce when I can find it. Most local production capacity
has been bought out and turned into part of large Agri bussines. Agri
business is being turned into Monopoly business. They are in the
business of making money not farming. If some suffer and or pass away
from the the accumulated poisoning of pesticides, chemicals and toxins
from genetically engineered franken crops or the likes of Aspartame and
HFCS. It is alarming that these corporations aim, of making money, is
not compatible with our health interests.
Poisons do not harmlessly pass through our systems as they do not pass
harmlessly through pests.
Poisons are not compatible with life and should not be desirable as a
means to profits and to hell with American Citizen/Consumers.
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