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Your patriotic duty is to not invest in the stock market.

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Mar 14, 2009, 8:36:33 PM3/14/09
With cold calculation the market was forced upward. Matter not that in
many cases a firm's
share price had no relationship to the true value. I hope you will
stay out of this market for a
couple of reasons; one, it may drift upward for a while but there is
not a single bit of hope
for America to regain position as a exporting innovative economic
machine. Two, try to keep
this very questionable equities at a reasonable levl.


Message has been deleted

Patriot Games

Mar 15, 2009, 1:26:16 PM3/15/09
On Sat, 14 Mar 2009 17:36:33 -0700 (PDT), waldo88 <>

>With cold calculation the market was forced upward. Matter not that in
>many cases a firm's
>share price had no relationship to the true value.

There is no such thing as "true value."

Share price is based on trading activity.

Trading activity could be based on anything.

>I hope you will stay out of this market for a
>couple of reasons; one, it may drift upward for a while but there is
>not a single bit of hope
>for America to regain position as a exporting innovative economic


>Two, try to keep
>this very questionable equities at a reasonable levl.

Last week they were practically giving away GE stock.

I bought a bunch for each of my grandchildren which should amount to a
sweet college fund for each of them in about 15 years!

(Sooner if they shitcan that ASSHOLE of a CEO...)


Mar 15, 2009, 1:53:13 PM3/15/09

I got in equities about 50% last week. I probably should have got in

Mar 15, 2009, 2:11:57 PM3/15/09

great advice, if it was given a year ago!

why is it, that after the market crashes and stocks are reasonable
priced compared to historical standards everyone comes out of the
woodwork telling everyone not to buy, but a year before, when stocks
were overpriced they were no where to be seen

same for houses. a few years ago a people were tripping over
themselves to buy a $400,000 home, now, the same identical home, in
the same neighborhood, is selling for $200K and nobody wants it!

Vic Smith

Mar 15, 2009, 3:27:21 PM3/15/09
On Sun, 15 Mar 2009 11:11:57 -0700 (PDT), ""
<> wrote:

>why is it, that after the market crashes and stocks are reasonable
>priced compared to historical standards everyone comes out of the
>woodwork telling everyone not to buy, but a year before, when stocks
>were overpriced they were no where to be seen

Same reason that racetrack goers are always saying about the winning
nag, "I shoulda had him!"
Market timers are the worst gamblers of all.
Since we got all these buyers peeping up, look for a 5000 DJIA.


Mitchell Holman

Mar 15, 2009, 3:56:09 PM3/15/09
Patriot Games <Pat...@America.Com> wrote in

Once the Obama Recovery from the Bush Recession hits, of course.

Patriot Games

Mar 15, 2009, 5:17:34 PM3/15/09
On Sun, 15 Mar 2009 10:53:13 -0700 (PDT), mg <>

Depends on your age, mostly.

If you're under 40 a goodly amount in stocks isn't so bad because you
have a couple of decades to recover any loss.

If you're in your 40s you should be moving to safer places...

If you're in your 50s you should ALREADY be moved to safer places...

You never know when we hit bottom until you look back and see that it
already happened...

We might be there, but maybe not....

Patriot Games

Mar 15, 2009, 5:19:55 PM3/15/09

America's capitalist system is self-healing. Buckwheat is actually
doing NOTHING to bring the Market back.

>from the Bush Recession hits, of course.

Do you mean the Recession that started ONLY AFTER Democrats took over
Congress and gave us a massive gas price increase?

That Recession?

Mar 15, 2009, 5:21:07 PM3/15/09
On Mar 15, 6:17 pm, Patriot Games <Patr...@America.Com> wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Mar 2009 10:53:13 -0700 (PDT), mg <>


Hola!, tengo excelentes noticias por lo que creo tendrias que tomarte
un par de minutos y lee; si alguna vez pensaste: "COMO PUEDO HACER
Permíteme empezar diciendo que FINALMENTE
LO ENCONTRE!!!. En serio!, lo encontré!. Y eso que odio todos esos
No soñaste siempre con eso de tener un millón de amigos y cada uno te
dé un dollar?? Esto es parecido…
Estaba NAVEGANDO cuando vi un articulo que decía de CONSEGUIR DINERO
RAPIDO!!. Pensé... "EN INTERNET? Otra estafa más... Bueno, tengo
que ver que tipo de esquema pueden presentar en Internet. Este
Articulo describía la manera de mandar POR CORREO UN BILLETE DE UN
Bueno, cuando mas pensé acerca de esto mas curioso me ponía del por
que. Por que de la manera que esto trabajaba y POR QUE SOLO IBA A
QUE PAGAR... Y NADA MÁS!!!. O.K., los $50.000 en efectivo podía ser un
punto alto de alcanzar, pero era posible. Me figure que tal vez podía
tener un alcance de $1.000 mas o menos, así que lo hice!!!. Como
decían las instrucciones en el Articulo, mande por correo UN SOLO
BILLETE DE UN DOLAR a cada una de las seis personas de la lista que
contenía el articulo que leí. Incluí una pequeña nota que decia "POR
dólar. Luego rehice la lista en donde saque al primero, moví una
posición arriba a cada uno de los restantes e incluí mi nombre al
final de ella. Esta fue la forma de lograr que el dinero comenzara a
Luego tome esta lista que acababa de modificar y la PUBLIQUE EN TODOS
LOS NEWSGROUPS (Grupos de Noticias o Foros de Discusión) Y BBS LOCALES
QUE CONOCIA Y espere que el dinero empezara a llegarme, preparado para
recibir entre $1.000 y $1.500 en efectivo. Pero que agradable sorpresa
cuando todos esos sobres empezaron a llegarme!!!. Supe enseguida de
que se trataban cuando vi que las direcciones de retorno provenían de
todas partes del mundo, la mayoría de Estado Unidos, Canadá y
Australia!. Te cuento, FUE EXCITANTE!!!. Cuanto recibí en total?, $.
1000? $5.000? NOOO!!!. Recibí un total de U$D 20.343!! No lo podía
creer!!! Tal vez era posible lograr $50.000 en efectivo, no lo se,
Tienes que seguirlo y publicarlo donde te sea posible, cuanto mas se
publique y mas gente lo vea, habrá mas posibilidades para todos de
ganar mas dinero, esto determinara cuanto te llegara por correo!!!. Es
realmente fácil de hacerlo... Revisemos las razones de por que
hacerlo: los únicos gastos son: 6 Estampillas, 6 sobres y 6 dólares
(un billete de UN DOLAR para cada uno en la lista), luego publicar el
articulo con tu nombre incluido en TODOS LOS NEWSGROUPS que se te
ocurran (esto es gratis) y luego esperar que los sobres te lleguen.
Todos tenemos 6 dólares para gastar en una inversión fácil y que no
envuelve ningún tipo de esfuerzo con UNA ESPECTACULAR RECOMPENSA DE
ENTRE $15.000 Y $25.000 en solo 3 a 5 semanas!.
Así que prívate de jugar a la lotería hoy, o mejor come en casa en vez
de ir afuera e invierte esos 6 dólares en esto que puede darte una
grata sorpresa!!!. No hay forma de perder!!!
Como funciona esto exactamente???
************************************************** ***********
ATENCIÓN: Lee esto cuidadosamente. No es que sea necesario, pero es
buena idea imprimir estas hojas como referencia en el caso de que
tengas dudas.
************************************************** ************
1. PASO:
Consigue 6 hojas de papel y escribe lo siguiente: "POR FAVOR INCLUYA
NAME TO YOUR LIST". Luego, escribe también tu nombre, dirección y
correo electrónico (e-mail). Como un lindo detalle pon también en que
POSICION figuraba cada nombre de las personas cuando enviaste tu dólar
( Ej: "Estabas en la posicion 3" o "You were in slot 3" ) como para
hacerlo mas completo. De eso se trata, de hacer dinero y pasarla bien
al mismo tiempo. Ahora solo consigue 6 billetes de US$ 1.00 DOLAR
AMERICANO cada uno. Dobla cada una de las 6 páginas de papel blanco
escrita alrededor de cada uno de los 6 billetes de UN DOLAR AMERICANO
$ 1.00 (NO mandes cheques ni otro tipo de pago, SOLO BILLETES DE UN
DOLAR AMERICANO, si es que estás en argentina envía 4 pesos a cada uno
de la lista), ponlos dentro de 6 sobres y envíalos a cada una de
las 6 personas listadas líneas abajo (de forma tal que ahora tienes 6
sobres sellados cada uno con la frase mencionada y un dólar
La idea de doblar el papel alrededor del billete es para asegurar que
va a llegar a su destino y ESTO ULTIMO ES MUY IMPORTANTE! (De otra
manera la gente que trabaja en el correo podría detectar que se trata
de dinero y quedarse con los miles de sobres que te van llegando; de
manera que se recomienda envolver todo, adicionalmente, en un papel
oscuro o de carbón para que no se vea a través del sobre!). Lo que
estas haciendo es crear un servicio y como tal, lo hace COMPLETAMENTE
LEGAL. A partir de ahora no estas mandándole UN DOLAR a alguna persona
sin ningún motivo, estas pagando UN DOLAR por un legitimo servicio (te
aseguro, de nuevo, que esto es completamente legal). Acto seguido,
envía los 6 sobres a la siguientes direcciones:

1. Alberto Jose Anacleto Rosales, Asoc. Provivienda "San Pedro" Mz.B
Lte. 35, aprox. a la Alt. del km 27.5 de la PANAM. NORTE (Paradero
"FAMESA"), Distrito Puente Piedra, Codigo Postal: Lima 22, Peru

2. Emmanuel Jiménez Camacho; Calle: Retorno Fray Bartolomé de las
Casas #106-1, IV Señorío, Ocotlán, Tlaxcala, México. CP. 90100 E-

3. Ricardo Garcia Muñoz , ave. Las torres #811 fraccionamiento
alamedas de la hacienda ,monterrey n.l. mexico c.p.67150

4. Alfredo Zapala. Avenida Gobernador Galíndez #535, San Fernando Del
Valle de Catamarca,CP 4700. Catamarca-Argentina.

5. Juan Manuel Catogio. Barrio 22 Viv. Casa 19 San Isidro – Valle
Viejo CP 4707 Catamarca – Argentina.

6. José Acosta. Pje Cardiel casa Nro 73. General Mosconi. KM 3
Comodoro Rivadavia. CHUBUT-CP(9000)-Argentina

2. PASO:
Escucha con cuidado, esta es la forma de como vas a recibir dinero por
correo. Mira la lista de las seis personas, borra el nombre #1 de la
lista de arriba, mueve los otros nombres una posición para arriba (el
#2 se convierte en #1, el #3 en #2, el #4 en #3, el #5 en #4,el #6 en
#5) y agrega TU NOMBRE -SI el tuyo, así te llegara a TI- en la
posicion #6 de la lista, es decir, al final. Incluye además de tu
Nombre, tu Dirección, Código postal y País; así como lo hizo cada uno
de los de la lista.
3. PASO:
Cambia todo lo que creas conveniente de este articulo, pero trata de
mantenerlo lo mas cercano posible al original. Ahora pon tu articulo
en por lo menos 200 NEWSGROUPS, tambien llamados Foros de Discusion o
Grupos de Noticias (existen más de 24.000 grupos). Solo necesitas 200,
pero cuanto mas cantidad pongas, mas dinero te llegara. Aqui van
algunas indicaciones de como introducirse en los newsgroups.
COMO MANEJAR LOS NEWSGROUPS: En primer lugar, tu no necesitas redactar
de nuevo toda esta carta para hacer la tuya propia. Solamente pon el
cursor al inicio de esta carta y arrastra hacia abajo de manera que
toda queda "sombreada". Despues, presiona la teclas CTRL+C, de esta
forma queda en la memoria de tu computadora. Luego, abre una
aplicacion preferiblemnete Block de Notas (NotePad), Wordpad o MsWord.
Luego, una vez abierta cualquiera de estas aplicaciones coloca el
cursor al inicio de una hoja en blanco y presiona CTRL+V, y ya tendrás
esta carta y podrás agregar tu nombre y dirección en el #6 siguiendo
las instrucciones de mas arriba. Por ultimo guarda esta carta con tus
cambios en un nuevo archivo de la aplicación. ES TODO!!
Todo lo que tienes que hacer ahora es meterte en diferentes
"newsgroups", o clasificados, o anuncios gratis, etc. y publicarlo.
Recuerda que cada vez que quieras hacerlo bastara con abrir el archivo
guardado, copiarlo y pegarlo en el área de mensaje del newsgroup, o
clasificado, o anuncio gratis, etc. Para llegar a ellos en cualquier
buscador pon estos términos : newsgroups, foros de discusión,
clasificados, anuncios gratis o guestbooks; y aparecerán miles de
paginas. NO olvides publicar todo el anuncio o carta pero con TU
NOMBRE en la posición 6, desapareciendo el 1; cuando ya tengas
practica solo te tomara unos 30 segundos por cada newsgroup!. Se
recomienda, además, que cuando publiques la descripción de este
articulo trates de darle un nombre que "atrape", como "NECESITA DINERO
etc. y no así "GANA MILLONES EN 1 SEMANA", porque nadie te tomara en
YA ESTA!!... Tu estarás recibiendo dinero de todo el mundo, de lugares
que ni conoces y en unos pocos días!!. **ASEGURATE DE QUE TODAS LAS
DIRECCIONES ESTEN CORRECTAS** Ahora el POR QUE de todo esto: de 200
anuncios enviados, digamos que solo recibo 5 respuestas (bajísimo, es
ejemplo). Entonces hice $5.00 con mi nombre en la posición #5 de esta
carta. Ahora, cada una de las 5 personas que ya me enviaron los $1.00
hacen un mínimo de 200 newsgroups, cada uno con mi nombre en el #4 de
la lista y solo responden 5 personas a cada uno de los 5 originales,
esto hace $25.00 mas que yo recibo, ahora estas personas ponen un
mínimo de 200 newsgroups con mi nombre en #3 lugar y solo se reciben 5
respuesta de cada uno. Estaría haciendo otros $125.00 adicionales.
Ahora esta 125 personas ponen un mínimo de 200 grupos con mi nombre en
#2 lugar y yo recibo un adicional de $625.00. OK, aquí esta la parte
mas divertida, cada una de las 625 personas ponen sus cartas en otros
200 grupos con mi nombre en el #1 y cada uno recibe solo 5 respuestas,
esto hace que yo reciba #3,125.00!!! de una inversión original de
$6.00 mas estampillas (sellos).
INCREIBLE!!! y como dije antes, que solo 5 personas respondan es muy
poco, el promedio real seria de 20-30 personas! Ahí que pongamos estos
números mas a calcular. Si solo 15 personas responden, esto hace: En
la #5-------$15.00, En la #4------$225.00, En la #3------$3,375.00, En
la #2------$50,625.00, En la #1------$759,375.00. SI!!, MAS DE
vez que tu nombre ya no esta en la lista, saca el ultimo anuncio del
newsgroup otra vez. Lo que debes recordar es que miles de personas
mas, en todo el mundo, se conectan a Internet cada día y leerán estos
artículos todos los días como tu y yo lo hacemos. Así que creo que
nadie tendría problemas de invertir $6.00 y ver si realmente funciona.
Algunas personas llegan a pensar "¿y si nadie decide contestarme?".
QUE!! Cual es la probabilidad de que esto pase cuando hay miles y
miles de personas honestas (que como tu y yo) buscan una manera de
tener dinero extra... y que están dispuestas a tratar, pues "no hay
peor lucha que la que no se hace". Se estima que existen de 20,000 a
50,000 nuevos usuarios TODOS LOS DIAS (en todo el mundo).
ESTA. Otra forma es publicar esta carta en tu PAGINA WEB (si la
tienes). ***
Recuerda hacer esto de forma CORRECTA, LIMPIA Y HONESTA y funcionara
con toda seguridad. Solamente tienes que ser honesto. Asegúrate de
imprimir este articulo AHORA, trata de mantener la lista de todos los
que te envían dinero y siempre fíjate en los newsgroups y ve si todos
estan participando limpiamente. Recuerda, HONESTIDAD ES EL MEJOR
METODO. No necesitas hacer trucos con la idea básica de hacer dinero
en esto!
Esta es la mas limpia y honesta manera de compartir fortuna que yo
jamás haya visto, sin costarnos mucho excepto un poco de tiempo.
EL TIEMPO ES IMPORTANTE, por eso no dejes pasar mas de 7 dias del
momento que veas este e-mail o anuncio. Sigamos todas las reglas del
negocio. "Los frutos de la honestidad se recogen en muy poco tiempo y
duran para siempre" Proverbio Chino. Gracias otra vez. Haz la Prueba.
Buena Suerte... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Está buenísimo!!! Aprovechen sus fotologs para que más gente les envíe
el dinero!!


Mar 15, 2009, 5:58:48 PM3/15/09
Patriot Games <Pat...@America.Com> writes:

One lie after another. I don't even read your post, no need to you
have never posted an honest opinion.

The choice will be taken out of the hands of Corporate
Executives. Those making a determination as to whether they want a
union or not will determine how the vote will proceed. Again,
corporate execs will no longer be supervising such processes they will
be supervied by those who are entitled to make a risk free decision.


Mar 15, 2009, 8:46:13 PM3/15/09

>same for houses. a few years ago a people were tripping over
>themselves to buy a $400,000 home, now, the same identical home, in
>the same neighborhood, is selling for $200K and nobody wants it!

The same people were also making claims that renting was pure
foolishness. With housing appreciation now averaging below inflation
for many years, for many, renting over the past ten has probably been
wiser than buying.

Rod Speed

Mar 15, 2009, 10:27:40 PM3/15/09

Nope, not if you were sensible about what you had bought.

Mitchell Holman

Mar 16, 2009, 8:32:26 AM3/16/09
Patriot Games <Pat...@America.Com> wrote in

The stock market is already rebounding, the banks
are actually starting to show profits again.

Don't you keep up with the news, Bob?

>>from the Bush Recession hits, of course.
> Do you mean the Recession that started ONLY AFTER Democrats took over
> Congress and gave us a massive gas price increase?

Show us what the democratic congress did that caused
the gas prices to go up - and then go down.


Mar 16, 2009, 8:53:19 AM3/16/09
Patriot Games wrote:

>Do you mean the Recession that started ONLY AFTER Democrats took over
>Congress and gave us a massive gas price increase?
>That Recession?

Bush's best achievement was to greatly reduce taxes for most everyone.

I know a lot of people who have seen their income and property taxes
reduced by 50% and more due to his leadership.


Mar 16, 2009, 9:39:02 AM3/16/09

"Mitchell Holman" <> wrote in message
Umm, the recession started years ago. The economy has been going downhill
since the moment Bush took office and used the word in his inaugural
address. The economy had been booming right up to the moment Clinton got on
that airplane and left. I don't know about you, but I now make less than
half what I made in January 2001. That's the democrats fault exactly how?


Mar 16, 2009, 9:40:12 AM3/16/09
geez you must have made bad decisions in your life. I am doing better
than ever thanks to the repubs. I worry now that the dums are in charge .

Dave Garland

Mar 16, 2009, 12:13:33 PM3/16/09
clams_casino wrote:

> Bush's best achievement was to greatly reduce taxes for most everyone.
> I know a lot of people who have seen their income and property taxes
> reduced by 50% and more due to his leadership.

No, that's property _values_ that got reduced due to his leadership,
not property _taxes_.

Patriot Games

Mar 16, 2009, 11:56:13 AM3/16/09
On Mon, 16 Mar 2009 07:32:26 -0500, Mitchell Holman

No, the Market is not "rebounding," yet.

Well over 90% of US banks were ALREADY showing a profit.

> Don't you keep up with the news, Bob?

And I also keep up with the LIARS.

>>>from the Bush Recession hits, of course.
>> Do you mean the Recession that started ONLY AFTER Democrats took over
>> Congress and gave us a massive gas price increase?
> Show us what the democratic congress did that caused
>the gas prices to go up - and then go down.

I didn't claim they "DID" anything. However, they obviously FAILED to
do ANYTHING to bring the gas prices back down. Gas prices came back
down as a result of decreased Demand.

Clinton: Apr 05, 1993 106.8 to Dec 25, 2000 145.3 = 36%


Jan 01, 2001 144.6 - Dec 31, 2001 113.7 = -21.4%
Jan 07, 2002 115.2 - Dec 30, 2002 148.4 = 28.8%
Jan 06, 2003 148.7 - Dec 29, 2003 152.1 = 2.3%
Jan 05, 2004 155.2 - Dec 27, 2004 183.8 = 18.4%
Jan 03, 2005 182.4 - Dec 26, 2005 224.1 = 22.9%
Jan 02, 2006 228.1 - Dec 25, 2006 238.7 = 4.6%
Jan 01, 2007 238.2 - Dec 31, 2007 310.4 = 30.3%
Jan 07, 2008 315.9 - Jun 16, 2008 413.4 = 30.9%


Mar 16, 2009, 12:14:25 PM3/16/09

"BarackHelpsCorpsDestroyU.S." <s...@mbams.ter> wrote in message >> Umm, the
recession started years ago. The economy has been going downhill
>> since the moment Bush took office and used the word in his inaugural
>> address. The economy had been booming right up to the moment Clinton got
>> on that airplane and left. I don't know about you, but I now make less
>> than half what I made in January 2001. That's the democrats fault exactly
>> how?
> geez you must have made bad decisions in your life. I am doing better
> than ever thanks to the repubs. I worry now that the dums are in charge .

Then you obviously don't own a business. You obviously don't own property.
You obviously aren't planning to retire any time in the next 15 years.


Mar 16, 2009, 12:23:41 PM3/16/09
yes, I do own a business. how about you?
yes, I do own several pieces of property. how about you?
ok , you got me on that last one. I figure I can't retire at least till
the next republican administration brings back the economy.

Mar 16, 2009, 3:20:20 PM3/16/09
A wise man once said "invest is another name for gamble, and gamble is
another name for lose."

He died on Nov 21, 1999, at age 90 and just short of wealthy (he had a
frugal lifestyle and maybe a half-million in the bank).



Mar 16, 2009, 4:32:41 PM3/16/09
BarackHelpsCorpsDestroyU.S. wrote:

> I figure I can't retire at least till the next republican
> administration brings back the economy.

It'll recover long before that will again happen. GW killed any
Republican hopes of gaining leadership for at least 20 years.


Mar 16, 2009, 4:34:07 PM3/16/09
Dave Garland wrote:

Try explaining that to all those who lost their homes to foreclosure.

Dave Garland

Mar 16, 2009, 5:56:30 PM3/16/09
clams_casino wrote:
> Dave Garland wrote:

>> No, that's property _values_ that got reduced due to his leadership,
>> not property _taxes_.
> Try explaining that to all those who lost their homes to foreclosure.

WTF does that have to do with it? Property taxes aren't the cause of
that. Losing their jobs because the Republicans cratered the economy
is the cause of that.


Mar 16, 2009, 5:10:56 PM3/16/09
Dave Garland wrote:


Mar 16, 2009, 5:13:19 PM3/16/09

if it comes back this year it will be because the fundamentals of the
economy are good. GWB left them that way.


Mar 16, 2009, 5:20:21 PM3/16/09

too bad the dums tanked the economy so they could pull off their coup.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Dave Garland

Mar 16, 2009, 7:34:52 PM3/16/09
clams_casino wrote:

> Bush's best achievement was to greatly reduce taxes for most everyone.

Not property taxes. Not sales taxes. Not taxes hidden by calling
them "fees".

Income taxes a tiny bit, "greatly" only if you had a high income. Not
"everybody" by a long shot.

> I know a lot of people who have seen their income and property taxes
> reduced by 50% and more due to his leadership.

How did he reduce property taxes? Those are not federal taxes, he had
no control over them. In fact, most places saw property taxes rise,
since federal government cuts made localities pick up the slack. Even
though Shrub was cutting taxes for millionaires (and running up a huge
deficit by attacking Iraq), people still needed roads, police, and
other government services.

As with a few other persons in history, "Leader" is not a compliment
when it refers to Bush.

Rod Speed

Mar 16, 2009, 6:45:34 PM3/16/09
to wrote:
> LOL.. an economy with no manufacturing capability to speak of

Just another of your bare faced lies.

> is not fundamentally sounds. The, and housing
> bubbles were responses to a stagnating economy.

Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you have never ever had a fucking clue about anything at all, ever.

> Green span created the housing bubble on purpose because
> he could not think of any other way to prop up the economy.

Yeah, yeah, those damned jews conspiring in smoke filled rooms to shaft us all, eh ?


Mar 16, 2009, 7:11:52 PM3/16/09
Dave Garland wrote:

Really dense, eh?


Mar 16, 2009, 7:15:37 PM3/16/09
BarackHelpsCorpsDestroyU.S. wrote:

Now that's comical.


Mar 17, 2009, 8:16:15 AM3/17/09
On Mon, 16 Mar 2009 17:34:52 -0600, Dave Garland
<> wrote:

>How did he reduce property taxes? Those are not federal taxes, he had
>no control over them. In fact, most places saw property taxes rise,
>since federal government cuts made localities pick up the slack.

That's right. My property taxes only go up and up, no matter who is in
office (all politicians are the same).

Do you know what Obama had to do to stimulate the economy? All he had
would be so stimulated our heads would explode.

Government sponsored healthcare (NO INSURANCE COMPANIES) would take
the burden off all workplaces now offering the outdated
employer-sponsored plans. GM and the other US automakers could be on
par with the Chinese and other foreign automakers. People who have
lost jobs would also not be saddled with losing health insurance.
State and local governments would not be saddled with the astronomical
Medicaid costs (which is the majority of my property taxes along with
schools - but that is another topic). Small businesses may begin to
prosper knowing that workers would have their healthcare picked up the
government. The list goes on and on.

And, don't give me the BS line that I don't want to pay for someone
else's healthcare. You already do people. Also, I can GUARANTEE you
that your taxes would be raised less than what you pay now in health
insurance premiums.



Mar 17, 2009, 8:20:26 AM3/17/09
On Mar 15, 3:17 pm, Patriot Games <Patr...@America.Com> wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Mar 2009 10:53:13 -0700 (PDT), mg <>
> wrote:

> >On Mar 15, 11:26 am, Patriot Games <Patr...@America.Com> wrote:
> >> On Sat, 14 Mar 2009 17:36:33 -0700 (PDT), waldo88 <>
> >> wrote:
> >> >With cold calculation the market was forced upward. Matter not that in
> >> >many cases a firm's
> >> >share price had no relationship to the true value.
> >> There is no such thing as "true value."
> >> Share price is based on trading activity.
> >> Trading activity could be based on anything.
> >> >I hope you will stay out of this market for a
> >> >couple of reasons; one, it may drift upward for a while but there is
> >> >not a single bit of hope
> >> >for America to regain position as a exporting innovative economic
> >> >machine.
> >> Bullshit.
> >> >Two, try to keep
> >> >this very questionable equities at a reasonable levl.
> >> Last week they were practically giving away GE stock.
> >> I bought a bunch for each of my grandchildren which should amount to a
> >> sweet college fund for each of them in about 15 years!
> >> (Sooner if they shitcan that ASSHOLE of a CEO...)
> >I got in equities about 50% last week. I probably should have got in
> >100%.
> Depends on your age, mostly.
> If you're under 40 a goodly amount in stocks isn't so bad because you
> have a couple of decades to recover any loss.
> If you're in your 40s you should be moving to safer places...
> If you're in your 50s you should ALREADY be moved to safer places...
> You never know when we hit bottom until you look back and see that it
> already happened...
> We might be there, but maybe not....

That's good advice.

Dave Garland

Mar 17, 2009, 12:23:52 PM3/17/09
Napoleon wrote:

> Do you know what Obama had to do to stimulate the economy? All he had
> would be so stimulated our heads would explode.

The "health" lobby (insurance companies and their dupes) is very
strong. As you say, there is a vast amount of money involved (those
bonuses to CEOs have to come from somewhere). Not to mention lawyers
(if everyone got health care automatically, who'd sue for medical
expenses?). They're very good at spreading propaganda, and buying
politicians. And (for the insurance companies) it's a matter of life
and death (both theirs and yours, though theirs is the only one they
are actually worried about).

> Government sponsored healthcare (NO INSURANCE COMPANIES) would take
> the burden off all workplaces now offering the outdated
> employer-sponsored plans. GM and the other US automakers could be on
> par with the Chinese and other foreign automakers. People who have
> lost jobs would also not be saddled with losing health insurance.
> State and local governments would not be saddled with the astronomical
> Medicaid costs (which is the majority of my property taxes along with
> schools - but that is another topic). Small businesses may begin to
> prosper knowing that workers would have their healthcare picked up the
> government. The list goes on and on.

And hospitals would not have to eat the cost of patients who can't pay.

I've always thought it was bizarre that health care should somehow be
the responsibility of employers. Business is there to make money, not
take care of people. It doesn't have the expertise, or the interest.
We should let businesses deal with doing what they do best, not
forcing them to be part-time social service agencies because
politicians are afraid of doing the job.

> And, don't give me the BS line that I don't want to pay for someone
> else's healthcare. You already do people. Also, I can GUARANTEE you
> that your taxes would be raised less than what you pay now in health
> insurance premiums.

Well, sort of. Right now, some premiums are hidden because a portion
is paid by the employer. So people don't realize they are paying
them, though of course their wages would be higher if the employer
didn't have to pay the premiums.



Mar 17, 2009, 12:39:31 PM3/17/09

"Dave Garland" <> wrote in message

And what about those of us who are self-employed but can no longer afford
the health insurance premiums? $3k a year with a $3k deductible? Yeah,
right. I've spent exactly $1,500 on "health care" since 1999, and that was
one visit for stitches. If I cut myself again, I'll sew it up myself. I'm
uninsured, so I simply don't get health care. I'll be eligible for Medicare
in 12 years, so all I have to do is not get sick or break anything until
then. However, I can see that my taxes are paying for "the poor" and their
offspring to get free health care along with a monthly check for which I
also pay. I just don't get it.

Patriot Games

Mar 17, 2009, 12:42:08 PM3/17/09
On Mon, 16 Mar 2009 08:53:19 -0400, clams_casino
<> wrote:
>Patriot Games wrote:
>>Do you mean the Recession that started ONLY AFTER Democrats took over
>>Congress and gave us a massive gas price increase?
>>That Recession?
>Bush's best achievement was to greatly reduce taxes for most everyone.

And liberating Iraq.

>I know a lot of people who have seen their income and property taxes
>reduced by 50% and more due to his leadership.

You mean the leadership AFTER Democrats took over Congress and gave us


Mar 17, 2009, 5:00:22 PM3/17/09
On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:39:31 -0400, "h" <>

>And what about those of us who are self-employed but can no longer afford
>the health insurance premiums? $3k a year with a $3k deductible? Yeah,
>right. I've spent exactly $1,500 on "health care" since 1999, and that was
>one visit for stitches. If I cut myself again, I'll sew it up myself. I'm
>uninsured, so I simply don't get health care. I'll be eligible for Medicare
>in 12 years, so all I have to do is not get sick or break anything until
>then. However, I can see that my taxes are paying for "the poor" and their
>offspring to get free health care along with a monthly check for which I
>also pay. I just don't get it.

Oh, oh! Don't just signal out the poor. Do you know your taxes pay for
ALL government employees' healthcare? You pay for Bush and Co.'s
healthcare. They're not poor.

People conveniently forget that ALL politicians have government single
payer health care. Just the rest of us peons can suck it.


Mitchell Holman

Mar 17, 2009, 6:40:41 PM3/17/09
Patriot Games <Pat...@America.Com> wrote in

> On Mon, 16 Mar 2009 08:53:19 -0400, clams_casino
> <> wrote:
>>Patriot Games wrote:
>>>Do you mean the Recession that started ONLY AFTER Democrats took over
>>>Congress and gave us a massive gas price increase?
>>>That Recession?
>>Bush's best achievement was to greatly reduce taxes for most everyone.
> And liberating Iraq.

Which didn't want to be "liberated".

>>I know a lot of people who have seen their income and property taxes
>>reduced by 50% and more due to his leadership.
> You mean the leadership AFTER Democrats took over Congress and gave us
> a massive gas price increase?

And, according to your logic, a massive DROP
in the price of gas.

Mar 17, 2009, 7:32:14 PM3/17/09
Napoleon <> wrote:

>Oh, oh! Don't just signal out the poor. Do you know your taxes pay for
>ALL government employees' healthcare? You pay for Bush and Co.'s
>healthcare. They're not poor.

Amen brother!!

How do we change all this though?

The Real Bev

Mar 17, 2009, 9:44:01 PM3/17/09
Dave Garland wrote:

> I've always thought it was bizarre that health care should somehow be
> the responsibility of employers.

Back in the old days, health care was the responsibility of the patient. You
went to the doctor and you paid the bill. At some point companies started
offering free or cheap medical insurance as an employee benefit, and THAT's
when medical costs started to skyrocket. There's no mechanism to control costs
when the user isn't the payer, and ultimately the cost of medical care
increased to the point that ordinary people couldn't afford it without
insurance. At THAT point, insurance costs started to climb.

We're pretty much hosed now.

> Business is there to make money, not
> take care of people. It doesn't have the expertise, or the interest.
> We should let businesses deal with doing what they do best, not
> forcing them to be part-time social service agencies because
> politicians are afraid of doing the job.

What does that mean? Implementing government-paid health insurance for
everyone regardless of race, color, creed, citizenship or employment status?
You can't get an appointment with your doctor for weeks now? What do you think
about waiting months?

>> And, don't give me the BS line that I don't want to pay for someone
>> else's healthcare. You already do people.

You (we) also pay the insurance companies and the lawyers, who provide no
medical care whatsoever and are purely a drain on the system.

>> Also, I can GUARANTEE you
>> that your taxes would be raised less than what you pay now in health
>> insurance premiums.

Wanna put that in writing? What kind of penalty do we write in in case you're

> Well, sort of. Right now, some premiums are hidden because a portion
> is paid by the employer. So people don't realize they are paying
> them, though of course their wages would be higher if the employer
> didn't have to pay the premiums.

Same with a lot of employee "benefits". Anybody who doesn't realize that is
too stupid to have a job.

Cheers, Bev
Please hassle me, I thrive on stress.

Message has been deleted


Mar 17, 2009, 10:21:17 PM3/17/09
to wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 18:44:01 -0700, in misc.consumers.frugal-living The Real Bev <> wrote:
>> What does that mean? Implementing government-paid health insurance for
>> everyone regardless of race, color, creed, citizenship or employment status?
>> You can't get an appointment with your doctor for weeks now? What do you think
>> about waiting months?
> All of the other advanced industrialized nations have single payer health care and a longer life expectancy
> AND lower infant mortality rates and reduced healthcare costs. We don't have single payer because the
> insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry own our politicians. Good paying technical jobs are
> outsource to Germany where they have a good infrastructure and single payer health care. Germany is the
> number one exporter of capital goods. Capital goods production requires skilled labor and a good
> infrastructure. Single payer health care is a type of protectionism, big American business can not succeed on
> US soil until we get single payer. GM spends more money on health insurance then it spends on steel.
> The majority of Americans would be willing to pay higher taxes in exchange for single payer health care.

Speak for yourself. I'm getting real tired of supporting those who have
no incentive to work. If you're living off the government now, you
don't have to worry about higher paying taxes.

> People do not have to wait for weeks and weeks to get health care when they have single payer. With single
> payer you see the same doctors you see now, the only difference is the government pays your bills and the
> government can negotiate for reasonable drug and health care prices.

Codswallop. The government also has single-handed control over denying
life-saving treatments. There would be no incentive for new medical
treatments because government wouldn't want to pay for anything that
would prolong anyone's lives - it would cost too much. Medicare is
already moving in that direction. Here's a couple articles that will
burst your bubble about NHC:


Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Rod Speed

Mar 18, 2009, 12:28:11 AM3/18/09
to wrote
> Napoleon <> wrote

> Amen brother!!

Same way every other modern first world country has, get a clue
and go for a decent modern universal health care funding system.

Rod Speed

Mar 18, 2009, 12:43:30 AM3/18/09
The Real Bev wrote
> Dave Garland wrote

>> I've always thought it was bizarre that health care should somehow be the responsibility of employers.

> Back in the old days, health care was the responsibility of the patient. You went to the doctor and you paid the
> bill.


> At some point companies started offering free or cheap medical insurance as
> an employee benefit, and THAT's when medical costs started to skyrocket.

That last is just plain wrong.

> There's no mechanism to control costs when the user isn't the payer,

There isnt even when the user is the payer.

Which is why every other modern first world country, even those
where the employer didnt pay a cent towards health care, still
got a dramatic increase in the cost of medical services.

We can just do a lot more than we used to be able to do,
whether that is not just watching premature babys die, or
not just letting those who have a heart attack or diabetes die.

> and ultimately the cost of medical care increased to the
> point that ordinary people couldn't afford it without insurance.

Couldnt afford the more expensive medical services without insurance, anyway.

> At THAT point, insurance costs started to climb.

Utterly mangled all over again.

> We're pretty much hosed now.

Nope, every other modern first world country gets its health care for
HALF the percentage of GDP that the US pisses against the wall and
quite a few of them have better life expectancys than the US gets too.

>> Business is there to make money, not take care of people. It doesn't have the expertise, or the interest. We should
>> let businesses deal with doing what they do best, not forcing them to be part-time social service agencies because
>> politicians are afraid of doing the job.

> What does that mean? Implementing government-paid health insurance for everyone regardless of race, color, creed,
> citizenship or employment status?

It doesnt have to be govt paid. The Japanese system isnt.

And it delivers no waiting times at all, even for specialists,
and a $10 per night in hospital if you are happy with a 4
bed ward, $90 if you prefer to pay for a private ward.

> You can't get an appointment with your doctor for
> weeks now? What do you think about waiting months?

No wait whatever in Japan or in my country either.

>>> And, don't give me the BS line that I don't want to pay for someone else's healthcare. You already do people.

> You (we) also pay the insurance companies and the lawyers, who
> provide no medical care whatsoever and are purely a drain on the system.

>>> Also, I can GUARANTEE you that your taxes would be raised less than what you pay now in health insurance premiums.

> Wanna put that in writing? What kind of penalty do we write in in case you're wrong?

He cant be wrong. Every other modern first world country gets its total
health care for HALF the percentage of GDP that the US gets its for.

Rod Speed

Mar 18, 2009, 12:53:42 AM3/18/09
to wrote:
> The Real Bev <> wrote

>> What does that mean? Implementing government-paid health

>> insurance for everyone regardless of race, color, creed, citizenship
>> or employment status? You can't get an appointment with your
>> doctor for weeks now? What do you think about waiting months?

> All of the other advanced industrialized nations have single payer health care

Some like Japan doesnt. It just has the govt setting what can
be charged for every medical service and hospital stays etc.

> and a longer life expectancy AND lower infant mortality rates

Much of that is demographics and genetics tho.

> and reduced healthcare costs.

Half the percentage of GDP in fact.

> We don't have single payer because the insurance industry
> and the pharmaceutical industry own our politicians.

Nope, basically because there are enough of the voters that want it that way.

Some like Switzerland even put the change to a decent modern universal
health care funding system to the vote, as is their wont, and got a bare
majority in favor of a change. The percentage that want to return to the
old system now is much lower than that now that they have tried it.

> Good paying technical jobs are outsource to Germany where
> they have a good infrastructure and single payer health care.
> Germany is the number one exporter of capital goods.

No it isnt.

> Capital goods production requires skilled labor and a good infrastructure.
> Single payer health care is a type of protectionism, big American
> business can not succeed on US soil until we get single payer.
> GM spends more money on health insurance then it spends on steel.

> The majority of Americans would be willing to pay
> higher taxes in exchange for single payer health care.

They wouldnt need to because they would save half of what they currently spend on health care.

> People do not have to wait for weeks and weeks to get health care when
> they have single payer. With single payer you see the same doctors you
> see now, the only difference is the government pays your bills and the
> government can negotiate for reasonable drug and health care prices.

And can just set the prices they will pay too.

Dave Garland

Mar 18, 2009, 2:00:40 AM3/18/09
The Real Bev wrote:
> Dave Garland wrote:

>>> And, don't give me the BS line that I don't want to pay for someone
>>> else's healthcare. You already do people.

Please be more careful with your quotes, I did not write that.



Mar 18, 2009, 8:48:42 AM3/18/09
On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 00:00:40 -0600, Dave Garland
<> wrote:

>>>> And, don't give me the BS line that I don't want to pay for someone
>>>> else's healthcare. You already do people.
>Please be more careful with your quotes, I did not write that.

I wrote it! I wrote it! You can quote to me!

We all pay for government employee healthcare. Those asswipes you see
in congress and in the whitehouse have healthcare paid for by our tax
money. How does it feel?

Good to know lots of Americans are quite content with their tax money
going to bankers but refuse to allow their own tax money to go to
THEMSELVES. What a fucked up country we live in.



Mar 18, 2009, 8:50:57 AM3/18/09
On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 18:57:19 -0700, wrote:

>On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 18:44:01 -0700, in misc.consumers.frugal-living The Real Bev <> wrote:
>>What does that mean? Implementing government-paid health insurance for
>>everyone regardless of race, color, creed, citizenship or employment status?
>>You can't get an appointment with your doctor for weeks now? What do you think
>>about waiting months?

The Real Bev is a hypocrite folks. She/he/it partakes in Medicare.
Says it all, doesn't it?


Mar 18, 2009, 8:55:21 AM3/18/09
On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 22:21:17 -0400, Marsha <> wrote:

>Speak for yourself. I'm getting real tired of supporting those who have
>no incentive to work. If you're living off the government now, you
>don't have to worry about higher paying taxes.

Exactly! Do you know you support all members of Congress and the
Executive Branch? YOU PAY THEIR HEALTHCARE. I guess in a sense they
don't work - so you have a point.

Listen people - quit picking on the poor! More of your tax money goes
to rich fucking bastards than some schmoo who lost his job and now has
no health insurance. Get real.


Patriot Games

Mar 18, 2009, 11:11:45 AM3/18/09
On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 17:40:41 -0500, Mitchell Holman
<> wrote:
>Patriot Games <Pat...@America.Com> wrote in
>> On Mon, 16 Mar 2009 08:53:19 -0400, clams_casino
>> <> wrote:
>>>Patriot Games wrote:
>>>>Do you mean the Recession that started ONLY AFTER Democrats took over
>>>>Congress and gave us a massive gas price increase?
>>>>That Recession?
>>>Bush's best achievement was to greatly reduce taxes for most everyone.
>> And liberating Iraq.
> Which didn't want to be "liberated".


"Hundreds of Iraqis shouting 'Welcome to Iraq' greeted Marines who
entered the town of Shatra Monday... Says one young man: "There's no
problem here. We are happy to see Americans."

"The welcome they had hoped for finally greeted American troops
yesterday, as waving Iraqis lined the streets when the advance
northwards to Baghdad was resumed," reports the Daily Telegraph from
central Iraq.

They received a warm welcome from the members of the 30,000-strong
population, with children and adults giving the thumbs-up, smiling and
shouting "Mister, mister, England good".

>>>I know a lot of people who have seen their income and property taxes
>>>reduced by 50% and more due to his leadership.
>> You mean the leadership AFTER Democrats took over Congress and gave us
>> a massive gas price increase?
> And, according to your logic, a massive DROP
>in the price of gas.

The Democrats did nothing to bring that about. The STAGED price
increase CAUSED a Demand decrease which FORCED a price decrease.

Message has been deleted

The Real Bev

Mar 18, 2009, 3:31:05 PM3/18/09
Napoleon wrote:

It means that after paying taxes for decades I'm finally getting to cash in!

Medicare, it may be noted, pays far less than the amount the medical providers
actually bill, but the providers are willing to settle for it, presumably
because they make it up on volume.

I didn't make the rules, but I see no reason to NOT benefit from them.

BTW, I went without medical insurance for over a decade and paid for whatever
medical services I needed. Before that I'm pretty sure I paid more in my
companies' medical insurance premiums than I got back in service.

Cheers, Bev
"Don't force it, use a bigger hammer!"
--M. Irving

Mitchell Holman

Mar 18, 2009, 10:51:50 PM3/18/09
Patriot Games <Pat...@America.Com> wrote in

Iraqis Say They Were Better Off Under Hussein
January 03, 2007

(Angus Reid Global Monitor) - Many adults in Iraq believe the
coalition effort has been negative, according to a poll by the
Iraq Centre for Research and Strategic Studies and the Gulf
Research Center. 90 per cent of respondents think the situation
in their country was better before the U.S.- led invasion.

>>>>I know a lot of people who have seen their income and property taxes
>>>>reduced by 50% and more due to his leadership.
>>> You mean the leadership AFTER Democrats took over Congress and gave
>>> us a massive gas price increase?
>> And, according to your logic, a massive DROP
>>in the price of gas.
> The Democrats did nothing to bring that about. The STAGED price
> increase CAUSED a Demand decrease which FORCED a price decrease.

The price increase led to a price decrease?


Mar 18, 2009, 11:38:48 PM3/18/09

"Napoleon" <> wrote in message

Umm, how about those of us small business owners who are paying for OTHER
PEOPLE'S health care yet cannot afford health care for themselves? I don't
begrudge health insurance for those who have been laid off, but I haven't
had it for more than 10 years - I just can't afford it. My taxes keep going
up, my income keeps going down, but I guess there's nothing I can do about
it - I'm supposed to subsidize everyone else. Great.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Rod Speed

Mar 19, 2009, 2:01:51 AM3/19/09

Nope, just those who dont have decent insurance.

> Great.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Mar 19, 2009, 7:52:55 AM3/19/09
On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 23:38:48 -0400, "h" <>

>Umm, how about those of us small business owners who are paying for OTHER
>PEOPLE'S health care yet cannot afford health care for themselves? I don't
>begrudge health insurance for those who have been laid off, but I haven't
>had it for more than 10 years - I just can't afford it. My taxes keep going
>up, my income keeps going down, but I guess there's nothing I can do about
>it - I'm supposed to subsidize everyone else. Great.

Umm... If there was nationalized health care - EVERYONE WOULD GET FREE
HEALTH CARE. You would be subsidizing yourself. Wouldn't you like your
tax money to go to yourself? Or to the bankers and warmongerers



Mar 19, 2009, 8:55:06 AM3/19/09
"h" <> wrote in message

Your comment shows that you know little about it.

You wouldn't have to pay for your employees health care, and you yourself
would be covered. It would all be paid for by a tax. As a small business
owner that should be very appealing to you, unless you are listening to

Best Regards,

Rest in a sky-like mind.
Sit like a mountain floating on the earth.
Breathe like the wind circling the world


Mar 19, 2009, 10:44:37 AM3/19/09

"Napoleon" <> wrote in message

Where did I ever write that I was against national health care? I lived in
the UK for awhile and even though I wasn't a citizen (non-tax-paying
student) I was able to use their system for very reasonable fees. It's
criminal that the US hasn't nationalized health care. A single payer system
would be great. I'm just not holding my breath. The insurance companies and
big pharma lobbies are too strong.

Patriot Games

Mar 19, 2009, 1:57:26 PM3/19/09
On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 21:51:50 -0500, Mitchell Holman

You forgot to include this part: "Methodology: Face-to-face
interviews with 2,000 Iraqi adults in Baghdad, Anbar and Najaf,
conducted in late November 2006. Margin of error is 3.1 per cent."

Meaning 99.992% of the population was asked. Also note that Kurdish
Iraq wasn;'t included nor was Basra....

>>>>>I know a lot of people who have seen their income and property taxes
>>>>>reduced by 50% and more due to his leadership.
>>>> You mean the leadership AFTER Democrats took over Congress and gave
>>>> us a massive gas price increase?
>>> And, according to your logic, a massive DROP
>>>in the price of gas.
>> The Democrats did nothing to bring that about. The STAGED price
>> increase CAUSED a Demand decrease which FORCED a price decrease.
> The price increase led to a price decrease?

Yep. Do you need basic Supply-Demand explained to you?

Patriot Games

Mar 19, 2009, 1:59:10 PM3/19/09
On Thu, 19 Mar 2009 07:50:38 -0400, Shawn Hirn <>
>In article <>,
>So? The Democrats did nothing to bring about a decrease in the price of


>but they are responsible for the increase in the price of gas.

Correct. Because they did NOTHING to ameliorate that situation.

>Your hypocrisy is showing.

Its not my fault you're stupid.

Patriot Games

Mar 19, 2009, 1:59:48 PM3/19/09
On Thu, 19 Mar 2009 07:48:57 -0400, Shawn Hirn <>
>In article <>,

> Patriot Games <Pat...@America.Com> wrote:
>> On Mon, 16 Mar 2009 08:53:19 -0400, clams_casino
>> <> wrote:
>> >Patriot Games wrote:
>> >>Do you mean the Recession that started ONLY AFTER Democrats took over
>> >>Congress and gave us a massive gas price increase?
>> >>That Recession?
>> >Bush's best achievement was to greatly reduce taxes for most everyone.
>> And liberating Iraq.
>Let me know what that happens. If Iraq was really free, then the guy who
>threw his shoes at Bush wouldn't be in jail now.


You're a fool...

Mar 19, 2009, 5:20:20 PM3/19/09
On Thu, 19 Mar 2009 08:55:06 -0400, "Evelyn" <>

>"h" <> wrote in message
>> "Napoleon" <> wrote in message
>>> On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 22:21:17 -0400, Marsha <> wrote:
>>>>Speak for yourself. I'm getting real tired of supporting those who have
>>>>no incentive to work. If you're living off the government now, you
>>>>don't have to worry about higher paying taxes.
>>> Exactly! Do you know you support all members of Congress and the
>>> Executive Branch? YOU PAY THEIR HEALTHCARE. I guess in a sense they
>>> don't work - so you have a point.
>>> Listen people - quit picking on the poor! More of your tax money goes
>>> to rich fucking bastards than some schmoo who lost his job and now has
>>> no health insurance. Get real.
>>> -N
>> Umm, how about those of us small business owners who are paying for OTHER
>> PEOPLE'S health care yet cannot afford health care for themselves? I don't
>> begrudge health insurance for those who have been laid off, but I haven't
>> had it for more than 10 years - I just can't afford it. My taxes keep
>> going up, my income keeps going down, but I guess there's nothing I can do
>> about it - I'm supposed to subsidize everyone else. Great.
>Your comment shows that you know little about it.
>You wouldn't have to pay for your employees health care, and you yourself
>would be covered. It would all be paid for by a tax.

A tax on who? Still believing that crap about only the rich being
taxed? Small business will be destroyed with combination of card
check and health care for all. Government does not have a dime.

The lie that Obama wants to help small business is like the lie that
he cares about veterans. He would not even respond to the question
about the nation having an obligation to provide care for wounds
sustained in battle? All he had to say is he wants that 500 million
out of their hide.

Message has been deleted

Rod Speed

Mar 19, 2009, 7:41:51 PM3/19/09

Mindlessly silly when every other modern first world country gets
its health care for HALF the percentage of GDP that the US does
and they ALL have longer lifespans than the US does too.


Mar 19, 2009, 8:38:12 PM3/19/09
On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 18:32:14 -0500, wrote:

>Napoleon <> wrote:
>>Oh, oh! Don't just signal out the poor. Do you know your taxes pay for
>>ALL government employees' healthcare? You pay for Bush and Co.'s
>>healthcare. They're not poor.
>Amen brother!!
>How do we change all this though?

Start by getting your vote back: ban the electronics.

Mitchell Holman

Mar 19, 2009, 9:32:56 PM3/19/09
Patriot Games <Pat...@America.Com> wrote in

Facts one, Bob Milby Jr ("Patriot Games") zero

Patriot Games

Mar 20, 2009, 1:54:10 PM3/20/09

Sorry, as a PROVEN LIAR you are disqualified from judging:

On Mon, 09 Feb 2009 23:42:09 -0600, Mitchell Holman
<> wrote:
> How very different from convicted criminal George Bush


Bush acknowledges 1976 DUI charge.

Bush was arrested, fined, paid the fine. No court, no trial, no

>expressing "sorrow" at the verdict against fellow convicted
>criminal Scooter Libby. Following which he commuted Libby's


Bush commutes Libby's PRISON sentence.

"A conviction remains on Scooter Libby's record, and he must still pay
a $250,000 fine."

Why do YOU always LIE?

Mitchell Holman

Mar 21, 2009, 5:01:21 PM3/21/09
Patriot Games <Pat...@America.Com> wrote in

> On Thu, 19 Mar 2009 20:32:56 -0500, Mitchell Holman
> <> wrote:
>>Patriot Games <Pat...@America.Com> wrote in
>>> On Thu, 19 Mar 2009 07:48:57 -0400, Shawn Hirn <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>In article <>,
>>>> Patriot Games <Pat...@America.Com> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 16 Mar 2009 08:53:19 -0400, clams_casino
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> >Patriot Games wrote:
>>>>> >>Do you mean the Recession that started ONLY AFTER Democrats took
>>>>> >>over Congress and gave us a massive gas price increase?
>>>>> >>That Recession?
>>>>> >Bush's best achievement was to greatly reduce taxes for most
>>>>> >everyone.
>>>>> And liberating Iraq.
>>>>Let me know what that happens. If Iraq was really free, then the guy
>>>>who threw his shoes at Bush wouldn't be in jail now.
>>> hahahahah!
>>> You're a fool...
>> Facts one, Bob Milby Jr ("Patriot Games") zero
> Sorry, as a PROVEN LIAR you are disqualified from judging:

"I have a BS degree and 2 MS degrees."
Patriot Games (Bob Mibly Jr), unproven claim, 05/28/08

Patriot Games

Mar 21, 2009, 5:06:17 PM3/21/09
On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:01:21 -0500, Mitchell Holman

My "unproven claim" is NOT the same as YOUR PROVEN LIES....

However, we should note that instead of addressing your PROVEN LIES
you chose to bring up my "unproven claim."


Mitchell Holman

Mar 22, 2009, 1:41:16 AM3/22/09
Patriot Games <Pat...@America.Com> wrote in

> hahahahahahhahahahahaha!!!

Stray Dog

Mar 24, 2009, 7:03:08 PM3/24/09

On Fri, 20 Mar 2009, Rod Speed wrote:

> Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 10:41:51 +1100
> From: Rod Speed <>
> Newsgroups: alt.politics, soc.retirement, talk.politics.misc,
> misc.consumers.frugal-living
> Subject: Re: Your patriotic duty is to form a strong labor party in the US

If you follow Rod Speed in many of his other posts, you will find that he
uses the following language often in his posts....

Nope. Wrong. Wota terminal fuckwit. Go and fuck yourself.

Yep, bullet in the back of the neck for drunks and all other
addicts, and send the bill for the bullet to their relos like China does.

That kills fuck all now. Wrong, as always. Wota surprise. Funny that.

Easy to claim. Have fun actually substantiating that claim.

Just another of your pathetic little drug crazed pig ignorant fantasys.

Your problem is that you dont have anything viable between your ears to
apply to what you find using google.

Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you have
never ever had a fucking clue about what actually happens.

You dont have a fucking clue.

Mindlessly silly.

You are just plain wrong.

Pig ignorant lie.

Like hell it is.

Bare faced pig ignorant lie.

Rod Speed

Mar 24, 2009, 8:12:04 PM3/24/09
Some gutless fuckwit psychopath with pathetic psychotic
delusions about being a dog, desperately cowering behind
Stray Dog desperately attempted to bullshit and lie its way out
of its predicament and fooled absolutely no one at all, as always.

No surprise that it got the bums rush, right out the door, onto its lard arse.

No surprise that its so pathetically bitter and twisted about it.

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