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Don't forget, YOU may end up homeless and you will end up getting spat on like you did to the homeless.

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Dec 27, 2008, 1:15:11 AM12/27/08
On Dec 24, 12:34 pm, "Strider" <fgevqre1...@tznvy.pbz> wrote:
> "Shawn Hirn" <> wrote in message
> > I think it sucks, but it seems to me that in many situations, employees
> > can see the writing on the wall. Unless the bosses are cooking the
> > books, when business drops significantly, any employee who doesn't
> > notice that and doesn't start thinking about his or her job security is
> > living in an alternate reality.
> True. Newspapers are notorious for folding with very little advance notice.
> In Dec. 1991 the Dallas Times Herald announced its demise on a Sunday
> afternoon. The paper published its final edition the next day. It was hardly
> a surprise, though -- they'd been in the proverbial "downward spiral" for a
> couple of years at least. I've read instances of editors sending the
> completed pages to the pressroom, then having the publisher arrive in the
> newsroom an hour later saying "You've just published the last issue."
> Back in college a classmate had been chosen for a summer internship at an
> out-of-town newspaper. A week or two before he was scheduled to report, the
> paper abruptly folded. No one so much as hinted to him that any trouble was
> afoot.
> Strider

The Orthodox Capitalists who love to crow about how the homeless are
druggies, idiots, immoral sub human creatures need to take note of
this and realize that they too may be walking the streets eating out
of soup kitchens if/when their company decides to close down, and
sometimes close down abruptly.

Stan de SD

Dec 27, 2008, 1:36:14 AM12/27/08
> sometimes close down abruptly.-

People with initiative don't sit on their fat fucking asses waiting
for a company that in financial straits to fold - they take the
inititative and move on. I have been laid off exactly once, at the
tail end of the boom/bust. I saw it coming well in advance,
planned accordingly, collected my notice and severance pay, and within
a week was working again, with a 40% raise. Most people who lose their
jobs may not have as much foresight, but typically they are working
again within a matter of months.

As far as your assertion that we're all in danger of being thrown out
on the street is total utter bullshit. The vast majority of homeless
in this country are NOT hard-working citizens who suddenly lost their
jobs. Studies of the homeless show that the primary causes are
substance abuse (including alcohol) and mental illness, in some cases
the former causing the latter. Unfortunately, disingenuous types such
as yourself peddle this crap to push your own left-wing agenda.

If you don't like America and/or free-market economics yourself, fine.
Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, and move to a
country that practices full on socialism/collectivism, like Cuba,
Zimbabwe, or North Korea? There are plenty of people living in those
commie-created shitholes who would be more than happy to swap
passports with you and let you enjoy the fruits of the Worker's
Paradise in your place. Meanwhile, the vast majority of us are happy
to live in a society where our own personal industry and initiative
are the primary factors to the path to success, instead of waiting
with our hands out for Dear Leader to feed/clothe/wipe our asses for
us... :O|

Dec 27, 2008, 2:19:07 AM12/27/08
Stan de SD wrote:
> On Dec 26, 10:15�pm, wrote:

> > �The Orthodox Capitalists who love to crow about how the homeless are

> > druggies, idiots, immoral sub human creatures need to take note of
> > this and realize that they too may be walking the streets eating out
> > of soup kitchens if/when their company decides to close down, and
> > sometimes close down abruptly.-
> People with initiative don't sit on their fat fucking asses waiting
> for a company that in financial straits to fold - they take the
> inititative and move on.

often, yes. Sometimes they have everything they own tied in and cant
get out, and their best option, risky as it is, is to sit tight and
see if they lose everything or make it. Many have had the illusion
that good times means it'll always be good, and many of those have had
rude awakenings.

However, as you rightly say, if one loses it all the choice is then
whether to stay there or whether to put together another plan and
change your situation.



Dec 27, 2008, 3:23:00 AM12/27/08
On Dec 26, 10:15 pm, wrote:
> On Dec 24, 12:34 pm, "Strider" <fgevqre1...@tznvy.pbz> wrote:
> bee ess article deleted

> > Strider
>  The Orthodox Capitalists who love to crow about how the homeless are
> druggies, idiots, immoral sub human creatures need to take note of
> this and realize that they too may be walking the streets eating out
> of soup kitchens if/when their company decides to close down, and

> sometimes close down abruptly.- Hide quoted text -

So, what do the un-Orthodox Capitalists say?


Dec 27, 2008, 10:08:02 AM12/27/08
Stan de SD wrote:

> If you don't like America and/or free-market economics yourself, fine.

But that is just a myth. I am a conservative and I do like America

If we had free market economics the Congress wouldn't have just voted to
pick our pockets to bail out the fat cats on wall street and in the
banking industry. Those folks would have done the right thing and walked
away in embarrassment and shame to try again. Same with the "big three"
Rick Wagoner would have fallen on his sword, the lights at gm would go
dim and a better version would rise from the ashes.

We do not have a free-market in the US.

Rod Speed

Dec 27, 2008, 5:44:28 PM12/27/08
to wrote:
> On Dec 24, 12:34 pm, "Strider" <fgevqre1...@tznvy.pbz> wrote:
>> "Shawn Hirn" <> wrote in message
>>> I think it sucks, but it seems to me that in many situations,
>>> employees can see the writing on the wall. Unless the bosses are
>>> cooking the books, when business drops significantly, any employee
>>> who doesn't notice that and doesn't start thinking about his or her
>>> job security is living in an alternate reality.
>> True. Newspapers are notorious for folding with very little advance
>> notice. In Dec. 1991 the Dallas Times Herald announced its demise on
>> a Sunday afternoon. The paper published its final edition the next
>> day. It was hardly a surprise, though -- they'd been in the
>> proverbial "downward spiral" for a couple of years at least. I've
>> read instances of editors sending the completed pages to the
>> pressroom, then having the publisher arrive in the newsroom an hour
>> later saying "You've just published the last issue."
>> Back in college a classmate had been chosen for a summer internship
>> at an out-of-town newspaper. A week or two before he was scheduled
>> to report, the paper abruptly folded. No one so much as hinted to
>> him that any trouble was afoot.

> The Orthodox Capitalists who love to crow about how the homeless are

> druggies, idiots, immoral sub human creatures need to take note of
> this and realize that they too may be walking the streets eating out
> of soup kitchens if/when their company decides to close down, and
> sometimes close down abruptly.

Anyone with a clue ensures that they cant lose their house even if they do lose their
job or will have somewhere to live, even if it isnt as desirable as they would like etc.

Mr smiley happy sock puppet

Dec 27, 2008, 10:09:50 PM12/27/08
On Dec 27, 2:44 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:

You might want to read up on the Great Depression.

suds macheath

Dec 28, 2008, 4:56:19 AM12/28/08

----Let me guess.....studies by the Heritage Foundation or Hoover Institute?

Rod Speed

Dec 28, 2008, 8:20:14 PM12/28/08

Nope, already did that.

Hardly anyone who owned their house ended up homeless in the great depression.

Some that were stupid enough to rent and who lost their job did, but while the
unemployment rate got to 25%, that still means that 75% were not unemployed.

And plenty who did lose their jobs and who were renting and who did get
kicked out of the place they were renting could still move in with relatives etc.

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