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DONT TASE ME, bro :)

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phil scott

Jan 17, 2010, 1:24:42 PM1/17/10
Peace brothers... peace...
DON'T TASE ME bro. :)

> retired cops can purchase it at
> auction for *half the next highest private sector bid!
> Please elaborate.

I was talking business with a SF city cop, real estate and fixing it
up and selling it etc... and
he told me that when he retired he would be able to go to state tax
seizure auctions and pick up property for half the next highest
private citizen bid.. that was stated casually and in context with
many other issues regarding real estate and what it takes to fix it

I didnt see a reason for him to volunteer that hair raizing tidbit in
mid paragraph with renovation issues... he was interested in
recruiting me to help him with those projects. (its not my gig)

regarding publicity about these sorts of things and their retirement
packages, **averaging** 137k a year... and all civil service perks,
killer benefits and similar for such as ticket takers at BART...(high
school grads, way over 100k).. those unions see to it that very little
leaks about those benefits, then lie to the effect that its all paid
by employee contributions. (false)... regardless its the taxpayer that
pays the rediculous wages that pay for those contributions in the
first place.

after bay area citizens found out about this mess. (from publicity on
officer Messerlies execution in the back of the head of Oscar Grant
(who was lying face down, on the platform, 3 officers holding him,
hands behind is back and not struggling (train rider video of the
entire affair)... then a threatened strike by those people for more
money... these details leaked in the press... next few days people
were lobbing rotten vegitables at the train operators and through the
information window service slots at the glorious highly paid high
school grads inside (some were GED)

this was last year.

btw, just yesterday I was in my gym getting dressed and a huge fat ass
guy was talking to another about what his wife makes working for the
city of oakland... 35 dollars an hour (and killer benefits) as an
'accountant'.. but she has to school yet to get her degree... she got
the job on the strength of 2 years junior college.. then the state
bumped her to accountant level on one of their standard programs with
the offer of paying her tuition to get a 4 year degree in accounting
(probably on the state time card as well).. she was recommending that
he enrol in a junior college and apply as well... some sort of
minority perk I suppose.

On the police, fire. courts, prison guards issue... they have many
ways of spinning that...favorite is to simply deny..when pressed using
documents showing they get 90% of last years pay in calif (100% in
nyc) .. they show base pay only of 90 to 100k... producing a
retirement of 80 to 90k (absurd at that)...and do not mention that
their lifetime medical and other perks worth on average 50k a year is
on top of that. and that half of the retirement funds are tax
exempt.... ***and mainly they dont mention the practice of
'spiking'.. thats the practice of other officers taking off sick days
etc so the last year guys can get double and tripple overtime..running
last years pay over 200k in many cases, and retirement at those levels
also (at age 51 if they started at 21)

some of those details, made it to several news papers for a day each
that im aware of... LA Times, San Diego paper, and Novatto calif
paper.. then silence.

I make it a point to mention this to some of the officers or retired
officers I run into... it worries them, they know this can fly for
long and it threatens their own retirements... btw this ludicrous
situation mostly began in the late 90's.. prior to that civil service
retirements were somewhat reasonable.

Now, with a generous snip below... a note about civil unrest. Govt
knows this is on the way, it needs to protect its investment and the
corporate asset it and its civil servants own via their tax payer
paid pension funds.. running those numbers, 100,000 or more such
funds nationally, you get trillions in assets, and those are invested
in stocks mostly. US corporate stocks.. that amounts to 60 to 80% of
the stock in the average corporation is controled by these pension
funds... law prohibits more than 5% ownership though...and these
comply in each individual case (5% limit).. but in agregate these
hold controlling interest.. and have formed umbrella associations that
present their interests in these corporations... the more these
corporations make the more the civil service unions (and judicial
benefits associations etc) make.

so it is in their best interest that a US corp make a lot of money, on
the surface not a bad thing, but as these move over seas, and cut US
private sector jobs there are nasty ramifications.

now... is this a secret conspiracy theory deal? no, not hardly...

it is 100% above board, and you can get the documents and budget
figures for all of it by asking the hundreds of individual state,
local and federal pension funds etc .. Calpers in calif alone for

btw roughly 2/3 of state income goes to these funds. and is shown on
the state balance sheet as net income and is enough to run the state
with no income or sales tax etc...the investment cash flow from those
investments compounds of course... these are quite well off now....
and to be sure, every dime of the seed money came from us tax is actually our money....

.but that money is held apart from 'the budget' which is a subset of
this larger cash flow and accounting... all of which is published by
each agency but gets limited distribution.......

the income tax and sales tax portin of the budget,and the only part of
the budget talked about in public..and they make damn sure of that....
so us tax payers thing our states are going broke.. and that 'new
taxes are required'

lets call this the giant blood sucking leach phenomena.

btw one of the prime researchers on this was interviewed on Coast to
Coast radio with George Noori about two weeks ago .. Early january
2010.. his web site will be on the coast to coast web site...

a brief word on revolution: those are necessary and vital to
humanity.. however done with violence end badly or at least set the
nation back a long ways.

These things can be resolved as Ghandi did with no violence, but
passive resistance...

it is we the people who actually rule in all cases, including with
tryrants of all stripes... overcoming such tyranny is accomplished
best by simply not producing enough to fund such govt.. along the
lines of some union slow downs and sick outs....

yes govt will respond with tyranny for a short time, but soon, runs
out of money to pay its thugs...and collapses... if this is done in a
relaxed manner, no stress need be involved or repercussions to
oneself, save the few that can be targeted, but thats voluntary.

On the issue of violence, all through history nations in this phase of
the life cycle.. end stage cycle, loss of empire... from which
recovery takes one to two generations of near or actual
starvation. We have their tendency with few if any exceptions to
build and maintain ways of incarcerating der ...ahhh... lemme see...

There is no need to fall into that class on the Ghandhi approach....
there is no way to imprison 300 million people for walking a bit

we are captives of our own brainwashed minds.. we must have a big
house and a nice car, and we must not upset anyone, and we must watch
the crap on tee vee... it is us that allow these collapses.

and driven of course by our *fear of the despots and the ambient
politicians...since these can seize all we own.

if done propertly, with understanding and no hate, maybe digust,or
even sympathy as there are many good people who by devault end in the
blood sucking roll... they became civil servants to serve... that was
not the goal of their union however.

This can be done by an intelligent person with no hate for those
committing our nation to ruin....we can remain happy, relaxed, even
joyous in life... and very successful at the human level for sure.

success at the human level. I will try to be brief:

- Not accumulating taxable or seizable assets.. precludes the fear
of loss,
and most leverage corrupt govt has against you.

- Understanding for sure, that YOU will be deader than hell
shortly..and that fear
is for idiots who think they will be living in der McMansons
forever... they wont.
and the stress of support that mess, and all those taxes and fear
of loosing it shortens
what they have of their miserable life. (most folk are not
actually happy.. too much
stress precludes that)

- Have high level street marketable skills.. there are all kinds of
those from
private teaching/ tutoring... consulting/ specialty engineering or
etc... and avoid corporations if you dont just love it there.

- Develop a low overhead but very pleasant life style..that takes
work..and imagination
but it is being done by many.. search 'expats' on google for a
partial range of options.
I live on a boat in SF bay for instance... I have the finest of
world class views and
environment some would say.. no rent. Dingy fuel though is

Last month I spent $20 on fuel for the dinghy..and $100 bucks on
fuel for my
killer motorcycle... somehow I managed, even though kat keeps me
broke buying
her hot pants and high heels... she fishes off the poop deck I
forgive her.

Phil scott

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phil scott

Jan 23, 2010, 1:07:35 PM1/23/10
On Jan 20, 10:17 pm, AzzMazta <> wrote:

> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 10:24:42 -0800 (PST), phil scott wrote:
> > Peace brothers... peace...
> > DON'T TASE ME bro.   :)
> Butchykid FTW!!!
> --
> AzzMazta's Political Institute
> Verbal Diarrhea & More
> Washington, DC

thanks, nice link

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