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Microsoft Owes Vista Owners a Free Replacement that Works - Petition to Microsoft

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Nov 17, 2008, 7:54:40 PM11/17/08
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Nov 17, 2008, 11:52:55 PM11/17/08

"mattstrive" <> wrote in message

Well whaddayaknow? The idiot blogger signed his own petition, twice!

There is nothing wrong with Vista. Nothing. It actually loads faster than
XP, on the same hardware. Microsoft should sue the ASS off of every person
who CONTINUES to spread rumors that there are problems with Vista. Every
Microsoft GUI based OS since Windows 3.0 (remember that?) has had people
bad-mouthing it. There are better alternatives to Windows, such as linux in
particular. But there is nothing "wrong" with Vista. -Dave

We endorse the Microsoft Owes Vista Owners a Free Replacement that Works -
Petition to Microsoft.

Read the Microsoft Owes Vista Owners a Free Replacement that Works -

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Nov 18, 2008, 12:30:03 AM11/18/08

"Dave" <now...@noway2.not> wrote in message

> "mattstrive" <> wrote in message
> Well whaddayaknow? The idiot blogger signed his own petition, twice!
> There is nothing wrong with Vista. Nothing. It actually loads faster
> than
> XP, on the same hardware. Microsoft should sue the ASS off of every
> person
> who CONTINUES to spread rumors that there are problems with Vista. Every
> Microsoft GUI based OS since Windows 3.0 (remember that?) has had people
> bad-mouthing it. There are better alternatives to Windows, such as linux
> in
> particular. But there is nothing "wrong" with Vista. -Dave
Except that it doesn't support either of my current printers. It also
doesn't support my website software or graphics software. That, to me, means
that there is something "wrong" with it, at least for my purposes. They will
have to pry XP from my cold, dead PC.


Nov 18, 2008, 5:27:33 AM11/18/08
>> There is nothing wrong with Vista. Nothing. It actually loads faster
>> than
>> XP, on the same hardware. Microsoft should sue the ASS off of every
>> person
>> who CONTINUES to spread rumors that there are problems with Vista. Every
>> Microsoft GUI based OS since Windows 3.0 (remember that?) has had people
>> bad-mouthing it. There are better alternatives to Windows, such as linux
>> in
>> particular. But there is nothing "wrong" with Vista. -Dave
> Except that it doesn't support either of my current printers. It also
> doesn't support my website software or graphics software. That, to me,
> means that there is something "wrong" with it, at least for my purposes.

And y'know what... that's fine. I was one of the earlier adopters of Vista.
Before I did the upgrade, I checked to make sure all my hardware had drivers
available for Vista 32-bit and 64-bit. Because I did the upgrade, i had to
dual-boot with XP. I installed XP fresh, on a newly formatted hard drive.
ACTIVATED XP, then ran the Vista install program from XP. I Installed Vista
to a different logical drive on the same physical hard drive where XP was

After I got all my drivers and programs installed in Vista, I was pleasantly
surprised to note that Vista loads a LOT faster than XP. Did I have to
upgrade to Vista? No. But I used to work as an IT manager, and I was
reading soooooooooo many complaints about Vista, I wanted to know if it
(Vista) was as bad as so many people were saying it was. I figured the only
way to really find out was to TRY it (duh). I bought a Vista retail upgrade
DVD from the local Staples. I actually expected Vista to suck, from all the
comments I'd read about it. I'm very happy with Vista, have had ZERO
problems with it. My wife loves Vista also, and she's NOT a computer person
at all (beyond playing on the Internet sometimes, that is). I've still got
XP on the same hard drive, but don't use XP anymore. I was actually
wondering if there was an easy way to nuke XP without screwing up my Vista
install. :) (I'm technically dual-booting, though I always just let the
timeout go to Vista)

> They will have to pry XP from my cold, dead PC.

Y'know, there's nothing really wrong with XP, either. It's overall a pretty
good operating system. I just get tired of hearing so many people state
with absolute certainty that XP is better than Vista, or that Vista is a
DOWNgrade from XP, or similar such nonsense. The most accurate comparison
between the two operating systems would be...

IF all your hardware has Vista drivers available, Vista will run a little
faster than XP on the same hardware. Vista is far from evil, as so many
people like to insinuate that it is. Vista is great. XP was great,
lso. -Dave

Pete C.

Nov 24, 2008, 6:44:11 PM11/24/08

Dave wrote:
> >> There is nothing wrong with Vista. Nothing.

Second the Vista is fine. I had heard all the propaganda that Vista was
terrible, but never heard a single example of how it was so bad. Not
having any particular reason to put Vista on anything I just ignored it
for a while.

Eventually I decided I needed a new laptop and ended up getting a very
nice HP one for a whopping $650, that happened to come with Vista HP
64bit. So far I haven't run into any issues.

I've loaded alternate browsers and newsreaders, and some relatively
obscure stuff like Dive computer interface software and diving gas
blending calculators and all either worked just fine or took 30 seconds
to download a 64 bit version of.

The one semi-issue I had was antivirus software, where the CA stuff I
use on my other machines didn't have a 64 bit version available, so I
had to stick with the Norton that came with the laptop. Whoop-dee-doo.

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