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"Liberalism is a mental disorder"

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Oct 18, 2009, 9:31:42 AM10/18/09
[Michael Savage]

As I have debated liberals over the years, I have found it makes no
difference what evidence I produce to support the logical development
of my point. Liberals have their opinion and they won't be swayed
with logic. They will interpret the US Constitution any way they wish
and that's it! What we conservatives need to do is quit wasting time
trying to convince liberals of the multiple errors of their ways and
get on with organizing ourselves into a public policy and, by
extension, a voting block. You aint never going to convince a
liberal. From now on, it will be "US" against "them".


Oct 18, 2009, 10:59:25 AM10/18/09
To me it is not "liberal" vs "conservative", rather it is "we the people" vs
greedy large corporations and foreign governments.

I believe it is better to spend OUR money in this country on ANYTHING here
rather than giving billions of dollars to foreign countries. For example
fixing our bridges, roads, keeping people in their homes, jobs, etc. (things
which are good and helpful for "we the people").

And I believe it is better to do things which will in the long term reduce
our energy costs (what you and I pay for gasoline, electricity, and heating)
as opposed to making big oil companies rich with OUR money.

Everybody I talk to wants these things. So I think we need to form a new
political party called the "We the people" party!*

*Note: An old trick is to "divide and conquer". Do you think they get us all
wrapped up arguing about silly issues like abortion, gay rights, liberal,
conservative, etc., then while we are busy arguing, they raid the U.S.
treasury? So don't be a blind sheep following your "party line". THINK about
what is best for YOU!


Oct 18, 2009, 11:14:12 AM10/18/09
Roger wrote:
> [Michael Savage]
> As I have debated liberals over the years,

A Google search on your email gives us such delightful topics such as:

Wow four cock connoisseurs!

Pain and Excitement

Urinal Licker

I have found it makes no
> difference what evidence I produce to support the logical development
> of my point.

Odd, what you determine to be logic. Perhaps that is what makes you the
self proclaimed quintessential Conservative. Taken a wide stance lately?


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Les Cargill

Oct 18, 2009, 1:03:03 PM10/18/09
Bill wrote:
> To me it is not "liberal" vs "conservative", rather it is "we the people" vs
> greedy large corporations and foreign governments.
> I believe it is better to spend OUR money in this country on ANYTHING here
> rather than giving billions of dollars to foreign countries.

It depends. You have to measure it very carefully and decide only
after all the facts are in. This assumes you can *find* all
the facts.

We're not "giving" anything to foreign countries - they send in goods,
we send over government bonds in exchange. Now they're holding the
bonds, which means they're "partnered" with us. They're "the bank", and
"if you owe the bank a billion dollars, you own the bank".

I think fighting poverty is important. And I have seen materials which
claim ( and the claims are backed up with numbers ) that the queen
of this prom, WalMart, has done more for the material wellbeing of
poor people than all the government programs combined.

Is that true? I don't know. But it's something to think

> For example
> fixing our bridges, roads, keeping people in their homes, jobs, etc. (things
> which are good and helpful for "we the people").

Maybe. Being house poor is no fun. A person in over their head may be
better off renting and saving money.

> And I believe it is better to do things which will in the long term reduce
> our energy costs (what you and I pay for gasoline, electricity, and heating)
> as opposed to making big oil companies rich with OUR money.

Well, sure. But it's harder than it looks. I'm a big nuke
fan. I think we should use nukes to "make oil", of we can
find enough carbon feedstocks to do it. But I really
don't know what that costs now, or will cost when it's
a mature technology. I'm pretty sure it would cost a whole
lot more than what we're doing now, but at present, we don't even
have a model for the question "what's the replacement cost of
a barrel of oil."

> Everybody I talk to wants these things. So I think we need to form a new
> political party called the "We the people" party!*

People have done on-the-spot interviews of people both at
Obama type rallies and tea parties. Both sides seem to lack a
great deal of necessary information to say what they are saying.

> *Note: An old trick is to "divide and conquer". Do you think they get us all
> wrapped up arguing about silly issues like abortion, gay rights, liberal,
> conservative, etc., then while we are busy arguing, they raid the U.S.
> treasury? So don't be a blind sheep following your "party line". THINK about
> what is best for YOU!

Les Cargill

Les Cargill

Oct 18, 2009, 1:11:08 PM10/18/09
Shawn Hirn wrote:
> In article
> <>,
> Hmm. I have had the same experience with conservatives.

Norman Podheretz has a book out about this. I saw him
give a talk on the subject* on CSPAN, and I think he's
probably about right. We can therefore presume that there
are "conservatives" who are inflexible and dogmatic, too - but
that for whatever reason, the side that seems to have the momentum
in being innovative in politics is the Right - this being
the old pendulum swing. It just seems to be this way - the
Left is trying to catch up, and not doing New Stuff.

*which is what people do now instead of reading the book :)

Maybe arguing about left and right is a waste of time,
and arguing about facts is better. Unfortunately, the
left v. right thing is apparently better entertainment.

And I quote Leonard Nimoy from "The Simpsons" - "Hello.
I'm Leonard Nimoy. The following tale of alien encounters
is true. And by true, I mean false. It's all lies. But
they're entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that
the real truth? The answer is: No."

Les Cargill

The Henchman

Oct 18, 2009, 10:10:27 PM10/18/09

"jeff" <> wrote in message

> Roger wrote:
>> [Michael Savage]
>> As I have debated liberals over the years,
> A Google search on your email gives us such delightful topics such as:
> Wow four cock connoisseurs!
> Pain and Excitement
> Urinal Licker



Oct 19, 2009, 9:22:47 AM10/19/09
> We're not "giving" anything to foreign countries...

Try over 22 BILLION dollars in 1996!



Oct 19, 2009, 9:24:49 AM10/19/09
Correction to above... 22 BILLION dollars in 2006!

Bob F

Oct 19, 2009, 3:17:18 PM10/19/09

Exactly what most people I know think about conservatives.

Bob F

Oct 19, 2009, 3:19:52 PM10/19/09

That's hilarious. Conservatives are about change and liberals are about
maintaining the status quo?

Ever look at the definition of conservative or liberal?

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Mrs Irish Mike

Oct 24, 2009, 1:30:35 PM10/24/09

From my experience in working in mental hospitals I found there were
sick people who were hyper-sexual and hyper-religous. These people
were deluded, obsessed and unshakeable in their beliefs and actions.
This is why they were locked up and medicated.

I haven't worked in that profession in many years, so I'm left out of
the loop and can only guess as to what is happening.

I wonder, are there people today in mental hospitals who are hyper-
political? Are their people locked up for their own good who are not
allowed access to AM radio? Are there people who are medicated who
have persistant thoughts on politics and who are compelled to spew
them continually? In other words, are there people who have lost their
jobs, friends, family and the ability to lead a normal life because of
their hyper-political obsessions?

I don't know, but I do know that there seems to be a lot of sick
people out there. Micheal Savage seems to be what booze is to an

Rod Speed

Oct 24, 2009, 1:40:09 PM10/24/09
Mrs Irish Mike wrote:
> On Oct 18, 6:31 am, Roger <> wrote:
>> [Michael Savage]
>> As I have debated liberals over the years, I have found it makes no
>> difference what evidence I produce to support the logical development
>> of my point. Liberals have their opinion and they won't be swayed
>> with logic. They will interpret the US Constitution any way they wish
>> and that's it! What we conservatives need to do is quit wasting time
>> trying to convince liberals of the multiple errors of their ways and
>> get on with organizing ourselves into a public policy and, by
>> extension, a voting block. You aint never going to convince a
>> liberal. From now on, it will be "US" against "them".
> From my experience in working in mental hospitals I found there were
> sick people who were hyper-sexual and hyper-religous. These people
> were deluded, obsessed and unshakeable in their beliefs and actions.
> This is why they were locked up and medicated.
> I haven't worked in that profession in many years, so I'm left out of
> the loop and can only guess as to what is happening.

> I wonder, are there people today in mental hospitals who are hyper-political?

Nope, and there never were for some reason.

Tho I spose you could claim that some like Manson and Adolf are that. Bit of a stretch tho.

> Are their people locked up for their own good who are not allowed access to AM radio?

Not for that reason. Some arent allowed to use anything that
has a mains cable etc so they cant hang themselves with it etc.

> Are there people who are medicated who have persistant thoughts
> on politics and who are compelled to spew them continually?

Yes, the worst of the lunatic fringe of politics are that.

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