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Re: Do Dems pander to open borders, pro-illegal Hispanics and piss off rest of American voters?

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Apr 15, 2010, 8:22:45 AM4/15/10
On Apr 14, 12:02 pm, Iconoclast <> wrote:
> The Dems have to decide weather they want to support open borders and
> amnesty to pander to the paper tiger Hispanic voting bloc, or do
> what's right for America and appeal to the rest of us.
> Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) reelection interests are
> putting him at odds with the centrists he has vigorously protected
> over the past year and a half on the issue of immigration reform.
> Vulnerable senators like Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) want to stay away
> from immigration reform during an election year, but political experts
> in Nevada say mobilizing Hispanic voters could be the key to a
> reelection victory for Reid, whose favorability rating is below 40
> percent.
> (Note that Hispanic voters are unlike any other voters in that their
> loyalties are with Mexico and lawbreaking illegal aliens.  This puts
> treasonous Dems like Hairy Reed in a bind, since he will sell out
> America to get that Hispanic vote, thus alienating loyal, decent, law
> abiding Americans)
> One centrist Democratic senator, who spoke on condition of anonymity
> so as not to offend Reid, said this is an instance in which the
> leader’s political needs conflict with what’s best for colleagues from
> conservative states, such as Lincoln.
> Hispanics make up 20 percent of Nevada’s population and about 12
> percent of its registered voters.
> In 2008, Hispanic voters made up 15 percent of the people who actually
> went to the polls, and their overwhelming support for President Barack
> Obama helped him carry the state. Obama enjoyed nearly a 50-point
> advantage among Hispanic voters in Nevada.
> “Reid feels he needs to roll the dice and work up some enthusiasm
> among the base and make sure they get out to vote,” said Ted Jelen, a
> professor of political science at the University of Nevada, Las
> Vegas.
> Jelen thinks immigration reform will help Reid mobilize the Democratic
> base, which is necessary for him to have a chance of winning in an
> election he says will depend on turnout.
> “Looking at the polls, there are very few undecided voters. This is
> going to be entirely about turnout,” he said.
> Many centrist Democrats, however, see a push on immigration reform as
> risky to their electoral hopes.
> “The people in Arkansas want us focusing on creating jobs for the
> 100,000 Arkansans that have lost their jobs and putting our economy
> back on track,” said Lincoln, who along with Reid is considered one of
> the most vulnerable Democratic incumbents.
> “Without a doubt, in Arkansas jobs and the economy is the No. 1
> issue,” Lincoln added.
> Reid surprised lawmakers in the Senate when he declared at a large,
> cheering rally in Nevada over the weekend that Congress would begin
> work immediately on an immigration overhaul.
> Lawmakers had considered it unlikely that the Senate would pass, or
> even bring to the floor, comprehensive immigration reform this year.
> The troubled economy also makes it politically difficult to tackle
> immigration reform, which would likely allow illegal workers to be
> placed on a path to citizenship.
> Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) said immigration reform is a more incendiary
> issue given the nation’s 9.7 percent unemployment rate.
> “It’s more incendiary with other people coming across the border to
> take jobs that would otherwise be available,” said Nelson. “On the
> other hand, there is always that argument [that illegal workers] take
> the jobs that nobody else will take. I don’t know that’s the case.”
> Jobs are also a huge issue in Nevada, which has a 13.2 percent
> unemployment rate.
> Jon Ralston, a political columnist for The Las Vegas Sun, said there
> are signs that Hispanic voters are less enthusiastic about voting this
> year, which would be a major concern for Reid.
> “He needs to tap into that voter bloc,” Ralston said.
> But Ralston speculated that Reid may have overpromised.
> “Is this the first time Reid has gotten worked up at an event and said
> something that he may later regret?” Ralston said of Reid’s weekend
> comments.
> Regan Lachapelle, Reid’s spokeswoman, said that he has consistently
> supported immigration reform as a high priority.
> Indeed, at a news conference last June, Reid listed immigration reform
> as the third-highest-priority domestic initiative after healthcare
> reform and comprehensive energy reform.
> “Sen. Reid has been consistent in his opinion that immigration reform
> is one of his top priorities,” said Lachapelle. “He remains committed
> to considering a comprehensive immigration reform bill on the Senate
> floor as soon as possible.”
> But the political environment has changed since last summer, leading
> many to conclude that immigration reform would be shelved, even though
> Reid’s deputy, Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), vice chairman of the
> Democratic Conference, was working on an overhaul plan.
> After Sen. Scott Brown (R) captured the seat held by the late Sen.
> Edward Kennedy (D) in a Massachusetts special election, some lawmakers
> assumed that immigration reform would drop from the agenda.
> “The president said that jobs is the No. 1 issue for 2010, and we
> couldn’t agree more,” Schumer said at a press conference in February.
> “In fact, the top three issues on our agenda this year are jobs, jobs
> and jobs.”
> An aide to one centrist Democrat expressed surprise over Reid’s pledge
> to pass immigration reform this year. The aide noted that the issue
> did not come up at a recent meeting Democratic legislative directors
> held to discuss the agenda for the rest of the year.
> A new push on immigration reform would further excite the Republican
> Party base, which has already been mobilized by the healthcare reform
> debate.
> The issue could also prove controversial among working-class
> independent voters.
> During the healthcare reform debate, Reid tried to give centrists as
> much political cover as possible by letting Senate Finance Committee
> Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) spend weeks pursuing an elusive
> compromise with Republicans.
> But now Reid has begun to focus more on his own reelection — which
> means revving up the Democratic base back home.
> His colleagues, however, would prefer that the focus remain on
> creating  jobs. “I think we ought to focus on getting our economy
> moving again, and also
> I’m very concerned about the national debt and annual deficits we
> have,” said Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.).
> Pryor added, however, that he could support immigration reform if it
> enjoyed substantial bipartisan support.
> Schumer has partnered with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) but has not
> yet found a second Republican to join the effort.
> An interesting reader comment:
> Majority Leader Reid…Please press as hard as you can for Immigration
> Reform. Make it start next week. It is so hugely popular with all
> groups of Americans that I know it would be a snap. Americans don't
> mind that illegal aliens and visa overstays are taking about 30
> million USA jobs..many of the Visa Overstays work in Govt. and have
> damn good jobs…We love if that People can come here from anywhere in
> the world..get for the Post Office…with NO
> Identification at all..NO criminal background check…I mean we LOVE
> living with millions of people whom no one knows a crock about..except
> that they do vote Demcoratic for now. ( See Mario Rubio..and behind
> him..The bright, charming, George Bush III, who is drop dead
> handsome..and by all respects a very fine young man. He is a dual USA /
> Mexican Citizen. His Mom is Mexican and also a fine woman. Young
> George has lived in Mexico..done an internship of sorts..He is an
> attorney and remember..Jeb Bush was Phi Betta Kappa at the U. of Texas…
> So Sure Harry. Roll those dice. Bring it on. And don't worry about
> Karl Rove..who was going to use Hispanics for the permanent Republican
> Majority..Just because Hispanics proved to have a mind of their own…
> does not mean they will dump Democrats too…does it? Bring it on. Now.
> Right now.Please. Just in time for the Election.
> BY Patsy on 04/14/2010 at 07:10
> If immigrants vote for Reid, they will still be out of work. It's
> pathetic that politicians use these people to drag them over the
> finish line. So many Americans are out of work now it will ignite a
> fire storm. This time around I think anyone out there pushing this is
> committing suicide. Lindsey Graham constantley reaches across the isle
> to the demoncrats. I think its time someone breaks his arm.
> BY karenc  on 04/14/2010 at 07:28
> The overwhelming majority of the American people have clearly
> expressed over and over again their absolute opposition to amnesty of
> any sort. Throw out ALL politicians who refuse to honor and protect
> the majority will and best interests of the American people.
> BY JKN on 04/14/2010 at 07:48
> That is the best new I have heard. Mr. Reid and Democrats: WE DO NOT

Democracy is such a whore! Fuck whats good for America, just suck-up
to those minorities.
Liberals talk about the environment but never discuss the population-
blasting effects
of uncontrolled immigration.



Apr 15, 2010, 12:54:47 PM4/15/10
> climber- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Democrats, not democracy. I know of few citizens, born here and those
nationalized, that are in favor of illegals.
Just about everyone I know wants them kicked out. Blame the Dems who
look at them as underclass potential Democrat voters.

Cindy Hamilton

Apr 15, 2010, 1:09:43 PM4/15/10
On Apr 15, 8:22 am, climber <> wrote:

> Democracy is such a whore! Fuck whats good for America, just suck-up
> to those minorities.
> Liberals talk about the environment but never discuss the population-
> blasting effects
> of uncontrolled immigration.

What system would you suggest in place of democracy?
A tyranny with you in charge?


Apr 15, 2010, 1:38:17 PM4/15/10
In article
climber <> wrote:

Back again "agent provocateur". COINTEL is back again. And you have a
The rulers have to have Americans fighting among themselves, so that
they can hold on to power.

> Democracy is such a whore! Fuck whats good for America, just suck-up
> to those minorities.

What minorities ass-hole? Jews? Catholics? Irish? Italian? Asians?
Africans (no, wait a minute, white people brought them over, oh well)?
Indigenous? Garlic eaters? Type A? Or scum like you?

> Liberals talk about the environment but never discuss the population-
> blasting effects
> of uncontrolled immigration.

That's because we (our government creates poor people in other countries
with exploitation (like NAFTA), and then lets those people in to drive
down wages. Like the hungry immigrants, we are getting screwed too.

Maybe we ought to be talking about population control, birth control,
abortions, and family clinics.

I'd be pleased to nominate you for a post natal abortion, scum bag.

( ) (
) _ )
( \_
_(_\ _(_\ \)__
((__climber on a good day__))
government provocateur
- Billy
"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the
merger of state and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini.

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