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Capitalism and Evolution

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His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic Enterprises

Jun 2, 2010, 9:02:45 AM6/2/10
On Jun 2, 8:47 am, Ilya Shambat <> wrote:
> There are many people, especially in America, who believe in
> capitalism but not in evolution. They find it impossible to believe
> that life in all its richness and intricacy could have "just happened"
> and believe that the only possible explanation is design by an
> intelligent Creator. In fact it could have very well "just happened,"
> and to understand this one needs look no further than the good ole
> American capitalism.
> People who have no knowledge of capitalist economics, such as ones who
> lived in the Soviet Union, frequently find it unfathomable how a
> system like America's, which is not command-control, could have such
> an intelligent design. That there is a store for everything, there is
> something for every purse and purpose, and pieces fit together, leads
> them to think that all this prosperity must have been designed by the
> government. Of course that is not the case, and most of what is bought
> and sold in America was produced by private businesses with no
> connection to one another. It happened because people kept looking for
> opportunities to make money - and found them by producing one or
> another thing that people would want to buy. As they competed with one
> another, they put pressure on one another to produce quality goods. As
> they became wealthier, there consumed more, creating opportunity for
> other people to produce other, new goods that did not exist
> previously. And that is how the American system was made possible, and
> achieved greater intelligence and quality of products than did
> centrally planned systems.
> The exact same thing has happened in the natural world. Mutation by
> mutation, different forms of life arose and either survived or didn't.
> As more life forms came about, there was more biomass for other new
> life forms to arise. Competition perfected them all to an
> exceptionally high level. And the result was a planet verdant, rich,
> beautiful, exquisitely balanced, with millions of unique and intricate
> life forms existing in dynamic equilibrium - a process that took over
> 4 billion years, and that could easily have taken place all by itself.
> If a process like capitalism can over two hundred years create the
> wealth and vibrancy of America - including such hi-tech contraptions
> as supercomputers, nanotechnological devices, credit cards, artificial
> limbs, space vehicles - over two hundred years, then what can take
> place over 4 billion years? Evolution may seem incredulous, but
> becomes less so when considering what capitalism accomplished over a
> vastly shorter period of time. Nature does not require an
> intelligent creator to explain all its richness and intricacy any more
> than America requires an absolute monarch to explain the vibrancy of
> its economy. Indeed, if one is to look at example of centrally planned
> economic systems, a nature put into place by the dictate of an
> intelligent creator would be expected to be a lot less rich place than
> it is.
> So this is the way to conceptualize it. If you respect capitalism,
> then you should also respect
> evolution. The two processes have a lot in common, and understanding
> one allows one to understand the other. Nature no more requires an
> intelligent creator to make it possible than does capitalism require
> central planning to achieve what it has achieved. Indeed, an
> intelligent creator would probably be seen by plants and animals to be
> as much of a pest as many economic players in America see the federal
> government. But that is a theme for another essay.

It all makes sense, except that in such capitalist jungle the
predators run the process of evolution (selling Stupid Unnecessary
Vehicles, for example) instead of looking for a balanced and equitable
development (such as providing bike facilities or public
transportation). This is the dinosaurs in the middle of the Jurassic
refusing to evolve to smarter ways of life, surely influenced by
religion's denial of evolution.



"The capitalist jungle must be tamed" (love conquers the beast)

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic Enterprises

Jun 2, 2010, 3:14:22 PM6/2/10
On Jun 2, 2:23 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> Ilya Shambat wrote:

> > People who have no knowledge of capitalist economics, such as
> > ones who lived in the Soviet Union, frequently find it unfathomable
> > how a system like America's, which is not command-control, could
> > have such an intelligent design. That there is a store for everything,
> > there is something for every purse and purpose, and pieces fit together,

> Quite poorly at times, most obviously with 'street' people.

> > leads them to think that all this prosperity must have been designed by the government.

> And even in america, plenty of fools believe that some president or other is
> responsible for the complete implosion of the entire world financial system etc too.

I don't believe this president is, but the former one surely
contributed greatly to it by HIDING THE COST OF WAR.

American capitalism is not as spontaneous as it seems. The dinosaurs
(SUVs) have been promoted by loopholes in the laws, while the bicycles
and alternative transportation struggle with little help from the




Rod Speed

Jun 2, 2010, 4:27:36 PM6/2/10
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic Enterprises wrote

> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Ilya Shambat wrote:

>>> People who have no knowledge of capitalist economics, such as
>>> ones who lived in the Soviet Union, frequently find it unfathomable
>>> how a system like America's, which is not command-control, could
>>> have such an intelligent design. That there is a store for everything,
>>> there is something for every purse and purpose, and pieces fit together,

>> Quite poorly at times, most obviously with 'street' people.

>>> leads them to think that all this prosperity must have been designed by the government.

>> And even in america, plenty of fools believe that some president or
>> other is responsible for the complete implosion of the entire world
>> financial system etc too.

> I don't believe this president is, but the former one surely
> contributed greatly to it by HIDING THE COST OF WAR.

Have fun explaining why hiding the cost of WW2, the cold war, Korea, Vietnam etc etc etc didnt do that.

> American capitalism is not as spontaneous as it seems.

Corse it is. And thats why it left the USSR etc for dead.

> The dinosaurs (SUVs) have been promoted by loopholes in the laws,

They are popular even where there are completely different laws,
essentially because so many stupid women feel safer in them.

> while the bicycles and alternative transportation struggle with little help from the designer.

Thats just plain wrong too. There is in fact plenty of design effort that goes into those.

Their problem is that some of the fundamental problems are just not possible to
design around, most obviously with the MUCH higher risk of serious injury with a
bike with even a very minor accident that would just be a complete yawn in a car.


There is no design, we evolved, stupid.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic Enterprises

Jun 2, 2010, 6:35:52 PM6/2/10

Instead of engaging in a long winding discussion, which would only
prove you wrong, I let you take a peak at life under the revolution

"Public transportation should be A1. (The city of Curitiba, in Brazil,
offers us a functional model of transportation; bicycle lanes should
be implemented along all major streets.) Our roads, where the Law of
the Jungle rules, should be made safer, say by enforcing passing on
the left only."

Rod Speed

Jun 2, 2010, 6:58:36 PM6/2/10

Just another of your pathetic little drug crazed fantasys.

> I let you take a peak at life under the revolution (INTELLIGENT DESIGN)...


Just another completely mindless steaming turd.

> "Public transportation should be A1.

Only a fool bothers with it.

> (The city of Curitiba, in Brazil,offers us a functional model of transportation;

Pity Brazil is an economic basket case.

> bicycle lanes should be implemented along all major streets.)

Complete waste of street space given that so few are stupid enough to ride a bike.

> Our roads, where the Law of the Jungle rules, should be
> made safer, say by enforcing passing on the left only."

Makes a lot more sense to run those stupid enough to ride a bike down.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic Enterprises

Jun 2, 2010, 8:02:05 PM6/2/10

Cyclists in America earn the Darwin's Award for Stupidity --or
bravery, since the two often go together.

Money is the only thing driving evolution in America.

Of course, 99% of it is wasted.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 2, 2010, 8:50:51 PM6/2/10
On Jun 2, 8:02 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana

I think James Lerner has turned philosopher like me and has made a

(This is truly inspiring)

Rod Speed

Jun 2, 2010, 8:59:45 PM6/2/10

Because they breed like flys.

>>> bicycle lanes should be implemented along all major streets.)

>> Complete waste of street space given that so few are stupid enough to ride a bike.

>>> Our roads, where the Law of the Jungle rules, should be
>>> made safer, say by enforcing passing on the left only."

>> Makes a lot more sense to run those stupid enough to ride a bike down.

> Cyclists in America earn the Darwin's Award for Stupidity

Yep, when they ride in fraffic, anyway.

> --or bravery, since the two often go together.

> Money is the only thing driving evolution in America.

Wrong, as always. Most obviously with fools that ride in traffic.

> Of course, 99% of it is wasted.

Thats all those are good for. Not even good for pet food, too fat.

Rod Speed

Jun 2, 2010, 9:01:42 PM6/2/10
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of

> I think

Not a shred of evidence that you are actually capable of thought.

> James Lerner has turned philosopher like me

You're not a philosopher, just another wanker.

> and has made a commitment to SIMPLICITY and INTELLIGENT DESIGN...

> (This is truly inspiring)



Just another completely mindless steaming turd/wank.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 2, 2010, 9:07:59 PM6/2/10
> >>>> DESIGN)...

So what's your solution, wise guy? Do you have any fucking solution to
the oil spills or climate change or the fact that space is denied to
the cyclists?

I don't like wanking for peace, but that's obviously the only escape
for most Americans who want to burn the calories.

Rod Speed

Jun 2, 2010, 11:08:46 PM6/2/10
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote

There is no solution, stupid monkey.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 3, 2010, 12:04:43 AM6/3/10

Jesus coming soon? Obama? ;)

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 3, 2010, 9:29:08 AM6/3/10
On Jun 3, 12:04 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the

Anyway we know Obama ain't gonna do it because of the Republican
opposition, so let's pray for the revolution. Or better, do something
for the revolution, something like RIDING A BIKE or TURNING OFF THE A/

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock

Jun 3, 2010, 9:29:23 AM6/3/10
On Jun 3, 5:01 am, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of
> Tantra-Hammock wrote:
> > On Jun 2, 10:35 pm, "" <>
> > wrote:
> >> On Jun 3, 12:01 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana
> >> and Chief of Quixotic Enterprises" <>
> >> wrote:
> >>> On Jun 2, 9:08 am, "" <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>> On Jun 2, 9:01 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey,

> >>>> ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic Enterprises"
> >>>> <> wrote:
> >>>>> It all makes sense, except that in such capitalist jungle the
> >>>>> predators run the process of evolution (selling Stupid Unnecessary
> >>>>> Vehicles, for example) instead of looking for a balanced and
> >>>>> equitable development (such as providing bike facilities or public
> >>>>> transportation). This is the dinosaurs in the middle of the
> >>>>> Jurassic refusing to evolve to smarter ways of life, surely
> >>>>> influenced by religion's denial of evolution.
> >>>> Even religions evolve, because peoples level of understanding
> >>>> evolves.
> >>>> A jesuit friend from way back was told at the seminary, that the
> >>>> the yellow races where the 'devils people'. He was very open
> >>>> minded many years after where he told me they are now seen to be
> >>>> the lifeline of the future of the Catholic church'.
> >>>> He missed the irony of his own words.
> >>>> BOfL
> >>> We are evolving alright, but we are going too slow to save
> >>> ourselves.
> >>> That's where R-EVOLUTION kicks in.
> >>> Revolution as in Banana Revolution. ;)
> >>> YEARS...
> >>> text -
> >>> - Show quoted text -
> >> Smacks more of devolution to me, but there is no going back.
> >> BOfL
> > Only if you call devolution "back to basics."
> > What the fuck we need an SUV for when we can be riding a bike for shorter distances?
> Because with a car or SUV, if someone does something stupid, and that happens all the time,
> you have an excellent chance of surviving that. Not if you are stupid enough to ride a bike tho.

Yeah, and you also have an excellent chance to kill two or three
innocent people when you drive with reckless abandon phone in hand.

> > The old-fashioned-way is often the best
> Not in this case it aint.

Yes, human beings haven't adapted to the idiotic life of the couch
potato and get diseases and obese.

> > and walking is probably what Americans need to get in shape
> Yes, but thats not riding a bike.

That's part of it. The bicycle is more efficient than walking.

> > and kick the TV addiction.
> Your addictions are your problem, monkey boy.

It is not. Mine is the Internet because I'm in the cage anyway and I'm
fighting those who keep me in the cage.

> Nope, havent been that for millennia now.

Yeah, sure. We still walked around until the advent of the car.

> You're the potato, monkeyboy.

Maybe "Internet potato."

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