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ethics of using multiple coupons

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Oct 15, 2010, 7:17:23 AM10/15/10
Yesterday I ran across a $5 off 5 items Kraft food coupon. On top of
this, Kraft was donating 5 free meals to the hungry for each of these
coupons that is used.

I was prepared to print out about 10 or 15 of these things, stock up
the freezer, and make a boatload of submarine sandwiches using the
cheese slices!

Trouble is, this is through coupon printer. I was not
familiar with this, since I never had to install a program just to print
a coupon before. In fact, I was a bit worried that there might be some
malware, or something that would forever more track me on the Internet.

However, I couldn't get the coupons without loading the software, so
I loaded it. Now I've read more about it, and I find out that it
evidently leaves stuff on your computer that doesn't come off when you
uninstall it - like Sony's 'fabled' rootkit. Blech. Unfortunately, I
can't seem to find the info about how to remove it completely.

Anyway, the software wouldn't install at first, and they are mailing
me a coupon. Then the software went ahead and installed, and I got 2
coupons. When I tried to print another one, it told me I had reached
the limit.

Of course, I'd like more. I don't know if the limit is per IP
address, per computer, per household, or ? Neither the Kraft website or
the coupons themselves mention any sort of limit. Evidently the limit
is only enforced by the coupon printer itself. The coupons do not show
up on the computer in any way until the printer program has
verified that you have not printed 2 already.

I've been told by several folks that it is COUPON FRAUD to print more
than the 2 coupons. However, it seems like I would be able to print by
wiping the hard drive, using a different computer, or maybe even using a
restore point to go back a day or two. Seems like there are multiple
ways this would work. Of course, the simplest would be to find out
wherever their hidden "recording" file is, remove that, and then
reinstall their coupon printer, but I'm not holding my breath.

What do you think - is using multiple coupons in a case like this
actually coupon fraud?

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Oct 15, 2010, 7:32:42 PM10/15/10
> What prevents you from simply photocopying additional coupons?

I believe that they scan to barcode, which lets the system know if
that particular code has been used before. Maybe I'm giving it too much
credit, but I figured there was a reason why it had my specific code on
there. I'm guessing that the number tells them my IP address or something.

> OT Aside: Did you ever find the image tiling software for which you
> were searching?

Nah, I tried a few different programs that were supposed to do it,
but nothing worked as I hoped. I think I'm going to simply build a
Windows XP system, and reinstall Easy Viewer 3 on that. It would cost
me over $100 to purchase Easy Viewer 4, and I'm not very interested in
plunking down $100.

a real cheapskate

Oct 17, 2010, 8:35:19 AM10/17/10

many local stores accept no coupons at all off net because fraud is so

doesnt really effect me most coupons are for expensive stuff i rarely

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