If it is based on points, probably the poor score better. They are
closer to the life of Jesus. But if it's based on influence, then the
rich have the better chance. They give more to the church and probably
can get a better recommendation from the priest.
I'd expect some angels who do the paperwork be a little corrupt and
thus allow entrance to some who don't deserve it. Needless to say, I
expect a lot of favoritism on the part of God of what religion gets
through and what won't, thus some better people who belong to the
wrong religion won't make it.
In other words, that it sounds like a lot of bureaucracy.
"The Tree of Knowledge is a mango tree I found in my backyard"
TM is a poor crazy bastard who just posts on his one favorite subject -
hatred of motor vehicles because they interfere with his use of the roads.
His other favorite subject is attacking Christianity. If you respond to this
poor crazy bastard, then you are a poor crazy bastard too.
He likes to reference monkeys and other wild animals normally found only in
zoos because he is most likely a wild beast himself. I think he fornicates
with monkeys, but I can't prove it.
TM should confine himself to just one thread instead of proliferating them
like a poor crazy bastard. He is insane of course. I liken him to the
village idiot of olden times. The difference these days is that no one any
longer recognizes the village idiot because idiocy has become so widespread.
But I will be here to remind one and all of what a poor crazy bastard TM is.
It is mark of My Greatness that I can still recognize the village idiot even
if the rest of you can't.
Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Ironically, if it weren't for cars, there wouldn't be good roads for
to ride on.
> His other favorite subject is attacking Christianity. If you respond to this
> poor crazy bastard, then you are a poor crazy bastard too.
Yet you replied to him. And I'm replying to you.
It seems very few Americans are taking advantage of it (some .4%
commute by bike) while we should be kissing the ass of pedestrians who
are so kind to lend us their sidewalk --or simply got no choice.
>> Ironically, if it weren't for cars, there wouldn't be good roads for
to ride on.
> His other favorite subject is attacking Christianity. If you respond to
> this
> poor crazy bastard, then you are a poor crazy bastard too.
>> Yet you replied to him. And I'm replying to you.
I am only doing copy and paste with him. He is not worth anything more. Or
do you like to engage someone who only talks to himself? If so, are you
perhaps a psychiatrist?
Sorry, I forgot to mention I talk to Buddha in many of these dialogs.
He reincarnated in a Monk Parrot that I own and tells me how to deal
with the human zoo.
You know the situation in the zoo, right?
Sorry, I forgot to mention I talk to Buddha in many of these dialogs.
He reincarnated in a Monk Parrot that I own and tells me how to deal
with the human zoo.
You know the situation in the zoo, right?
I am fed up with your animal metaphors. How about I liken you to your god
damn fucking monkeys myself? Yea, I think you are really into monkeys. What
is there about them makes you want to fornicate with them? I think the rest
of us would like to know about the depths of your depravity.
And your attacks on Christianity are truly mind boggling. How would an idiot
like you know anything about anything so abstract as religion. You are
strictly a concrete knower, one who knows about monkey asses and penises and
not much else.
If there is a God, let us hope that He will consign you to Hell from whence
you came. Yea, I pray every day that some motorist there in Florida will
take you out of your misery. And the sooner the better!
Fucking Regards,
I'm talking those closer to us like rats and monkeys. My little zoo
includes: 5 parakeets, 1 monk/quaker parrot, 1 mouse, and I want to
get a rat but my girlfriend doesn't want to hear about it.
From those I can figure out 90% of human nature, except WHY humans
It must be religion.
The point of any newsgroup is to COMMUNICATE something that others can
respond to. You never do that. I think it is because you are a poor crazy
bastard and, frankly, the sooner some motorist puts you out of your misery,
the better. Fuck you, you god damn dumb stupid asshole!
> The point of any newsgroup is to COMMUNICATE something that others can
> respond to. You never do that.
Wrong. YOU respond. Frequently.
Cheers, Bev
"Sure, everyone's in favor of saving Hitler's brain, but when
you put it into the body of a great white shark, suddenly
you're a madman." --Futurama
No, it is all copy and paste. TM is beneath contempt. He is a spammer pure
and simple. He is good natured, and I give him credit for that, but his
crusading has got to come to a stop. Usenet has enough nuts without his kind
polluting the bandwidth.
Ignoring the posts of a proliferate asinine poster eventually destroys the
newsgroup. If everyone would condemn him for his asininities, the group
would get along much better. TM is not stupid, but he is wrongheaded. He
seems not to realize what a newsgroup is about. It is about COMMUNICATION -
and nothing else!
I will cut him some slack provided he does two things: stop proliferating
posts and be more responsive to anyone who replies to him. Is that asking
too much? If all he wants to do is talk to himself, I will condemn him for
it and I will not be kind or civil about it. He knows what he has to do if
he wants to be accepted as a member in good standing.
You ignore me, I ignore you. Just copy and paste...
On Aug 24, 5:09 pm, in2dadark <in2dad...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I used to enjoy bike riding. But the rudeness over the last 10 years
> makes it difficult in most places. We have just as much right as a car
> on the road. But you'd never know it.
You never know. The unknown of death is always scary, though they say
there's a lighted path at the end of life, just like in the mixed path
we got around here where people ride up and down without worrying
about cars. It got blinding light lit up day and night.
Around here BIG WASTE is a sign of government that works.
>>> You ignore me, I ignore you. Just copy and paste...
I will no longer ignore you if you proliferate posts and are not responsive
to others. You have had a free ride for long enough. You do not own these
newsgroups anymore than anyone else does. Be reasonable and I will not
bother you.
Another pathetic case of a failed education.
Unfortunately both are a matched set trying to outdo each other in
trying to call attention to themselves. They are just like the folks you
find jabbering on a street corner and just don't get the idea that no
one but themselves is interested in what they have to say..
You ignore my wisdom... you pay the price. The Law of the Jungle and
Nature are on my side.
On Aug 24, 8:55 pm, Father Haskell <fatherhask...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> They also need daily socialization with humans. Let them out
> of their cage for an hour's worth of play each day.
> Tell her to consider that for all of their negative impact, rattus
> norvegicus has benefitted us far more by sacrificing themselves
> at the altar of science.
> far more to humanity's welfare
I delivered the message...
The rat and the mouse show that curiosity is a great asset. But many
in our society --mainly the Christians-- have been bred to be dumb.
Curiosity leads to science and discovery --and sometimes death. But we
are here because our species used to be very curious and we have kind
of learned from their mistakes. For example, eating a "forbidden
fruit" (presumably poisonous) lead to the deaths of some and to the
knowledge of many. So the "tree of knowledge" is really a good thing
no matter what the Bible tells you.
Do I sound like preaching? ;)
Alas, don't you wish it were true. Unfortunately for you I have several
higher degrees and am a Phi Beta Kappa into the bargain. TM deserves what I
give him because he actually is a god damn dumb stupid asshole who deserves
to be fucked.
> Unfortunately both are a matched set trying to outdo each other in trying
> to call attention to themselves. They are just like the folks you find
> jabbering on a street corner and just don't get the idea that no one but
> themselves is interested in what they have to say..
Poor George is unable to make discriminations, ever the downfall of all
idiots. I have already told him I am a housekeeper, but maybe he does not
know what that entails on a newsgroup.
I have only two issues with TM. He proliferates threads which are not
original and he is almost never responsive to what others say (however, he
is getting better at that I must admit). If he corrects those two things, I
will not bother him. After all, he can post all he wants just like the rest
of us, but when you proliferate threads it turns everyone else off. It is
almost criminal in nature to do that. If he stops proliferating threads, he
will never hear from me. After all, I have nothing in common with a super
idiot like him.
Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Small door doesn't allow for fair chance of escape. Maybe she got hurt
while scrambling, or maybe it was coincidence.
But I won't do like God who put the serpent and Eve in the same place
and then blame the whole humanity for it. I will take turns in opening
one cage or the other.
I want to comment that I tried the hamsters and they all died a stupid
death, proving not to be any smarter than the Christians.
I'm kind of playing with the idea of an "inter-species society," sort
of like Christians and Muslims... I know it sounds Utopian, but maybe
they'll get along. Throw in the feisty cockatiel and the mouse, and
you have a complex situation similar to the one we find in the world.
The mouse is having a ball. I just gave her a ball --those hollow
balls-- and she's driving all over the place.
Buddha and the cockatiel, are having a love-hate relationship. They
need each other, but fight too. I've seen a lot of couples like that
and I was in a relationship like that myself.
God created --if you believe the Bible-- over 300 species of parrots,
but some are from Australia, some from Africa and some from South
America. Buddha is from South America and the other two are from Down
Under. I wonder why he created so many species and spread them out
over three continents, unless the three continents were once one
If you believed in the Devil, you'd think the cockatiel is him, which
is why the neighbor gave it to me. But he's getting better, and enjoys
all this excitement.
Will there be peace in the jungle?
Stay on this thread and I will not bother you. Get off of it on other or new
threads and I will skewer you to oblivion - you god damn dumb fucking stupid
son of a bitch!
Fucking Regards,
Ever hear of a killfile?
> Ever hear of a killfile?
or some class?
Yeah, I think Ed is showing his low class upbringing.
And he's beyond humor or sensitivity.
Calling for nuking the Muslims is not nice.
Killfiles do not work with morons who proliferate threads because those
threads soon come to dominate the newsgroup, especially if the newsgroup is
small like RBS. It will absolutely scare off newbies.
Class is wasted on a moron like TM. You have got to hit him over the head
with a sledge hammer to even get his attention. He knows full well what he
has to do to get rid of me.
I think you have been harassing these groups without any clear
My situation is quite different. I'M MAKING NOISE FOR THE REVOLUTION --
or at least to accommodate cyclists.
I've never seen you use your intelligence. Show me something you have
> >> And he's beyond humor or sensitivity.
> What I am beyond is your proliferating of threads which are not original.
> All you do is reconstitute the same old shit over and over.
How many times you want to hear it? SPACE FOR THE MONKEY, SPACE FOR
> >> Calling for nuking the Muslims is not nice.
> Fuck the Muslims - and fuck you too, you god damn dumb fucking stupid son of
> a bitch!
> Stop proliferating threads and I will not bother you. Otherwise, you will
> never be rid of me.
I have dealt with other nuisances before.
I charge TM with being the greatest asshole bore ever to infest Usenet. But
I can't help feeling sorry for the poor crazy bastard. After all, he doesn't
know any better, being the imbecile that he is. Folks, you cannot learn to
be this stupid, you have to be born to it.
TM needs to confine himself to just a couple of threads at most since all he
ever does is just post the same old shit over and over. It is also
incredibly stupid of him to think that anyone in this day and age is going
to relate to his animal metaphors. Where does such stupidity come from?
The most absurd of all his posts are his religious rants. My God, this poor
benighted moron is way too stupid to ever grasp anything as abstract as
religion. I think he might be able to grasp a monkey's ass and/or cock, but
surely that is it.
TM is nothing but a poor crazy bastard and if anyone wants to put him out of
his misery, he will have my blessing. But surely there is some motorist in
Florida who will accommodate us. And the sooner the better!
Listen up you god damn moron! I have been on Usenet for many years now. I
know exactly what I am doing. My purpose is to rid Usenet of spammers like
you. I will not tolerate your proliferating threads. It destroys small
newsgroups like RBS. Get on a single thread and stay there since all you
ever do is just post the same old shit over and over.
> My situation is quite different. I'M MAKING NOISE FOR THE REVOLUTION --
> or at least to accommodate cyclists.
Fuck you and your revolution. Your dumb ass was made for kicking I was made
to kick it. Your free ride on Usenet is over.
Fucking Regards,
> I have dealt with other nuisances before.
You have never in your life dealt with someone like me. I will hound you to
your grave and then piss on it.
DO NOT PROLIFERATE THREADS! If you do I will step on every single one of
them. Who the hell do you think you are to come to these newsgroups with
your god damn moronic idiocies. Fuck you all the way to Hell and back, you
god damn dumb fucking stupid son of a bitch!
Fucking Regards,
My parrot, Buddha Reincarnate, says he doesn't need prove himself
> You [TM] have never in your life dealt with someone like me. I will hound
> you to
your grave and then piss on it.
> DO NOT PROLIFERATE THREADS! If you do I will step on every single one of
them. Who the hell do you think you are to come to these newsgroups with
your god damn moronic idiocies. Fuck you all the way to Hell and back, you
god damn dumb fucking stupid son of a bitch!
>> Plonk!
Good riddance! Just one less coward I have to stumble over on my way to
reining in TM.