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Frugal ACA Compliance

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Jul 29, 2013, 7:35:14 PM7/29/13
This is going to destroy me!

What do I do? I can't afford this!


Jul 29, 2013, 8:40:01 PM7/29/13
On 7/29/2013 7:35 PM, wrote:
> This is going to destroy me!

How is it going to destroy you?
> What do I do? I can't afford this!

It's very progressive so if you have little money the cost is low to

A close friend of mine recently died. He was a Tea Party patriot and
ditto head. He despised Obama. If he had insurance under ACA he would
most likely still be alive. And he is not the only one.

The plain fact is that a lot of people are destroyed in the current
system. I know of several hard working individuals who are dead for lack
of care, don't you? Or are you too young to have seen death?

Now, if you want me to sympathize with the better off who in some cases
will pay more, I'll listen. It's really all about the money on the
right. Money has it's place.

Jul 29, 2013, 8:49:08 PM7/29/13
On Monday, July 29, 2013 5:40:01 PM UTC-7, j wrote:
> On 7/29/2013 7:35 PM, wrote:
> > This is going to destroy me!
> How is it going to destroy you?

I can't afford it

> >
> > What do I do? I can't afford this!
> It's very progressive so if you have little money the cost is low to
> nothing.

In my case, it's nothing. I made just a hair under $16,000 last year and after the subsidies (i.e. welfare I am forced to take), it's still estimated at an additional $47 out of pocket that I cannot afford to pay.

Maybe I will just have to cancel cable. Wait, I don't have cable. Because I can't afford it.

> A close friend of mine recently died. He was a Tea Party patriot and
> ditto head. He despised Obama. If he had insurance under ACA he would
> most likely still be alive. And he is not the only one.

Good for him.

> The plain fact is that a lot of people are destroyed in the current
> system. I know of several hard working individuals who are dead for lack
> of care, don't you? Or are you too young to have seen death?

A few.

I am 39.

The bottom line is the government is forcing me to spend money I don't have to give it to private corporations I don't want to do business with.

> Now, if you want me to sympathize with the better off who in some cases
> will pay more, I'll listen. It's really all about the money on the
> right. Money has it's place.
> >

It's all about the money with me too.

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Jul 29, 2013, 11:40:24 PM7/29/13
In article <>,
yeh, that's what they all say until they need a doctor/hospital

Bob F

Jul 30, 2013, 12:26:52 AM7/30/13
I just checked what it would cost me next year using the WA state plans under
ObamaCare. $141, less than half what my current $5000 deductable plan costs me
now. And that was after adding $10000 to my income to get above the medicaid
level. Sounds pretty good to me.

Right wingers have a hard time with reality.

Jul 30, 2013, 12:44:15 AM7/30/13
What it costs me now? $0

What it will cost me soon? A whole helluva lot of money I don't have right now.

Mrs Irish Mike

Jul 30, 2013, 2:26:10 AM7/30/13
On Monday, July 29, 2013 9:44:15 PM UTC-7, wrote:
> What it costs me now? $0
> What it will cost me soon? A whole helluva lot of money I don't have right now.

So, you expect who to pick up the bill when you have appendicitis? Or when you fall off your bike and break your arm? Taxpayers? The hospital? You? You can't even hardly take care of yourself, let alone a hospital bill. Man up, and pay for insurance. In a few months you'll hardly notice a difference.


Jul 30, 2013, 9:32:42 AM7/30/13
And that about sums it up. Another right wing friend of mine has wrung
up tens of thousands of dollars of emergency room services.

It happens in everyone's life at some point. Are you going to be a leach?

Jul 30, 2013, 11:28:15 AM7/30/13
Hardly notice a difference?

Out of $15,900 would you notice $800 missing? That's over a month's rent. Maybe Obama should tell the landlord to only collect 11 months instead of 12. I would say he should tell my employer to pay me more, but knowing how the real world works, that would just screw me out of a job altogether,.

I am lucky to be paying far below market rent, imagine if that was disrupted and I suddenly had to pay an additional few hundred bucks a month on top of these other mandatory expenditures. And the moving costs would suck up most of my savings.

In case you don't understand, I D O N ' T H A V E T H E M O N E Y to spend on this.

I don't get sick. I don't take part in dangerous physical activities. I haven't been to the doctor since 1992. Even if I got sick or injured, a few days out of work and I am so fucked that health care won't really matter anyway.

I guess the good news is my prospects are so dim when this job runs it's course that there may not be any income to confiscate.

Jul 30, 2013, 11:33:22 AM7/30/13
Are you suggesting a right winger and a left winger with a gross income of $15,900 would be affected differently by this law?

> It happens in everyone's life at some point. Are you going to be a leach?


But speaking of leeches.

Half of Obamacare call center jobs will be part time with no employer provided benefits

Maybe someone should just tell those losers to get a better job so they can be covered.

The Real Bev

Jul 30, 2013, 12:21:42 PM7/30/13
These people will be explaining to callers how to obtain a benefit that
they themselves will be unable to obtain. Guess how much correct
information they're going to provide.

Cheers, Bev
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal.
--Revolution Books, New York, New York

Jul 30, 2013, 12:42:38 PM7/30/13
On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 9:21:42 AM UTC-7, The Real Bev wrote:
> On 07/30/2013 08:33 AM, wrote:
> > On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 6:32:42 AM UTC-7, j wrote:
> >>
> >> It happens in everyone's life at some point. Are you going to be a
> >> leach?
> >
> > No.
> >
> > But speaking of leeches.
> >
> > Half of Obamacare call center jobs will be part time with no employer
> > provided benefits
> >
> >
> >
> > Maybe someone should just tell those losers to get a better job so
> > they can be covered.
> These people will be explaining to callers how to obtain a benefit that
> they themselves will be unable to obtain. Guess how much correct
> information they're going to provide.

I guess I can also stop spending money on things poor people should have no right to do, which right now is mainly bus fare to free cultural events all over the LA area.

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Jul 30, 2013, 1:19:48 PM7/30/13
In article <>,
isn't it your employers responsibility to pay for you?

Mrs Irish Mike

Jul 30, 2013, 2:36:20 PM7/30/13
On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 8:28:15 AM UTC-7, wrote:

> I don't get sick.

There you go. The solution to the whole medical insurance problem. Brilliant.

As far as your $800 a year deficit, that works out to about $15 a week. Two hours a week at minimum wage, which you seem to be used to.

Apparently your job does not pay you enough to live. Now is the time to ask for a raise, or start looking for a new job. You might want to start voting for politicians who are for higher wages, not complaining about having to be be covered by medical insurance.

BTW, I worked for a few years at the L.A. County Hospital. Plenty of people who never were sick a day in their life, die for a lack of insurance.

Jul 30, 2013, 3:05:26 PM7/30/13
On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 11:36:20 AM UTC-7, Mrs Irish Mike wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 8:28:15 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> >
> > I don't get sick.
> There you go. The solution to the whole medical insurance problem. Brilliant.
> As far as your $800 a year deficit, that works out to about $15 a week. Two hours a week at minimum wage, which you seem to be used to.

Actually lost a bit more than an hour a week when they started making me take 45 min lunches a few months ago.

> Apparently your job does not pay you enough to live. Now is the time to ask for a raise, or start looking for a new job. You might want to start voting for politicians who are for higher wages, not complaining about having to be be covered by medical insurance.

The owner told me he told his wife to give me a raise. I will find out tomorrow. Though more pay probably just means they hit me for more. Otherwise I like this job and plan on staying here until the bitter end.

> BTW, I worked for a few years at the L.A. County Hospital. Plenty of people who never were sick a day in their life, die for a lack of insurance.

I am totally cool with this. I am not sure what the point is in keeping people alive who are unable or unwilling to contribute anything to society.

Mrs Irish Mike

Jul 30, 2013, 3:43:12 PM7/30/13
On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 12:05:26 PM UTC-7, wrote:

> I am totally cool with this. I am not sure what the point is in keeping people alive who are unable or unwilling to contribute anything to society.

You're an idiot or a troll.

You are unwilling to contribute enough to society. You cost more than you're worth at this point. And you like it that way. Why should we keep you alive? We should allow you to die because the hospital doesn't want to front you the $10K to fix your broken arm or appendix? Don't be so silly.

Many of the people who get caught naked, without insurance, are people who lost their jobs. People who ran out of insurance, or who didn't know they had crappy insurance until it was too late.

Grow some balls, boy. Either get a better job, find a job for 10 hours a month, or do without internet service. Your priorities are effed up, and you want society to foot the bill?

Jul 30, 2013, 3:44:49 PM7/30/13

Mrs Irish Mike

Jul 30, 2013, 7:02:05 PM7/30/13
On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 12:44:49 PM UTC-7, wrote:

> ***plonk***

Don't ask me what I think of you. I might not give the answer you want me to.

Bob F

Jul 30, 2013, 7:13:50 PM7/30/13
Reality is hard for the like of you, leach.

Jul 30, 2013, 7:17:23 PM7/30/13
Hey asshole, I work for all my money and pay all my bills.


Jul 30, 2013, 7:35:14 PM7/30/13
On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 9:21:42 AM UTC-7, The Real Bev wrote:
Though $15-18 an hour, 30 hours a week and I could live like a king.

Thanks to the helpful people on the group the past few decades I have made living in total squalor and poverty into an adventure.

Bob F

Jul 30, 2013, 8:58:11 PM7/30/13
Until you get injured. Then, we'll see.

There are lot's of young supermen who will never get sick. Untill they do.

Have you actually priced what the insurance will cost you in your state. I have,
and it's cheap if your income is low. Reasonable if not.

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Jul 30, 2013, 11:45:48 PM7/30/13
In article <>,
just make sure you tattoo on your forehead "do not treat me, I have no


Jul 31, 2013, 9:12:32 AM7/31/13
Oh, you can dish it out but not take it?

How Republican is that? You brought this troll topic.

You use city services and then complain about paying taxes for it. Those
free cultural events cost money.

What are you going to do when you are older and less healthy? Stiff the
ER. Rely on the socialized medicine known as Medicare?

We are nearly alone in this country in not having universal affordable
healthcare. Hardworking people die every day because of that and all you
care about is yourself and at this moment. You seem to be very short
sighted and rather extravagant in your own appraisal of your own worth
to society.

Get a grip. What did you expect?

Jul 31, 2013, 11:29:34 AM7/31/13
On Wednesday, July 31, 2013 6:12:32 AM UTC-7, j wrote:
> On 7/30/2013 3:44 PM, wrote:

> > ***plonk***
> >
> Oh, you can dish it out but not take it?
> How Republican is that? You brought this troll topic.
> You use city services and then complain about paying taxes for it. Those
> free cultural events cost money.

Corporate sponsorship, grants and donations. Sometimes I donate though money is a bit tighter this year. Just the bus fare is adding up but what the hell, it's how I like to spend my summer.

And where have I complained about paying taxes? Who the fuck said I am Republican. No wonder there seems to be some sort of cognitive disconnect in the discussion here, you seem really confused about what you're responding to.

> What are you going to do when you are older and less healthy? Stiff the
> ER. Rely on the socialized medicine known as Medicare?

I have no close friends or family support system so anything that seriously disrupts my life is going to have to put me under. If I am sick enough to have to go to the doctor I don't even have anyone to give me a ride there. I am not well-equipped for old age regardless of any health care policy.

> We are nearly alone in this country in not having universal affordable
> healthcare. Hardworking people die every day because of that and all you
> care about is yourself and at this moment. You seem to be very short
> sighted and rather extravagant in your own appraisal of your own worth
> to society.
> Get a grip. What did you expect?

You seem to suffer from reading comprehension issues. No wonder you're too stupid to figure out what's going on here.


Jul 31, 2013, 1:18:53 PM7/31/13
On 7/31/2013 11:29 AM, wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 31, 2013 6:12:32 AM UTC-7, j wrote:
>> On 7/30/2013 3:44 PM, wrote:
>>> ***plonk***
>> Oh, you can dish it out but not take it?
>> How Republican is that? You brought this troll topic.
>> You use city services and then complain about paying taxes for it. Those
>> free cultural events cost money.
> Corporate sponsorship, grants and donations. Sometimes I donate though money is a bit tighter this year. Just the bus fare is adding up but what the hell, it's how I like to spend my summer.
> And where have I complained about paying taxes? Who the fuck said I am Republican. No wonder there seems to be some sort of cognitive disconnect in the discussion here, you seem really confused about what you're responding to.

Then don't act like a Republican.

We all make choices, and we all cling to our conceptions of
what we can and can not do.

I've been around long enough to see how people are destroyed.
You lack intuition and perception, the ability to see into the future
and do something about it.

You have money, you spend it on what you feel you must have and scrimp
everywhere else. I know winos like that.

Healthcare at that price is an unmitigated bargain, and it is one that
paying for now reaps rewards later, you have a fair shot at getting
old. And because younger people than yourself are in the system costs
are lower. You've got a great deal and are whining about it because you
can't shift a few shekels around from your must haves.

who is way way cooler than you think

Jul 31, 2013, 1:40:00 PM7/31/13
Absolutely nothing I have said suggests I am thinking or acting like a Republican.

Must Haves:

Rent, Food, Utilities and a bit for leisure activities which is mainly in the form of bus fare as none of these events take place within walking distance. Almost daily in the summer, some weekends the rest of the year. This does not include cable TV, movie theatres, netflix, drugs, alcohol. I get movies out of the library a few times a year for weekends when I don't have anything lined up.

I could save money by doing nothing and staying home but keeping busy and staying active is how I proactively take care of my health as I am in much better physical and mental shape now than the 10 years I spent as a substance abusing shut in as well as the ability to meet likeminded people.

But it's my choice how to spend my money, not the government's, who has never been able to efficiently choose how to spend our money it already allocates itself.

I am not even budgeted to use my vacation to visit my family, none of whom live locally anymore.

My take home pay every 2 weeks is about $500, give or take a few, always in danger of declining. Try living off that in Los Angeles and figure out what to do when the government mandates $50 to 150 of that money is spent elsewhere.

And anecdotal evidence suggests young people may not participate in the kinds of numbers necessary for this to work the way it's supposed to.

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Jul 31, 2013, 2:27:01 PM7/31/13
In article <>, wrote:

> My take home pay every 2 weeks is about $500, give or take a few, always in
> danger of declining. Try living off that in Los Angeles and figure out what
> to do when the government mandates $50 to 150 of that money is spent
> elsewhere.

that's just about less than minimum wage. but of course it is your
choice to work for such low wages, hell you could go to college and earn
more on work-study plus get grants and scholarships...but you'd bitch
about putting yourself in debt rather than see it as an investment in a
better life

Jul 31, 2013, 2:40:35 PM7/31/13
I crashed and burned out of community college in 1994. I am not in any better shape now. But I detect a bit of right wing paternalism with it's inherent urge to punish the poor, to teach us a lesson, just for being poor.


Jul 31, 2013, 2:58:08 PM7/31/13
On Wed, 31 Jul 2013 13:18:53 -0400, j <> wrote:

>On 7/31/2013 11:29 AM, wrote:
>> On Wednesday, July 31, 2013 6:12:32 AM UTC-7, j wrote:
>>> On 7/30/2013 3:44 PM, wrote:
>>>> ***plonk***
>>> Oh, you can dish it out but not take it?
>>> How Republican is that? You brought this troll topic.
>>> You use city services and then complain about paying taxes for it. Those
>>> free cultural events cost money.
>> Corporate sponsorship, grants and donations. Sometimes I donate though money is a bit tighter this year. Just the bus fare is adding up but what the hell, it's how I like to spend my summer.
>> And where have I complained about paying taxes? Who the fuck said I am Republican. No wonder there seems to be some sort of cognitive disconnect in the discussion here, you seem really confused about what you're responding to.
>Then don't act like a Republican.

Still profiling people, I see. How bigotted.

Dennis (evil)
"There is a fine line between participation and mockery" - Wally

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Jul 31, 2013, 7:39:24 PM7/31/13
In article <>,
you are poor by choice, why should I care about someone who believes he
is immune from the various vicissitudes of life and will make my health
care more expensive because of that

on a more personal note, stop projecting your political/social angst on
others. You came here to bitch, you did and now everyone is being kind
enough to tell you that you are wrong.

I have yet to see you address the issue of getting a better paying job,
or at least one that pays minimum wage

Jul 31, 2013, 10:46:48 PM7/31/13
I make more than minimum wage.

I like my job.

Or I could be any and every poor person and there is not enough good jobs for all of us.

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Aug 1, 2013, 7:37:17 PM8/1/13
In article <>,
then you work less than full time and have still not addressed the issue
of getting a better paying job

> I like my job.

how wonderful for you. enjoy that thought the next time you need medical

> Or I could be any and every poor person and there is not enough good jobs for
> all of us.

but you aren't because you like your less than full time job

Aug 1, 2013, 8:30:15 PM8/1/13
Under all the circumstances, this job is perfect for me. Great hours, I work alone, low stress, 3 weeks of paid vacation, walking distance, they won't fire me. The only downside is low pay and few transferable skills.

I don't deal with stress very well.

What I should do is figure out how to make more money during my unsupervised downtime but other than flipping a few grand worth of tickets a few years ago I haven't been very successful.

But as far as working enough hours go... one of the unintended (or intended?) consequences of this law is killing the 40 hour work week. Not that I have a problem like that as I have always done so well with what I have.

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Aug 2, 2013, 2:44:44 PM8/2/13
In article <>,
there you go, work an extra job for two weeks on your vacation and that
will pay for your health care while still leaving you a week of paid

> I don't deal with stress very well.

sounds like something that is going to require medical attention

> What I should do is figure out how to make more money during my unsupervised
> downtime but other than flipping a few grand worth of tickets a few years ago
> I haven't been very successful.

since we have no idea what your job or particular skills are, I
shouldn't think it would be hard to get a job that uses your computer

> But as far as working enough hours go... one of the unintended (or intended?)
> consequences of this law is killing the 40 hour work week. Not that I have a
> problem like that as I have always done so well with what I have.

that consequence is due to the greed of the employers

Aug 2, 2013, 2:49:12 PM8/2/13
I don't take it all at once.

Take some cash and the occasional day off here and there when I want to do something or if I am sick.

> >
> > I don't deal with stress very well.
> sounds like something that is going to require medical attention

Or a good defense attorney

> >
> > What I should do is figure out how to make more money during my unsupervised
> > downtime but other than flipping a few grand worth of tickets a few years ago
> > I haven't been very successful.
> since we have no idea what your job or particular skills are, I
> shouldn't think it would be hard to get a job that uses your computer

I don't know of anything other than my occasional attempts at predatory capitalism

> >
> > But as far as working enough hours go... one of the unintended (or intended?)
> > consequences of this law is killing the 40 hour work week. Not that I have a
> > problem like that as I have always done so well with what I have.
> that consequence is due to the greed of the employers

I don't think anyone who wasn't stupid enough to shit out kids or drive a car should have to work more than 30 hours or so a week.

Mrs Irish Mike

Aug 2, 2013, 3:20:58 PM8/2/13
On Friday, August 2, 2013 11:49:12 AM UTC-7, wrote:

> I don't think anyone who wasn't stupid enough to shit out kids

Let your mother know your feelings.

>or drive a car should have to work more than 30 hours or so a week.

Those are your thoughts. Perhaps you should either ask for a raise or find a better paying job.

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Aug 3, 2013, 12:16:01 AM8/3/13
In article <>, wrote:

> On Friday, August 2, 2013 11:44:44 AM UTC-7, Malcom Mal Reynolds
> wrote:
> > In article <>,

> >
> > there you go, work an extra job for two weeks on your vacation and
> > thatwill pay for your health care while still leaving you a week of
> > paid vacation

> I don't take it all at once.

Perfect, that means you can work one extra day every other week

> Take some cash and the occasional day off here and there when I want
> to do something or if I am sick.

I thought you didn't get sick

> >
> > > I don't deal with stress very well.
> >
> >
> >
> > sounds like something that is going to require medical attention
> >

> Or a good defense attorney

it's a good dream, even a great one, but if you can't afford health care
you'd never be able to present medical evidence to a lawyer for a stress
case and in any event you wouldn't be able to afford a lawyer. And if
perchance you did find a lawyer who'd take your case, your lack of
attempts to better your position in life would really throw a bunch of
ice-cubes on your claim

> >
> > > What I should do is figure out how to make more money during my
> > > unsupervised
> >
> > > downtime but other than flipping a few grand worth of tickets a
> > > few years ago
> >
> > > I haven't been very successful.
> >
> >
> >
> > since we have no idea what your job or particular skills are, I
> >
> > shouldn't think it would be hard to get a job that uses your
> > computer
> >
> >
> >
> I don't know of anything other than my occasional attempts at
> predatory capitalism

exactly how much do you need to work a minimum wage job, which you are
already doing? or are you so debilitated that you can't use a search
engine to look for opportunities?

> >
> > > But as far as working enough hours go... one of the unintended
> > > (or intended?) consequences of this law is killing the 40 hour work week. Not
> > > that I have a problem like that as I have always done so well with what I have.

yes, we can see how well you've done

> I don't think anyone who wasn't stupid enough to shit out kids or
> drive a car should have to work more than 30 hours or so a week.

and someone with the desire to only work 30 hours a week would actually
seek the necessary skills to do so, so you must be one of the great

The Real Bev

Aug 3, 2013, 4:08:15 PM8/3/13
Is it asking too much that people use a newsreader that doesn't insert
extra lines EVERY TIME IT RUNS? I hate having to scroll to the bottom
just to see a single inane remark, but when it takes 10 or 12 pages to
get to the same place it really sucks.

BF, there's a reason you're broke and it involves incompetence.


Aug 3, 2013, 5:54:08 PM8/3/13
You do realize that BF is our old pal Soul Surgeon/Full Metal
Grotus/Semi-Detached/et al., back for a visit, don't you?

Dennis (evil)
I'm behind the eight ball, ahead of the curve, riding the wave,
dodging the bullet and pushing the envelope. -George Carlin


Aug 3, 2013, 9:47:11 PM8/3/13
On 8/1/2013 8:30 PM, wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >but you aren't because you like your less than full time job
> Under all the circumstances, this job is perfect for me. Great hours, I work alone, low stress, 3 weeks of paid vacation, walking distance, they won't fire me. The only downside is low pay and few transferable skills.
> I don't deal with stress very well.
> What I should do is figure out how to make more money during my unsupervised downtime but other than flipping a few grand worth of tickets a few years ago I haven't been very successful.
> But as far as working enough hours go... one of the unintended (or intended?) consequences of this law is killing the 40 hour work week. Not that I have a problem like that as I have always done so well with what I have.

The diversity of life on the planet is astounding. The most amazing
creatures fill every niche.

This diversity is also in people. Everyone fills a niche. Some niches
need a lot of people and some, just a few. Like the niche BF is filling.
Don't need a lot like him, but the world would be less complete without
a few oddball idealists.


Aug 3, 2013, 10:11:55 PM8/3/13
I'm not "broke," just low income, that's more than enough to get by on without any demands placed on it by the federal government.

However, the fact that my incompetence is often overlooked due to my reliability and trustworthiness is probably the main reason I will keep working where I am working, and be very happy with it.

Aug 3, 2013, 10:12:55 PM8/3/13
On Saturday, August 3, 2013 2:54:08 PM UTC-7, Dennis wrote:
> On Sat, 03 Aug 2013 13:08:15 -0700, The Real Bev
> <> wrote:
> >Is it asking too much that people use a newsreader that doesn't insert
> >extra lines EVERY TIME IT RUNS? I hate having to scroll to the bottom
> >just to see a single inane remark, but when it takes 10 or 12 pages to
> >get to the same place it really sucks.
> >
> >BF, there's a reason you're broke and it involves incompetence.
> You do realize that BF is our old pal Soul Surgeon/Full Metal
> Grotus/Semi-Detached/et al., back for a visit, don't you?
> Dennis (evil)

I don't know who you are talking about but I will accept the compliment just the same.

Aug 3, 2013, 10:18:12 PM8/3/13
On Friday, August 2, 2013 9:16:01 PM UTC-7, Malcom Mal Reynolds wrote:
> In article <>,
> wrote:
> > On Friday, August 2, 2013 11:44:44 AM UTC-7, Malcom Mal Reynolds
> > wrote:
> > > In article <>,
> > >
> > > there you go, work an extra job for two weeks on your vacation and
> > > thatwill pay for your health care while still leaving you a week of
> > > paid vacation
> >
> > I don't take it all at once.
> Perfect, that means you can work one extra day every other week

It would be awesome if I could find such temporary jobs that will hire me for an hour here or an hour there as I need it. Even if I really don't, at the present time.

> >
> > Take some cash and the occasional day off here and there when I want
> > to do something or if I am sick.
> I thought you didn't get sick

Never sick enough to go to the doctor but sometimes just a tad too sick to go to work. Actually "sick" means I was unable to plan a personal day far enough in advance. Looks like I haven't called in "sick" since December 2011. That time I had a cold. And there was a band I really wanted to see the night before and something had to give, somewhere.

> > >
> > > > I don't deal with stress very well.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > sounds like something that is going to require medical attention
> > >
> >
> > Or a good defense attorney
> >
> >
> it's a good dream, even a great one, but if you can't afford health care
> you'd never be able to present medical evidence to a lawyer for a stress
> case and in any event you wouldn't be able to afford a lawyer. And if
> perchance you did find a lawyer who'd take your case, your lack of
> attempts to better your position in life would really throw a bunch of
> ice-cubes on your claim

English, please.

But legal defense is a constitutional guarantee.

> > >
> > > > What I should do is figure out how to make more money during my
> > > > unsupervised
> > >
> > > > downtime but other than flipping a few grand worth of tickets a
> > > > few years ago
> > >
> > > > I haven't been very successful.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > since we have no idea what your job or particular skills are, I
> > >
> > > shouldn't think it would be hard to get a job that uses your
> > > computer
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I don't know of anything other than my occasional attempts at
> > predatory capitalism
> exactly how much do you need to work a minimum wage job, which you are
> already doing? or are you so debilitated that you can't use a search
> engine to look for opportunities?

I am prohibited from working for competitors.

And I don't work for minimum wage.

> > >
> > > > But as far as working enough hours go... one of the unintended
> > > > (or intended?) consequences of this law is killing the 40 hour work week. Not
> > > > that I have a problem like that as I have always done so well with what I have.
> yes, we can see how well you've done

Pay rent, all my bills, eat and can still enjoy life.

Doing quite well right now under these circumstances

> >
> >
> >
> > I don't think anyone who wasn't stupid enough to shit out kids or
> > drive a car should have to work more than 30 hours or so a week.
> and someone with the desire to only work 30 hours a week would actually
> seek the necessary skills to do so, so you must be one of the great
> unwashed

You really suck at internetting

Aug 3, 2013, 10:18:40 PM8/3/13
On Saturday, August 3, 2013 1:08:15 PM UTC-7, The Real Bev wrote:
Killfile Malcom, he's just trolling

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Aug 3, 2013, 11:27:35 PM8/3/13
In article <>,
yet it was you that started this inane tribute to your various lacks

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Aug 3, 2013, 11:35:14 PM8/3/13
In article <>, wrote:

> On Friday, August 2, 2013 9:16:01 PM UTC-7, Malcom Mal Reynolds
> wrote:
> > In article <>,
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Friday, August 2, 2013 11:44:44 AM UTC-7, Malcom Mal Reynolds
> >
> > > wrote:
> >
> > > > In article
> > > > <>,
> >
> >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > > there you go, work an extra job for two weeks on your vacation
> > > > and
> >
> > > > thatwill pay for your health care while still leaving you a
> > > > week of
> >
> > > > paid vacation
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > I don't take it all at once.
> >
> >
> >
> > Perfect, that means you can work one extra day every other week
> >
> >
> >
> It would be awesome if I could find such temporary jobs that will
> hire me for an hour here or an hour there as I need it. Even if I
> really don't, at the present time.

yet I suggested one extra day every other week
actually that isn't true. in any event you are only entitled to a legal
defense in criminal cases

> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > > > What I should do is figure out how to make more money during
> > > > > my
> >
> > > > > unsupervised
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > > > downtime but other than flipping a few grand worth of tickets
> > > > > a
> >
> > > > > few years ago
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > > > I haven't been very successful.
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > > since we have no idea what your job or particular skills are, I
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > > shouldn't think it would be hard to get a job that uses your
> >
> > > > computer
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > I don't know of anything other than my occasional attempts at
> >
> > > predatory capitalism
> >
> >
> >
> > exactly how much do you need to work a minimum wage job, which you
> > are
> >
> > already doing? or are you so debilitated that you can't use a
> > search
> >
> > engine to look for opportunities?
> >
> >
> >
> I am prohibited from working for competitors.

non-compete clauses are only valid in exchange for a "consideration".
what consideration did you get in exchange for your non-compete

> And I don't work for minimum wage.

you either work for minimum wage or you don't work full time, in any
event you could earn more by working full time or for more than minimum

> >
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > > > But as far as working enough hours go... one of the
> > > > > unintended
> >
> > > > > (or intended?) consequences of this law is killing the 40
> > > > > hour work week. Not
> >
> > > > > that I have a problem like that as I have always done so well
> > > > > with what I have.
> >
> >
> >
> > yes, we can see how well you've done
> >
> >
> >
> Pay rent, all my bills, eat and can still enjoy life.
> Doing quite well right now under these circumstances

until such time as you suck medical benefits away from me

> >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > I don't think anyone who wasn't stupid enough to shit out kids or
> >
> > > drive a car should have to work more than 30 hours or so a week.
> >
> >
> >
> > and someone with the desire to only work 30 hours a week would
> > actually seek the necessary skills to do so, so you must be one of the great
> > unwashed
> You really suck at internetting

that's what your ilk say when they fail to properly refute valid points

you suck at killfiling

The Real Bev

Aug 4, 2013, 4:55:57 PM8/4/13
On 08/03/2013 02:54 PM, Dennis wrote:
> <> wrote:
>>Is it asking too much that people use a newsreader that doesn't insert
>>extra lines EVERY TIME IT RUNS? I hate having to scroll to the bottom
>>just to see a single inane remark, but when it takes 10 or 12 pages to
>>get to the same place it really sucks.
>>BF, there's a reason you're broke and it involves incompetence.
> You do realize that BF is our old pal Soul Surgeon/Full Metal
> Grotus/Semi-Detached/et al., back for a visit, don't you?

Does it matter? I thought he was a twit then. Does time actually make
things better?

There's so little activity here now that I read everything, but it still
pisses me off that people don't bother to tidy up their posts.

Cheers, Bev
No lawyering. Prosecutors will be violated.

Aug 4, 2013, 5:15:00 PM8/4/13
On Sunday, August 4, 2013 1:55:57 PM UTC-7, The Real Bev wrote:
> On 08/03/2013 02:54 PM, Dennis wrote:
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >>Is it asking too much that people use a newsreader that doesn't insert
> >>extra lines EVERY TIME IT RUNS? I hate having to scroll to the bottom
> >>just to see a single inane remark, but when it takes 10 or 12 pages to
> >>get to the same place it really sucks.
> >>
> >>BF, there's a reason you're broke and it involves incompetence.
> >
> > You do realize that BF is our old pal Soul Surgeon/Full Metal
> > Grotus/Semi-Detached/et al., back for a visit, don't you?
> Does it matter? I thought he was a twit then. Does time actually make
> things better?
> There's so little activity here now that I read everything, but it still
> pisses me off that people don't bother to tidy up their posts.

This breaks my heart

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Aug 5, 2013, 1:06:18 AM8/5/13
In article <>,
but you won't get free medical coverage to fix it

Vic Smith

Aug 5, 2013, 8:00:58 AM8/5/13
He'll just go to the e-room and get it fixed for free.
Next year the tax penalty is 95 bucks.
By 2015 it's 2.5% up to some max.
But there's no way for the IRS to get money from you except by
reducing a tax refund. They've been barred from going after it.
So just make sure you don't get a refund.
Easy, if you're not brain-dead.
Personally, I don't like this mandate. It's basically collusion
between government and insurance companies.

Aug 5, 2013, 9:45:42 PM8/5/13
God has always taken care of me. This intrudes on my freedom of religion.

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Aug 5, 2013, 10:51:40 PM8/5/13
In article <>,
it's not whether god has take care of you, but whether god will take
care of you and you bet he has a billion dollar deductible

Mrs Irish Mike

Aug 6, 2013, 1:27:44 AM8/6/13
On Monday, August 5, 2013 6:45:42 PM UTC-7, wrote:

> God has always taken care of me. This intrudes on my freedom of religion.

There! If you want to complain your religious beliefs cause you to eschew modern medicine, you'd have a good chance to get a waiver. I think much (most?) of modern medicine is a waste of money and is dehumanizing.

You could do a few hours of volunteer work at the county hospital, it'd give you an idea of what medicine is like for people without insurance.
Good chance to even meet a doctor or nurse, expand your circle of friends.

Bob F

Aug 23, 2013, 10:55:08 AM8/23/13
Vic Smith wrote:
> Personally, I don't like this mandate. It's basically collusion
> between government and insurance companies.

It's funny that Republicans hate it so when the pushed for it so long before the
Democrats passed it.


Aug 23, 2013, 1:14:47 PM8/23/13

And here's the thing. The good businesses, that provided insurance to
their workers, have been at a competitive disadvantage to similar
businesses that didn't offer insurance. To make things worse, the good
businesses were paying more for insurance than they should have been
because built into the rates they were paying were the costs for
treating the uninsured workers of their competitors that received
legally required ER treatment.


Mitt Romney was right, he was just forced to pander to the Tea Party
lunatics. It's too bad, because Romney could have won had he decided to
go after centrist Democrats and independents. Well actually it's good,
since Romney was bad in so many other ways.

Apr 1, 2015, 12:54:45 AM4/1/15
On Monday, July 29, 2013 at 4:35:14 PM UTC-7, wrote:
> This is going to destroy me!
> What do I do? I can't afford this!

What a complete clusterfuck this turned out to be

ItsJoan NotJoann

Apr 2, 2015, 5:55:17 PM4/2/15
Maybe if you quit replying to your own two year old posts you'd find a way to pay for it.

Apr 3, 2015, 3:49:55 PM4/3/15
You are the perfect example of everything that is wrong with what was once a great group.

ItsJoan NotJoann

Apr 4, 2015, 1:10:53 AM4/4/15
Why? Because you want to be a jerk and keeping reviving old threads by replying to them again and again and I point to your stupidity that means I've ruined the group? Look in the mirror Bozo if you want to see what's wrong with this group. What you will be seeing is a prime example of a pea-brained troll.

Apr 4, 2015, 3:09:13 AM4/4/15
I don't see what the timing of this has to do with anything when it's still a relevent topic. I've been participating here almost 20 years and have always appreciated the advice and guidance of my fellow posters here when trying to lead a life of frugality. You, however, contribute absolutely nothing.

And I am making much more money than I was 2 years ago which is part of the problem.

ItsJoan NotJoann

Apr 4, 2015, 7:55:11 AM4/4/15
On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 2:09:13 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> And I am making much more money than I was 2 years ago which is part of the problem.
You have three options. Suck it up and get Obama Care OR move to another country OR die.

Bob F

Apr 5, 2015, 11:32:44 AM4/5/15
Which is one more option than you had a few uears ago.

Apr 6, 2015, 3:16:52 PM4/6/15
I think my insurance might have been re-instated but I was on the phone with 3 different people who didn't speak English so I guess I will find out in 5 to 7 days.
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