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Re: 'Change' Idea - Enforce Our Immigration Laws ( Frosty Wooldridge )

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Dec 11, 2008, 6:02:32 PM12/11/08
On Dec 11, 2:32 pm, (-) wrote:
> 'Change' Idea - Enforce Our Immigration Laws
> By Frosty Wooldridge
> 12-9-8
> Never in the history of the world has one country, the United States of
> America, absorbed so many immigrants from around the world-into the tens of
> millions. However, no other country ever tolerated or survived over 20 million
> ILLegal alien migrants like the U.S. in the past 20 years. Finally, U.S.
> citizens find their country filled up, out of water, lacking energy and
> suffering unsolvable problems.
> You may discover a website that encourages what Americans want to see changed
> in the Obama administration. They speak up from all over the country and so
> can you:
> "Never in the history of mankind has a massive horde of 25 million plus
> foreigners, illegally no less, marched into a nation demanding rights which by
> all common sense should not be afforded to them? This is sheer madness!
> Amnesty? Go back and come in the legal way like others have done, better yet,
> don't come back at all." Paul D.
> "As the mother of four, whose father, grandfather and great-grandfather all
> fought overseas to defend freedom and the American way, I am insulted and
> offended by all those who would seek to give amnesty to illegal immigrants.
> They are causing bona fide Americans to lose their businesses because honest
> business people can't compete with dishonest ones. I find it incredible that
> anybody could support illegal immigration, given the widespread damage that it
> is doing to our country. What did our ancestors fight and die for, if not
> freedom and justice under law? The waves of illegals are causing us to be less
> free, and causing less justice to characterize our land. Illegals are wiping
> out opportunities left and right, especially for low-income Caucasian and
> African-American citizens. Please, think of our children and our ancestors,
> and uphold our laws and our existing American families, by deporting all
> illegals NOW!" Susan W.
> "Country first and foremost! Stop pandering to the illegal alien by agreeing
> with them that the ICE raids must stop. ICE must keep doing their job and they
> need to deport all illegal aliens who are working here illegally and breaking
> other laws in America. The vast majority of voters want our immigration laws
> enforced and our borders secured. You may also be smart to get ready for the
> coming drug wars by the Mexican drug cartels. They will be fighting for turf
> in our communities the same way they are in Mexico, and that fight has taken
> over 4 thousand lives, it is a real threat and amnesty will only make it
> worse. No path to citizenship, enforce our laws and let the illegal alien go
> home." Joan T.
> "The majority of American citizens want our immigration laws enforced. They
> want NO AMNESTY. They feel illegals do not deserve the benefits they receive.
> The problem is the majority of Americans are not being heard because of a
> biased media. We have been invaded by another country, but the government is
> doing nothing to stop it...I call it treason." Lois D.
> "79,000,000 ID thefts; 30,000 deaths and over 1 million sexual assaults of
> Americans at the hands of illegal aliens; 27% of all prisoners in federal
> custody are illegal aliens; 63% of those are Mexican citizens; $6.8 billion
> for all incarceration costs; 5.1 million ESL students are children of illegal
> aliens which cost taxpayers $34.5 billion/yr. = almost a trillion in tax
> dollars stolen from Americans for services provided to illegal aliens. Polls,
> which include legal Latinos, overwhelmingly prove Americans want our borders
> sealed and illegal aliens deported." Kathleen A.
> "Please get the border secured; nothing can be controlled until we SECURE THE
> BORDER! Please have people who are strong on illegal immigration on our
> Homeland Security Force. No special favors for any illegal immigrants. Do not
> stop ICE raids. This needs to happen in order to enforce our laws. It may be
> inconvenient for the business owners who get raided but they are breaking the
> law! When you create all those new jobs as promised, please make sure illegals
> are not taking these jobs! Illegal immigration is a major reason our economy
> is in the freefall it's in........Thank You," Julie R.
> "ENFORCE OUR IMMIGRATION LAWS! Secure the borders! Not only do we have an
> overpopulation crisis but America is in a financial recession. We do not have
> enough resources period! Illegal Immigration has put California into a deficit
> now our aged, disabled and poor pay the price. Besides criminal aliens
> terrorists cross our porous borders. Send the National Guard back to the
> border and quit hamstringing the U.S. Border Agents let them do their jobs.
> Much of Americas woes start at the border." Ms. B.
> "Why is it that we have laws regarding immigration and they are NOT enforced?
> On a regular basis, the employers who are caught employing illegal aliens are
> NOT PUNISHED. The CHURCHES who HARBOR illegal aliens are NOT PUNISHED. Illegal
> aliens get free health care in our hospitals and put those hospitals out of
> business. Illegal aliens get MANY taxpayer funded social services. Illegal
> aliens have helped to bankrupt this country while enriching the economies of
> their home country." Mr. I. P.
> "No American worker who wishes to resume his prior position which has been
> usurped by an illegal shall be denied to return to that position at his former
> rate of pay. Americans should NEVER have to stand in line behind an illegal
> for work, nor should their wages and benefits be all but destroyed by the
> greed of employers. If you cannot pay a living wage, you do not have a
> business. Please get our American workers off the sidelines and back into
> gainful employment. Please STOP the disparity of illegals working off the
> books and with illegal documentation. Their contributions may be to the bank
> accounts of business owners, but they come at a huge cost to American workers
> and are further polarizing the concentration of wealth in this nation.
> No amnesty that ever affords a path to citizenship is acceptable to Americans.
> Citizenship is not for sale for the price of back taxes and fines. Otherwise,
> why should any applicant stand in line and wait their turns to enter? We were
> promised this would never happen again with the 1986 amnesty. We expect the
> government to keep that promise to the American people." Michelle M.
> "We must stop ALL immigration right now!  If we don't we are going to become a
> third world country, REAL FAST.  These illegal Mexicans have got to go home.
> We can't continue to let them run wild and free in OUR country.  If they don't
> want to leave peacefully, use ball bats and pitchforks.  I'm tired of these
> parasitic foreigners sucking the life blood out of my country.  Just look at
> what the illegal Mexicans have done to once mighty California.  As Ca. goes,
> so goes the nation!" Jim H.
> ##
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Rod Speed

Dec 11, 2008, 7:02:27 PM12/11/08
to wrote
> (-) wrote


>> 'Change' Idea - Enforce Our Immigration Laws
>> By Frosty Wooldridge
>> 12-9-8

>> Never in the history of the world has one country, the United States of America,
>> absorbed so many immigrants from around the world-into the tens of millions.

Pig ignorant lie.

>> However, no other country ever tolerated or survived over 20
>> million ILLegal alien migrants like the U.S. in the past 20 years.

Another pig ignorant lie.

>> Finally, U.S. citizens find their country filled up, out of water,
>> lacking energy and suffering unsolvable problems.

Another pig ignorant lie.

<reams of other even sillier pig ignorant lies flushed where they belong>

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