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Holiday season

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Vandy Terre

Dec 9, 2010, 5:18:07 PM12/9/10
Since all of us well behaved frugal types are making inexpensive gifts for those
we gift, what are you making?

Old favorites:

homemade jellies/ jams
homemade candy
homemade baked goods of any type

In view of the fact that more and more of my friends are diabetic the old
favorites are no longer such a great idea. I like giving useful gifts. I also
have a love for containers. So growing gourds to be made into birdhouse/ candy
dishes/ plant cover pots/ pencil holder is an idea that should have started last
spring. Maybe that will happen next year.

This year I am doing t-shirts. I am hand painting pictures using fabric paint
on the front of pre-washed pocket t-shirts as gifts for most extended family
members, sweatshirts for husband and son.

For my children and grandchild, I have crocheted twin bed size afghans for added
winter warmth.

Homegrown potted plants from cuttings off my houseplants as gifts to business
associated. I cut the top out of 2lt plastic soda bottles for the pots, then
wrapped tin foil to decorate. If doing this, I recommend a small hole in the
side of the pot to drain off excess water.

Rod Speed

Dec 9, 2010, 5:57:14 PM12/9/10
Vandy Terre wrote:

> Since all of us well behaved frugal types are making inexpensive gifts for those we gift,

The seriously frugal dont bother with gifts at all. They are just a commercial con.

> what are you making?

Nothing, nada, zero, ziltch.

> Old favorites:

> homemade jellies/ jams
> homemade candy
> homemade baked goods of any type

> In view of the fact that more and more of my friends are diabetic the
> old favorites are no longer such a great idea. I like giving useful gifts.

I basically do that with my time, when people cant get their technology to work.

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Rod Speed

Dec 9, 2010, 10:12:56 PM12/9/10
Derald wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Vandy Terre wrote

>>> Since all of us well behaved frugal types are making inexpensive gifts for those we gift,

>> The seriously frugal dont bother with gifts at all. They are just a commercial con.

> Thank you! Glad to see I'm not the only one. That Christmas hoo-hah
> is just one more merchandising opportunity based on LCD movie
> sentimentality coupled with carefully induced guilt, as far as I can tell.

Yep. And the other events in spades gift wise.

> I don't play.

I dont bother with birthdays etc either.

> What's best is that the whole "holiday" is made up from scratch!


> No one knows for sure whether that "jesus" dude was even born,

The fool that was stupid enough to get nailed up by the romans must have been born.

> much less when.

It is pretty clear that it wasnt on the date they claim it was.

> Just as are Easter and the notion of saints, it's just
> another ancient ritual that was usurped by Christianity

Yeah, pack of thieves.

> (read "Catholicism", historically one of civilization's most consistent
> forces for evil) as it moved Westward, displacing and eventually
> eliminating the ancient religions that were based on real, observable
> phenomena and not just on what a bunch of weirded out old
> guys returning from the desert _said_ happened to them.

And the idea that that fool that was stupid enough to get nailed
up by the romans didnt have any dad except some god or other
would have to be the best excuse for getting caught out fucking
with a goat herder or whatever that has ever been invented.
Those fools are actually stupid enough to buy it too.

>>> what are you making?

>> Nothing, nada, zero, ziltch.

> I'll probably be making smaller pieces of firewood from larger ones....

I wont be dont that here, its early summer here on that day.

I will be pigging out on the food tho, thats the only good thing about it.

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