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AARP: REVERSE MORTGAGES Can Reverse Seniors' Peace of Mind! Don't Be A Sucker!

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Oct 25, 2009, 11:42:58 AM10/25/09
This supposed "government" program is in reality a SCAM, a SNARE, set
up to steal seniors' homes and money!

"Beware of Reverse Mortgages"

October 25, 2009

Increasingly, strapped U.S. homeowners are opting to take out a
“reverse mortgage,” a loan against a house’s value that is repaid when
the borrower dies or sells the property. The number of federally
insured reverse mortgages issued to senior citizens in the past three
years alone—nearly 335,000—is more than the total from 1990 through
2006. Consumer advocates have long cautioned that reverse mortgages
should be used as a last resort because of their high fees. Now, those
warnings are growing louder due to a spate of fraud.

The National Consumer Law Center says seniors are facing the same kind
of aggressive tactics that were common during the subprime lending
boom. And according to a recent report from the FBI and the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), a host of
“unscrupulous loan officers, mortgage companies, and loan counselors”
are defrauding desperate Americans. In one scheme, people facing
foreclosure are told that a reverse mortgage can save their homes,
then “ rejected” for the mortgage and steered into a deal that
transfers title of their property to “ investors.” The end result:
They lose their homes anyway.

Other scam artists sell loans that appear to be HUD-insured reverse
mortgages but are not, according to the AARP, the nonprofit advocacy
group for Americans 50 and over. Still others, billing themselves as
“investment advisers,” persuade consumers to invest the proceeds of
reverse mortgages in other financial products that come saddled with
extra costs. And in some cases, the FBI report says, the proceeds of
investment schemes are not invested—they’re simply stolen.

Homeowners should turn down any pitch that uses reverse-mortgage funds
to purchase financial products. In fact, they should think twice
before signing up for this type of loan at all. Other options—like
taking a home-equity line of credit or even moving to a smaller place—
may be able to meet your needs at a lower cost, according to the AARP.

— Gary Weiss


Oct 25, 2009, 11:48:13 AM10/25/09
In a capitalist society...all profit and anyway you can bend the rules
is fair. LET THE BUYER BEWARE. We get 2nd opinions on everything
else...with a major decision like that....these folks need to go to a
legitimate source and get feed back. Keep in mind these folks are
needing money for MEDICAL bills, that they can not afford and in some
cases are even selling prepaid burial plots just to have some cash.


Oct 25, 2009, 12:39:00 PM10/25/09

"God'sLittleAnus" <> wrote in message

This supposed "government" program is in reality a SCAM, a SNARE, set
up to steal seniors' homes and money!

"Beware of Reverse Mortgages"

Many seniors are up against the wall and can't afford medicine, food, etc.
Your recommendation of taking an equity loan is great except how does a
senior with little or no income pay it back? We all know the interest rates
are high but we can get a monthly income that WE don't have to pay it back
unless we sell or when our children inherit the property.
If you can offer another suggestion other than us moving into a refrigerator
box, discontinuing eating and taking medications, I'm all ears.


Oct 25, 2009, 2:24:51 PM10/25/09

"Sanity" <> wrote in message
I'm checking out shipping containers, myself, from 1000 to 3000 each.
From what I can see, reverse mortages doesn't give you the full value of
your home?


Oct 25, 2009, 4:05:46 PM10/25/09
"sr" <> wrote in message

There is a woman in my town who recently took out a reverse mortgage. She
was dying and knew it. All she wanted was to die in her own home with her
own things around her, and with caregivers to help her through. It did
give her that much. She passed recently.



"Even as a mother protects with her life her only child, So with a boundless
heart let one cherish all living beings." --Sutta Nipata 1.8


Oct 25, 2009, 4:34:01 PM10/25/09

"Evelyn" <> wrote in message

To a senior whose back is up against the wall what difference does it make
if the interest rate or fees are too high? If it affords them monthly income
so that they can live out their lives with some dignity and to be able to
afford to buy their necessities and hold their heads up high, what's wrong
with it? Yes, there are many out there that will say that these people
should have prepared better for old age. Many couldn't.

Mrs Irish Mike

Oct 25, 2009, 4:34:32 PM10/25/09
On Oct 25, 1:05 pm, "Evelyn" <> wrote:

> There is a woman in my town who recently took out a reverse mortgage.   She
> was dying and knew it.   All she wanted was to die in her own home with her
> own things around her, and with caregivers to help her through.   It did
> give her that much.   She passed recently.
> --
> Evelyn

Death Tax, either give it to the government when dead or give it to
'investors' before you die.

Rod Speed

Oct 25, 2009, 4:38:17 PM10/25/09

Hardly any couldnt. Many chose not to. Not that they arent welcome to go that route.

Rod Speed

Oct 25, 2009, 4:39:17 PM10/25/09

Or have enough of a clue to live in a country that doesnt have one.


Oct 25, 2009, 4:58:28 PM10/25/09
"Sanity" <> wrote in message


Michael Coburn

Oct 25, 2009, 5:14:41 PM10/25/09
On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 12:39:00 -0400, Sanity wrote:

> "God'sLittleAnus" <> wrote in message

> news:d71fc41a-a4a8-4642-

> This supposed "government" program is in reality a SCAM, a SNARE, set up
> to steal seniors' homes and money!
> --------------
> "Beware of Reverse Mortgages"
> Many seniors are up against the wall and can't afford medicine, food,
> etc. Your recommendation of taking an equity loan is great except how
> does a senior with little or no income pay it back? We all know the
> interest rates are high but we can get a monthly income that WE don't
> have to pay it back unless we sell or when our children inherit the
> property. If you can offer another suggestion other than us moving into
> a refrigerator box, discontinuing eating and taking medications, I'm all
> ears.

Your heirs are not served by a reverse mortgage and are not supposed to
be so served. A reverse mortgage is designed to allow you to take equity
out of your home without fear of foreclosure. I have considered a reverse
mortgage and rejected it because I am not desperately in need of the
money. The interest rate would be higher than I am currently paying on
my HELOC and I don't need the cash anyway. And the expense of doing the
deal (start up) is ridiculously high. Before doing such a thing I would
involve the kids. Look em in the eye and tell em that it is THEIR
"savings" and ask them how they want to handle it. In my case the kids
have no current worries about it because I am OK. But if I were strapped
for cash it would be a different matter. The kids can pay some of your
living expanses now and have a fat inheritance or they can forgo that
opportunity. Reality is a bitch.

"Those are my opinions and you can't have em" -- Bart Simpson


Oct 25, 2009, 5:24:58 PM10/25/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

It's great when someone grows up with a mother and father. Parents that send
them to college and support them till they can support themselves. Then
there are the people who grew up without parents, worked since they were 11,
weren't able to further their education and had to break their butts
supporting themselves and their families. Again, the 'haves' and the 'have
nots' with the 'haves' looking down their nose at the 'have nots' and saying
"Why didn't you prepare for your old age?" Maybe they were too busy

Michael Coburn

Oct 25, 2009, 5:32:27 PM10/25/09

Dead people don't pay taxes.

Rod Speed

Oct 25, 2009, 6:17:35 PM10/25/09
Sanity wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote

>> Sanity wrote
>>> Evelyn <> wrote
>>>> sr <> wrote
>>>>> Sanity <> wrote
>>>>>> God'sLittleAnus <> wrote

>>>>>> This supposed "government" program is in reality a SCAM, a SNARE,

No one did anything like that for me or my parents either.

> Then there are the people who grew up without parents, worked since they were 11, weren't able to further their
> education

None like that.

> and had to break their butts supporting themselves and their families.

None like that either.

Hordes pissed immense amounts of money against the wall on cigarettes etc etc etc too.

> Again, the 'haves' and the 'have nots' with the 'haves' looking down their nose at the 'have nots' and saying "Why
> didn't you
> prepare for your old age?" Maybe they were too busy surviving?

Not in the first world. That is pure fantasy.

Rod Speed

Oct 25, 2009, 6:21:32 PM10/25/09
Michael Coburn wrote

> Rod Speed wrote
>> Mrs Irish Mike wrote
>>> Evelyn <> wrote

>>>> There is a woman in my town who recently took out a reverse
>>>> mortgage. She was dying and knew it. All she wanted was to die in
>>>> her own home with her own things around her, and with caregivers
>>>> to help her through. It did give her that much. She passed recently.

>>> Death Tax, either give it to the government when dead or give it to 'investors' before you die.

>> Or have enough of a clue to live in a country that doesnt have one.

> Dead people don't pay taxes.

They do when there are death taxes, stupid.


Oct 25, 2009, 6:39:45 PM10/25/09

There are two issues here: (1) Fraud and (2) Reverse mortgages. The
author lumps both of them together and then advises people against
using reverse mortgages. That's like advising people not to take out a
regular mortgage, for instance, just because the Bush administration
allowed a lot of fraud in selling mortgages during the housing boom.


Oct 25, 2009, 7:03:16 PM10/25/09
"Sanity" <> wrote in message

You are so right. Not everyone had things handed to them. I surely
didn't, and so many others didn't either. The lady in question whom I
just mentioned, had two sons. One didn't care at all. The other was too
caught up in his own life to engage in her last life decisions, but he
occasionally showed up, without any real involvement.

I don't judge any of them, because people pretty much make their own beds
with their families and they have to lie in them. But this lady was
extremely ill, and she wanted to stay in her home. The only way she could
do that was to take a reverse mortgage. It enabled her to hire help round
the clock to care for her. Otherwise it would have been the nursing home.

She was in and out of the hospital, had a stroke, and ultimately died. The
reverse mortgage gave her a little last bit of dignity and let her die in
her house with her stuff all around her, with her beloved cat, and good care
to the end.

Now about the two sons..... they came in there after her death like an ill
wind. You can imagine the rest.

She did the right thing.

For some people it is a godsend even if it does appear to be a ripoff. We
don't live forever.


Oct 25, 2009, 7:30:17 PM10/25/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

It may be fantasy for you but reality for me. I worked 66 years before I
retired. Without knowing your circumstances I would have traded my for


Oct 25, 2009, 7:32:14 PM10/25/09

"Evelyn" <> wrote in message

There are people here that ridicule the elderly poor and think we chose our
way of life. They don't realize how lucky they were but things have a way of
evening out. They'll get theirs one day.

Rod Speed

Oct 25, 2009, 7:43:43 PM10/25/09

> You are so right.


> Not everyone had things handed to them. I surely didn't, and so many others didn't either.

And hordes who didnt manage to adequately provide for their time past working.

Rod Speed

Oct 25, 2009, 7:45:42 PM10/25/09

Your problem.

> I worked 66 years before I retired.

And anyone that works for that long can make adequate provision for their time past working.

> Without knowing your circumstances I would have traded my for yours.

You wouldnt have been qualified to do the work I did.

Rod Speed

Oct 25, 2009, 7:49:44 PM10/25/09
Sanity wrote
> Evelyn <> wrote
>> Sanity <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote

>>>> Sanity wrote
>>>>> Evelyn <> wrote
>>>>>> sr <> wrote
>>>>>>> Sanity <> wrote
>>>>>>>> God'sLittleAnus <> wrote

>>>>>>>> This supposed "government" program is in reality a SCAM, a

> There are people here that ridicule the elderly poor and think we chose our way of life.

And there are plenty more who have enough of a clue to realise that
hardly anyone had to end up poor and elderly in the modern first world.

> They don't realize how lucky they were

My circumstances aint due to luck except in the sense of what I ended up with between my ears.

> but things have a way of evening out.

How odd that they never did for my parents.

> They'll get theirs one day.

Just another of your silly little fantasys.

I'm not even stupid enough to live in a country where a serious medical problem can bankrupt me.


Oct 25, 2009, 8:12:30 PM10/25/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

> And there are plenty more who have enough of a clue to realise that
> hardly anyone had to end up poor and elderly in the modern first world.
>> They don't realize how lucky they were
> My circumstances aint due to luck except in the sense of what I ended up
> with between my ears.
>> but things have a way of evening out.
> How odd that they never did for my parents.
> Just another of your silly little fantasys.
> I'm not even stupid enough to live in a country where a serious medical
> problem can bankrupt me.

Now aren't you lucky? Born with a silver spoon in your mouth and no
compassion for anyone but yourself. You may not be stupid enough to live in
a country where a serious medical problem can bankrupt you and we're smart
enough not to have your kind. You're so in love with yourself and your
No need to bother to answer this. I killfiled you once before because of
your stupidity, arrogance and selfishness and I'm doing the same now. Please
stay wherever you are and try and keep your stupid opinions there too.
Bye a-hole


Oct 25, 2009, 8:13:49 PM10/25/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

Probably not with a sixth grade education I had but with all your education
and your profession, I'm still a better person than you are or ever will be.


Oct 25, 2009, 10:07:30 PM10/25/09
Sanity> There are people here that ridicule the elderly poor and think we
chose our
> way of life. They don't realize how lucky they were but things have a way
> of evening out. They'll get theirs one day.
========I've taken care of people, they worked hard, saved, pinched pennies,
make do, all of their life,
only to have their life savings evaporate in a year or so, at the end of
their life. Around the clock care is very expensive, plus all the other
necessities to keep comfortable. I've seen highly educational people that
spent tens of thousands on their education, become child like with onset of
various debilitating brain diseases. No one should look down on those less
fortunate, as life has away of humbling a person. As my mother use to say
when someone got on their high horse, "they're not dead,yet" meaning
anything can happen between now and then.

"Sanity" <> wrote in message



Oct 25, 2009, 10:49:27 PM10/25/09
Sanity wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote

>> And there are plenty more who have enough of a clue to realise that

>> hardly anyone had to end up poor and elderly in the modern first world.

>>> They don't realize how lucky they were

>> My circumstances aint due to luck except in the sense of what I ended up with between my ears.

>>> but things have a way of evening out.

>> How odd that they never did for my parents.

>> Just another of your silly little fantasys.

>> I'm not even stupid enough to live in a country where a serious medical problem can bankrupt me.

> Now aren't you lucky?

Taint luck.

> Born with a silver spoon in your mouth

You're lying now.

> and no compassion for anyone but yourself.

And again.

> You may not be stupid enough to live in a country where a serious medical problem can bankrupt you and we're smart
> enough not to have your kind.

And again.

> You're so in love with yourself and your opinion.

And again.

> No need to bother to answer this.

Go and fuck yourself, again.

> I killfiled you once before because of your stupidity, arrogance and selfishness and I'm doing the same now.

Fat lot of good that will ever do you, fuckwit.

> Please stay wherever you are and try and keep your stupid opinions there too.

Go and fuck yourself, again.

> Bye a-hole

Go and fuck yourself, again.


Oct 25, 2009, 10:51:27 PM10/25/09

Certainly not. But no one held a gun to your head and forced you
to not do better than that when you had the income to allow that.

> but with all your education and your profession, I'm still a better person than you are or ever will be.

You're lying, again.

Rod Speed

Oct 25, 2009, 10:56:32 PM10/25/09
sr wrote:
> Sanity> There are people here that ridicule the elderly poor and
> think we chose our
>> way of life. They don't realize how lucky they were but things have
>> a way of evening out. They'll get theirs one day.

> ========I've taken care of people, they worked hard, saved, pinched pennies, make do, all of their life,

Making adequate provision for your time past
working involves a hell of a lot more than just that.

> only to have their life savings evaporate in a year or so, at the end of their life.

Only because they didnt make adequate provision for that situation.

> Around the clock care is very expensive,

Plenty make adequate provision for that.

> plus all the other necessities to keep comfortable.

That doesnt cost much at that age.

> I've seen highly educational people that spent tens of thousands on their education, become child like with onset of
> various debilitating brain diseases.

Perfectly possible to make adequate provision for that too.

> No one should look down on those less fortunate,

Having fun thrashing that straw man ?

> as life has away of humbling a person.

Only those who dont make adequate provision for their time past working.

> As my mother use to say when someone got on their high horse, "they're not dead,yet" meaning anything can happen
> between now and then.

Usual mindless copout by fools that dont make adequate provision for their time past working.


Oct 26, 2009, 12:11:01 AM10/26/09


There are two issues here: (1) Fraud and (2) Reverse mortgages. The
author lumps both of them together and then advises people against
using reverse mortgages. That's like advising people not to take out a
regular mortgage, for instance, just because the Bush administration
allowed a lot of fraud in selling mortgages during the housing boom

Rewriting History, I see
Bush warned the Senate, Barney Frank said all is well, and Barney still
says all is well. It was the Barny Frank's and Chris Dodd' s that lined
their pockets with deals that kept the Banks loaning to people that could
not afford the loans. Do A Google

Roy Blankenship

Oct 26, 2009, 12:47:01 AM10/26/09

"holarchy" <> wrote in message
> > Rod Speed <> wrote

One and the same rude asshole. Big man on the Internet, another loser
talking big from behind his keyboard. What a man.

Rod Speed

Oct 26, 2009, 1:47:08 AM10/26/09
Roy Blankenship wrote
> holarchy <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote

> One and the same

You quite sure you aint one of those rocket scientist terminal fuckwits ?

> rude asshole. Big man on the Internet, another
> loser talking big from behind his keyboard.

Corse you never ever do anything like that yourself, eh hypocrite ?

> What a man.

Wota fuckwit.


Oct 26, 2009, 9:19:57 AM10/26/09
On Oct 26, 12:47 am, "Roy Blankenship" <>
> "holarchy" <> wrote in message
> > > Rod Speed <> wrote

> One and the same rude asshole. Big man on the Internet, another loser
> talking big from behind his keyboard. What a man.

Yes, it ha a nasty habit of morphing and thereby crawling out of the
bozo bin. At least it uses the same phrases and sentence structure so
it's easy to identify and toss back into oblivion. Killfile is your


Oct 26, 2009, 10:07:12 AM10/26/09

Here's one of the things I get when I do a Google:

"Several years ago, state attorneys general and others involved in
consumer protection began to notice a marked increase in a range of
predatory lending practices by mortgage lenders," Spitzer wrote. These
involved misrepresenting repayment terms, loans to inappropriate
borrowers, loans with low rates that would later "balloon" called
"teaser" loans, secret commissions and kickbacks. "If left unchecked,
[these practices] threatened our financial markets," he wrote.

The Bush administration not only ignored warning signs and criticisms
from him and others, Spitzer alleged, but aligned itself with the
banks and mortgagees involved in these schemes and scams. "The threat
was so clear that I joined with colleagues in the other 49 states in
attempting to fill the void left by the federal government," Spitzer
said. "State attorneys general of both parties brought litigation or
entered into settlements with many subprime lenders that were engaged
in predatory lending practices. Several state legislatures enacted
laws aimed at curbing such practices."

The Bush administration blocked the states through an agency called
the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency [OCC], auditor of the
nation's banks. "For the first time in its history, the OCC was used
as a tool against consumers," wrote Spitzer.

In 2003, the OCC used a clause from the 1863 National Bank Act that
pre-empted all state predatory lending laws, then imposed its own
rules that protected lenders. . . ."


Oct 26, 2009, 11:12:40 AM10/26/09

The "Rod Speed FAQ" read it below or at the URL for yourself.....
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -

After its recent emergence in the thread "How to calculate increase
of home wireless router range?", readers of this group may find
this useful. [based on a post in]

Who or What is Rod Speed?

Rod Speed is an entirely modern phenomenon. Essentially, Rod
Speed is an insecure and worthless individual who has discovered
he can enhance his own self-esteem in his own eyes by playing "the
big, hard man" on the InterNet.

Rod is believed to be from Australia.

Rod certainly posts a lot. Why is that?

It relates back to the point about boosting his own self esteem by
what amounts to effectively having a wank in public. Rod's
personality, as exemplified by his posts, means he is practically
unemployable which means he sits around at home all day festering
away and getting worse and worse. This means he posts more and
more try and boost the old failing self esteem. Being unemployed
also means he as a lot of time on his hands to post in he first

But maybe Rod really is a very clever and knowledgable person?

Clever? His posts wouldn't support that theory. As far as being
knowledgable, well, Rod has posted to various aus newsgroups
including invest, comms, and politics. He has posted to all as a
self professed "expert" and flames any and all who disagree with
him. Logically, here's no way any single individual could be
more than a jack of all trades across such a wide spread of
subject matter.

But maybe Rod really is an expert in some areas?

Possibly. However, his "bedside manner" prevents him from being
taken seriously by most normal people. Also, he has damaged his
credibility in areas where he might know what he's on about by
shooting his self in the foot in areas where he does not. For
example, in the case of subject matter such as politics, even a
view held by Albert Einstein cannot be little more than an
opinion and to vociferously denigrate an opposing opinion is
simply small mindedness and bigotry, the kind of which Einstein
himself fought against his whole life.

What is Rod Speed's main modus operandi?

Simple! He shoots off a half brained opinion in response to any
other post and touts that opinion as fact. When challenged, he
responds with vociferous and rabid denigration. He has an
instantly recognisable set of schoolboy put downs limited pretty
much to the following: "Pathetic, Puerile, Little Boy, try
harder, trivial, more lies, gutless wonder, wanker, etc etc".
The fact that Rod has been unable to come up with any new insults
says a lot about his outlook and intelligence.

But why do so many people respond to Rod in turn?

It has to do with effrontery and a lack of logic. Most people
who post have some basis of reason for what they write and when
Rod retorts with his usual denigration and derision they respond
emotionally rather than logically. It's like a teacher in a
class room who has a misbehaving pupil. The teacher challenges
the pupil to explain himself and the student responds with "***
off, Big Nose!" Even thought the teacher has a fairly normal
proboscis, he gets a dent in his self-esteem and might resort to
an emotional repsonse like "yeah? well your *** wouldn't fill a
pop rivet, punk", which merely invites some oneupmanship from the
naughty pupil. Of course, the teacher should not have justified
the initial comment with a response, especially in front of the
class. The correct response was "please report to the
headmaster's office right NOW!"

What is a "RodBot"?

Some respondents in aus.invest built a "virtual Rod" which was
indiscernable from the "real" Rod. Net users could enter an
opinion or even a fact and the RoDBot would tell them they were
pathetic lying schoolboys who should be able to do better or some
equally pithy Rod Speedism.

Are you saying that Rod Speed is a Troll?

You got it!

What is the best way to handle Rod Speed?




Oct 26, 2009, 11:58:15 AM10/26/09

"Me" <> wrote in message

Bravo, Bravo, Bravo.
As Rod Speed put it, I'm an uneducated "Fuckwit" so I couldn't tell him what
I think of him as eloquently as you just did. He makes fun of America and
how we are so stupid here. Meanwhile we all know the ancestry of
Australians. Maybe he'll get to like the Americans again when another nation
threatens to destroy them like Japan did years ago and we stupid Americans
went there and saved their butts.

Mrs Irish Mike

Oct 26, 2009, 12:38:12 PM10/26/09
On Oct 25, 4:03 pm, "Evelyn" <> wrote:
> "Sanity" <> wrote in message
> news:hc2fnc$h2e$
> > "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Sanity wrote:
> >>> "Evelyn" <> wrote in message
> >>>news:hc2b30$7ta$
> >>>> "sr" <> wrote in message
> >>>>news:dcf47$4ae4980a$ccb5840a$
> >>>>> "Sanity" <> wrote in message
> >>>>>news:hc1uv5$pi1$
> >>>>>> "God'sLittleAnus" <> wrote in message
> heart let one cherish all living beings." --Sutta Nipata 1.8- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

But for the grace of God go I.

Does anyone know what a reverse mortgage pays? Say I'm 65 y/o and I
have a $100,000 house, how much would I get monthly?


Oct 26, 2009, 12:46:03 PM10/26/09

"Mrs Irish Mike" <> wrote in message

That's a question you'd have to ask the bank. They first would have to
appraise your house to see how much they'd advance you. You can either take
'lump sum' or a monthly payment to you. They would pay this monthly payment
to you up to the value they place on your house. They would periodically
re-appraise your house. If the value of your house went up, so would the
amount that they would give you. None of the banks can offer you this loan
till you take a government mandated visit by an expert in the field that
will tell you all the details, good and/or bad about the loan.

Unviable Tissue Mass

Oct 26, 2009, 12:50:38 PM10/26/09
Here's a couple that's reduced to just a bathtub after accepting a
reverse mortgage ...

Mrs Irish Mike

Oct 26, 2009, 12:57:26 PM10/26/09
On Oct 26, 9:46 am, "Sanity" <> wrote:
> "Mrs Irish Mike" <> wrote in
> will tell you all the details, good and/or bad about the loan.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Just round numbers is all I'm asking

Lamont Cranston

Oct 26, 2009, 2:19:43 PM10/26/09


Oct 26, 2009, 2:32:30 PM10/26/09
> Just round numbers is all I'm asking- Hide quoted text -

My mother (82 at the time) thought about a reverse mortgage 3 years
ago. The amount she could get monthly was roughly $500, HOWEVER, she
would still have all the upkeep and utility expenses of a large house.
She decided to sell, pocket the $275k, and move to a retirement
community. She had no buy-in, no lease (other than 30 days notice to
the facility if you leave) and she has a separate 2 br/2bath "cottage"
with a garage. She gets dinner served in the dining room of the main
building every day, and there are all sorts of activities as well as
an all-day cafeteria if you wish to purchase breakfast and/or lunch.

Given what she was paying for taxes, upkeep, and utilities on the
house she figured she'd have 5 years of living in the cottage before
she'd have to dip into her retirement funds. Turns out, since she
invested almost all the house money she's barely made a dent in the
principal four years later. She didn't invest in anything other than
CDs, bonds, etc., so while the rate of return was a very unsexy 4-8%,
it was safe so she was happy. Now she's VERY happy with the rates,
although when those 5 year CDs come due she'll have to find something
else to do with that cash. Not likely to find any 8% CDs next year :(

Bottom line, she's VERY happy to be rid of the house and to have put
all the money in her pocket.

Michael Coburn

Oct 26, 2009, 2:53:10 PM10/26/09
On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 11:32:30 -0700, tmclone wrote:

> On Oct 26, 12:57 pm, Mrs Irish Mike <> wrote:
>> On Oct 26, 9:46 am, "Sanity" <> wrote:
>> > "Mrs Irish Mike" <> wrote in

>> > messagenews:348b608a-1699-4d88-

>> > On Oct 25, 4:03 pm, "Evelyn" <> wrote:
>> > > "Sanity" <> wrote in message
>> > >news:hc2fnc$h2e$
>> > > > "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>> > > >
>> > > >> Sanity wrote:
>> > > >>> "Evelyn" <> wrote in message
>> > > >>>news:hc2b30$7ta$
>> > > >>>> "sr" <> wrote in message
>> > > >>>>news:dcf47$4ae4980a$ccb5840a$
>> > > >>>>> "Sanity" <> wrote in message
>> > > >>>>>news:hc1uv5$pi1$
>> > > >>>>>> "God'sLittleAnus" <> wrote in message

>> > > >>>>>>news:d71fc41a-a4a8-4642-

And the younger people who needed the house are also happy. That is the
way it was designed to work. But the reverse mortgage is also a viable
tool for some who have long since downsized the kid farm into a cluster
or condo or even a small house with limited yard. Reverse mortgaging a
kid farm is pretty dumb.

"Those are my opinions and you can't have em" -- Bart Simpson


Oct 26, 2009, 3:06:24 PM10/26/09

"Mrs Irish Mike" <> wrote in message

How can anyone here tell how much your house is worth and how much a bank
would be willing to give you?

Roy Blankenship

Oct 26, 2009, 3:41:52 PM10/26/09

"Mrs Irish Mike" <> wrote in message

>Just round numbers is all I'm asking.


Rod Speed

Oct 26, 2009, 4:26:46 PM10/26/09
Some gutless fuckwit psychopath with pathetic psychotic
delusions about being a dog, desperately cowering behind
Me desperately attempted to bullshit and lie its way out of
its predicament and fooled absolutely no one at all, as always.

No surprise that it got the bums rush, right out the door, onto its lard arse.

No surprise that its so pathetically bitter and twisted about it.


Oct 26, 2009, 4:28:30 PM10/26/09
Some gutless fuckwit desperately cowering behing the entirely appropriate
Insanity desperately attempted to bullshit and lie its way out of its predicament


Oct 26, 2009, 4:41:50 PM10/26/09

She already knows roughy what it is worth.

> and how much a bank would be willing to give you?

You use a calculator like someone pointed her to.

Not a shred of rocket science whatever required.

Mrs Irish Mike

Oct 26, 2009, 4:42:08 PM10/26/09
On Oct 26, 12:06 pm, "Sanity" <> wrote:
> "Mrs Irish Mike" <> wrote in
> would be willing to give you?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Because I said $100,000, that's how you could tell how much my house
was worth. I was just trying to get some round numbers, but it appears
to be much too complicated for this forum.

Rod Speed

Oct 26, 2009, 4:42:31 PM10/26/09



Oct 26, 2009, 5:52:02 PM10/26/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

May you not live long enough to be called a dinosaur OR.... may you live
long enough to suffer the effects of old age. You are lower than whale sh-t
and that's at the bottome of the ocean. For a person that considers himself
educated, you're a F U C K W I T !!!!!!!


Oct 26, 2009, 5:54:02 PM10/26/09

"Mrs Irish Mike" <> wrote in message

That's funny. You know enough to get online and ask a question, how hard
would it have been to go online to any bank in your area and use their
calculator to find out how much you could borrow or even call them and ask
but like many people, you wanted someone to do the legwork for you.

Rod Speed

Oct 26, 2009, 6:12:57 PM10/26/09
Sanity wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote

>> Roy Blankenship wrote
>>> Mrs Irish Mike <> wrote

>>>> Just round numbers is all I'm asking.



> May you not live long enough to be called a dinosaur

Taint gunna happen. My dad made it to 95 and was never that.

> OR.... may you live long enough to suffer the effects of old age.

Already have thanks, fuckwit.

<reams of your puerile shit any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where it belongs>

Mrs Irish Mike

Oct 26, 2009, 6:18:14 PM10/26/09
On Oct 26, 2:54 pm, "Sanity" <> wrote:
> "Mrs Irish Mike" <> wrote in messagenews:f9da8b53-1e0e-403d-8bea->

> Because I said $100,000, that's how you could tell how much my house
> was worth. I was just trying to get some round numbers, but it appears
> to be much too complicated for this forum.
> That's funny.  You know enough to get online and ask a question, how hard
> would it have been to go online to any bank in your area and use their
> calculator to find out how much you could borrow or even call them and ask

> but like many people, you wanted someone to do the legwork for you.- Hide quoted text -
First, one can not just go online and get a straight answer about
reverse mortgages from a bank web-site; I challange you to do as you
have suggested.

Second, I just asked. I was hoping some one would have said, " I had
a similair experience and the results were..."

Third, why give me the attitude? You have responded twice to my
question with non-answers. If you have nothing to add then don't.

Lastly, I'm starting to understand why someone wouldn't like you.

Rod Speed

Oct 26, 2009, 6:22:21 PM10/26/09

>>>>>>>> To a senior whose back is up against the wall what difference

>>>> But for the grace of God go I.

>>>> Does anyone know what a reverse mortgage pays? Say I'm 65 y/o and I have a $100,000 house, how much would I get
>>>> monthly?

>>>> That's a question you'd have to ask the bank. They first would have
>>>> to appraise your house to see how much they'd advance you. You can
>>>> either take
>>>> 'lump sum' or a monthly payment to you. They would pay this monthly
>>>> payment
>>>> to you up to the value they place on your house. They would
>>>> periodically re-appraise your house. If the value of your house
>>>> went up, so would the amount that they would give you. None of the
>>>> banks can offer you this loan
>>>> till you take a government mandated visit by an expert in the field
>>>> that will tell you all the details, good and/or bad about the loan.

>>> Just round numbers is all I'm asking

>>> How can anyone here tell how much your house is worth and how much a bank would be willing to give you?

> Because I said $100,000, that's how you could tell how much my house was worth. I was just trying to get some round

> numbers, but it appears to be much too complicated for this forum.

> That's funny.

Yours is just pathetic.

> You know enough to get online and ask a question, how hard would it have been to go online to any bank in your area
> and use their calculator to find out how much you could borrow

How odd that you didnt even realise that yourself till someone rubbed your nose in one.

> or even call them and ask but like many people, you wanted someone to do the legwork for you.

Or maybe her bank doesnt have a reverse mortgage calculator
and it was convenient to ask about where one could be found etc.


Oct 26, 2009, 7:16:29 PM10/26/09

Dear Mrs,
People like that on Usenet are called "trolls" - they live to annoy and
they thrive on confusion and controversy.

You can just ignore them, but they are not going to go away.

In fact you can look deeper: they actually serve a useful purpose in
these newsgroups: they very quickly chase off visitors who are
thin-skinned and easily offended. You are not that of course.

Hope you get some answers you can use.

About the reverse mortgage market: Beware! There are scams out there! To
put it simply, some consuntants will say "oh sorry, you don't meet our
conditions BUT we can put you into some investments ..."

Others will say, "sign here" and we'll give you money." But what you are
actually signing away is the TITLE TO THE HOUSE!

My advice is to first see if you can get a line of credit.
You can get some reliable info here:


Oct 26, 2009, 7:55:10 PM10/26/09

"RickMerrill" <> wrote in message

These took me exactly 30 seconds to find on Google.

And there's about 20 sites like the above if you took the time to look.


Oct 26, 2009, 7:57:42 PM10/26/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
These took me exactly 30 seconds to find on Google.

And there's about 20 sites like the above if she took the time to look.

and she didn't have to go to her bank to get the exact info. There's a
thousand sites that'll give you the info smartass.

Rod Speed

Oct 26, 2009, 11:37:32 PM10/26/09

Odd that you told her to ring her bank because no one else could help her.

Rod Speed

Oct 26, 2009, 11:41:03 PM10/26/09

Odd that you told her to ring her bank, because no one else could possibly help her.

Its still up there in the quoting. Or are you claiming that
that is an imposter with the same nick you are using ?


Oct 27, 2009, 5:57:35 AM10/27/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

> Its still up there in the quoting. Or are you claiming that
> that is an imposter with the same nick you are using ?

If you look way back I suggested that she could have looked up the info
herself if she just googled it instead of asking other people to do it for

Did you know that if you cut the head off a chicken the chicken will stay
alive for awhile and run around? Hence the saying "a chicken without a

In your case, they cut the body off and ass and left the ass to run around
without a body.
You are a pompous ass that is so in love with yourself and you're the laugh
of the forum. Most people here look down at you as the village idiot and
you're so stupid you don't even realize it.


Oct 27, 2009, 5:58:10 AM10/27/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
Odd that she asked everyone else to do it for her.


Oct 27, 2009, 5:59:07 AM10/27/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
And I'm sure if her bank has a site they either have a calculator on it or a
'contact' button where she could have asked for the info.

Lamont Cranston

Oct 27, 2009, 10:47:22 AM10/27/09

Rubaiyat of Omar Bradley

Oct 27, 2009, 11:09:38 AM10/27/09
On Oct 26, 12:32 pm, tmclone <> wrote:
> My mother (82 at the time) thought about a reverse mortgage 3 years
> ago. The amount she could get monthly was roughly $500, HOWEVER, she
> would still have all the upkeep and utility expenses of a large house.
> She decided to sell, pocket the $275k, and move to a retirement
> community.

This combination ($275k equity, age 82, no mortgage) should have
generated a reverse mortgage income of about $1,321 per month,
according to

Why was she only quoted $500?

Rubaiyat of Omar Bradley

Oct 27, 2009, 11:12:25 AM10/27/09
On Oct 26, 2:42 pm, Mrs Irish Mike <> wrote:
> Because I said $100,000, that's how you could tell how much my house
> was worth. I was just trying to get some round numbers

You can get an estimate at


Oct 27, 2009, 1:37:40 PM10/27/09
On Oct 27, 11:09 am, Rubaiyat of Omar Bradley <>

> On Oct 26, 12:32 pm, tmclone <> wrote:
> > My mother (82 at the time) thought about a reverse mortgage 3 years
> > ago. The amount she could get monthly was roughly $500, HOWEVER, she
> > would still have all the upkeep and utility expenses of a large house.
> > She decided to sell, pocket the $275k, and move to a retirement
> > community.
> This combination ($275k equity, age 82, no mortgage) should have
> generated a reverse mortgage income of about $1,321 per month,
> according to

> Why was she only quoted $500?

No clue. The house was sold years ago. Maybe the bank undervalued it?
She got $275k for it - maybe the bank assessed it at much lower?

Gordon Burditt

Oct 27, 2009, 1:57:00 PM10/27/09
>This combination ($275k equity, age 82, no mortgage) should have
>generated a reverse mortgage income of about $1,321 per month,
>according to
>Why was she only quoted $500?

When was the quote? Interest rates change, and these will affect the
payout on a reverse mortgage.

All these reverse mortgage calculators on the web won't necessarily
agree with each other if they are basing the calculations on different
interest rates (although they shouldn't be far apart if they are
kept up to date). Different appraisals on the house will affect
the income also.

Rod Speed

Oct 27, 2009, 3:42:49 PM10/27/09
Sanity wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote

>> Its still up there in the quoting. Or are you claiming that

>> that is an imposter with the same nick you are using ?

> If you look way back I suggested that she could have looked up the info herself if she just googled it instead of
> asking other people to do it for her.

Says he carefully deleting all the quoting which shows nothing of the sort
and in fact you only ever did that AFTER you had made a complete fool
of yourself proclaiming that the only possibility was to ask the bank.

<reams of your desperate attempt to bullshit your way out of your
predicament that fools absolutely no one at all, flushed where it belongs>

Rod Speed

Oct 27, 2009, 3:45:34 PM10/27/09

You're lying, as always. She just asked someone who might know that rough answer.

Rod Speed

Oct 27, 2009, 3:47:26 PM10/27/09

How odd that you made such a spectacular fool of yourself when


Oct 27, 2009, 3:58:56 PM10/27/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

You love to twist everything. People log on here for legal and financial
advise. First of all, they are fools to ask advise like that from fools like
you. With the same typing, they could google and get the correct info or
they could pick up a phone and ask someone who knows. My point to her was
just that. Fools like you answer questions that you know nothing about just
to inflate your own ego. Well, you need a lot of inflation because you have
very little knowledge of the subjects you reply to but in trying to make
yourself look bigger, you give crappy advise. If you get a lot of headaches,
I'd suggest going to your proctologist for relief.


Oct 27, 2009, 4:01:19 PM10/27/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

And how could someone give her an answer when there are certain element
required to come up with that figure which she didn't give such as her age?
She wants an answer? 5000 a month. Does that mean anything? No, but
that's something you would give her. I merely told her to go to the horse's
mouth to get the info, not the horse's ass, you.


Oct 27, 2009, 4:03:24 PM10/27/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
the sites I gave would give her an approximate number, which is what she
wanted. An exact number couldn't be had because no one knows what interest
rate she would have been charged. A call to her bank would have given her a
referral to an agency or bank that handles reverse mortgages.

Or........ maybe they would have referred her to you, the expert on
nothing, zero, nada. You're a buffon.

Rod Speed

Oct 27, 2009, 6:27:01 PM10/27/09
Sanity wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Sanity wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote

>>>> Its still up there in the quoting. Or are you claiming that
>>>> that is an imposter with the same nick you are using ?

>>> If you look way back I suggested that she could have looked up the info herself if she just googled it instead of
>>> asking other people to do it for her.

>> Says he carefully deleting all the quoting which shows nothing of the sort and in fact you only ever did that AFTER
>> you had made a complete fool of yourself proclaiming that the only possibility was to ask the bank.

>> <reams of your desperate attempt to bullshit your way out of your
>> predicament that fools absolutely no one at all, flushed where it belongs>

> You love to twist everything.

Everyone can see for themselves that you are lying, again.

> People log on here for legal and financial advise.

Hardly any of us 'log on' anywhere, fool.

And even someone as stupid as you should have noticed that there
are hordes more newsgroups involved in this particular thread than
just those that concentrate on legal and financial advise.

> First of all, they are fools to ask advise like that from fools like you.

She didnt even ask for any advise, you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist.

> With the same typing, they could google and get the correct info

And you stupidly claimed that only her bank could give her the numbers she asked about.

> or they could pick up a phone and ask someone who knows.

Or they could ask here and get a viable answer from other than fools like you.

> My point to her was just that.

You're lying, again. Everyone can see that you originally stupidly
claimed that only her bank could give her what she asked about.

<reams of your desperate attempts to bullshit your way out of your

Rod Speed

Oct 27, 2009, 6:32:40 PM10/27/09
Sanity wrote:
> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>>> And I'm sure if her bank has a site they either have a calculator
>>> on it or a 'contact' button where she could have asked for the info.

>> How odd that you made such a spectacular fool of yourself when

>> you told her to ring her bank because no one else could help her.

> the sites I gave would give her an approximate number, which is what she wanted.

Pity that came LONG after you initially claimed that only her bank could ever say.

Rod Speed

Oct 27, 2009, 6:34:09 PM10/27/09
Sanity wrote:
> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

> the sites I gave would give her an approximate number, which is what she wanted.


Oct 27, 2009, 6:54:18 PM10/27/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

Hey (to coin an expression) FUCKWIT. Yes I told her to call her bank. To
prove my point I called my bank Wachovia. They themselves do not do reverse
mortgages but their parent company Wells Fargo does. To be fair, they gave
me a site to go to that would put me in touch with all the reverse mortgage
lenders in my area.

So two things.
1. It proves that if you call your local bank they can refer you.
2. Never ask financial or legal questions on a newsgroup where idiots like
you lurk to give incorrect info.

You may think you're a master but we all know you left off "bator" to the
word "master".

Do the world a favor. Don't answer any questions here that you don't know
the correct answer, which is 99 percent of them.

Rod Speed

Oct 27, 2009, 10:42:26 PM10/27/09

> Yes I told her to call her bank.

You stupidly pig ignorantly claimed that only her bank could answer her question.

Everyone proved you just plain wrong.


Oct 28, 2009, 1:02:41 AM10/28/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
Show me where I told her that "Only her bank can answer the question". What
I told her was that she should go to her bank for the answer.
Anyway, enough. I think I've proven to every rational person here that
you're a friggin idiot.

Rod Speed

Oct 28, 2009, 2:10:41 AM10/28/09
Sanity wrote:
> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>> Sanity wrote:
>>> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>>> Yes I told her to call her bank.
>> You stupidly pig ignorantly claimed that only her bank could answer
>> her question.
>> Everyone proved you just plain wrong.
>> <reams of your desperate attempts to bullshit your way out of your
>> predicament that fools absolutely no one at all, flushed where it belongs>

> Show me where I told her that "Only her bank can answer the question".

You already did that, in the quoting, before you chopped it when I rubbed your nose in you doing that.

Here it is again.

>>>>> Does anyone know what a reverse mortgage pays? Say I'm 65 y/o and I have a $100,000 house, how much would I get
>>>>> monthly?

>>>>> That's a question you'd have to ask the bank.

Note that she also said what the value is and how old
she is, you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist.

> What I told her was that she should go to her bank for the answer.

Everyone can see you are lying, as always.

<reams of your desperate attempts to bullshit and lie your way out of your


Oct 28, 2009, 5:23:04 PM10/28/09
========Rod Speed, isn't there any community help you could be doing?
Your knowledge and know how shouldn't be wasted====Probably there is
habitat for Humanity somewhere near you?
You should give out all your knowledge and know how instead of taking it to
the grave, just suggesting

Rod Speed

Oct 28, 2009, 7:57:14 PM10/28/09
>>>>>>> You love to twist everything.
>>>>>> Everyone can see for themselves that you are lying, again.
>>>>>>> People log on here for legal and financial advise.
>>>>>> Hardly any of us 'log on' anywhere, fool.
>>>>>> And even someone as stupid as you should have noticed that there
>>>>>> are hordes more newsgroups involved in this particular thread
>>>>>> than just those that concentrate on legal and financial advise.
>>>>>>> First of all, they are fools to ask advise like that from fools
>>>>>>> like you.
>>>>>> She didnt even ask for any advise, you pathetic excuse for a
>>>>>> lying bullshit artist.
>>>>>>> With the same typing, they could google and get the correct info
>>>>>> And you stupidly claimed that only her bank could give her the
>>>>>> numbers she asked about.
>>>>>>> or they could pick up a phone and ask someone who knows.
>>>>>> Or they could ask here and get a viable answer from other than
>>>>>> fools like you.
>>>>>>> My point to her was just that.
>>>>>> You're lying, again. Everyone can see that you originally
>>>>>> stupidly claimed that only her bank could give her what she
>>>>>> asked about. <reams of your desperate attempts to bullshit your way out of

>>>>>> your predicament that fools absolutely no one at all, flushed
>>>>>> where it belongs>
>>>>> Yes I told her to call her bank.
>>>> You stupidly pig ignorantly claimed that only her bank could answer
>>>> her question.
>>>> Everyone proved you just plain wrong.
>>>> <reams of your desperate attempts to bullshit your way out of your

>>>> predicament that fools absolutely no one at all, flushed where it
>>>> belongs>
>>> Show me where I told her that "Only her bank can answer the
>>> question".
>> You already did that, in the quoting, before you chopped it when I
>> rubbed your nose in you doing that.
>> Here it is again.
>>>>>>> Does anyone know what a reverse mortgage pays? Say I'm 65 y/o
>>>>>>> and I have a $100,000 house, how much would I get
>>>>>>> monthly?
>>>>>>> That's a question you'd have to ask the bank.
>> Note that she also said what the value is and how old
>> she is, you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist.
>>> What I told her was that she should go to her bank for the answer.
>> Everyone can see you are lying, as always.
>> <reams of your desperate attempts to bullshit and lie your way out

>> of your predicament that fools absolutely no one at all, flushed
>> where it belongs>

> Rod Speed, isn't there any community help you could be doing?

I do that virtually every day. I also fuck over fools like that as well.

> Your knowledge and know how shouldn't be wasted

It isnt.

> Probably there is habitat for Humanity somewhere near you?

Nope, nowhere near me and I'm a heathen anyway.

I did in fact infect quite a few I know personally with the house building
bug when I built my own from scratch. Some built their own from scratch
and some just got contractors to do most of the work.

One loon actually painted the outside of his concrete block house
with a broom and a bucket of paint, quite literally. He's the one
that damned near killed himself when he had the 'brilliant' idea
of cleaning out the big place with all the growth cabinets in with
a pressure hose, with the power still on the growth cabinets.

> You should give out all your knowledge and know how instead of taking it to the grave, just suggesting

I've been doing that for more than half a century now, and
worked for a couple of universitys at various times as well.


Oct 31, 2009, 12:44:04 PM10/31/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> sr wrote:
clip to save bandwidth

>> Rod Speed, isn't there any community help you could be doing?
> I do that virtually every day. I also fuck over fools like that as well.
>> Your knowledge and know how shouldn't be wasted
> It isnt.
>> Probably there is habitat for Humanity somewhere near you?
> Nope, nowhere near me and I'm a heathen anyway.
> I did in fact infect quite a few I know personally with the house building
> bug when I built my own from scratch. Some built their own from scratch
> and some just got contractors to do most of the work.
> One loon actually painted the outside of his concrete block house
> with a broom and a bucket of paint, quite literally. He's the one
> that damned near killed himself when he had the 'brilliant' idea
> of cleaning out the big place with all the growth cabinets in with
> a pressure hose, with the power still on the growth cabinets.
>> You should give out all your knowledge and know how instead of taking it
>> to the grave, just suggesting
> I've been doing that for more than half a century now, and
> worked for a couple of universitys at various times as well.
Pressure power, I did damage to the concrete, also, pitted it.
Great for taking old paint off
I used lye to strip paint, than the power hose, worked great
Okay, you got me , can't trans. "of cleaning out the big place with all the
growth cabinets ?" Sounds like a
fun story just can't understand the lanuage.
I believe you must be down under? Any one living in underground houses,
"caves" that you know?
I was very interested in underground living to same fuel expense, Got the
books, never any follow through, now
too old, too broken. I'll have to do that on my return, once again, with a
healthy body.
I thought the next place I work on, I'm having concrete floors with a drain.
I'll use the pressure hose
to wash everything down into the drain and grey water, out to the gardens.
No matter how careful I am, No matter what I have tried, I have more dirt
in the house than should be at the end of the day, between that and the wood

Rod Speed

Oct 31, 2009, 2:05:57 PM10/31/09

Growth cabinets are big metal cabinets a bit like a cool store
which have lots of lights and air conditioning, used to grow plants
in for scientific research. They have the airconditioning in under
the place where the plants go, with wire mesh to keep hands
away from the electrical wiring etc. Thats why he came within
an ace of killing himself, hosing down the concrete floor in the
big building with rows of growth cabinets in.

> I believe you must be down under?


> Any one living in underground houses, "caves" that you know?

There are a few. One of the fellas that I infect with house building
was proposing to build one of those after the one I infected him
with, in an area prone to bushfires, basically to make it fireproof.

He didnt end up building it like that in the end, cant remember why now.

> I was very interested in underground living to same fuel expense,

Yeah, did consider it myself, but ended up with passive solar instead.

> Got the books, never any follow through, now too old, too broken. I'll have to do that on my return, once again, with
> a healthy body.

You might come back as a rat or a cockroach etc.

> I thought the next place I work on, I'm having concrete floors

Yeah, that's what I have, massive great concret slab on the ground for the entire house.

> with a drain. I'll use the pressure hose to wash everything down into the drain and grey water, out to the gardens.

Thats what my next door neighbour's dad who was a cleaner suggested
when I was building the house. Too later for the drains tho.

> No matter how careful I am, No matter what I have tried, I have more dirt in the house than should be at the end of
> the day, between that and the wood stove!

Yeah, I just let it stay dirty.


Oct 31, 2009, 2:58:51 PM10/31/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message


Oct 31, 2009, 3:09:16 PM10/31/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

Now, with the description, he just missed becoming a TV BLOOPER!
funn ie

>> I believe you must be down under?
> Yes.
>> Any one living in underground houses, "caves" that you know?
> There are a few. One of the fellas that I infect with house building
> was proposing to build one of those after the one I infected him
> with, in an area prone to bushfires, basically to make it fireproof.
> He didnt end up building it like that in the end, cant remember why now.
>> I was very interested in underground living to same fuel expense,


Only would take 3 cords of wood to be comfortable, present house takes 7
cords, even than, I have half the house closed off. During winter it gets
down to 50 inside the house. Getting difficult to substain core temperature
in old age.

> Yeah, did consider it myself, but ended up with passive solar instead.

Underground shelter builder, author.
Rob Roy, I have on the shelf. One of those things I'm going to regret, not
going to his workshop, when I was younger. oh well

>> Got the books, never any follow through, now too old, too broken. I'll
>> have to do that on my return, once again, with a healthy body.
> You might come back as a rat or a cockroach etc.

I believe it is the cockroach that has endure throughout the history of the
earth, is it not?

>> I thought the next place I work on, I'm having concrete floors
> Yeah, that's what I have, massive great concret slab on the ground for the
> entire house.
>> with a drain. I'll use the pressure hose to wash everything down into the
>> drain and grey water, out to the gardens.
> Thats what my next door neighbour's dad who was a cleaner suggested
> when I was building the house. Too later for the drains tho.
>> No matter how careful I am, No matter what I have tried, I have more dirt
>> in the house than should be at the end of the day, between that and the
>> wood stove!
> Yeah, I just let it stay dirty.

Can't stand the feel on bare feet. I have floorcloths on the floors, I
have made over the years. Don't want the patterns to wear off from abrasion
of the dirt.
But, I'm simplifing my life, just plain concrete, next time around, soon , I
hope; if, I can find some fool to buy this place.

Any fools out there, I got a bargain for you!

Rod Speed

Oct 31, 2009, 4:24:30 PM10/31/09
sr wrote:
> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>> Growth cabinets are big metal cabinets a bit like a cool store
>> which have lots of lights and air conditioning, used to grow plants
>> in for scientific research. They have the airconditioning in under
>> the place where the plants go, with wire mesh to keep hands
>> away from the electrical wiring etc. Thats why he came within
>> an ace of killing himself, hosing down the concrete floor in the
>> big building with rows of growth cabinets in.

> Now, with the description, he just missed becoming a TV BLOOPER! funn ie

Yeah, damned near curtains for him.

>>> I believe you must be down under?

>> Yes.

>>> Any one living in underground houses, "caves" that you know?

>> There are a few. One of the fellas that I infect with house building

>> was proposing to build one of those after the one I infected him
>> with, in an area prone to bushfires, basically to make it fireproof.

>> He didnt end up building it like that in the end, cant remember why now.

Pretty sure it was just the significantly higher cost of that approach.

>>> I was very interested in underground living to same fuel expense,

> Only would take 3 cords of wood to be comfortable, present house takes 7 cords, even than, I have half the house

> closed off. During winter it gets down to 50 inside the house. Getting difficult to substain core temperature in old
> age.

I've just started using an electric throw in winter. Works very well indeed.

>> Yeah, did consider it myself, but ended up with passive solar instead.

> Underground shelter builder, author.
> Rob Roy, I have on the shelf. One of those things I'm going to
> regret, not going to his workshop, when I was younger. oh well

>>> Got the books, never any follow through, now too old, too broken. I'll have to do that on my return, once again,
>>> with a healthy body.

>> You might come back as a rat or a cockroach etc.

> I believe it is the cockroach that has endure throughout the history of the earth, is it not?

Sure, but they dont need underground homes or cords of wood either.

>>> I thought the next place I work on, I'm having concrete floors

>> Yeah, that's what I have, massive great concret slab on the ground for the entire house.

>>> with a drain. I'll use the pressure hose to wash everything down

>>> into the drain and grey water, out to the gardens.

>> Thats what my next door neighbour's dad who was a cleaner suggested

>> when I was building the house. Too later for the drains tho.

>>> No matter how careful I am, No matter what I have tried, I have more dirt in the house than should be at the end of

>>> the day, between that and the wood stove!

>> Yeah, I just let it stay dirty.

> Can't stand the feel on bare feet.

I prefer it freshly swept with bare feet but dont bother unless its very bad.

> I have floorcloths on the floors, I have made over the years. Don't want the patterns to wear off from abrasion of
> the dirt.

I dont bother with mats, just bare concrete and quarry tiles.

> But, I'm simplifing my life, just plain concrete, next time around,

Yeah, I havent bothered to lay the quarry tiles in quite a bit of the house,
even tho I have them in a couple of big piles. Just stick with the bare concrete.

> soon , I hope; if, I can find some fool to buy this place.

> Any fools out there, I got a bargain for you!

Trouble is that there is so much HUD stuff on the market currently.


Oct 31, 2009, 7:31:23 PM10/31/09

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

> sr wrote:
>> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
snip to save bandwidth>

> I prefer it freshly swept with bare feet but dont bother unless its very
> bad.
>> I have floorcloths on the floors, I have made over the years. Don't want
>> the patterns to wear off from abrasion of the dirt.
> I dont bother with mats, just bare concrete and quarry tiles.
>> But, I'm simplifing my life, just plain concrete, next time around,
> Yeah, I havent bothered to lay the quarry tiles in quite a bit of the
> house, (Sounds beautiful)

> even tho I have them in a couple of big piles. Just stick with the bare
> concrete.
>> soon , I hope; if, I can find some fool to buy this place.
>> Any fools out there, I got a bargain for you!
> Trouble is that there is so much HUD stuff on the market currently.

Point taken, had the same thought,
I just heard the Federal Government, with all their wisdom, is going to
extend the 8,000 rebate for housing, so suckers like me will have a more
difficult time finding bargains. Altho' there are plenty of foreclosures on
the web.
got to bother you again for interputation

(I've just started using an electric throw in winter. Works very well
Now, I've heard of a snow "thrower" what is an electric thrower?
If it's some sort of electric heat? how much is your rate per k? Is
electricity rates low? Just curious. Not that there is a darn thing I can do
about elec. rates.
Other than that one episode, is your friend reasonably smart? ----
Your friend provided a good story to tell, esp. since he survived! 'Ain't
life grand!
Cooling off, either in the sleeping bag or start up the woodstove. Might get
a downdraft with the wind whipping, so------


Rod Speed

Nov 1, 2009, 12:16:46 AM11/1/09
sr wrote:
> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

>> sr wrote:
>>> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

Trow, not thrower.

An electric blanket that you wrap around youself when sitting in an armchair or on the sofa etc.

> If it's some sort of electric heat? how much is your rate per k?

Currently 15c but it doesnt matter much with electric blankets, they dont use much.

> Is electricity rates low?

Not anymore.

> Just curious.

Dont forget what the did to the cat.

> Not that there is a darn thing I can do about elec. rates.

> Other than that one episode, is your friend reasonably smart? ----

Nar, not mechanically. I always used to cringe when he slammed the
door on the 7 track mag tape drive on the computer system I ran.

He was the one that thought it was a brilliant idea to paint the outside of
his concrete block house with literally a broom and a big bucket of paint.

He's other one that I infected with house building, although that was
the only physical work he did on the house apart from the design.

> Your friend provided a good story to tell, esp. since he survived!
> 'Ain't life grand!
> Cooling off, either in the sleeping bag or start up the woodstove.
> Might get a downdraft with the wind whipping, so------

OK, see ya.


Dec 8, 2009, 8:52:10 PM12/8/09

"sr" <> wrote in message
> snipmg
> There are two issues here: (1) Fraud and (2) Reverse mortgages. The
> author lumps both of them together and then advises people against
> using reverse mortgages. That's like advising people not to take out a
> regular mortgage, for instance, just because the Bush administration
> allowed a lot of fraud in selling mortgages during the housing boom
> Rewriting History, I see
> Bush warned the Senate, Barney Frank said all is well, and Barney still
> says all is well. It was the Barny Frank's and Chris Dodd' s that lined
> their pockets with deals that kept the Banks loaning to people that could
> not afford the loans. Do A Google

How about a PLONK instead.

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