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Re: MauiJNP/Hershey's

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Nov 18, 2007, 6:22:09 PM11/18/07
HOWEDY melinda meahan,


"Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply" <>
wrote in message news:47407b32$0$79934$
> Judith Althouse wrote:
> > IMO the outsourcing of one job, is one too many.

Well, some folks from overseas come here to find work.

AIN'T THAT "HOWEtsourcing"?

> Unfortunately, the whole outsourcing-to-overseas issue is a
> complex one that the majority of people in this country are
> not really willing to commit 100% to doing everything they
> can to stop it -

Yeah. Unfortunately this country was built upon FREE TRADE
and COMPETITION and the SPIRIT to make of it what you want.

> - which would basically mean refusing to buy anything made
> overseas. Too many people in the US want their cheaply-priced
> stuff and don't care that the quality is bad.

Well, that's HOWE it USED to be, more than fifty years ago.
HOWEver, the little yellow bastard slope headed slant eyed
industrialists have by far EXXXCEEDED the American Spirit
in all fields; business, technology, ambition and motivation.

So, the old saw "you get what you PAY for" is no
longer valid, like the American dollar or more fittin,
the DOG LOVERS who USED to post here <{}: ~ ( >

> I am in an industry that is moving to aggressively outsource
> the work done to overseas, and the quality of the work done
> overseas is bad and not likely to improve,

Sez you, melinda? You're a proven lyin animal murderin
punk thug coward active accute chronic life long incurable
MENTAL CASE accordin to your own POSTED CASE
HISTORY <{}: ~ ( >

You can't even stay on topic. Imagine a company like Dell
hiring dirtbags like yourself to talk in a Hindi accent to service
ignorameHOWESES like liea and mauijnp or paul e. schoen
who ain't got the attention span to even read the doGdameneD
manual even IF they had the INTELLECT to be ABLE?

You'd be givin Dell customer's SEWIN tips and complainin
abHOWET your PMS and offerin PREYERS to CURE their
computer misery, you pathetic false Christian <{}: ~ ( >

> but unfortunately people as a whole have gotten "hooked"
> on low prices and are not willing to pay more money for a
> quality product in a business environment

CITES PLEASE, melinda?

American manufacturing has increased COSTS by caring for
ignorameHOWES misfits like yourselves and your medically
necessary emotional disability insurance and compensation
and sick pay while the quality of WORK has greatly diminished
due to your gross INCOMPETENCE and colossal GREED.

> because it hurts their personal bottom line

People like you and your pathetic miserable stinkin lyin
animal murderin punk thug coward active accute chronic
life long incurable mental case pals here are what's HURTIN
the BOTTOM LINE in American industy.

You maggots CAN'T COMPETE at ANY level. This country
supportin *(dragging behind us) imbeciles like yourselves.

> (Aaron Feuerstein excepted, of course -- he paid the price
> of bankruptcy for the courage of his convictions, and for that
> I salute him and wish there were more like him, because if
> there were, he probably would not have had to pay that price.).

"When the Malden Mills factory burnt down on December
11, 1995, Feuerstein decided not only to use his insurance
money to rebuild it, but to also pay the salaries of all the
now-unemployed workers while it was being rebuilt.

Feuerstein spent millions keeping all 3,000 employees on
the payroll with full benefits for 3 months. By going against
common CEO business practices, especially at a time when
most companies were downsizing and moving overseas, he
achieved a small degree of fame.Feuerstein claimed that he
couldn't have taken another course of action due to his study
of the Talmud and the lessons he learnt there:

"I have a responsibility to the worker, both blue-collar and white-
collar. I have an equal responsibility to the community. It would have
been unconscionable to put 3,000 people on the streets and deliver a
deathblow to the cities of Lawrence and Methuen. Maybe on paper our
company is worthless to Wall Street, but I can tell you it's worth
> My pay has dropped 40% in the last 3-4 years,

If you cannot command the money you THINK you *deserve*
it's on accHOWENTA YOU *DON'T* DESERVE IT <{}: ~ ( >

And DON'T BANK on an Aaron Feuerstein givin the likes
of *YOU*, charity. Charity is EARNED based on NEED,

> and if I have to replace any of the work I do
> today my pay will probably drop another 30-40%.


to "REPLACE" your own "work". WOULD YOU:

Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 20:58:55 -0800

Subject: Re: and then there were none

Melinda Shore wrote:
>> It could have partly been an ADD rabbit trail, the main
>> reason why I try to stay off the WWW as much as possible.

> ??? The web tends to be read-mostly, while Usenet seems
> to be the place where you're running into conflicts.

No, when I web-surf I follow ADD rabbit trails
in links and lose hours at a time.

>> But I was just saying that it's not just big impersonal entities,
>> but just regular people too, who don't like having their intelectual
>> property stolen, and, contrary to the professed beliefs of those
>> ignorant (whether deliberately or inadvertently but I suspect the
>> former) people who say, "I'm not making any money off of it, so
>> it's not a violation of copyright," it's not always about the money.

> But in this case it absolutely is. Or rather, it's about
> how online news is funded. Undermine that funding
> and you undermine the provision of online news.

No; I was saying that my comment was an ADD rabbit trail,
and then I went off in another rabbit trail. (It happens more
often when I'm tired.)
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it.
Autograph your work with excellence.


AND HERE'S melindas'

"The grain of salt to take this with is that my faith
is one of the most improtant things in my life."


Newsgroups: rec.crafts.textiles.needlework
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 22:34:13 -0800

Re: Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Karen C in California wrote:
> I'm sure there are people who are praying without
> announcing it. I rarely respond publicly to prayer
> requests myself.

I agree, and it sure gets boring to read 200 "I'm praying
for you" replies to a mailing list or newsgroup. They are
best sent privately.

"The grain of salt to take this with is that my faith
is one of the most improtant things in my life."


Newsgroups: rec.crafts.textiles.needlework
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 16:04:37 -0800

Re: Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Betty C. wrote:
> Sorry if I was out of line...I guess I'm used to the 123stitch
> message board, where when someone sends a prayer request,
> many people respond. It was my first (and last) post here....

You were not out of line at all in voicing your opinion. But I was
not out of line at all in voicing mine, either. It sure would be a
boring world if every place was the same, and each message area
(mailing list, newsgroup, message board) on Usenet has its own
Just because someone here does not like a newsgroup clogged
with "me, too" types of posts doesn't mean that you need to leave
or that you have to agree with us. And just because we don't act
just like the people on the 123stich message board, that doesn't
mean that one or the other of us is wrong.

Just different.

I'm okay with that, and I hope you are, too.
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it.
Autograph your work with excellence.

"The grain of salt to take this with is that my faith
is one of the most improtant things in my life."


Newsgroups: rec.crafts.textiles.needlework
From: "Betty C." <>

Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 01:07:35 -0600

Subject: Re: PRAYER REQUEST Was Re:
Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Sorry if I was out of line...I guess I'm used to the 123stitch
message board, where when someone sends a prayer request,
many people respond. It was my first (and last) post here....
And this thread just seemed to drag on, more argumentive
than conversational (I'm sure there will be a comment about
that statement too).

"The grain of salt to take this with is that my faith
is one of the most improtant things in my life."


Newsgroups: rec.crafts.textiles.needlework
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 16:05:43 -0800

Re: Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Betty C. wrote:
> Is that why the group consists of a 'select few' (huge group?!)
> that posts about *everything*, why you see the same names
> over and over (especially in the IBC thread!) and anyone new
> that has the audacity to post is criticized??
> But then, you even criticize each other!! Yawn!!

I was not criticizing, but I cannot speak for anybody else.
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it.
Autograph your work with excellence.

"The grain of salt to take this with is that my faith
is one of the most improtant things in my life."


What do you think your HERO Aaron would say to THAT, melinda??

I'll TELL you what Aaron would say, melinda, he'd PREY for you
and make a PREYER REQUEST on your sewing forums so your SATAN

Some freakin "CHRISTIAN" you are, eh, melinda??

Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 00:49:30 -0800

Subject: Re: Hope this question doesn't offend anybody, but here

Paul E. Schoen wrote:

(several suggestions of alternative places to try
gratefully received and snipped here)

> There is really no need to
> killfile anyone, even Jerry,

I don't ever killfile anybody. I hardly ever get my blood boiling in
response to what anybody says (only a handful of times in my entire
life, but for really important things like a doctor I transcribed for
whose dictations revealed the open contempt with which he held over
his patients and the like) I am really good at marking things as
without even opening them when I know it's somebody whose posts will
be worth my while to read. I do, however, miss Candace the border
collie who rode herd on him in the border collie groups I was on for
first few years after we got a border collie.
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph
work with excellence.


From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 14:14:49 -0700

Subject: Re: Can I ask a housebreaking question here?

(Name omitted to protect the guilty) wrote:

> HOWEDY Melinda Mehan,

Hmmm, I see you missed my post where I said that I was
not welcoming replies that would invite a post from Candace
the Border Collie.
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it.
Autograph your work with excellence.

Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.breeds, rec.pets.dogs.misc,

From: Melinda Meahan <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 15:49:23 -0800

Subject: Re: HOWE did that happen?

Hriscay wrote:
> >In article <bOYH7.59407$>,
> > "Jerry Howe" <> wrote:....

> <lurk mode off>

> HOWE did that happen?

> This shouldn't come as a surprise to most that read this NG -
> last May, our favourite poster has earned a place in Full Canvas
> Jacket:Unhinged Lunatic Rant of the Week:

I think Candace needs to find this newsgroup, too.
After all, she is a border collie....
I know God will not give me anything I can't handle.
I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. - Mother Teresa

"Don't worry about him. He's the resident dog-newsgroup troll.
Google for "Candace the border collie" (someone who dedicated
time to debunking him) to find out more about him," melinda m.

You'll notice candace a.k.a. karen craven is a PROVEN
LIAR and animal abusin MENTAL CASE. She don't post
her LIES and IDIOCY here abHOWETS nodoGdameneDMOORE.

HOWEver, NHOWE that you've brought your sorry self to
the ATTENTION of The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Simply AMAZING GRAND Puppy, Child, Pussy, Goat, Ferret,
Monkey, SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard, I'll spend many
HOWERS later tonight RESEARCHING your own POSTED
innocent defenseless dumb critters an LYIN abHOWET IT and
POST PREYER REQUESTS to your sewing and trainscription
groups to SAVE your false Christian soul <{}: ~ ) >

"The grain of salt to take this with is that my faith
is one of the most improtant things in my life."


In Love And Light,
I Remain Respectfully, Humbly Yours,
Jerry Howe,
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Ferett, Goat, Monkey
SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard <{) ;~ ) >


Nov 18, 2007, 8:14:33 PM11/18/07
Good grief, who pee'd in your Cheerios. None of that makes sense AT
ALL. Go back and play in your own sandbox.


Nov 18, 2007, 10:00:01 PM11/18/07
to wrote:
> HOWEDY melinda meahan,

<snipping a bunch of manic idiocy>

Get some professional help, and please don't reproduce.



Nov 18, 2007, 10:13:11 PM11/18/07

Mispost much?

Nov 18, 2007, 10:12:54 PM11/18/07
HOWEDY RaeMorrill,

<> wrote in message

> Good grief, who pee'd in your Cheerios.

Seein as the only WON peein here is The Sincerely Incredibly

Freakin Insanely Simply AMAZING GRAND Puppy, Child,
Pussy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard,

I GUESS t'was *HIM* <{}'; ~ ) >

> None of that makes sense AT ALL.

Well it WOULD, unless you was a illiterate ignorameHOWES <{}: ~ ) >

HOWE COME you didn't QUOTE what you're objecting to, rae?

> Go back and play in your own sandbox.

THIS IS *MY* sandbox, rae...

Oh, bye the bye, permit me to introduce myself and welcome
you to The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
Amazing, Grand, Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret,
Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizards' 100%
FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual Forums
And Human And Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences Research

I'm Jerry Howe, Director Of Trainin an Research <{}: ~ ) >

Here's my website:

There you will find ALL the FREE information you need to
pupperly handle raise and train your pets and family. Just
follow the instructions PRECISELY and ASK me if you
need any additional FREE HEELP <{}: ~ ) >

Oh, and bye the bye, them's weren't MY Cherios, rae. I
was preparin them for the pathetic miserable stinkin lyin
animal and child abusin punk thug coward active accute
chronic life long incurable malignant mental case who's
an MURDERIN innocent defenselss dumb critters an LYIN
meghan, will be researched and posted to interested forums
later tonight, to IDENTIFY, EXXXPOSE, and DISCREDIT,
that maliciHOWES ignorameHOWES for what she really IS,
GOOD LORD WILLIN, rae <{}: ~ ( >

While I'm at it, care for a bowl of Cherrios? They're
heart healthy, you know. Care for some honey? I'd
recommend stayin away from refined sugar <{}'; ~ ) >

Here, set DHOWEN an enjoy some while you read THIS:

From: "Bam" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 19:17:32 -0800

Subject: Morrill-torium

Neal, I've trussed long enough, sorry.

Rae? You want to comment that you feel attacked so you
come out whatever it was the word you used...fighting.

You have *got* to be the most contrary person I've ever
encountered in life. You've threatened Julie in the last
year or so. You've threatened Nae. You've slandered Liz
and her husband.

You've threatened me.

You've threatened Jeannie.

Each time, you were invited to "spill your guts" rather than
keep throwing out innuendo and each time you just kept
sputtering "Earthling-ese", the decoder rings for which have
not yet reached our hemisphere.

Below you will find posts where you tell us how wonderful
Jeannie is. I've read ALL of the posts from Jeannie to you
and NEVER did she do anything or say anything to you to
warrant the things you are now doing.

You have called her honesty into question. You have called
her ethics into question. You have called her Christianity into
question. And these are just the things that come rapidly to
my mind.

Rae, you are vile, and don't give me any "I had no choice I
was attacked" bullshit because you weren't. If you can't be
accountable for not slandering someone, then why not just
try shutting up.

In fact, why not practice shutting up, just to see if you can do it.
You can''ve proven that and we see stats on a monthly basis
that back it up.

I truly wish you'd spend some time thinking about your words
here (and I only used a few posts, I could have gone on for hours).

Think about the threats you make. Think about the slander
you dish. Think about what you spew--- and it ain't coffee
on a screen. (And before you say but *you* (meaning me)
did this, this, and this--There's no where here I'm claiming
I've not engaged in verbal warfare with you, this isn't about me.)

As we've been reminded of countless times here on,
we are unaware of just WHO reads this forum. If I were an
MTSO, and EVER even remotely considered using you as
an MT, your behavior and words of late would guarantee
that would never happen.

And printing your posts would surely make a nice little package
to forward to MTSOs who ask for references, if someone were so
inclined-- and no, I'm not inclined.

What I think you happen to forget is that you are not the only
person in cyberspace to remember phone calls or save emails
(and I'm not someone who does because I have a crap memory
and don't play the "gossip" game)....

I wish a fraction of the INFRACTIONS committed by you that
I've read about today would find their way to
I guess it's not necessary for them to... you've proven time upon
time upon time what sort of person you are---

Now because I respect Neal, I will go back to being TRUSSED,
but only because anything further would not be as polite as I've
been up to this point in this post.

Rae on how horrible an MTSO Jeannie is....

From: RaeMorrill (
Subject: Re: PRN transcriptionist needed

Date: 2003-06-11 11:04:25 PST

**At the risk of sounding terribly rude - If you cannot follow
these simple instructions, please do not email me at a later
time asking me why I did not contact you. .>

Jeannie rude? LOL. Jeannie is great to work for, by the way.


Rae on reporting tax cheats?
From: RaeMorrill (
Subject: Re: My new Bytescribe is on the way!!!

Date: 2002-10-17


Sounds like a good excuse to buy a generator as a tax write off to me!


(I won't REPOST the entire succession of personal emails
that Rae posted to the forum... but here's a
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: ?

> Ed

> I can only go on my own experience. I first did work for her
> back in June. I had a payment due 7/1 and got it 7/5, another
> ck on 7/20, another on 8/6, 8/22, 10/7 and the next payment
> isn't due yet. In amts up to 500+ dollars
> Ed,

> I trust her. If she said that, I believe it. I know that checks take
> a number of days to get from there to here, so if there was a
> mixup in the mail it is quite possible it got delayed. I've never
> had a lick of trouble with her at all. She never even complains
> about anything!

> In a message dated 10/15/2002 ,
> writes:

> << > r u still doing work for Jeannie? >>

> Well, not at this exact moment but I'm sure I will again.
> I had some other work I was covering locally this week and last.


A Nostrodamus prediction for Jeannie:

From: RaeMorrill (

Subject: Re: Rae's Top Secret Secret

Date: 2003-03-12

> I apologized for the things I said.

> Rae has NEVER apologized in this group,

> EVER! Believe me Jeannie, she will turn on you and you
> will be here saying you were warned. I didn't say anything
> that was untrue!.>>

by Rae....

BUll. Let's try my 300 lb ass. Huh? Never anywhere near and
now pretty close to half. You musta been looking in the mirror.


Jeannie rude? LOL. Jeannie is great to work for, by the way.

Ahhhh, THAT explains it. >>

NO idea what that meant, but my point is that if someone is
interested in some decent work for someone who is easy to
work with - respond.

Rae Morrill in Maine
"Ya can't get theyuh from heeah"

Rae on being a team-player:From: RaeMorrill
Subject: Re: I know I'm spitting into the wind but....

Newsgroups: 2003-03-12

Please, please, please, can we at least declare a 48-hour
moratorium on posts regarding you-know-what?

Really Jay? Let's see. Who was called a yeast infection,
syphilliit K**T. Who others who have never even done
ANYTHING have been mocked, attacked, etc.

There are sides in this story and I, Janice, never mind Becky,
Judith and Jeannie deserved this. You pick the right side

Rae on free speech:From: RaeMorrill (
Subject: Re: West Coast MT Fun Convention

Date: 2003-06-21 10:56:09 PST

So why are you continuing this thread now?>>

I've found out if I want a thread to die, *I* must stop posting. If
you want it to die, just stop posting. Like it or not, Jeannie has
the right to respond to any post she wishes, as do you and I.

Rae on Jeannie's qualities:

From: RaeMorrill (
Subject: Re: TAPI installation/voice modem experience anyone???

Date: 2002-09-24 09:53:28 PST

I'll just add in here that I have been following this with Jeannie for
sometime. I do have to say that this woman has the patience of the
saints. I just guess I think that products should perform as promised.


"I ALWAYS take note of what faith someone claims.
It's hard not to judge all wearing same cloak by that
standard, which is why I believe if you carry a torch
you need to make sure you live up to it," Rae Morrill
in Maine "Ya can't get theyuh from heeah".

Yannow, rae, the only thing The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin
Insanely Simply Amazing, Grand, Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy,
Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard LOVES
as much as trainin dogs an makin love to beautiful women is
professional dog trainers, university professors of behavior,
and veterinary malpracticioners - SECOND to CRUCIFYING

Wanna know HOWE COME?

That's EZ, rae.

False Christians drop faster than shit DHOWEN the o'l three
an DISCREDIT the professional dog trainers, veterinary
malpracticioners, and university professors of behavior, and
thereby leavin MORE TIME to make love to beautiful women
an train dogs, an dogs train up NEARLY INSTANTLY <{}: ~ ) >

So, rae, you got any last words? Care for a cigarette? Blindfold?

"Ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you mad." -
~Aldous Huxley.

"Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens!"
"Against stupidity the Gods themselves contend in vain."
-Friedrich Schiller.



In Love And Light,
I Remain Respectfully, Humbly Yours,


Jerry Howe,
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply

Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Ferret, Goat, Monkey

Nov 18, 2007, 11:42:46 PM11/18/07
HOWEDY marsha,

"Marsha" <> wrote in message news:fhqu8q$jtv$

> wrote:
>> HOWEDY melinda meahan,
> <snipping a bunch of manic idiocy>

Ooooh, SENSITIVE, ain't we??

> Get some professional help, and please don't reproduce.

It's NICE to see you animal lovers stickin together
to defend the rights of abused critters from pathetic

miserable stinkin lyin animal murderin punk thug
coward active accute chronic life long incurable

malignant maliciHOWES mental cases <{}: ~ ) >

Might you likeWIZE be a Christian, marsha?

"It isn't right, IMO, to keep a pet, or a person,
around just because you don't want them to die."

You're gonna be EZ!

> Marsha/Ohio


ALL Critters Only Respond In
To Situations And Circumstances
Of Their Environment
Which We Create For Them.

You GET The Critter You TRAINED

In The Problem Animal Behavior BUSINESS
For The Problem Child Behavior BUSINESS.

As A Ferret Is A Ferret;
As A Monkey Is A Monkey;
As A Mass Murderer Is A Mass Murderer.

Abuse / fear / aggression / hyperactivity / shyness / suicide
attempts AIN'T a chemical imbalance or genetic problem,
they're SPIRITUAL problems,
passed on
from WON generatiHOWEN of abuser
to the next,
like the 100th monkey washin fruit in the stream;
After a while it's not just NORMAL, it's OBLIGATORY.

To do otherWIZE would be DISRESPECTFUL
of your parental teachins.

The Puppy Wizard's SYNDROME
Is the Perfect Synergy Of
Love, Pride, Desire, Shame, Greed, Ego, Fear,
Hate, Reflex, Self Will,
Arrogance, Ignorance, Predjudice, Cowardice,
Disbelief, Jealousy, Embarrassment, Embellishment,
Guilt, Anger, Hopelessness, Helplesness, Aversion,
Attraction, Inhibition, Revulsion, Repulsion, Change,
Permanence, Enlightenment, Insult, Attrition,
Parental / ReligiHOWES / Societal Conditioning.


It Is The Perfect Fusion Of The Word..., In The Physical.

The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply

Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferett, Monkey

SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard <{) ; ~ ) >

"Only the unenlightened speak of wisdom
and right action
as separate, not the wise.

If any man knows one, he enjoys the fruit of both.

The level which is reached by wisdom
is attained
through right action as well.

He who perceives that the two are one
knows the truth."

"Even the wise man acts in character with his nature,
indeed all creatures act according to their natures.

What is the use of compulsion then?

The love and hate which are aroused
by the objects of sense arise from Nature,
do not yield to them.

They only obstruct the path," -
- Bhagavad Gita,
adapted by Krishna with permission
from His OWN FREE copy of The Simply
Amazing Puppy Wizard's FREE Wits' End
Dog Training Method manual <{) ; ~ ) >


The Methods, Principles And Philosophy Of Behavior
Never Change,
Or They'd Not Be Scientific
And Could Not Obtain
Consistent, Reliable, Fast, Effective, Safe Results
For All Handler's And All Critters,
And ALL Behaviors
ALL OVER The Whole Wild World,
As Taught In Your Own FREE Copy Of

The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply

Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey
SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard's


WWW Wits' End Dog, Child, Kat, Goat, Ferret, Monkey
SpHOWES And Horsey
Training Method Manual<{) ; ~ )>

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:
I came not so send peace, but a sword.
"For I am come to set a man at variance against
his father, and the daughter against her mother,
and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

"And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
- Matthew 10:34-36.

The Puppy Prophet <{); ~ ) >


Nov 19, 2007, 4:22:19 PM11/19/07
Does anyone actually read all that hateful junk? I never read anything
that long, especially if it's useless drivel.


Nov 19, 2007, 5:08:03 PM11/19/07
weazy <> spoke these words of wisdom in news:3b55fdad-

> Does anyone actually read all that hateful junk? I never read anything
> that long, especially if it's useless drivel.

What hateful junk?

Nov 19, 2007, 6:36:40 PM11/19/07
HOWEDY weazy,

"weazy" <> wrote in message

> Does anyone actually read all that hateful junk?

your fellow malignant maliciHOWES MENTAL CASE
innocent defenseless dumb critters an LIE abHOWET IT?


WOULD THEY, weazy?

> I never read anything that long,

Is that what you attribute to your success at Cornell? Perhaps
THAT'S HOWE COME you're interested in ARTIFICIAL
INTELLIGENCE, eh, granny?:

From: (weazy)
Date: 3 Nov 2001 14:40:32 -0800

Subject: Re: A Undergraduate or Graduate course in NN.

Cornell University has multiple courses on NN, Data Mining
and Machine learning topics in several deparments including
Engineering, Computer Science and Statistical Sciences


> especially if it's useless drivel.

We was talkin abHOWET the self-serving hypocrisy of your

miserable stinkin lyin animal murderin punk thug coward

active accute chronic life long incurable malignant maliciHOWES
mental case FALSE CHRISTIAN pals:


Just different.




Paul E. Schoen wrote:

over half his patients and the like) .


> HOWEDY Melinda Mehan,

> <lurk mode off>

> HOWE did that happen?


In Love And Light,
I Remain Respectfully, Humbly Yours,


Jerry Howe,
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Ferett, Goat, Monkey
SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard <{) ;~ ) >


Jerry Howe,
Director of Research,
Human And Animal Behavior
Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory,
BIOSOUND Scientific,
Director of Training,
Wits' End Dog Training
1611 24th St
Orlando, FL 32805
Phone: 1-407-425-5092 (Call ANY TIME)





Nov 19, 2007, 6:49:42 PM11/19/07
HOWEDY diddler you pathetic miserable stinkin lyin

animal murderin punk thug coward active accute chronic
life long incurable malignant mental case and backyard
puppy miller and professional dog training FRAUD an

"diddy" <none> wrote in message

I think melinda was referrin to the "HATEFUL JUNK" bein

an MURDERIN innocent defenseless dumb critters an LYIN

abHOWET IT <{}: ~ ( >


"diddy" <none> wrote in message
> Terri <> spoke these words of wisdom in
> news:Xns99E8D0E...@
>> diddy <none> wrote in news:Xns99E8E49A559...@
>>> Terri <> spoke these words of wisdom in
>>> news:Xns99E8CD58...@
>>>> How's Cappy?

diddler might have to MURDER him like HOWE she done
Danny and had the same RESULTS terri done when she
MURDERED her DEAD DOG Mojo <{}: ~ ( >

*(case histories at end of page)

>>> Thanks for asking. Yesterday was touch and go.

Yeah? As opposed to "bright, hungry and
seems entirely normal" on Monday mornin?:
Monday, November 12, 2007 7:39 AM

Beagle Report

"diddy" <none> wrote in message
Thank you everyone for your well wishes. Cappy woke up this
morning, bright, hungry and seems entirely normal. Whatever
it was, seems to have passed.


That so?


>>> She went to the vet Sunday/Monday/Tuesday for ramped
>>> up Torbugesic. As long as she was doped, things went
>>> pretty well. When it wore off, things went down from
>>> there.

What happened? Did she eat more POOP?:

"diddy" <> wrote in message

My dogs aren't into beer that much.
But they sure love Horse poop!


You could always TRAIN your dog not to EAT POOP, eh, diddler?:

diddler the shit stain scrawled on the walls
with her finger dipped in bloody poop:

"I would not allow that behavior AT ALL. Inconsistancies
are going to come back and bite you. I don't understand
how, you as a trainer, don't comprehend this.

Having a 100% reliable dog does not
EVER allow for mitigated circumstances.

A well-trained dog is a lifestyle.

You teach a dog to LEAVE it. A dog should be
taught to obey. I can call any of my dogs off
in full chase and ask them to drop anything
they are doing, and they will.

I think that should be expected of any breed, and
those who do not teach "leave it" fundementals
atre missing the boat"


>>> This morning, she woke up bright and chipper as if nothing
>>> was> ever wrong, took a big dump in the yard, and hasn't
>>> had any pain meds all day. Whatever it was, it passed.

Seems you SAID that on Monday too <{}: ~ ( >

>> Thank god.

Ooops! "G-D"???


>> What a nightmare. In fact it brought back the panic
>> I went through with Champ when he got blocked after
>> eating cat litter years ago.



>> I'm SO glad she's feeling better, poor thing.
>> Give the old gal lots of pats and ear scritches from me please.

Oooops! Hey? No "good thoughts"?

> Sure will, she will appreciate the friendly thoughts.

You mean PREYERS, don't you, diddler?

> Yesterday I really thought she was a goner,

AND the day pryor to that and the day pryor
to that and the day pryor to THAT <{}: ~ ( >

> but when I woke up this morning, she was a new girl

That so?

Oh, you mean LIKE THIS?:

Monday, November 12, 2007 11:03 AM
Re: Beagle Report

"diddy" <none> wrote in message
> Shelly <> spoke these words of wisdom in news:fh9qdj
> $717$

> diddy <none> wrote in
> news:Xns99E64DEAB16...@
>> Thank you everyone for your well wishes. Cappy woke up this
>> morning, bright, hungry and seems entirely normal. Whatever it
>> was, seems to have passed.
> Excellent news!
> I wonder if the screaming was just her coming
> out of the drugs, and nothing to do with pain?

No she was pain, because you could see her cringing.

And she just passed one big solid rock hardball.. so I think she
was just constipated. I think there are more to come, and since
i posted, she's still whimpered a few times, I gave her a treat
that was given to DH on his North Dakota trip. The man
was marketing these dog treats, and they are selling like hotcakes.

Tuck surrendered his to Cappy, when she shoved him out of
the way (Mr Snappy-Grabby), and ate hers and his too. I think
this was a blockage issue and the reglan moved things along.

We weren't going to operate if it was a blockage.

We simply would have put her down.

These dog treats were the last thing that she ate
before she started showing symptoms.


No it weren't. It was HORSE POOP.


diddler the shit stain scrawled on the walls
with her finger dipped in bloody poop:

"I would not allow that behavior AT ALL. Inconsistancies
are going to come back and bite you. I don't understand
how, you as a trainer, don't comprehend this.

Having a 100% reliable dog does not
EVER allow for mitigated circumstances.

A well-trained dog is a lifestyle.

You teach a dog to LEAVE it. A dog should be
taught to obey. I can call any of my dogs off
in full chase and ask them to drop anything
they are doing, and they will.

I think that should be expected of any breed, and
those who do not teach "leave it" fundementals
atre missing the boat"

"Cappy the beagle killed one of my ducklings today.
Tuck grabbed a leg, and swallowed a leg and thigh
before I could get him.

a month ago, he almost died from swallowing a
chicken wing. Now I'm sweating all over again.

I think he's never going to be allowed out ever
again without a muzzle! (he seems alright thus far.

Re: Tuck's SAR experience

"diddy" <> wrote in message

I just came in from putting chickens to bed, and Tuck
had my computer keyboard on the floor, and there are
now two keys missing.

Ornery git


Re: Just scheduled blood test--Zipper too

"diddy" <> wrote in message

> in thread "MauiJNP"
> <> whittled the following words:
> in thread "MauiJNP"

<> whittled the following words:

> Seems to me, that should be a standard question for
> any pet having any problems at this time.

I took Tuck in last Wednesday to the vets because two weeks
before, he had chewed some old treated lumber. Knowing that
treated lumber used to be treated with Arsenic, and he ate a
substantial amount, I took him into the emergency clinic and
they treated him for arsenic poisoning.

A week later, he still had a raw stomach, esophagus and stomach
(revealed by endoscopy). He was treated with buffers, and antibiotics
to prevent infection of the inflamed tissues. Wednesday, still not
right, but improving, I took him back in for a recheck.

The first thing the vet did, was ask what foods I was feeding.
Which I understood why, but felt considering his current history,
was rather a unnecessary question. I felt we pretty much knew
what was going on with him.

Since he was greatly improved, we decided not to do another
endoscopy and just watch him. He's 100% back to normal.
Hope Cali is too.


"diddy" <> wrote in message

My dogs aren't into beer that much.
But they sure love Horse poop!

"diddy" <> wrote in message

I've scorned your counter surfing dog all these years. I just
discovered this morning,I had one also. I was slicing Beef
tongue (remember the tongue table re: tribute to Cate's
mom?) and I left it on the counter,while I went to read email.

I suddenly saw movement in the kitchen and there was
Tuck scarfing down 7 pounds of sliced tongue. Oh my
goodness gracious, where did he put all of that?

ANYWAY... I owe you an apology.

humiliated in Ohio


"diddy" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 09:06:26 -0500, diddy <> wrote:

my new puppy, Tuck, grabbed a raw chicken wing and
wolfed it down on sunday. He's been in the hospital daily,
admitted sometimes, and home montored others.He's been
supported supported daily by fluids, hoping he would pass
it, but he's destabilizing fast, and has just gone into surgery
to have it removed from his stomach, and his intestines have
intuscepted from being empty for so long, and they need
surgery also.

Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: diddy <d...@whoops.I.said.WHAT?>
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 12:51:33 -0500

Subject: Re: Disaster plans for dog owners

We left Reka outside, Mr beeegs crated, Taya in the
house.. because Reka plays when Taya doesn't want
to, and Danny came with me. I forgot Taya counter
surf'd. I had 3 sticks of summer sausage sitting on the
table that I was going to give away.

When I came home, all three sticks were gone, with
only the paper skins left that I'd wrapped them with.
Taya had eaten over 5 POUNDS of summer sausage!
I just had to laugh, because otherwise, I'd have cried.



"diddy" <> wrote in message

> in thread Janet B
> <> whittled the following words:

> Curious how many choose to crate a dog forever,
> whenever they leave the house and/or overnight,
> or how many choose to wean from household
> crate usage (usage being shutting the dog in the
> crate, not the dog choosing to hang out there) at
> some specific ages or maturity levels.

> Not for how long during a workday, but how
> long for a dog's lifespan?

I plan on crating Tuck whenever NOT supervised
(which isn't often.. he usually is with me) Until the
day that he quits tearing apart everything in sight
when I leave the room.

A dog proof room doesn't work.

He's figured out door knobs. He's figured out cupboards,
and he loves to tug open dresser drawers. He's not
interested in anything left out in the open.

He's into treasure hunting, figuring anything worth
secreting away is worth his effort discovering. He's
discovered the sock stash is in drawers.

Trash cans? --not interested.
Counter tops? --not interested
Counter tops -with food? --not interested
Dog food sitting on the floorin open bags? --not interested

razor blades from bathroom drawers? ... Very cool stuff!

Mom really gets bent too!

nope.. His crate is going to be occupied for
some time to come.

As for the beagle.. She's never been trustworthy.

She's getting senile and never will be trustworthy,
so a crate is in her future until she crosses the bridge.

Reka, no crate at no time, She lost her crate when she was
5 months old. Both Tuck, and reka hangout in crates by choice.

Reka dens in the bathtub usually. (kind of a crate) But she
likes the beagles vantage point, because the beagles crate
is on top of Tuck's. Right next to the window so she can see
out. Tuck prefers the compartment with a view as well.

I always have to vacate him (even though the crate on top is
too small for both elkhounds, it's their preferred lookout)
when I wantto stick in the beagle.

Reka sleeps under the bed at night or in the bathtub at night
if it's really hot. She sleeps in the bathtub by day when not
watching from the penthouse suite.

Tuck is not crated at night, and has chosen to sleep in
the closet. The beagle holds down the couch, night and day.



And THEN, through the MAGICK of INSANITY, SELF
CASE HISTORY indellibly archived in The Sincerely
Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply Amazing Grand Puppy,
Child, Pussy, Birdy And Horsey Wizard's 100% CONSISTENTLY NEARLY
Dog, Child, Pussy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey
Training Method Manual Forums And Human And Animal Behavior
Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory Archives, diddler wrote:

Date: December 29, 2006 5:47 AM

Subject: Re: Dog chewing up floors

in thread
Paula <mmmtobler...@earthlink.ent> whittled the following

> I, for one, am glad that the Puppy Wizard comes across
> as a complete loon given what his advice is since it
> makes it less likely that people will take it instead
> of the advice of someone else I think gives better advice.

For the record, The Puppy wizard over-rates himself. But
"his" (tm) methods are pretty much tried and true methods
that trainers have used and some still use today.

There are better methods out there now. But the ones posted
in his manual (now that he has removed the advice to SPIKE
a dog's temperature to dangerous levels) are sound. they work..
no matter what we think of the puppy-wizard and his packaging...
"his methods" <cough> are just as valid as anyone else's

"His methods" can stand some updating, and he definitely
needs to look at some repackaging.

Hopefully others add a slicker delivery to grab attention,
but truthfully, when you look at the cat fights that go on
here, and stand back and watch in perspective, it's rather
hard to determine the sane ones from the lunatics.

In fact, an awful lot of people here come off looking
rather tainted. A person needs to have a good filtering
device to sort out the noise.

TPW just has a problem that's too painfully obvious.


You mean, LIKE THIS?:

HOWEDY diddler you pathetic miserable stinkin lyin animal
murderin punk thug coward active acute chronic life long incurable
malignant mental case and backyard PUPPY MILLER / professional
dog trainin FRAUD an SCAM ARTIST,

"diddy" <none> wrote in message
> ceb <> spoke these words of wisdom in
> news:Xns99D59F74643E5...@
>> IIRC, we used a version of this method in obedience class for Zoe and
>> Queenie. It was usually a long leash, and it helped to enforce the come,
>> mainly by getting their attention. Of course, after they did come, we
>> gave them a treat and praised them to the skies.
>> The dogs had already learned sit and stay, but sometimes
>> their eyes would drift and it could be hard to get their attention.
>> Eventually we learned to have them come without the leash, but
>> almost everything was done on- leash to start with.

> ceb, We teach the recall on a long lead in obedience classes also.

That so, diddler?

> We had a dog leave the building once, and for
> liability reasons, we use a long line..

Oh? What happened? Did your idiot imbecile son leave the
door open like HOWE he done your front gate an let your
dogs escape an get whacked by a car AGAIN?:

"I was in that position once when Becky was hit
by a car when my son left the yard gate open."

> In fact, I belong to 3 obedience dog clubs,
> and all three teach the recall on a long line.

That so, diddler?

> And if I had a dog that didn't come, I would be
> teaching my dog that way at home too.

That so, diddler?

> I've never needed to,

Oh, you mean on accHOWENTA you just SHOCK your
dog when IT blows you off, ain't that correct, diddler?


"When Tuck was a little guy, all of a sudden he started blowing
me off on recall. Yes, Yes i did, put him on a remote collar. It
took one time (he hadn't established a pattern yet) and it fixed
the problem. When I call, he doesn't even think about it. he turns
and is on the run.

I think a dog should have a sound recall base before doing the
remote trainer. As he ran the other direction, I upped the stim
a level, it took twice in one training session and NOT coming
has never been a thought since."


"And if I had a dog that didn't come, I would
be teaching my dog that way at home too. I've
never needed to,"

That so, diddler?

> but since the OP is having issues, your advice is spot on.

Oh, you mean, LIKE THIS, diddler?:

And THEN, through the MAGICK of INSANITY,
own POSTED CASE HISTORY indellibly archived
in The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
Amazing Grand Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy And Horsey


SUCCESSFUL FREE WWW Wits' End Dog, Child, Pussy,
Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Training
Method Manual Forums And Human And Animal Behavior
Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory Archives, diddler the
shit stain smeared on the walls:

diddler the shit stain scrawled on the walls
with her finger dipped in bloody poop:

"I would not allow that behavior AT ALL. Inconsistancies
are going to come back and bite you. I don't understand
how, you as a trainer, don't comprehend this.

Having a 100% reliable dog does not
EVER allow for mitigated circumstances.

A well-trained dog is a lifestyle.

You teach a dog to LEAVE it. A dog should be
taught to obey. I can call any of my dogs off
in full chase and ask them to drop anything
they are doing, and they will.

I think that should be expected of any breed, and
those who do not teach "leave it" fundementals
atre missing the boat"

"Cappy the beagle killed one of my ducklings today.
Tuck grabbed a leg, and swallowed a leg and thigh
before I could get him.

a month ago, he almost died from swallowing a
chicken wing. Now I'm sweating all over again.

I think he's never going to be allowed out ever
again without a muzzle! (he seems alright thus far.

Re: Tuck's SAR experience

"diddy" <> wrote in message

I just came in from putting chickens to bed, and Tuck
had my computer keyboard on the floor, and there are
now two keys missing.

Ornery git


Re: Just scheduled blood test--Zipper too

"diddy" <> wrote in message

> in thread "MauiJNP"
> <> whittled the following words:
> in thread "MauiJNP"

<> whittled the following words:

> Seems to me, that should be a standard question for
> any pet having any problems at this time.

I took Tuck in last Wednesday to the vets because two weeks
before, he had chewed some old treated lumber. Knowing that
treated lumber used to be treated with Arsenic, and he ate a
substantial amount, I took him into the emergency clinic and
they treated him for arsenic poisoning.

A week later, he still had a raw stomach, esophagus and stomach
(revealed by endoscopy). He was treated with buffers, and antibiotics
to prevent infection of the inflamed tissues. Wednesday, still not
right, but improving, I took him back in for a recheck.

The first thing the vet did, was ask what foods I was feeding.
Which I understood why, but felt considering his current history,
was rather a unnecessary question. I felt we pretty much knew
what was going on with him.

Since he was greatly improved, we decided not to do another
endoscopy and just watch him. He's 100% back to normal.
Hope Cali is too.


"diddy" <> wrote in message

My dogs aren't into beer that much.
But they sure love Horse poop!

"diddy" <> wrote in message

I've scorned your counter surfing dog all these years. I just
discovered this morning,I had one also. I was slicing Beef
tongue (remember the tongue table re: tribute to Cate's
mom?) and I left it on the counter,while I went to read email.

I suddenly saw movement in the kitchen and there was
Tuck scarfing down 7 pounds of sliced tongue. Oh my
goodness gracious, where did he put all of that?

ANYWAY... I owe you an apology.

humiliated in Ohio


"diddy" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 09:06:26 -0500, diddy <> wrote:

my new puppy, Tuck, grabbed a raw chicken wing and
wolfed it down on sunday. He's been in the hospital daily,
admitted sometimes, and home montored others.He's been
supported supported daily by fluids, hoping he would pass
it, but he's destabilizing fast, and has just gone into surgery
to have it removed from his stomach, and his intestines have
intuscepted from being empty for so long, and they need
surgery also.

Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: diddy <d...@whoops.I.said.WHAT?>
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 12:51:33 -0500

Subject: Re: Disaster plans for dog owners

We left Reka outside, Mr beeegs crated, Taya in the
house.. because Reka plays when Taya doesn't want
to, and Danny came with me. I forgot Taya counter
surf'd. I had 3 sticks of summer sausage sitting on the
table that I was going to give away.

When I came home, all three sticks were gone, with
only the paper skins left that I'd wrapped them with.
Taya had eaten over 5 POUNDS of summer sausage!
I just had to laugh, because otherwise, I'd have cried.



"diddy" <> wrote in message

> in thread Janet B
> <> whittled the following words:

> Curious how many choose to crate a dog forever,
> whenever they leave the house and/or overnight,
> or how many choose to wean from household
> crate usage (usage being shutting the dog in the
> crate, not the dog choosing to hang out there) at
> some specific ages or maturity levels.

> Not for how long during a workday, but how
> long for a dog's lifespan?

I plan on crating Tuck whenever NOT supervised
(which isn't often.. he usually is with me) Until the
day that he quits tearing apart everything in sight
when I leave the room.

A dog proof room doesn't work.

He's figured out door knobs. He's figured out cupboards,
and he loves to tug open dresser drawers. He's not
interested in anything left out in the open.

He's into treasure hunting, figuring anything worth
secreting away is worth his effort discovering. He's
discovered the sock stash is in drawers.

Trash cans? --not interested.
Counter tops? --not interested
Counter tops -with food? --not interested
Dog food sitting on the floorin open bags? --not interested

razor blades from bathroom drawers? ... Very cool stuff!

Mom really gets bent too!

nope.. His crate is going to be occupied for
some time to come.

As for the beagle.. She's never been trustworthy.

She's getting senile and never will be trustworthy,
so a crate is in her future until she crosses the bridge.

Reka, no crate at no time, She lost her crate when she was
5 months old. Both Tuck, and reka hangout in crates by choice.

Reka dens in the bathtub usually. (kind of a crate) But she
likes the beagles vantage point, because the beagles crate
is on top of Tuck's. Right next to the window so she can see
out. Tuck prefers the compartment with a view as well.

I always have to vacate him (even though the crate on top is
too small for both elkhounds, it's their preferred lookout)
when I wantto stick in the beagle.

Reka sleeps under the bed at night or in the bathtub at night
if it's really hot. She sleeps in the bathtub by day when not
watching from the penthouse suite.

Tuck is not crated at night, and has chosen to sleep in
the closet. The beagle holds down the couch, night and day.


TAYA (with heelp from TOBY) did with the Vet's
OFFICE KITTEN after they got home from RUNNING

DIDDY ON CATS (shoot, don't trap)

From: diddy
Subject: Re: What would you do in this situation?
Date: 2002-05-31 14:49:22 PST

Actually, I borrowed the vets office kitten once for a
couple days for school education on pet care and safe
handling as well as responsible pet ownership.

I kept the kitten over night in a crate within a crate
and yet my dog (yes, Angelic Danny, as well as Taya
and Toby tore that kittne to threads from between the
crate bars. (apparently he stuck his paws through the
crate to bat at the dogs. I was out doing yard work
and rushed in to find the little kittens pieces and
parts being torn through by ALL the dogs.

I called my girl friend to come get my dogs. I screamed
displeasure, and stalked out with the kitten. Danny, et
al spent 3 days in a kennel until I finally felt like I
could interact with them without doing bodily harm. All
three dogs were never touched, but knew they had done
something so unspeakable that I wouldn't associate with
them and they got banished.

To this day, Taya (mom and Dad's dog) and Danny
will not look at a cat. When confronted with one,
Danny wees himself and cowers hiding behind me
for help.

I'm not saying this would work this way with all dogs,
But mom and dad now have a house cat, and she has
never been harmed by any of the dogs. Danny is there
all the time, unsupervised, and has no interest in harming the cat.



Re: Just scheduled blood test--Zipper too
"diddy" <> wrote in message

I took Tuck in last Wednesday to the vets because

two weeks before, he had chewed some old treated
lumber. Knowing that treated lumber used to be
treated with Arsenic, and he ate a substantial amount,
I took him into the emergency clinic and they treated
him for arsenic poisoning.

A week later, he still had a raw stomach, esophagus
and stomach (revealed by endoscopy). He was treated
with buffers, and antibiotics to prevent infection of the
inflamed tissues. Wednesday, still not right, but
improving, I took him back in for a recheck.

The first thing the vet did, was ask what foods I was feeding.
Which I understood why, but felt considering his current history,
was rather a unnecessary question. I felt we pretty much knew
what was going on with him.

Since he was greatly improved, we decided not to do
another endoscopy and just watch him. He's 100%
back to normal. Hope Cali is too.



diddler the shit stain scrawled on the walls
with her finger dipped in bloody poop:

"I would not allow that behavior AT ALL. Inconsistancies
are going to come back and bite you. I don't understand
how, you as a trainer, don't comprehend this.

Having a 100% reliable dog does not
EVER allow for mitigated circumstances.

A well-trained dog is a lifestyle.

You teach a dog to LEAVE it. A dog should be
taught to obey. I can call any of my dogs off
in full chase and ask them to drop anything
they are doing, and they will.

I think that should be expected of any breed,
and those who do not teach "leave it" fundementals
atre missing the boat"

Here's diddler TRAININ her neighbor's dog
to stay HOWETA her garbage:

"My Husband Shot A Dog That Had Been Tearing
Up Trash Up And Down Our Road For Years Making
An Unbelievable Mess. When We Finally Killed The
Culprit, The Whole Road Cheered," diddler.

From: diddy (
Subject: Re: Dog Shot, Neighbor Charged, Anchorage AK
Date: 2002-11-08 07:00:27 PST

I guess if I felt Danny was threatened, it's the way
I would react. There would be none left standing
to deal with the threat just in case.

If someone hurt him, I would not let borders or
continents stop me from pursuing justice.

Then again, I always feed Danny INSIDE. If
someone is feeding his dog outside, his own
dog might not mean THAT much to him.

If he was feeding his dog outside though, many
dogs are food aggressive, and that could most
certainly spark a dog aggression thing.

(and if the dog was penned quietly outside, what
was it doing in his yard?)

I shot a neighbors dog one night for chasing my
horses and called him to help me find it. I would
do the same for threatening my dog.

My husband shot a dog that had been tearing up
trash up and down our road for years making an
unbelievable mess.

When we finally killed the culprit, the whole road
cheered. Animal control had never been able in
years to catch this critter. (we think it was feral it
was certainly unkempt enough to have been....
and it had been shot at by MANY of the neighbors,
but it never frightened it off enough to keep it from
NOT tearing up the road the next trash day)

From: diddy <>
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2002 11:27:11 -0500
Subject: Re: Dog Shot, Neighbor Charged, Anchorage AK

Cate wrote:

> "Jeff Harper" <> wrote in message
> news:aqgn8c$9ss69$

> > | My husband shot a dog that had been tearing up
> > | trash up and down our road for years making an
> > | unbelievable mess. When we finally killed the
> > | culprit, the whole road cheered. Animal control
> > | had never been able in years to catch this critter.
> > | (we think it was feral it was certainly unkempt
> > | enough to have been....and it had been shot at by
> > | MANY of the neighbors, but it never frightened
> > | it off enough to keep it from NOT tearing up the
> > | road the next trash day)

> > Y'all take killing dogs pretty lightly. I'd have tolerated
> > the trash problem before I would have killed the dog.

> No kidding.

> > But putting up with it wouldn't have been necessary.
> > The trash could have been better secured and the
> > problem would have been resolved.

> Yep. Where's the condemnation of the people not
> securing their trash. Especially since, IIRC, this is
> the country we're talking about.
> Cate

They were in the standard Rumpke plastic
waste containers they MUST be in.

If you are upset I advise you to keep your dogs at home.

As i repeated before, the time Danny and Taya got loose,
for all the dangers they faced out there, cars, disease,
coyotes, etc, the most immediate danger they were in,
was being shot.

This is why I immediately started canvassing the area
with full color door to door handouts emblazoned with
REWARD. DO NOT SHOOT these dogs across the top.

I knew every second they were loose, they were in grave
danger of being shot. At that time, Our dog pound was
on 20/20 for being one of the worst in the country (it's
not now, it's a modern model facility) i WANTED my
dogs there.

It meant they weren't out there being shot.

They would throw dogs in pens of 10-20 dogs, In spite
of the dirt and filth, if they got there, I had a chance of

Roaming in this area is a very bad thing,
and people WILL shoot dogs.

Happens all the time.

If you like your dog, you keep it home.

A persons personal animals are more valueable to
them than your animal you don't think enough of to
keep at home.



From: diddy <>
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 07:30:27 -0500
Local: Wed, Mar 6 2002 8:30 am
Subject: Re: teaching dogs "jobs"

(They were taught NEVER EVER to step on a road.... No foot EVER
touches the road!) Danny lost a tracking test once, because the
test crossed a seldom used gravel road. When he reached the road,
a car just happened to go by. He refused to cross the road, and
when I took him by the collar and nudged him, I was Disqualified
for aiding the dog. Danny simply will NOT cross a road.. when he
was intact, not EVEN for a bitch in season.

Now you have a dog that...


Whoops, Danny And Taya run away from
unsecured yard and imbecile owner BUT

Will they survive life out in the wilderness
out amongst diddler's coyote traps?

Will they get mistaken for coyotes and sold
to the highest bidder at the fur auction?

Or will they live again to do a help dummy diddy
do a demonstration on safe and responsible pet
ownership in the kitchen with the vet's office kitten?

Stay tuned, fans...

From: Kathy Levee (
> Subject: Off Topic --MISSING DOGS
> Date: 1999/04/14
> I realize this has absolutely nothing to do with
> Disney. Parks, but since those of us on this
> newsgroup are from all over the country, I thought
> you would understand this one time intrusion. We
> are desperate to find these dogs....Please, if you
> have any information, contact the e-mail address
> at the bottom of the note. Thank you for your
> understanding.........
> Karyl Parks' (aka diddler) dog Danny - Ch. Alpha's
> Decorum (I think that is his correct registered name)
> is missing . For those that have never met Danny -
> he is very special. Both trained for Search and
> Rescue

You'd think her SAR dog could find his own way
back to his own HOWES, provided they ain't gotta
CROSS A ROAD gettin back???

> as well as service dog trained, CDX, etc.

But IT can't find ITS way back to his own HOWES?

> He does all the things that service dogs do

Like run HOWET on his people and not return?

> from opening doors, turning on lights, getting
> clothes and shoes.

You FORGOT MURDERIN the vet's office kitty kat
and escaping and destructively chewing a rug and
gettin locked in a box in an HOWEtbuilding to muffle
his CRYING till he was SHITTIN BLOOD and went in
for intestinal obstruction.

> He is a marvel.

Naaah. You want a MARVEL? **MARVEL** at
that STUPID KAT that PAINICKED when diddler
snared IT in her leg hold STRANGLE / CHOKE
choke trap. She'd have BLUDGEONED IT had IT
not been wearin a collar. Perhaps she was lookin
for a REWARD, bein a SUBSISTANCE hunter
and all.

You call tying the dog to a wall training, diddler, like
HOWE you trained your fence to train your dog?

diddy wrote:

"I admit our system fails occasionally"

> We have a beagle. Before we got our last one, we
> knew what to expect and spent a year re-enforcing
> the fence.

"I admit our system fails occasionally"

> What we did.

"I admit our system fails occasionally"

> Double fencing, hardware cloth lined on the inside.
> Wood ties under gates. A chicken wire apron extending
> out into the yard 12 inches. (hog ringed to the upright
> fencing). We chose chicken wire because it was flexible
> and ground conforming. grass grows right over it, making
> it invisible and easy to mow over. It's tacked down by tent
> stakes every 10 inches. (this is our most considerable
> investment)

"I admit our system fails occasionally"

> The problems with it is that it eventually disintegrates,
> rusts, pulls apart and need repair a lot. We placed tile
> blocks over the top, because the tent stakes stick up,
> and sometimes get hit by the lawnmower.

"I admit our system fails occasionally"

> Overall, it's a pretty decent system and works
> MOST of the time.

"I admit our system fails occasionally"

> The beagle is persistent, and tends to work the inner
> fencing, that's flimsy down, or tear it, making exit holes.
> We recently cut down a couple yard trees that broke down
> sections of the fence and they need re-enforcement.

"I admit our system fails occasionally"

> When the weather breaks, a whole new fence
> is in order, but the system works MOST of the time.

"I admit our system fails occasionally"

> We did install an underground perimeter E-fence
> at the fence line, and found a single strand 12 inch
> high electric cattle fence around the perimeter was
> just as effective, cheaper, less bothersome (no need
> to wear heavy e-collars.. especially that mess up coats),
> but both needed occassional maintenence.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> What we did.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> I admit our system fails occassionally, especially
> when snow drifts are over the top of the fences
> and erase any identifiable fenceline.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> We installed (BEFORE getting the beagle) a 100
> foot trolly line that crosses the yard.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> This is a safe, effective restraint system that has
> always worked when immediate repairs or extra
> security is desired.
> If I go away and leave the beagle outside. He goes
> to the trolly line, whether the containment system
> is currently working or not.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> It's great for emergency situations, and the $17
> last resort system gets used for the beagle far
> more than I ever expected. It still allows reasonable
> exercise range of area and mobility. The elkhounds
> and the beagle still play avidly, and it's the cheapest
> piece of mind security ever.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> A trolly tether system is the best for temporary
> containment while discovering where the leak
> is. In the snow, it's easy to discover the
> leak. In the summer, it's more difficult.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> I do not like, or use our current underground collar system

"I admit our system fails occassionally"


> Because she's IMPORTANT to me.I'm proud of her. She
> wasn't competing in anything. But she's an integral part
> of my life, and It never occurred to me NOT to take her.


> No one Inquired about her titles, or lack of.

Hey diddler? Remember when you went over to timmy
aka buzzsaw's and jerked an choked an shocked his
dog till IT couldn't be jerked an choked an shocked
nodoGdameneD more and STILL COULDN'T TRAIN
him not to chase squirrels?

> They remarked that she was a very well behaved,
> well adjusted, nice dog. And that she is. It doesn't
> take a title to prove that. And She's beautiful....
> She's the prettiest Dog I've ever had. She has
> no championship, Nor does she need one to
> acknowledge her beauty. She's Comfort food.

Yeah. And you're INSANE. AND a LIAR.

Here's diddler's SUCCESS trainin her own dog not to
bark whine an cry all night:

diddy (
Subject: Oh My God
Date: 2002-01-16 13:39:59 PST

Two nights ago, Reka started acting frantic about 11pm.
I let her out. It's coyote breeding season, and she is
fascinated by them. I assumed she wanted to go out and
listen to them howling. I brought her in, and she spent
the night franticly and desperately demanding to go out.

After about 4am, I finally put her in the barn, locked
securely in a horse stall for the night.

She came in by morning, and had a normal active, playful
day. Last night, at 11pm, She franticly DEMANDED to go
out. I let her out, and brought her in. At midnight, she
DEMANDED to be let out. I let her out, but I went out
to the barn and got a crate, and decided she could
spend the rest of the night in the crate. We were NOT
going to do a repeat of the previous night AGAIN.

At 3am, she whined so loudly, I then decided not to
allow her to set a precedence of this type of behavior.
So I took her crate out to the heated gun shop and
decided to let her act out her bad behavior in peace,
and send a message that her obnoxious behavior
was not going to be tolerated.

This morning at 6am, I went out, and she had vomited
(normal looking dog food) and defecated in her crate
(not normal for Reka, but then, She normally didn't
sleep in a crate, NEVER gets corrected (she never does
anything to GET corrected for) and was probably nerves
from the outside experience, plus reprimand and solitary

I let her in the house while I cleaned the cage. Hoping
I had made my point. She acted healthy and normal, and
playful and chipper. But then I noticed a spot of blood on
the bathroom linoleum and in the bathtub. I was the last to
take a bath, so I knew REKA was the last in the tub.

That blood didnt come from me, so it HAD to come from
Reka. Thinking about her nearing the end of her heat cycle,
I still didnt think a lot about it. I thought her obnoxious
behavior the past couple nights WAS her heat cycle..
and corresponding coyote breeding season.

Then while feeding her breakfast, I saw the whole story.
She had blood (fresh) streaming from her RECTUM. UhOh.

I had her at the vets office this morning before he
opened. He just said her intestines were all bunched
up with huge air pockets.

Was there any chance that she ate strings of carpets? I
said, last Thursday we took a plastic tarp out of the yard
that we had over the grill to protect it from the weather
because she was chewing it. That would explain

The strings are binding and bunching up her intestines,
cutting her internally and tying her intestines in knots as
it works its way through.

Reka is in a very critical situation. She is going to
require extensive and expensive surgery that I cant
afford. I will manage.

Even with the surgery, her condition will be critical
for awhile. Scary thoughts. I would never have
treated her the way I did last night, if I had even a
clue that she was sick. I feel so badly.


Here's diddler hurting and murderin
innocent critters for FUN and PROFIT:

> From: diddy ( Subject: Re:
> cats : Crating/Caging: What constitutes abuse? Date:
> 2002-08-23 09:18:08 PST

> Regarding this cat in the snare. It went nuts. It
> leaped, and tangled itself, and most certainly
> strangulated it's intestines. It had the snare
> pulled tight down to the diameter of a dime (just
> large enough to encircle the spine) around the waist
> area. This cats snarled, and attacked. Trying to
> extricate this cat was exceedingly difficult, not to
> mention dangerous. Because I feared damage to the
> intestines and death of the gut, I imagined
> this cat was not likely to survive.
> It would have been much simpler to dispatch the
> unfortunate cat and take out the dead body. Instead,
> this cat wore a collar. it deserved a chance, and
> the owner deserved closure. (no id on the collar) .
> It escaped, just as I released it and it couldn't be
> taken to the vet for examination. I will probably
> never know if this particular cat survives the
> experience or not.
> People in the area were aware that trapping was
> being done and apparently still let their cats run
> free, both endangered by the traps and by the
> coyotes being targeted that are causing a problem
> with their cat population.
> Had that cat not been wearing a collar, I would not
> have tried to release this hostile cat. Releasing it
> may not have been a kindness, but then... cats
> weren't supposed to be attracted to this type of
> trap, in this position, and then they weren't
> supposed to go ape, to get themselves in this
> situation. If you like your pet, you keep them home.
> --------------------------------

Date: December 29, 2006 5:47 AM

Subject: Re: Dog chewing up floors

in thread
Paula <mmmtobler...@earthlink.ent> whittled the following

> I, for one, am glad that the Puppy Wizard comes across
> as a complete loon given what his advice is since it
> makes it less likely that people will take it instead
> of the advice of someone else I think gives better advice.

For the record, The Puppy wizard over-rates himself. But
"his" (tm) methods are pretty much tried and true methods
that trainers have used and some still use today.

There are better methods out there now. But the ones posted
in his manual (now that he has removed the advice to SPIKE
a dog's temperature to dangerous levels) are sound. they work..
no matter what we think of the puppy-wizard and his packaging...
"his methods" <cough> are just as valid as anyone else's

"His methods" can stand some updating, and he definitely
needs to look at some repackaging.

Hopefully others add a slicker delivery to grab attention,
but truthfully, when you look at the cat fights that go on
here, and stand back and watch in perspective, it's rather
hard to determine the sane ones from the lunatics.

In fact, an awful lot of people here come off looking
rather tainted. A person needs to have a good filtering
device to sort out the noise.

TPW just has a problem that's too painfully obvious.



diddler the shit stain scrawled on the walls
with her finger dipped in bloody poop:

From: diddy <>

Subject: Separation Anxiety

All this talk of SA. Thios goes way off topic, but it's
SA to the extreme.. but goes both ways. I know Danny has
Separation anxiety. He doesn't do physical damage, he
internalizes it.

Which I wish he wouldn't.

The vets all try to "fix" it and consider it a real problem.

I don't see it that way. I feel physically ill without him.
So it's mutual. I have made sure Reka does not EVER get that
attached. I do not want "our" mutual separation anxiety fixed.

I just take Danny me everywhere, and am honored by his company.

I resent the vets that they consider this a "problem". In fact,
I stole him out of a specialists care that thought the SA should
be fixed right then and there. They kept me out in the waiting
room for five days and nights, while my dog was on the other
side of the door.

He escaped, knowing I would be there for him. He opened, what
they considered inescapable cages, under 24 hour observation.
It takes 2 hands to operate the latch, and apparently he used
a paw and a tongue to break free dragging his intubations and
iv's with him as he burst into the waiting room to be with me.

I burst into tears and was so happy to see him.

The doctors couldn't throw me out of there, because it was
a 24 hour clinic. But they decided his SA was inconducive
to his health. They were going to fix it right then and there.

They ordered that I was NOT to see my dog.

I was deeply resentful of this, and the next time Danny
escaped (and he did) I grabbed him and ran from the clinic.
I called my vet on the 2 hour trip home, and told him I was
on my way home with my dog, and he needed supportive care.

My vet allowed me to stay with my dog.

He had excellent care. Top Notch. But I don't understand why
vets seem to think THEY own the dog while in their care. I
was paying for this.

I don't and never understood how a vet seemed to think they
have the right to keep you from your pet. I would never take
my dog back there. Apparently since he had been passed from
specialist to specialist, this was the only place that could
perform the surgery he needed. But they were totally insensitive
to the emotional needs of both dog and client.


diddler the shit stain scrawled on the walls
with her finger dipped in bloody poop:

I think 4 hours or so, I had put him in a supposedly
"Secure" place, while I had to leave. When I got
home, he had trashed my house. From then on,
when I left, he got put in the horse stall.

He trashed my horse stall.

He then got a new horse stall, wore a E-collar,
I electrified the perimeter of the stall and we
were finally able to contain him while we worked
on his escape problems.

Once he learned that I was more determined to
defeat him, he finally subdued. But escaping, to
him was a game.

Both of us had a throughly miserable time during
the stand off. The dog is actually now a very good
citizen. He just had to meet someone more determined,
and stubborn and willing to go the distance to do what
it took, before he would stop.

Like I said, I thought he and I were going
to grow old together.

I am not going to go into exactly where we
went before we got that accomplished.

Let's just say it was "ugly"


"diddy" <> wrote in message

I loathe that ear cropping is done. On traditionally ear-
cropped dogs, I LIKE them that way. I wouldn't have a
doberman any other way. I had two dobermans, and thought
their ear croppings brutal. i don't consider tail docking

I prefer men circumcised. I guess that's TMI. If my husband
suffered from the procedure, he's gotten over it.



> It's explained on the AKC website. And I'm very sorry to
> hear this. I too had a dog that I wanted to finish

Oh, here's one you finished alright, you finished her real
good because she made you late for work after you cut her
ears off.

Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2002 13:03:37 -0400
From: diddy <>
Organization: Ohio
Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior

> Patch wrote:
> There is a detailed explanation of the pain side of things
> in the report I mentioned to Lone. If I can get the new
> lead for my scanner [hopefully today], would you like me to
> e-mail it to you so you have the veterinary
> view of it ?

I someone crops ears, I feel it's for hygenic methods
as well as aesthetics. I'm not saying cropping is not
painful, taking two dobermans through cropping (one with
von Willebrawns.. and THAT was ugly -- and I finally put
her to sleep at one year old because I kept coming home
from work finding my house in a bloodbath every time I
came home from work, and was told I was going to get
fired for absentee if I continued to miss work in the
afternoons after coming home for lunch, and having to
run the dog to the vet.

The mental stress of dealing with such a dog was unreal,
dealing with the unknowns of what she was going to do next
(tear a nail, puncture herself, bruise herself.. the
emergencies she created for herself were unreal)She also
kept catching her dew claws on things, and I finally had
them removed.


diddler wrote:

I think paper training is ALWAYS a bad idea if you ever plan
on expecting them to potty outside. It makes the process harder.

I suggest crate training her, so she can be managed in between
potty periods. After she goes outside successfully, she can then
have supervised free time until she's due for another potty interval.

Take her out if she doesn't go, crate her, and offer her frequent
trips outside until she's successful. No bedding in the crate.

When she nips, don't play any more.I'd crate her for rough play.
I also press athumb intheir soft palate, and let them" TRY" to
spit me out. They soon enough learn that I am something they
do NOT want in their mouths


Hello diddler,

"diddy" <> wrote in message

> Matthias wrote:
> > I don't know what to do anymore.
> > Until about 7 months ago my 9 yo. mix was absolutely fine.
> > But from one day to the other she started waking me up in
> > the morning at around 4:30 to 5am by running around restlessly
> > (hardwood floor) or simply sitting as close as possible to my
> > bed and breathing heavily, almost sticking her tongue in my ear.

He should spray Binaca or citronella in ITS face or lock
his dog in a crate in an outbuilding to muffle its noise.

> > She does that for about an hour - sleep of course is impossible - just
> > to lay down eventually and her falling asleep again. At that point I am
> > sleep deprived and exhausted.

Don't put her out in the barn, that won't muffle the noise.
Put her in a secure out building in a crate and enjoy your peace.

> > I tried anything I could come up with: check the food,
> > check the water, check with the doctor if she's sick,
> > walk her more, walk her later, talk to her, pet her,
> > calm her, command her, nothing helps.

Not to worry. She'll be fine in the outbuilding if she's
locked in her crate. You'll get used to the noise.

> > I have simply no idea what's wrong with her. She does it
> > EVREY night, sometimes for 15 minutes, sometimes for two
> > hours. She never did it when she was younger, and I didn't
> > change anything in her or my life.

No problem. Just don't reward her for her bad behaviors.
Lock her in a crate outside and don't let her out if she's
making noise or you'll spoil her.

> > Please help me to get her (and me) sleeping again.

Just lock her outside in a box and enjoy your beauty rest.

> > Wonko

> Any marked behaviour change, to me indicates
> a trip to the vet is validated.

Unless you just lock the dog in a box in an outbuilding cause
punishing and locking her in the horse stall doesn't work for
barking at nite when your dogs is busting a gut from eating
the barricade you built to protect your garbage.

> I have had dogs panting at my bedside uncharacteristicly.

Yeah. And you punish them for that. And then you locked her in
the horse barn but you could still hear her cry. So you locked
her in another outbuilding in a crate cause she was going manic
with a TWISTED GUT from compulsive destructive chewing cause you
punish choke and intimidate your dogs, diddler.

> We did diagnostics

You waited till she was shittin blood after crying
and barking for three nites in a row, diddler.

> and EVENTUALLY we DID find a physical cause.

Destructive chewing twisted her intestines, and you locked
her out cause you got tired of punishing her so you could rest.

> My one girl had addisons.

And the other had a twisted gut and was crying for three
nites straight in agony, begging you to help her, so you
removed her to an even MOORE remote location.

> My boy had pancreatitis. My puppy had eaten splinters.
> Before that, my boy had bleeding stomach ulcers

Not surprising. These are all a result of
compulsive anxiety disorder syndrome.

> Some took a great deal of testing and expense,

Yeah, took three days of tesing your dog in a box locked
in an outbuilding before the BLOOD WORK came back from
the laboratory in your bathtub. I guess your dog goes to
the bathtub to crap when you won't get outta bed to put
her out cause you'll abuse her if she has an accident,
after all, look what you do to her just for being SICK
because of garbage she's chewed because you drive her
INSANE with your choking and punishment and crating.

> and sometimes specialists to find.

So, you think it requires a scientist to diagnose intestinal
bleeding when your dog starts shtittin blood after ignoring
her crying for three nites straight?

> But in every case of one of my dogs having a changed
> behavior, I have ferretted out the source with veterinary
> help.

Because after three nites of constant agony and crying and
barking, she finally started shittin blood all over your
HOWES and that makes you upset. That's HOWE COME
she shits in the tub, cause she knows you'll abuse her if she
has an accident, diddler.

NO WONDER everyone thinks I'm a liar. NOBODY would believe this.

That's HOWE COME I quote you lying dog abusing Thugs so people
will get wise to you. UNFORTUNATELY, the quotes are so horrendous,
NOBODY believes them unless they can find the original source.

That's HOWE COME I've come in here to identify, expose,
and discredit our lying dog abusing Thugs, like you didddler.

According to our friend diddler you know the dog needs
to go out when they start shittin blood after barking
and crying for three nites straight locked in a crate
in an outbuilding to muffle her crying..

HOWE about that?


From: diddy <>
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 08:55:27 -0500
Subject: Re: thunk thunk thunk

Many of us have raised pups without a mother.

Danny's mother was sent back to the breeder that I
leased her from when he was one week old. I don't
think it hurt him any. (long horror story on that..

I leased her, and part of the lease agreement was
that the breeder was to get half the litter. I
did not think she had a suitable temperament to
breed, and thus the breeder wouldn't allow me to
return the bitch until i paid in full.

I kept her for two years arguing why she should NOT
be bred, and finally bred her just so I could send
her back.

She was a top producing bitch.. but a flakehead) But
the reason was that she never got milk. She wasn't
the the role model I wanted for the litter (She was
sound fearful).

The litter went to work with me in a backpack. They
were off the bottle and eating from a pan at 2 weeks.
They were walking at 7 days, and had their eyes open
at nine days.

The entire litter was housebroken at 6 weeks. (Danny
was carrying around his favorite ducky at his 7 days -
-reading notes off the litter development records)

The litter was raised by the Carmen Battaglia Superpuppy
protocol, It was a lot of hard work, and worth it. Keeping
the mother with the litter is recommended, and had it been
most any other Dam, I would have kept her with the litter
in spite of having no milk. I think it turned out pretty well.


Subject: Re: Dog Noses in weird places.

Tuck was in a variable surface test last may.
It was hot (relatively.. it would be a pleasant
day compared to today)

Tuck found the first shade and quit.

Thus, he failed.

I had an opportunity to allow him
to finish the track, and he did so.

The tracking committee was unaware that there was
also a Homeland security disaster preparedness drill
that day on the same site that was Tucks track, so
he had to deal with National Guard, police, fire,
and ambulance services thronging around the school.

The throngs never rattled him, but the heat did.

He tracked right through the crowds, and laid down
in every shady spot he found. One time he crawled
under a police car parked along side the road.

The track layer nodded, and said.. that's where I walked.
Except Tuck had to be encouraged to come out, because He
found relief there.

Subject: Re: untrainable beagle! NEED HELP

"diddy" <> wrote in message

> in thread news:BO2Lg.4755$ "graham
> fandango!" <> whittled the following words:
> i have a ten year old beagle who i got from the animal
> shelter 5 years ago. its pretty clear he was abused in
> some form before he ended up in the shelter; when ever
> i reach for something, like the tv remote, too quickly he
> flinches. he gets scared when i sweep the kitchen floor
> and hides under the bed.

I have one too. I don't know her past history,or her age.

I use an antibark collar on her for my sanity. She's very
quiet, until I take it off. It doesn't train her not to bark,
because she barks when the collar is off. (beagles "Do

There may not even be batteries in it, but she doesn't
bark... just in case.I'd supervise the first time you try
it, because I've heard of some dogs barking, and going
so spazzy over them that they died.

I really don't think you are going to train a dog that
age, especially a beagle, NOT to bark. I see your
options as being:

1) anti-bark collar
c)bark buster (your neighbors will
probably complain asmuch about
that as the howlng)
2) surgical debarking
3) placing the dog and accepting the consequences
4) moving



Subject: Re: While I'm Here: Pitt Bull Guarding House

in thread news:Xns9911A9780EB25s...@
Shelly <> whittled the following words:

> diddy <> wrote in
> news:Xns9911A2E...@
>> The gun shop is heated/carpeted and even has a chandelier.
>> Perhaps it's only vile because it has guns in it, right?
> Except when she was banished to the barn. But the point
> is that you made a mistake--one of biggest ones I've seen
> since I started lurking here. You assumed your dog was
> misbehaving, and you punished her for it, when the very
> first thing you should have done was to consider a medical
> cause for her change in behavior.
> Everyone makes mistakes, yet you hold other people
> to a higher standard than yourself.
> That's hypocritical.

I had no reason to believe she had a medical issue.


She behaved that way the night before in the presence of
Coyotes. She came back in the house during the day, ate,
drank, played normally. There were no signs of stress.


Then when the coyotes came out the following evening, the
whole scenario restarted. It was colder that night, so
rather put her in the horse barn where I could hear her.

I put her in the gun shop where it was warm.

I don't think that was a mistake any more than your
letting Elliot layin a pool of blood the day he died.


in thread news:Xns9911B87B34904s...@
<> whittled the following words:

> diddy <> wrote in
> news:Xns9911B70...@
>> Lynn was making predictably stupid moves well beyond the day it
>> happened. Any sentient being could see what was coming from her
>> posts. THINK: UHOH, This isn't going to be pretty. And I'm not
>> clairvoyant!
> So she's not allowed to screw up? But you are? What's obvious
> to you or to me or to the lamp post is not necessarily obvious
> to someone who is in the thick of things. Yes, I think she
> screwed up--multiple times--and that in a perfect world, it would
> have been avoidable. But she's allowed to make mistakes. If you
> don't like me bringing up the Reka incident every damned time you
> bitch about someone fucking up, then you might want to consider
> how it makes you feel, and by extension, how it makes other people
> feel when you do the same thing to them. This *should* be a
> learning experience for you.

I wouldn't have done the Reka incident any differently, UNLESS
I knew before hand that she had swallowed tarp strings. Had I
known that , she would have been to the vet long BEFORE.. in
fact, as soon as it was discovered.

You bring it up, because you think it bugs me. It does not bug
me that I'm not clairvoyant. Not a bit. In fact, if you want to
bring it up time and time again (30 times a day if you wish) I
get the chance to explain it..

and the obvious. You are nuts and have to dig to find something
to twist and turn because you just can't find a knife.


Here's diddler's SUCCESS trainin her own dog not to
bark whine an cry all night:

diddy (
Subject: Oh My God
Date: 2002-01-16 13:39:59 PST

Two nights ago, Reka started acting frantic about 11pm.
I let her out. It's coyote breeding season, and she is
fascinated by them. I assumed she wanted to go out and
listen to them howling. I brought her in, and she spent
the night franticly and desperately demanding to go out.

After about 4am, I finally put her in the barn, locked
securely in a horse stall for the night.

She came in by morning, and had a normal active, playful
day. Last night, at 11pm, She franticly DEMANDED to go
out. I let her out, and brought her in. At midnight, she
DEMANDED to be let out. I let her out, but I went out
to the barn and got a crate, and decided she could
spend the rest of the night in the crate. We were NOT
going to do a repeat of the previous night AGAIN.

At 3am, she whined so loudly, I then decided not to
allow her to set a precedence of this type of behavior.
So I took her crate out to the heated gun shop and
decided to let her act out her bad behavior in peace,
and send a message that her obnoxious behavior
was not going to be tolerated.

This morning at 6am, I went out, and she had vomited
(normal looking dog food) and defecated in her crate
(not normal for Reka, but then, She normally didn't
sleep in a crate, NEVER gets corrected (she never does
anything to GET corrected for) and was probably nerves
from the outside experience, plus reprimand and solitary

I let her in the house while I cleaned the cage. Hoping
I had made my point. She acted healthy and normal, and
playful and chipper. But then I noticed a spot of blood on
the bathroom linoleum and in the bathtub. I was the last to
take a bath, so I knew REKA was the last in the tub.

That blood didnt come from me, so it HAD to come from
Reka. Thinking about her nearing the end of her heat cycle,
I still didnt think a lot about it. I thought her obnoxious
behavior the past couple nights WAS her heat cycle..
and corresponding coyote breeding season.

Then while feeding her breakfast, I saw the whole story.
She had blood (fresh) streaming from her RECTUM. UhOh.

I had her at the vets office this morning before he
opened. He just said her intestines were all bunched
up with huge air pockets.

Was there any chance that she ate strings of carpets? I
said, last Thursday we took a plastic tarp out of the yard
that we had over the grill to protect it from the weather
because she was chewing it. That would explain EVERYTHING.

The strings are binding and bunching up her intestines,
cutting her internally and tying her intestines in knots as
it works its way through.

Reka is in a very critical situation. She is going to
require extensive and expensive surgery that I cant
afford. I will manage.

Even with the surgery, her condition will be critical
for awhile. Scary thoughts. I would never have
treated her the way I did last night, if I had even a
clue that she was sick. I feel so badly.



in thread news:Xns9911BCAD793EEs...@
<> whittled the following words:

> diddy <> wrote in
> news:Xns9911BA2...@
>> I wouldn't have done the Reka incident any differently,
>> UNLESS I knew before hand that she had swallowed tarp strings.
> So the difference between you and Lynn is that Lynn
> actually learns from her mistakes. Interesting!>

There you go with twisted logic. How did I know
she was in distress and not coyote howling?

you are one twisted sister.

And anyone who agrees with your take on this are
doing so in support of the cabal. You are reaching.


NOT AT ALL. You'd KNOW if your dog was "coyote
HOWEling" Vs bein DEATHLY ILL in accHOWENTA coyote
HOWEling is a BEHAVIOR PROBLEM and therefore CAN BE
behavior problem, unless of curse, you're a IMBECILE <{}: ~ ) >

Here's more:

Tuck is and has been fighting Pano and HOD since
5 days AFTER his distemper shot. (I had it done at
humane society vaccine clinic) My vet recommends the
distemper shot being given separately. yes,it takes
another trip to the vet.

The distemper shot is well known forcausing vaccine
reactions and even auto-immune response. (well thats
what vaccines kickin the auto-immune system)

But over loading an immune system can cause unwanted
reactions. In Tuck,it took the form of HOD/PANO.

There has to be some genetic predisposition to auto-immune
response as well. Tuck's Daddy had bad food allergies. (an
auto-immune response) and that should have alerted me toa

But I didn't realize the distemper shot would set off a
change of reactions that will last for one to two years.

My vet says, NEXT year, to be sure to re-vaccinate him with
the same distemper company that manufactured the distemper
shot that he recieved that caused the problem. Make sure he
recieves the distemper shot SEPARATELY from the rest.

Part of his treatment protocal is toFeed him large breed
puppy food (even though he is not a large breed dog) to
slow his growth.

So yes. in answer to your question, I have experienced a
reaction to the distemper shot. Or my dog has.. It's not
the same reaction as you are describing. But yes, I have.



Re: [ot] good thoughts please

"diddy" <> wrote in message

Robin Nuttall <> composed these
> thoughts and posted them news:y%cpg.56579$1i1.4784@attbi_s72:
> Paula wrote:
>> On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 09:06:26 -0500, diddy <>
>> wrote:
>>> my new puppy, Tuck, grabbed a raw chicken wing and
>>> wolfed it down on sunday. He's been in the hospital
>>> daily, admitted sometimes, and home montored others.
>>> He's been supported supported daily by fluids,
>>> hoping he would pass it, but he's destabilizing fast,
>>> and has just gone into surgery to have it removed from
>>> his stomach, and his intestines have intuscepted from
>>> being empty for so long, and they need surgery also.
>>> He's lost more than half his body weight in the last
>>> two days. please send a positive thought for him. I
>>> know a lot of you don't like me. but he's not
>>> responsible for his owners behavior.
>>> Of course you have all the good thoughts we can
>> muster around here.

> Do we have a report from today yet? I read
> the one where he's a bit better....

His prognosis is really poor, even though his vital signs
are still good. he can walk to go out to potty, but he's
so painful he didn't want to.

he's miserable but drugged to the gills. He met me with
a meekly wagging tail. his face is swollen and his legs
are swollen, because he does not have the body protein
to assimilate the fluids.

When they did the surgery, his intestines were all stuck
together in one big adhesion. His intestines were even
stuck to his bladder, and they pulled them all apart, but
they wanted to glue themselves back almost immediately.

if they do that, he will die.

And this is what they were trying to do during the
surgery. I asked him if this is the case, why didn't
we just put him down?

I don't want him hurting like this, if he's not going
to survive it anyway. He said "no, beca...." and I
didn't hear the rest, the room got all green and hazy
and I had to sit down on the floor before I passed out.

So I really don't know why we are fighting to save him
if his prognosis is so poor. I told the vet to stop

He has peritonitis , no penetrations were evident from
the chicken bones, but we are assuming it was related
to the chicken wings. But he is also showing bone
anomalies similar to those dogs with a viral infection.

Viral infections can also cause abdominal adhesions.
so there were biopsies sent off for culture and testing.

He's also a low birthweight puppy, and my vet has suspected
there was a viral infection going on since birth, even
before he was born, because of lack of bone development
on the xrays.

when he looked at the prenatal xrays, he felt this litter
was in trouble. when they were low birthweight, he has
been working on that hunch, and he's been treating this
pup from the beginning as a suspect viral issue with an
immune mediated response.

his breeder calls my vet an idiot.

The massive adhesions he found also increased his suspicions
that this was not just the chicken bones but an ongoing problem.
he wanted to do the biopsy and i told him NO. (he tends to test
and test as if my dogs were lab rats) I need this dog fixed, and
regardless of the cause, the treatment is the same.

he says he needs to know and is paying for the test himself.
he says this information may be critical to his sister (who
is not exhibiting any problems btw) so he can suspect whatever
he wants, but i think he's looking for zebras, when he's
actually looking at a horse.

The lab work he is doing will confirm his hunch. it's his dime.
If he's right, Della (his sister) will also need to know.

if he's wrong, it hasn't hurt anything, and it didn't cost
me a dime. If he had a small pinhole leak from the bones,
it could also have set up the massive peritonitis.

Frankly, he ate the chicken wing, and was sick the next day.

Sometimes a horse is just a horse.

He started telling me how they handled the adhesion binding
and why he shouldn't be given up on, and why he thought he
had a chance, but I honestly didn't hear it, and asked him
to stop talking, because the fear of losing my little guy
was just so overwhelming, that I couldn't take any more.

the room was spinning, I was about to wretch and pass out.

I never heard what he had done to prevent that. He was about
to give me the good news, but I never heard it. The bad news
was so bad, I just wasn't in condition to assimilate any more.

This little guy was very similar to his Dad. They even keep
calling him Danny in the clinic, because he looks just like

He's been a remarkable puppy, and shows endless talent.

We tried out for Ohio Task force one a couple weeks ago, and
he was the youngest one there by eight months! And he did the
best job of anyone. I was soooooo proud of him. I was very
proud of his performance. he's been a delight to train with
no apparent fears, tons of courage, biddability, and desire
to please.

I decided not to follow that route because orientation tapes
renewed old memories that reminded me even if I could (which
I had doubts) do the work, I was not willing to put my dog at
risk to the hazards that Task force One dogs are subject to.

He takes his tasks willingly and seriously .. he's a lot like
his dad. He's a very talented tracking dog, a wonderful gentleman,
consummate clown, noble companion, loyal friend, and helpful

It's hard to believe that you can get so attached so fast.
He feels to everyone who meets him as a continuum of his father,
with the stability of his mother.

He runs out to the road, gets the newspaper and brings it
in as one of his favorite tasks. He looks for jobs he can
do, and picks up all the dog pans after eating, and hands
them to me, just like his dad did. He's constantly on the
prowl looking for something he can do where he can help.

He fills all the places that his dad used to be. No he
won't replace his dad, but he's filled the huge gaping
chasm that his dad left, and eased the hurt, and created

He also has his joyful moments. He likes to ride in the
car, and adjusts the air vents to blow in his face. He
hasn't learned to turn the cold control knobs yet, or he
would turn the car into a mobile igloo. He has learned
to operate door knobs, and nothing is out of his reach
unless crated.

Leaving the house for a few minutes and coming in to his
surprises such as finding bras dangling from ceiling fans,
and his projects strewn from one end of the house to the
other, or finding him all wrapped up in venetian blinds
as he tried to follow my progress outside, reminds me he
is NOT his dad, and is his ownunique personality.

Although I might look at his antics with discernment,
afterwards, it's good for a chuckle.

He's a puppy after all, and needs to be contained
when he's not being supervised.


Here's diddler's MOST SUCCESSFUL trainin -

Here's diddler trainin her neighbor's
dog to stay HOWETA her garbage can:

"My Husband Shot A Dog That Had Been Tearing Up Trash
Up And Down Our Road For Years Making An Unbelievable
Mess. When We Finally Killed The Culprit, The Whole
Road Cheered," diddler.

From: diddy (
Subject: Re: Dog Shot, Neighbor Charged, Anchorage AK
Date: 2002-11-08 07:00:27 PST

I guess if I felt Danny was threatened, it's the way
I would react. There would be none left standing
to deal with the threat just in case.

If someone hurt him, I would not let borders or
continents stop me from pursuing justice.

Then again, I always feed Danny INSIDE. If
someone is feeding his dog outside, his own
dog might not mean THAT much to him.

If he was feeding his dog outside though, many
dogs are food aggressive, and that could most
certainly spark a dog aggression thing.

(and if the dog was penned quietly outside, what
was it doing in his yard?)

I shot a neighbors dog one night for chasing my
horses and called him to help me find it. I would
do the same for threatening my dog.

My husband shot a dog that had been tearing up
trash up and down our road for years making an
unbelievable mess.

When we finally killed the culprit, the whole road
cheered. Animal control had never been able in
years to catch this critter. (we think it was feral it
was certainly unkempt enough to have been....
and it had been shot at by MANY of the neighbors,
but it never frightened it off enough to keep it from
NOT tearing up the road the next trash day)


"diddy" <> wrote in message

> in thread news:XxUDd.1053$
> "Sarah" <> whittled the following words:
> > Anyone have any suggestions for a golden (1yr old)
> > who won't stop retrieving my son's toys, especially
> > stuffed animals.

> I have an elkhound that does this all day long.
> I simply --take it from her, put it on my desk,
> and give her a cookie and tell her "THANK YOU"
> She never stops either ;)

IOW, you got THE SAME PROBLEM and NO METHOD, eh diddler?

> I have a 12 week old puppy, he's retrieving, tracking
> (limited), getting slippers for me, I play scent games
> with him (the old shell game, treat under cups game),
> He's learning to search for toys, and knows they are
> worth far more when redeemed to me,


"As a result, my desk top looks like a disaster area,

Duh? You need a EXXXCUSE?

"and when I can't find my monitor any more, I take a
huge sweep of the arm and knock them all on
the floor."

And do it again...

"Then she goes to work picking them all up again,
insuring that NOTHING ever touches the floor."


"I feel blessed."


"I used to have TWO compulsive retrieving elkhounds"


"working overtime!"


That's what the OP wanted to learn HOWE to do, diddler.


"Ahhhh for those days again!"

You been takin your anti psychotic medications, diddler?

"I want the original back!"

You got it, diddler.

"A full desk means I'm loved."

No, a full desk means your dogs are hyperactive
and obsessive compulsively bringin you stuff on

> than they are as treasures hidden under a bed.

OR maybe like your vet's office kitty locked in a crate?

> We spend time working on heeling, sits, downs, prolonging
> the stay, stand for exam, and walking in the woods off leash,
> introducing him to wildlife, so that he doesn't have such
> intense curiosity that he forgets to listen.

Oh! You mean like your "TRACKING" dog Danny?

You had to surgically sexually mutilate IT to stop IT
from "gettin distracted" in the field from his

> I take him out in the barnyard aand allow him to chase
> chickens, and the rabbits (on a cord) so that I can check
> him,

You mean jerk and choke IT, don't you, diddler.

> and teach him "LEAVE IT" and am able to re-enforce it.

AIN'T THERE to JERK an CHOKE them <{); ~ ) >

> He can be in full pursuit, and when I yell
> "LEAVE IT" he instantly stops chase.

But YOU CAN'T TRAIN IT NOT TO DO THAT in the first place!

> The barnyard has interesting smells and
> tastes, "leave it" becomes useful.

You mean, when you CAN'T TRAIN YOUR OWN DOG
correct, diddler?

> He has a very reliable "Leave it" and recall.

So long as you're ABLE TO HURT HIM when he don't listen.

> Becaause he does..


> at 12 weeks, he's already reliable off leash.

Yeah, THAT'S NORMAL for a PUPPY. Wait till IT
is eight months old, you'll NEVER be able to

> He's met many strange dogs, and knows to stand
> steady or come to me, if other dogs rush him.


> I'm saying this, because at 12 weeks, he's already
> grasped these skills. I've turned his desire to play
> chase me (which stealing the slippers is a form of)
> into bring to me. I've become his personal entertainment
> director.

You're a MENTAL CASE diddler.

> If a puppy of 12 weeks can grasp these things,

You mean SHOES and barnyard chickens, diddler?

> a dog that is already picking up objects, can be
> reversed in a short time to bring them to you instead.

That so? You mean by throwin a can of pennies
at IT while "wavin a stinkin dead macrel under
his nose withHOWET LETTIN HIM SEE IT", diddler?

> Your dog is obviously hungry for some sort of game
> and mental stimulation. TRAIN him, and satiate that
> desire, and redirect that intelligence to be beneficial
> and entertaining to you both (as well as useful to you).

The original poster was lookin to TRAIN HIS DOG NOT TO
STEAL SHOES, not develop a GAME to enterTRAIN hisself.

> He's asking for mental stimulation. Give it to him, on
> YOUR terms. He sounds like a dog that has a lot going
> for him, with a lot to offer.

Oh? Like that DEAD DOG you shot for eatin garbage, diddler?

From: diddy <>
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 07:30:27 -0500
Local: Wed, Mar 6 2002 8:30 am
Subject: Re: teaching dogs "jobs"

(They were taught NEVER EVER to step on a road....
No foot EVER touches the road!) Danny lost a tracking
test once, because the test crossed a seldom used
gravel road. When he reached the road, a car just
happened to go by.

He refused to cross the road, and when I took him by
the collar and nudged him, I was Disqualified for aiding
the dog. Danny simply will NOT cross a road.. when he was
intact, not EVEN for a bitch in season.

Now you have a dog that...


Whoops, Danny And Taya run away from
unsecured yard and imbecile owner BUT

Will they survive life out in the wilderness
out amongst diddler's coyote traps?

Will they get mistaken for coyotes and sold
to the highest bidder at the fur auction?

Or will they live again to do a help dummy diddy
do a demonstration on safe and responsible pet
ownership in the kitchen with the vet's office kitten?

Stay tuned, fans...

diddy wrote:

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> We have a beagle. Before we got our last one,
> we knew what to expect and spent a year re-enforcing
> the fence.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> What we did.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> Double fencing, hardware cloth lined on the inside.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> Wood ties under gates.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> A chicken wire apron extending out into the yard
> 12 inches.(hog ringed to the upright fencing).

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> We chose chicken wire because it was flexible
> and ground conforming. grass grows right over
> it, making it invisible and easy to mow over.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> It's tacked down by tent stakes every 10 inches.
> (this is our most considerable investment)

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> The problems with it is that it eventually disintegrates,
> rusts, pulls apart and need repair a lot.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> We placed tile blocks over the top, because
> the tent stakes stick up, and sometimes get
> hit by the lawnmower.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> Overall, it's a pretty decent system and works
> MOST of the time.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> The beagle is persistent, and tends to work the inner
> fencing, that's flimsy down, or tear it, making exit holes.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> We recently cut down a couple yard trees that broke
> down sections of the fence and they need re-enforcement.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> When the weather breaks, a whole new fence is
> in order, but the system works MOST of the time.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> We did install an underground perimeter E-fence
> at the fence line, and found a single strand 12 inch
> high electric cattle fence around the perimeter was
> just as effective, cheaper, less bothersome (no need
> to wear heavy e-collars.. especially that mess up coats),
> but both needed occassional maintenence.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> What we did.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> I admit our system fails occassionally, especially
> when snow drifts are over the top of the fences
> and erase any identifiable fenceline.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> We installed (BEFORE getting the beagle) a 100
> foot trolly line that crosses the yard.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> This is a safe, effective restraint system that has
> always worked when immediate repairs or extra
> security is desired.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> If I go away and leave the beagle outside. He goes
> to the trolly line, whether the containment system
> is currently working or not.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> It's great for emergency situations, and the $17 last
> resort system gets used for the beagle far more than
> I ever expected. It still allows reasonable exercise
> range of area and mobility. The elkhounds and the
> beagle still play avidly, and it's the cheapest piece of
> mind security ever.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> A trolly tether system is the best for temporary
> containment while discovering where the leak is.
> In the snow, it's easy to discover the
> leak. In the summer, it's more difficult.

"I admit our system fails occassionally"

> I do not like, or use our current underground collar system

"I admit our system fails occassionally"


TAYA (with heelp from TOBY) did with the Vet's
OFFICE KITTEN after they got home from RUNNING

DIDDY ON CATS (shoot, don't trap)

From: diddy
Subject: Re: What would you do in this situation?
Date: 2002-05-31 14:49:22 PST

Actually, I borrowed the vets office kitten once for a
couple days for school education on pet care and safe
handling as well as responsible pet ownership.

I kept the kitten over night in a crate within a crate
and yet my dog (yes, Angelic Danny, as well as Taya
and Toby tore that kittne to threads from between the
crate bars. (apparently he stuck his paws through the
crate to bat at the dogs. I was out doing yard work
and rushed in to find the little kittens pieces and
parts being torn through by ALL the dogs.

I called my girl friend to come get my dogs. I screamed
displeasure, and stalked out with the kitten. Danny, et
al spent 3 days in a kennel until I finally felt like I
could interact with them without doing bodily harm. All
three dogs were never touched, but knew they had done
something so unspeakable that I wouldn't associate with
them and they got banished.

To this day, Taya (mom and Dad's dog) and Danny
will not look at a cat. When confronted with one,
Danny wees himself and cowers hiding behind me
for help.

I'm not saying this would work this way with all dogs,
But mom and dad now have a house cat, and she has
never been harmed by any of the dogs. Danny is there
all the time, unsupervised, and has no interest in
harming the cat.


From: diddy <>
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2002 11:27:11 -0500
Subject: Re: Dog Shot, Neighbor Charged, Anchorage AK

Cate wrote:

> "Jeff Harper" <> wrote in message
> news:aqgn8c$9ss69$

> > | My husband shot a dog that had been tearing up
> > | trash up and down our road for years making an
> > | unbelievable mess. When we finally killed the
> > | culprit, the whole road cheered. Animal control
> > | had never been able in years to catch this critter.
> > | (we think it was feral it was certainly unkempt
> > | enough to have been....and it had been shot at by
> > | MANY of the neighbors, but it never frightened
> > | it off enough to keep it from NOT tearing up the
> > | road the next trash day)

> > Y'all take killing dogs pretty lightly. I'd have tolerated
> > the trash problem before I would have killed the dog.

> No kidding.

> > But putting up with it wouldn't have been necessary.
> > The trash could have been better secured and the
> > problem would have been resolved.

> Yep. Where's the condemnation of the people not
> securing their trash. Especially since, IIRC, this is
> the country we're talking about.
> Cate

They were in the standard Rumpke plastic
waste containers they MUST be in.

If you are upset I advise you to keep your dogs at home.

As i repeated before, the time Danny and Taya got loose,
for all the dangers they faced out there, cars, disease,
coyotes, etc, the most immediate danger they were in,
was being shot.

This is why I immediately started canvassing the area
with full color door to door handouts emblazoned with
REWARD. DO NOT SHOOT these dogs across the top.

I knew every second they were loose, they were in grave
danger of being shot. At that time, Our dog pound was
on 20/20 for being one of the worst in the country (it's
not now, it's a modern model facility) i WANTED my
dogs there.

It meant they weren't out there being shot.

They would throw dogs in pens of 10-20 dogs, In spite
of the dirt and filth, if they got there, I had a chance of

Roaming in this area is a very bad thing,
and people WILL shoot dogs.

Happens all the time.

If you like your dog, you keep it home.

A persons personal animals are more valueable to
them than your animal you don't think enough of to
keep at home.


I was in that position once when Becky was hit
by a car when my son left the yard gate open.

Every Rescue Elkhound that I have ever had Cruciate ligament
surgery done on had straight stifles. I've never had one that
was properly angulated tear. It would make sense that a dog
with greater angulation would put more stress on the tendons,
yet the straight angulation dogs in my experience, have been
the ones with cruciate ligament tears. When you mentioned that
was her only conformational fault.. I'm thinking..

kachink! Another one!


Cruciate ligament failure is CAUSED BY STRESS

Here's diddler hurting and murderin innocent
defenseless dumb critters for FUN and PROFIT:

From: diddy ( Subject: Re:
cats : Crating/Caging: What constitutes abuse? Date:
2002-08-23 09:18:08 PST

Regarding this cat in the snare. It went nuts. It
leaped, and tangled itself, and most certainly
strangulated it's intestines. It had the snare
pulled tight down to the diameter of a dime (just
large enough to encircle the spine) around the waist
area. This cats snarled, and attacked. Trying to
extricate this cat was exceedingly difficult, not to
mention dangerous. Because I feared damage to the
intestines and death of the gut, I imagined
this cat was not likely to survive.

It would have been much simpler to dispatch the
unfortunate cat and take out the dead body. Instead,
this cat wore a collar. it deserved a chance, and
the owner deserved closure. (no id on the collar) .

It escaped, just as I released it and it couldn't be
taken to the vet for examination. I will probably
never know if this particular cat survives the
experience or not.

People in the area were aware that trapping was
being done and apparently still let their cats run
free, both endangered by the traps and by the
coyotes being targeted that are causing a problem
with their cat population.

Had that cat not been wearing a collar, I would not
have tried to release this hostile cat. Releasing it
may not have been a kindness, but then... cats
weren't supposed to be attracted to this type of
trap, in this position, and then they weren't
supposed to go ape, to get themselves in this
situation. If you like your pet, you keep them home.


UNLESS of curse your backyard is POISONED:

Date: 2002-12-29 21:07:12 PST

HOWEDY Diddler,

"diddy" <> wrote in message

> EAINDY wrote:
> > Well, once again I caught my 4 yr old male Golden
> > Retriever - German Shepherd mix digging frantically in
> > back yard this afternoon and eating something. He is
> > completely obsessed with whatever is down there. The hole
> > is about 6" deep and only about as wide as his muzzle. I
> > see nothing when I look in hole when he is done. I live
> > in Indiana, and the ground has not frozen up for the
> > winter. My female Husky does the same thing although not
> > as frantically. I just recently spent $1000 on him in
> > emergency vet bills, xrays, 2 days in hospital, etc for
> > bloody diarreah and vomiting which happened after another
> > dig-eat episode a few weeks ago. I'm not sure the digging
> > and eating was the cause, but I suspect it. But then
> > there have been other digging episodes where he didn't get
> > sick. Almost exactly 2 yrs ago, I had a similar episode
> > with him.

> Mine do that when they are digging for Grubs (June Bugs)

Sounds like fun, diddler. Do you sell their bodies
or use them for potions?

> Degrubbing the yard with Diazinon works a treat.

They like that, do they? I'll go get some. I just LOVE
listenin to them singin their little hearts out on hot
summer days. Kind reminds Your Puppy Wizard when
he was just a Wiz kid, of the cabin in the mountains at
the sea shore we spent summers.

> My neighbors also quit having skunk/mole/dog digging
> problems when they treated their yard for grubs.

Yeah. That's what I was afraid of, diddler.

Didn't they take Diaz off the market about a year or two ago?
I don't think poisonin the yard with a dog that you KNOW eats
dirt and stuff is WISE. No wonder your neighbor quit havin
that problem. I don't think our OP wants to solve the diggin
problem by killin the dog, diddler.

Your Puppy Wizard's FREE Wits' End Dog Training Method
students cure digging in a few minutes over a couple of
days, maybe less.


HOWEDY diddler,

"diddy" <> wrote in message

> diddy wrote:
> > a precocious lurker wrote:
> > > diddy wrote:
> > > >I don't think under the circumstances described, Leah
> > > > is NOT guilty of theft. Deception, possibly.. but
> > > > that's really iffy. She has broken no laws. Her
> > > > behavior has not fullfilled an ethical or moral
> > > > standard as would be expected from a professional
> > > > trainer.

> > > And when you shot the neighbor's dog, you did so to
> > > avoid the moral dilemma which Leah is being raked over
> > > the coals for? You know, you could have took the dog in
> > > and fed him, loved him, trained him and dewormed him,
> > > like leah has done. And your horses would have been
> > > safe.

> > > But apparently, instead, you did the right thing...
> > > and shot him.

> > Fuck OFF MIKEY

> Excuse me Mikey, I just traced this.

Did you now, diddler? Kinda like huntin, ain't it?


Sorry diddler, you got me wrong, just like you did
all them kats and your dog shittin blood, diddler.
You can't shoot strangle or track straight.

HOWEDY diddler, (diddy) wrote in

> Wayne wrote:
>> Just curious if these methods are still encouraged;

koehler is recommended by our professor SCRUFF SHAKE
when the dog is too big and too dangerous to scruff shake

> > I personally could never do it.

Most of our experts are devout koehler fans.

HOWEver, they'll deny they use the painful parts. koehler
warns against that, sez that's HOWE COME people got
to kill their dogs, cause they don't follow the method
EXACTLY. Just like HOWE it sez in your FREE copy
of my FREE Wits' End Dog Training Method manual.

Only difference is, koehler sez you can't STOP hurting,
your FREE Wits' End Dog Training Method manual sez
you can't even scream NO or scruff shake your dog.

>> Wayne

>There are still some old advocates,

You mean all our expert advisors here on
our dog forums, diddler.

> mostly in the law enforcement and security dog world.

Not noMOORE, diddler.

> This method separates the squeamish and soft dogs

Is that so, diddler? What's a SOFT dog, diddler? I never
heard of a soft dog. Are you talkin soft like fat assed and
lazy, like our experts here? Or are you talkin soft like in
out of shape MENTALLY?

Or do you mean to say dogs that can't take a lot of BEATIN?

> (something that is detrimental in LE)

Is that so, diddler? You mean dogs in security and police and
military work should LIKE being BEATEN? Is that DESIRABLE?

> from those hard dogs that let anything bounce off them

Anything, diddler? You mean like BULLETS? Or do you mean

Are you talking about a dog that don't MIND being choked and
shocked and beaten and hung? Is that what you mean by hard
Vs soft dogs, diddler?

> as if it never happened.

Yeah. It never happened, diddler. NOBODY here hurts dogs.
Ask matty. Ask Binaca bethFIST. Ask janet boss. Ask Master
Of Deception blankman and melanie and leah and liea and
professor scruff shake?

> I would hope those training for pet use would not find his
> methods of the 1930's and 40's still logical.

Well, well, well, diddler. I guess you must be a newbie here.
Either that, or you're one of the LYING DOG ABUSING THUG
COWARDS we got here who hurts and kills dogs and LIES
about it, diddler? Naaah. Not YOU. You're even on our kat

> I shudder reading them,

Do you now, diddler? Some of us CRINGE.

> and thank forward moving trainers for
> moving us out of the dark ages.

Oh, indeedy, diddler. Thank you for supporting pain fear
intimidation and death.

> You would think he hates dogs.

Naah. He's a professional dog trainer, diddler. Most of our
dog lovers here swear by their koehler method for the really
tough dogs. The ones that LIKE to be beaten and HUNG.

Meanwhile, the heel with koehler diddler, we got a worse
scumbag to identify and expose. That be YOU:

From: diddy <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 14:07:51 -0500

Subject: Re: "Timmie's in the well!!"

BethF wrote:

> "diddy" <> wrote in message
> > BethF wrote:

> > > "Shelly" <> wrote in message
> > >

> > > > Since Bodhi has arrived, Coda has earned himself a new
> > > > nickname: "Fun Police".
> > > > (Regardless if it's something he would've done as a puppy or not!)

> > > LOL! Isn't that funny - kind of the opposite of Kavik.

> > Danny is a fun police also!! Miss Reka and Mr beeeeegs frustratingly
> > just ignore him. (Danny never did those things in his youth, however,
> > as he was a very serious puppy, hence, I thought he had a potential
> > temperament problem and didn't sell him)

> Temperment problems? Isn't that funny. Danny. Temperment
> problems. Its a damn good thing you didn't sell him though.

Dannys mother had temperament problems.. and I had leased her to
breed (she was a top producing kennel dog), when brought into a home
condition, she had no resiliency. She was finished as a puppy in just 5
shows, and then never left the kennel again except to whelp puppies.
I very much admired her structure/pedigree/bloodlines/health
testing/"get and their performance records"

She had just had a litter and had to be bottle raised because she had no
milk. The breeder lamented that she thought she would probably not
ever be bred again because of the milk problem. I took her home on
vacation. however i signed legal lease papers with a breeding clause.

I never intended to breed her. I thought the papers i was
signing was to prevent me from breeding her.

After keeping her for two years, the breeder told me it was time to
breed her and return half the litter that I owed during her "lease"

I told her I did NOT want to breed her, and her phobia about leaving
fences, fear of noises, etc was not something i wanted to have in a dog.

She said i "OWED" her a 1/2 litter of puppies per contract. i long ago
threw out my contract, and she sent me a copy of hers. Sure enough, I
HAD to breed her. I argued that she was not temperamentally sound.

She was a ditz, and trying to work with her only to find her so
institutionalized that when she dissappeared, she was ALWAYS
standing at the gate shivering wanting to get INTO the safety of
the fenced yard.

(running away was not an issue with her.. she couldn't stand being in
a decision making situation,, and couldn't stand being outside a fence...
hardly the kind of dog that fits my lifestyle)

I did the obligatory breeding, and never dealt with that breeder again.

Danny was an offspring of tthat litter. I was worried looking for
instability. Her offspring from other litters had a history of being
darlings, but with the neurotic behavior she had) Danny would never
play. He would sit analyzing anything the other puppies did, and if
they screamed, he would never do what they did again. He wouldn't
play... He just watched, deciding what was ok.. and what wasn't.

He figured if a puppy screamed while they were roughhousing, all
roughhousing was bad. He'd be in the middle of the pack trying to
break them up (fun police).. he took this to extreme in every facet
of his life, and I feared he was going to be like his mom, and
eventually aftraid to leave the fence.

The home I had picked for him had two little boys, and I was afraid
they would intimidate him (in spite of them being great and gentle
little boys, into being a fear biter if forced beyond the bounds of
what he thought he was appropriate.) So i kept Danny and gave this
family glowing refeerrals to another family.

They watched Danny grow up, and his accomplishments, and felt that I
kept "Their" dog out of selfish reasons. They knew he was a "star" and
just kept him from them *sigh*

Danny was the easiest yet hardest dog i ever had to train in my life.
He was bright, tried never to make any mistakes, you only showed him
something once, he took learning so seriously that he would practice.

Yet if he failed or misunderstood, he crashed. He'd be afraid to try it
again, or assume the whole exercise was wrong, and he was to never
do that exercise again. If he feared he was going to make a mistake,
he stood there like a statue with his eyes closed and just shook.

He has been since VERY young, a perfectionist. He's still a
perfectionist. Yes, I considered this a temperament fault when
carried to this extreme. He worries about perfection even now,
until he gets ulcers :)

He did not belong in the home that was supposed to be his. That home
lost their dog they got instead, because the kids let the gate open, and
the dog ran out and got killed in traffic. I'm glad he stayed.

His puppies also have that sensitivity and perfectionist streak. In
the right hands, it's a gift. In the wrong hands, it's a disaster. Is it a
temperament problem? yes and no.. it's not a temperament just any
family usa should have and could deal with. so in essence, it's a
temperament problem. To me, and those homes who got his puppies,
and then had me do in home visits to teach them how to handle it have
found it a special gift. He's definitely a dog that is not for everyone.

His great great grandfather was also known more for his intelligence
than his championship, He won a National Specialty, and yet he was
bred twice, and his puppies had the same wierdness and intelligence.

MOST people couldn't handle them, and he got neutered. Never-the-
less, Danny has three crosses in his pedigree to this same fruity dog.
I think he got it honestly.

On the same note, Danny passes it on. I had to work with every one of
those puppies in their homes. Every one of them spent a month or more
in my house at a year old doing rehab , before I spent a week or more
in their owners houses teaching them how to train and work with their

A litter that requires this DOES have temperament issues. At the same
time, each of these families has their name on a list, should I ever
breed Danny again (He has semen on store) I sold every pup on a
spay/neuter contract (this was before limited registration)

One violated that contract and bred their dog anyway. He's a champion
and as the only pup from Danny that was ever bred, many people bred
to him. Those puppies did NOT have the support my Danny puppies had,
and there were a bunch of disturbed and temperament problems in those
litters. I've been rescueing Elkhounds trying to clean up the mess

You could never guess by looking at Danny that there was a
temperament problem. It was trained out when he was very young. It's
non-existant.. but it's there in his genes.. in that can in storage.
It's the reason I never bred him again. Although I would "like to"
someday. If I could find the right bitch, and knew that she would
have only "ONE" puppy.. for "me".

I had discovered that that very temperament weakness was his strength
that made him very special. Because it takes special handling to turn
it from detriment to gift.. I _do_ consider it a "problem".


Re: Question About Euthanasia - Not For Faint of Heart

"diddy" <> wrote
in message news:Xns995C9D2...@

Only if you are willing to be trolled. Using firearms
is not the most palatable way to put a dog down, but
sometimes it IS the most humane. For instance. I live
10 miles from a vet not an unreasonable distance for
routine care.

But one day, I was outside the fence in the company of
my dog, when the phone rang inside the house. I ran in
the door, and it was my dad. I said, "Dad, the dog did
not come in with me, I'll call you back"

Not aware that my dog had crossed the road to visit the
children getting off the school bus across the street,
I assumed her to be in her usual haunts, out in the back
pasture or barns.

I called her to come, and called her directly into the
path of a speeding car. She got hit directly on the
license plate and was thrown about 30 yards.

I knew exaclty what had happened, when I heard the
sickening thud, and her screams.

I rushed to her, and saw the blood streaming from her
ears and nose. her mangled little body irreparable. I
knew she was going to die. She quit screaming when I
went to her side. I went to move her, and she started
screaming even louder.

I knew moving her was only causing her greater agony.
She was in enough, and the outcome was not going to be
any better.

I decided to not put her through any more, and I left
her screaming, went in the house, got the handgun, and
returned. I gave her a tearful hug and apology. And I
did the hardest thing I've ever done in my whole life.

I took her pain, and made it my own. She immediately
slumped and went limp, and was silent. Quick. Taking
her to the vet was the poorer alternative.

in later years, I released a dog from the pound. She
was dumped for biting. Knowing that most of the time,
a dog that bites is the child's fault, I brought her
home to see if she was salvageable in a childless home.

She at least deserved an evaluation. She seemed fine,
then the following day, with no provocation, she lunged
for my throat. This was an unprovoked attack, and I knew
there was probably something physically wrong with the
dog (perhaps a brain tumor?) and regardless, she was a
HUGE liability risk, and I could never place her.

So I took her to the vet for euthanasia.

The vet kept sticking her for 15 minutes, and it was the
ugliest screaming death I ever witnessed.... until I had
my old 18 year old companion diagnosed with systemic organ
failure. Her old body wore out. I took her to the vet.

Apparently poor circulation caused her not to use the
euthanasia shot properly. The vet kept giving her one
shot after another, and she dies a slow agonizing death,
screaming, and looking at me in betrayal and dismay.

I wanted to grab her from the vet, and take her home,
and shoot her. It would have been over faster.

Then I took Danny in for Euthanasia. The best dog I've
ever had. The vet stuck him, and he went down HARD,

He screamed for about 10 minutes.

If a vet was going to get a dog right, this one he HAD
to, and he didn't. I was furious. I'm forever sorry I
took him to the vet, but the violence of shooting him
was just unnacceptable to me.

These are THREE different vets.

I've witnessed hundreds of vet euthanasias that went
uneventfully. But those THREE failures stick forever
in my mind. Two on dogs very near and dear to me.

If I could accept the violence and had the fortitude
to do the job myself, those dogs would have never
needlessly suffered. A bullet properly placed is quick
and final.

Perhaps the OP has had not so good experiences, and
just wants to be sure the job is done right. I don't
necessarily consider them a troll (however I strongly
suspect that they are, and if they have to ask what
caliber to use, they probably are not a good enough
shot that they should attempt this)



Subject: Mojo's last day-a year late

I'll warn you right up front this is not a story that will
end up with you feeling anything good. I know this
because I've been living with this almost a year. The
difference to me right now is that I'm finally able to
write about it having taken this long because I knew
I'd have to re-live it once again and up until now, I

Mojo died a year ago on the 21rd of June.

He did not die well.

I won't go into the details that led us to that last day
here as I already have written of that on my LJ. If
you do want to read it just ask and I'll post the URL.

Luke's death in January of the same year is also there
and will show the vast contrast between what happened
with each dog and why Mojo's death has been so difficult
for me and pretty much destroyed any hope of any real
closure for my husband and I.

These dogs lived with us daily, close to us in ways
that no other two dogs have been. They'd been through
acatostrophic hurricane with us, they'd both had medical
problems we'd dutifully taken care of for much of their
lives and they've traveled literally, thousands of miles
with us. We'd all lived together in a 26 foot long travel
trailer at times and that in itself is pretty darn
intimate in the "living with the dogs" department.

We could read each other's moods and sometimes
didn't even have to speak to them and they'd know
what we wanted just by their observations of our
body language. It was unique, even more so than
our previous canine crews.

We'd only been back in Idaho,in this town for @ 3
months when we first took Mojo in to a new vet. I
liked him a great deal and was impressed with
him. He was an older guy yet very willing to listen
to me and best of all, he and Mojo seemed to hit it
off immediately. He had always been partial to the
big dogs, GSDs in particular. In the next few days
we'd be forced to think the unthinkable that we all
have to when we outlive our dogs but since I'd been
through this three times before I knew all the questions
to ask beforehand. Or so I thought.

The vet and I had discussed in great detail what we'd
be doing, what we'd be using, where my husband and
I would be, what we'd observe, what would be happening
at what point in time-everything. No surprises. Just as
peacefully and as perfect as when we'd put Luke down
six months earlier.

As hard as that was, as much as I will always miss
him just as much as all my other beloved dogs, I left
there feeling closure and the deep belief and comfort
that I'd done the right thing by him. I felt as a
responsible dog owner that could proudly look in the
mirror and believe I did the right thing for Luke. The
day we took Mojo in to say goodbye however, we
weren't greeted by the vet I'd met and talked to and
gotten to know but by his associate, whom I'd never
met before. In retrospect I should have stopped
everything right then and there but I didn't. I trusted
he'd do things exactly the way the other vet and I
discussed and I believed everything that took place
when it was Luke's turn would happen that day with

And I think also that mentally we'd prepared ourselves
for it so well it never occurred to us to go back. We were
ready and Mojo was ready. I've always abided by one
simple rule with all my dogs and that is that when the
time is right, when life is too painful for them to enjoy;
then my promise, my duty is that I will allow them to go
with dignity, quietly and stress free; to a place where
there is no pain. I _owe_ them that at the very least.


That day we sat on the floor with Mojo, his favorite
red plaid/sheepskin blanket under him and hand fed
him his favorite treats-beef, chocolate, whatever. He
received his first shot to relax him and as he drifted
off and dozed a bit the vet and his assistant began to
administer the final shot.

We expecting the exact same thing that had happened
with Champ, Darcy and begin seeing his
breathing slow, his eyes close and his body to fully
relax until a check on his heartbeat showed he was
really and truly gone while listening to the love in
our voices to comfort him.

That didn't happen.

He suddenly began thrashing around wildly and
screaming loudly as the vet kept trying to stick the
needle in his vein. As out of it as he was then he
still managed to half stand up, still screaming loudly
in pain.

I couldn't move. I was absolutely horrified and paralyzed.
My husband finally found the presence of mind to ask
"What is happening, what's going on?, I thought this was
going to be peaceful"!

The vet screamed back at him: " IT NORMALLY IS!

The rational part of me realizes the vet was horrified
as well and the yelling and defensiveness was part of
that but the other part of me, the white hot angry part
was so upset that Mojo was hearing all of this
disturbance in our voices I wanted to punch the guy
right in the face.

Instead I grabbed him by his coat collar and pulled
his face close to mine but I couldn't say anything.I
was in shock.

My concern for only Mojo kicked in then and my
husband flat out told the vet to leave right now that
we needed some time with Mojo to settle him and
calm him down. The vet left and we spent the next
15 to 20 minutes crooning to Mojo, petting him and
comforting him until he became calm and dozed
again, his head in lap and our arms around him.

The vet returned with a different syringe that contained
something of a different color and I swear to you that his
face was ash white. I have no idea what we looked like
but I have no doubt ours were too.

The final shot was administered and we spent the
next ten minutes with tears streaming down our
faces and our bodies wracked in sobs not because
Mojo was gone but because he'd gone like that and
we felt responsible.

The gift of going without pain was ours to give him
and we failed him. And in doing so we also would
never receive the closure we needed as well.

After that, we got up and left him there on the floor
with his blanket and walked out like zombies. I don't
throw up as a rule of thumb unless I have a bad stomach
virus because I hate it so much which means I've thrown
up about 3 time in the past 30 years. That day, I made it
as far as the car door then I threw up all over the parking
lot then again when I got home.

I literally was so overwhelmed by what had just
happened and so emotionally drained like nothing
I'd ever experienced before.

To this day my husband and I have never sat down
and gone over the minute details together because
we were there-we don't need to.

We have discussed it indirectly, hugged each other
and cried buckets of tears. To be brutally honest I've
been more affected by this than by losing my Mom
last fall because she at least went very peacefully,
unlike Mojo. You can be very sure when it's Taffy's
time this is something I will be discussing with the
vet and if there's a backup plan for this sort of thing
you can be damn sure it will be in place.

I never ever want to see another animal I love go
through this again in my life. Had I known this
would happen, I'd have taken him out and put a
bullet through his head myself to guarantee it
would be painless and quick. I'd much rather
live with that image than the one I carry around.

It took me six months just to be able to drive down
that street without being aware or looking at the
window where it happened and I haven't been back
in to talk to that vet whom, I recently learned, sold
the practice to someone else. I probably should have
gone back within a few weeks or so but now too much
time has elapsed for me to feel comfortable doing that.

I've never heard of anyone else having this happen
and maybe if I had I'd have somehow been able to
prevent it but I'll never know for sure.

So that's what happened last year when Mojo died and
it's why I have had such a difficult time with it as well
a big reason as to why I've disappeared a lot from the
newsgroup for long periods of time. Often I've logged
on here but see that someone has recently lost a dog and
it's just too hard so I quietly leave. I do want ya'll to know
though that my silence doesn't mean I'm indifferent to your
loss, it's just brings back too many bad memories of my

So this part of the healing process has begun, it seems.

RIP Mojo


And then you WONder...
And then you don't <{}: ~ ( >


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