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Re: "No Amnesty for Illegal Aliens or Wall Street Gangsters!"

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Sep 27, 2008, 5:07:03 AM9/27/08
On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 18:12:50 -0700 (PDT),
"" <> wrote:

>No Amnesty for Illegal Aliens or Wall Street Gangsters!
>by William Gheen
>President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
>For several years, I have warned of the coming illegal immigration
>great depression and pointed out that George Bush is the new Hoover!
>The financial Global elites have been flooding America with illegal
>aliens to try and prop up housing, debt, tax, and consumer markets as
>Americans are forced down on their knees economically and
>The same toxic political combination of corporate greed and liberal
>social policy that is responsible for the non-enforcement of our
>existing immigration laws is the same culprit responsible for the new
>depression we face. Even their methods of creating this disaster are
>the same. While our government is further removed from citizen
>control, liberals have pushed for more financing and programs for
>those they see as disadvantaged, while corporate elites use their
>influence to break our immigration system.
>Illegal aliens flood the border each night, past brave Border Patrol
>agents who are ordered to catch and release, while immigration
>enforcers in the interior engage in token enforcement for political
>It should be clear to all Americans now that corporate robber barons
>and small armies of their corrupt minions have been breaking through
>financial borders and avoiding many laws, without fear of enforcement
>as well.
>Now, we are being told that our market and big business regulatory
>systems are "broken" and we will need a multi-trillion dollar bailout
>AMNESTY for Wall Street law breakers as part of any Comprehensive
>Economic Reform!
>Sound familiar?
>Let's face the truth and respond accordingly. The same political
>sellouts in Washington, DC who have been giving big business and
>liberal social agendas anything they want have been doing the same
>behind the scenes by removing most of the laws and regulation
>management on that level as well.
>Over the last ten years they have removed or ignored most of the
>regulations that were put in place to assure another great depression
>never happened again.
>Now that the end game appears before us, they are desperate for more
>power and money to delay the inevitable and to assure that your
>average American citizen takes on most of the burden!
>After 9/11, Americans rewarded those who failed us with more power and
>money, while standing by like docile sheep allowing the shepherds to
>do what they said was needed. By setting this example of more money
>and power for failure, we again face the same scenario.
>If you stand by apathetically and watch the Bush administration
>establish a new level of unprecedented power for the Executive Branch
>this week, while raiding you, your nation, and your grand children of
>Billions because of an announced crisis, then you are practicing the
>same sucker mentality that got us deeper into this mess.
>I am not subscribing to any conspiracy theories about 9/11 when I say
>that it should be clear to all, that American government and corporate
>insiders have now accomplished what Osama Bin Laden intended to do to
>the American economy.
>So, we have a President with approval ratings in the low 20
>percentiles rushing out to ask a Congress with a 9% approval rating to
>give them unprecedented powers, amnesty from oversight and court
>prosecutions, and another 700 Billion dollars guaranteed by the
>taxpayers and the full force of the American government to extract
>that money and interest from us all.
>They say the power and funds must be delivered within days to avoid a
>global economic meltdown that will have dire consequences for us all.
>Anyone notice that they are not fully saying what these terrible
>consequences will be, if we do not empty our pockets at gunpoint?
>It shames me to think that there are many Americans left in our nation
>who believe a word of what comes out of the mouths of any of these
>traitors in the Bush administration. Politicians in Washington, DC are
>fearful of losing their jobs if the true economic consequences
>manifest BEFORE election day, instead of after, and thus the
>politicians give the appearance of doing something huge.
>Are we on the verge of establishing another psychological precedent
>that tells big business and politicians that failure will be rewarded
>with more money and power? If so, how can I get into the business of
>failing you? It appears to be very lucrative.
>We should all oppose this bailout and fight it by ringing the phones
>off the hook in DC like we did against the McCain Kennedy Amnesty
>First, there is no assurance or even likelihood that this
>unprecedented bailout and amnesty for Wall Street traders will work.
>They have already thrown hundreds of billions of dollars of your money
>into bailouts for Barons, Fannie Mack, Fanny May, and AIG. The 700B
>more they claim they need this week is probably what they estimate is
>needed to prevent the collapse till after Nov 4, 2008 which is
>election day.
>Second, do you understand the scale of this financial looting of the
>American government's finances? With hundreds of billion already
>deployed without congressional or public approval, the next 700B takes
>you to 1 Trillion dollars for starters.
>Since the requested bailout bill would establish unprecedented powers
>for the Executive Branch to keep borrowing large sums, many analysts
>believe that the true costs could range between 1 to 5.5 Trillion
>dollars of your money!
>Look at how 1 Trillion compares to other major expenditures in
>America's modern history.
>Adjusted values into 2008 dollars
>Minimum 2008 Bailout: 1 Trillion Dollars
>Vietnam War: $596,200,000,000.00 (596.2 Billion)
>Korean War: $405,200,000,000.00 (405.2 Billion)
>World War 1 (US Costs) 328,292,421,030 (328.3 Billion)
>Space Shuttle Program: (162.6 Billion)
>Apollo Space Program: 151,400,000,000.00 (151.4 Billion)
>Will you sit silent as the Bush administration tries to reallocate
>your future into the hands of Wall Street on a scale almost three
>times the cost of WW1 or six times the cost of the Apollo Space
>Three, look at the devils in the details of what the Bush
>administration is asking Congress to sign off on by Thursday of this
>They want the power to designate private financial companies and banks
>"as financial agents of the Government, and they shall perform all
>such reasonable duties related to this Act as financial agents of the
>Government as may be required of them" (Sect. 2-B-3).
>Upon passage of this legislation, going to the bank will be similar to
>going to the DMV, tax offices, or any government agency. The banks
>will be more under the control of the Executive Branch and inversely
>your bankers will be your government.
>Your bailout will also include bailout funds for foreign banks that do
>business in the US!
>While the bill does state they will report to a congressional
>committee every so often, there will be no oversight from Congress,
>courts, or the taxpayers.
>The secretary will be allowed to buy and sell mortgage securities and
>then use the funds from any sales to pay for administrative costs and
>other measures in this program, instead of returning the funds to the
>The real kicker is found in Section 8, where it reads "Decisions by
>the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable
>and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any
>court of law or any administrative agency."
>There is no sunset provision on many of the main powers granted by
>this legislation and thus these powers will become a permanent change
>to our government.
>Last, but not least, let us remember the Constitution of the United
>States. I know it does not mean much to the powers that be in
>Washington and their Globalist masters, but We, The People still
>revere and respect it.
>In the opinion of this author, the Congress does not have the power to
>transfer this much power to the Executive Branch, without amending the
>Constitution. This bailout of Wall Street robber barons is a massive
>restructuring or our government and financial systems that should not
>be made without modifying the Constitution.
>This move will change the entire power relationship between the
>Congress and the Executive Branch, as well as the power relationship
>between American citizens and our government. To give governmental
>powers and obligations to financial institutions over our populace is
>clearly outside of the realm of the Constitution.
>I have a better proposal than this bailout. Let's all get on the
>phones to members of Congress today. Let's get in the face of every
>candidate running for office and tell them to keep their stinking
>hands out of our pockets.
>No more power and money in exchange for their failures!
>Let the financial chips fall where they may and let the market
>corrections occur and if the consequences for the American public are
>dire, let us shift through the ashes and rubble of their greed and the
>excess created to determine how and why this happened. Let Congress
>use their investigatory power to launch inquiries to determine who
>should have their assets seized and who is going to prison for this
>This monopoly game is over. It is time to enforce the rules and start
>the game over. It is time for many of those in high places to go to
>jail, go directly to jail, do not pass Go!
>William Gheen is the President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
>(ALIPAC) and the host of the Last Americans Standing Show. He has
>appeared regularly on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and CBS as well as on hundreds
>of talk radio shows across America. Mr. Gheen has over a decade of
>experience as a professional campaign consultant in North Carolina and
>has served previously as a Legislative Assistant, Lobbyist, and
>Assistant Sgt-At-Arms for the NC Senate. He graduated East Carolina
>University as Sr. Class President in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science
>degree in Political Science.
>Note: Associated Press Release titled "No More Power and Money for
>Government Failures! ALIPAC Opposes Bailout!"
> What Would the U.S.A.'s Founding Fathers Do?
> I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our
>liberties than standing armies.
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied
>corporations which dare already to challenge our government to
>a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> If the representatives of the people betray their constituents,
>there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that
>original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive
>forms of government ... The citizens must rush tumultuously to
>arms, without concert, without system, without resource;
>except in their courage and despair ...
> The natural strength of the people in a large community, in
>proportion to the artificial strength of the government, is greater
>than in a small ... the people, without exaggeration, may be said
>to be entirely the masters of their own fate.
> -- Alexander Hamilton
> We in America do not have government by the majority.
>We have government by the majority who participate.
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good
>conscience to remain silent.
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of
>the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to
>keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves
>against tyranny in government.
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now
>let us show them we can fight like men also.
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> Don't talk about what you have done or what you are going
>to do.
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the
>Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will
>delineate and define you.
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on
>does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which
>they draw their gains.
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government
>those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations,
>perverted it into tyranny.
> -- Thomas Jefferson

Removing all illegal aliens would revitalzie the economy, spare the
environment via population growth, and save billions in law
enforcement sending and social services.
America needs a total rebuild not money pumped into a diseased system.


phil scott

Sep 28, 2008, 12:09:37 AM9/28/08
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I send the motion...thats close. However, with over 50 trillion in
social security due and not currently payable, govt needs all the
warm bodies it can get in order to tax em to death... lacking that
govt will be forced to downsize by 80% or so..and their retirements that wont happen.... this is why the illegals are being
encouraged. (police and fire in most states currently retire at age
51, with well over 100k a year and lifetime medical... 5 to 10x what
the private sector gets on average...its bankrupting america and is
about 80% of most city budgets, (half in retirement costs alone)

Phil scott

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