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OEM Microphone - China OEM Microphone Manufacturer

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Apr 23, 2008, 7:48:56 AM4/23/08
OEM Microphone - China OEM Microphone Manufacturer

OEM Microphone WebSite Link:

China GuangZhou TianTuo Microphone Manufacturing Co., Ltd WebSite:

Microphone Products are: Wireless Microphones, Conference Microphones,
Headset Microphones, and Lapel Microphones, interview microphones,
wired microphones, musical instrument microphones, drum microphones,
teaching microphones, recording microphones, computer's USB
microphones and microphone accessories and So on.

SCHOEPS about About us Success through Devotion to Detail - Schoeps'
History - Dr. Schoeps, the founder of the company and former business
manager Dr. Küsters, Dr. Schoeps' first employee, a remarkable
technician In 1998, Schoeps looked back over half a century of
designing, developing and marketing condenser microphones. The name
Schoeps is recognized throughout the world for products of outstanding
quality, whose simple elegance and devotion to detail offer practical
solutions to a broad range of recording situations. Today, Schoeps
specializes in t he
manufacture of condenser microphones of the highest quality with their
supporting accessories. But, as with its product line, the company
itself took time to develop and define its purpose. In the post-war
period, business life in Germany was largely concerned with rebuilding
the devastated economy and securing a living for employer and employee
alike. In June of 1948, Schalltechnik was founded by Dr.-Ing. Karl
Schoeps (born in 1906). His first employee was Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm
Küsters (born in 1910). Both were graduates in Communications
Engineering at the University of Karlsruhe. The company logo, which
dates from that era, symbolizes the shared interest that brought both
men together: sound waves (the "Schall" of "Schalltechnik")
superimposed on the big "T" for "Technik" (technology). The similarity
of this logo to that of a pre-existing company called Tungsram made it
necessary to modify it at the end of the 1950's into today's form with
the bevelled upper corners of the "T." In the early days, while Dr.
Schoeps was the director and business manager of the company, Dr.
Küsters was mainly responsible for technology and manufacturing.
As his health deteriorated, however, Dr. Küsters began to look
for someone to assist him. He was fortunate in finding Jörg
Wuttke, who joined the company in 1970. Wuttke had studied with and
assisted the inventor of the interference tube "shotgun" microphone,
Professor Kurtze, who taught at the University in Karlsruhe. Jörg
Wuttke had hoped to gather some practical experience and then obtain a
doctorate afterwards, but matters turned out differently. At the end
of 1971, Dr. Küsters died, and Jörg Wuttke took on his job.
He and his colleagues launched the well-known Colette series in 1973.
In 1978 the GmbH was founded. In 1980, the son of Dr. Schoeps, Ulrich
Schoeps, joined his father's company. Employees and customers took
this as a hopeful sign that the company would remain family owned in
the future. Dr. Schoeps was then already 74, and people began
wondering who would replace him when he retired. At first, Ulrich
Schoeps worked mainly in the administrative and legal sector. Then, in
1986, he became second director, with his father remainin

g first director. At the end of 1993, Dr. Schoeps, who was still
coming in to the company every day, died, whereupon his son became
head of the firm. In 1997 Jörg Wuttke became the second
shareholder in the GmbH, joining Ulrich Schoeps. A collection of
historical SCHOEPS microphones: 1. CMV 50/2, 1949 2. CMV51/3, 1950 3.
M 201, 1952, with different capsules 4. CM 61, 1956, with swivel
capsule 5. M 221 B, 1960, with gooseneck 6. CMT 26, 1962 7. CM 640 T,
1969 8. CMMT 30 AF, 1970 9. M 221 B, 1959 10. CMTS 501, 1970 11. CMH
34, 1973 12. CCM-L, 1996 When the company was founded, its "factory"
was housed in private apartments, but before long it moved to a rented
house in Durlach, the oldest district of Karlsruhe. The company's
residence is one of the oldest houses preserved in Durlach; its cellar
and foundation walls date back to 1662. The firm bought it together
with an adjacent building, in 1965, doubling the available floor
space. In the succeeding years, as the company continued to grow, a
former ballroom on the premises was rebuilt
into a production facility for mechanical parts, first used in 1990.
The company is still located in the mentioned buildings to this day.
The name "Schalltechnik Dr.-Ing. Schoeps," which is rather unusual for
a microphone manufacturer, stems from the fact that in the beginning
the company dealt with sound recording and reinforcement systems. In
the days before television, people often found entertainment at the
cinema. As the film industry flourished, Schoeps engineered sound
systems for use in motion-picture theaters, and even manufactured one
tape recorder model for a short time. Concurrently, the first Schoeps
condenser microphone was built - the CMV 50/2, using two of the
legendary RV 12P 2000 tubes. Its capsule and microphone body were then
still rigidly connected to each other, with a length of 320 mm and a
diameter of 80 mm, dwarfing today's Schoeps microphones. In the first
twenty years of its history, Schoeps had practically no distribution
network of its own. Nevertheless, its circle of customers steadily
increased. Thanks to the friendship between Dr. Schoeps and a French
businessman, who had very good contacts at radio stations, Schoeps
gained a strong market position in this sector during the 1950's which
it has managed to preserve to the present day. As a result, more than
half of Schoeps' production was exported to France. By now, Schoeps
products already showed what would become one of their distinguishing
features: the small size of the microphones (though this could not yet
be called miniaturization). In 1955, the highly regarded M 221 B tube
microphone came out. Today the M 221 B has found a worthy successor:
in 1996 the M 222 came out in response to the general renaissance of
interest in tube technology. Both epitomize the smallest types of tube
microphones. In the years that followed, Schoeps developed contacts in
German radio and television stations, making the name Schoeps well
known in Germany. It wasn't easy, however, to compete with the large-
diaphragm microphones of other companies whose products were already
well established in the radio stations. Rather than compete at a lower
price, Schoeps sought to convince new customers of the specific
advantages of the respected Schoeps designs. Schoeps microphones also
began to be distributed as OEM products by Philips, Telefunken and
Siemens, with Telefunken advertising Schoeps products in magazines.
This brought Schoeps world wide recognition as early as the 1950's and
1960's. The SCHOEPS CM 51/9 was distributed as an OEM product by
Telefunken and Siemens. At the beginning of the 1960's Schoeps, along
with many other companies, made the transition to transistor
technology. The CMT 20, launched in 1964, was a milestone for the
company as its first transistorized phantom-powered condenser
microphone. At that time, the affordable and low-noise FETs found
today as impedance converters in the input stages of nearly every
condenser microphone were not yet on the market. Thus noise reduction
was achieved by modulating an RF carrier. In addition to its circuit
design its switchable three-pattern transducer was a special feature
of the CMT 20

. It worked according to the push-pull principle, with a single
diaphragm mounted between two back electrodes. The output stage of
this microphone had no transformer. Later it was built without
coupling capacitors as CMT 200. This circuit topology is found in
Schoeps microphones up to the present day. Schoeps introduced the very
first mechanically switchable three-pattern capsule, the MKT 26, as
early as 1961. In contrast to the common electrically-coupled double
diaphragm design, a patented, mechanically switchable transducer with
only one diaphragm was used. This offered the exceptional low-
frequency response of a real pressure transducer in the "omni"
position. In 1969, a stereo condenser microphone, the CMTS 501, was
launched with two switchable three-pattern single-diaphragm capsules.
Meanwhile, in 1965, the metal diaphragms were replaced by the more
reliable, gold sputtered Mylar membranes. This material was selected
only after an extensive series of experiments led to the pre-ageing
process that gives the diaphragm its long term stability, a
manufacturing technique still used by Schoeps. In 1973, the Colette
series was launched, the most extensive and versatile microphone
system ever conceived. The "active Colette tubes" a re familiar to the
millions who have seen the Three Tenors or "Les Miz" on TV; they are
also used by the German Parliament. The "active cable" is widely used
(but not seen!) in "stashed" (hidden) microphone rigs by film and TV
recordists, in stage sets, and in concert halls and opera houses. This
is possible because the microphone amplifier can be separated from the
capsule. making the visible part of the microphone substantially
smaller. Today, this "modular microphone system" has been widely
imitated, but Schoeps continues to offer the widest selection of
transducers and accessories. That same year the MK 6 Colette capsule
was developed out of the MKT 26. A year later it was followed by the
MK 5, a switchable two-pattern capsule (omni/cardioid) with improved
high-frequency response. Both are still in the catalog. Starting in
1974, the Colette series was made available on an OEM basis to Studer,
who were hoping to expand their product range. They renamed the CMC
microphone amplifiers "SKM" (for Studer Kondensator Mikrofone). By
this time Schoeps had begun to exhibit at conventions of the AES and
VDT, which were then quite small. The capsule range of the SCHOEPS
Colette series. In 1976 Schoeps launched the MSTC 54 "ORTF Stereo"
microphone, embodying one of the most effective simple stereo
techniques ever devised. It is still in general use, and is especially
popular in its country of origin, France. Finally, in 1977, Schoeps
placed their first advertisements. They showed the Colette series in
advertisements that were published three times a year in the Funkschau
- then a magazine for radio and television technology. In the
meantime, the boundary-layer plate BLM 3 came on the market, and soon
won in a comparison test with similar units. Two years later, in 1985,
it was produced in miniaturized form as an active boundary-layer
capsule. In 1990, Schoeps caused a stir with its implementation of the
sphere microphone invented by Dr. Theile. This first sphere microphone
was designated the KFM 6U. In 1994, along with the miniaturization
already made possible by the active Colette cables and tubes, a new
miniaturized microphone was introduced. Called the CCM, this series
represents the smallest ever "classic" studio condenser microphone
(that is, without an electret element), with a fully balanced output.
By employing surface mount technology the microphone amplifier could
fit inside the capsule housing, no longer requiring the use of
"active" cables and tubes

to achieve miniaturization. At the same time, the reliability and
immunity to interference of the system was improved without any
influence on its quality. In 1997 the CMXY 4V stereo microphone was
introduced. This is a novel arrangement of two compact cardioid
microphones, which rotate together to form an X-Y pair spread at any
angle. It is the smallest microphone of its type, intuitive and easy
to use thanks to its simple mechanical design. From the beginning of
2003, and for the first time in more than 50 years, the company logo
is chang ing
significantly. The intention is to give it more power. Its essential
symbolism and elegance remain unchanged but it now states clearly
SCHOEPS' primary interest and manufacturing expertise: microphones.
Schoeps is unquestionably among the most innovative microphone
manufacturers in the world, leading the way in many developments.
Central to its design philosophy over the years is the company's
insistence on absolute sound neutrality of the microphones. It is
really no wonder that Schoeps has so many supporters, not only in the
area of classical music recording and reinforcement, but also in film
and television. No doubt part of its success is due to the fact that,
in a space of only 1500 square meters, a total of 35 employees
develop, manufacture and distribute the whole range of Schoeps
products. Staff turnover is very small, which says much about the
family atmosphere in the company. Many an employee has celebrated his
or her 25th anniversary with Schoeps. Continuity is and will remain
very important at Schoeps. Despite many outside offers, Ulrich Schoeps
intends to continue the life's work of his father. Ulrich Schoeps
Jörg Wuttke, second shareholder, bis Anfang 2007 Technischer
Direktor Im Februar 2007 verabschiedete sich Dipl.-Ing. Jörg
Wuttke von seiner Position als technischer Direktor. Nach fast 37-
jähriger Tätigkeit erreichte er das Pensionsalter. Als
Gesellschafter und freier Mitarbeiter bleibt er dem Unternehmen jedoch
weiterhin verbunden. Herr Wuttke wurde durch seine Präsenz bei
zahlreichen internationalen Kongressen zum Inbegriff des
Mikrofonfachmanns und erfreute sich gerade bei Tonmeistern
großer Beliebtheit, da er es glänzend versteht,
physikalische Grundlagen anschaulich und praxisnah darzustellen.
Helmut Wittek , head of engineering, technical support Christian
Langen , head of research and development Sein Ausscheiden führt
bei SCHOEPS zu Veränderungen im Führungsteam. Kunden und
Partnerfirmen haben nun neue, jedoch seit Jahren bewährte
Ansprechpartner: Dipl.-Toningenieur Helmut Wittek übernimmt die
technische Leitung und die Kundenbetreuung im technischen Vertrieb.
Herr Wittek hat sich in der Branche bereits als Spezialist für
Stereo- und Surround-Aufnahmetechnik sowie durch seine Arbeiten mit
Günther Theile zur Wellenfeldsynthese einen Namen gemacht. Die
Leitung der Entwicklung übernimmt Christian Langen, Diplom-
Ingenieur der Sensorsystemtechnik. Sein Schwerpunkt lag bislang auf
der digitalen Verarbeitung von Audiosignalen. Neben seiner bisherigen
Entwicklungstätigkeit bei SCHOEPS war er wesentlich an der
Ausarbeitung der Norm AES42 zur digitalen Mikrofonschnittstelle

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