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LOUD lawnmowers and other LOUD machines putting people at risk for killer bee attacks

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Jul 18, 2008, 7:12:27 PM7/18/08
You would think that manufacturers in the 21st century would have
figured out by now how to make phy$ical yard work machines (even gASS)
powered ones more quiet, but I guess they are too cheap to do this.
While even a rather quiet machine still might not be enough to keep
from pissing off the bees in your own yard, at least they don't sound
like a fucking F1 Race car or a motorcycle which WILL piss the bees
off in your yard and a large area around it.

Top Answer out of 4
by Andy Ninja Wicked Poses as Ms Mueller72 on Jul 23, 2004 at 1:27 pm

Africanized honey bees pose the greatest threat to people who must
work outdoors: farmers, construction workers, rangers, landscapers and
yard maintenance workers, and even pest control workers. Like European
honey bees, AHBs can sting only once. It is their sheer numbers that
create the threat. While foraging, bees are usually not aggressive.
They get most feisty when their nest is threatened. Most cases of AHB
attacks have been traced back to some provocation: a lawnmower, weed
eater, or tractor.

The first sign of a potential attack is often a preliminary defense
behavior such as flying at your face or buzzing over your head. This
is a signal that you have entered their area and are seen as a threat.
If bees become agitated, the most important thing to do is get away as
soon as possible. Do not wait for them to calm down, try to retrieve
belongings, or wave your arms to get them off you.

SPEED: A bee can fly at speeds from 12 to 15 miles per hour and most
healthy humans can outrun them. So, RUN and KEEP RUNNING! AHBs have
been known to follow people for more than a quarter mile.

Any covering for your head and face will help you escape. People that
have been attacked say the worst part is being stung in the face and
eyes. Once this occurs, your vision will be obscured and your chance
of escape substantially lowered. If you have nothing else, pull your
shirt up over your face. Take refuge in a house, tent, or car as soon
as possible. The bees will find any opening, so make sure all possible
entrances are sealed. Do not jump into water. The bees will wait for
you to surface.


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Jul 19, 2008, 10:32:33 AM7/19/08
Go buy an electric and quit whinning.
<> wrote in message


Jul 19, 2008, 11:44:50 AM7/19/08
D&SW wrote:

> Go buy an electric and quit whinning.

Or some sheep.

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