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Re: Black Racism

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Jan 19, 2008, 7:54:06 PM1/19/08
On Jan 18, 8:01 pm, Somebody <> wrote:
> I had a nasty experience with black racism today. This afternoon I went
> to the supermarket which was busier than usual and had more than the
> usual number of women standing around getting in everybody else¹s way
> while tending to the ear dildos shoved into the side of their heads and
> intentionally leaving their carts where they would block the aisles. You
> know, that cowardly old game where people try to interfere with others
> as a means of trying to convince themselves of a false sense of
> self-superiority. Well, I have encountered this phony attitude too many
> times in my life to be affected by it so I was just ignoring them and
> walking right around them without slowing down to give homage to
> such childishness. I was nearly done shopping when I headed down the
> detergent aisle to get some dish soap.
> Down on the far end of that aisle where I was going I spotted a black
> woman driving one of those humongous green SUV-like shopping carts with
> a large heavy plastic baby carriage sticking way out in front of it. She
> was stopped cold while standing there cootchy-cooing at her baby so I
> walked right on around her and started looking for my brand of dish soap
> just on the other side of this monster cart. Immediately she accused me
> of cutting her off (when she had not been going anywhere for the entire
> time I was walking down the length of that aisle) and then she demanded
> that I stop what I was doing and move out of her way. I simply turned to
> her and said, ³if you are going to plug up the aisle with that SUV you
> are driving then you should just go around me like I went around you².
> On hearing that she got really indignant then started ranting about
> ³you redneck racist son of a bitch². Then she drove on in her SUV and a
> few seconds later I muttered to myself, ³dumb bitch²! She was too far
> away to have heard me but I¹m sure that a couple of other women closer
> to me may have heard this. Notice that there was not anything that I
> said or implied to her involving race in any manner, but she herself was
> the one who injected race into the situation. It just so happens that I
> am not racist in any way, shape or form but experiences like this one
> certainly do make me wish that I were.
> Society has gone so far overboard in bowing down to kiss the black
> person¹s ass that these days anytime a white person fails to lie down
> and allow them to walk all over him, they immediately cry out with
> that ŒR¹ word a means of trying to get their way. Unless she is a really
> hardcore black racist, that woman would probably be mortally ashamed
> of herself to know that in school I chose to sit with the black guys who
> ³wanted to pick my brains² when I might have chosen to sit with other
> guys, or that in my work I took a young black woman under my wing
> teaching her as much as I possibly could, or that I did the same with a
> young black guy during my last years before retiring, or that all the
> lovers I had during those 20 years were of a nonwhite race who were far
> less privileged than black folks ever were and who were really treated
> poorly by the blacks. Black folks seem to believe that their shit truly
> does not stink and that they can get away with anything as long as they
> invoke that ŒR¹ word. However what they fail to realize is that the more
> toes they step on the fewer friends they will have in their endeavors
> and the farther they stray from MLK¹s own teachings while quoting
> his name as justification in the process. It is so hypocritical.
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