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Dollar Tree, Victor NY, worst customer service ever

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Stormin Mormon

Feb 11, 2008, 1:25:26 PM2/11/08
Just had the worst customer service I can remember in my entire life. At a
Dollar Tree, in Victor NY. I've had good service there in the past, which is
why this is so exceptional. The clerk, a teen boy, with the name tag
"CAMERON" asked if I was finished so he could cash me ot. Needed to get his
drawer open so he could give the other lady her change. I said I wasn't
sure, but what the heck. Cash me out.

He explained that I could continue shopping. He'd done this before, that
some customers buy one item, and then go back to shopping. So I told him, I
was finished enough, and he should cash me out. Over a period of 3 to 5
minutes, I told him four times to go ahead and cash me out. Or was it five.
He kept talking and talking, until finally I used my best drill sargeant
voice and ordered him to cash me out.

He kept talking. It became clear that he was abusing his power, and just
dangling me on a string. I stormed out of the store. I went home, got the
number, and called the store manager, and give him a detailed account. Al,
the manager, sounds like he's not from NY. Very friendly fellow. Including
reccomend that the boy should be fired immediately. Al says he'll get to the
bottom of this. But he can't fire the kid after nine months of no
complaints. He could if it were something really serious. I explained that
mistreating customers lost him a sale, and may have lost him a customer. I
left him my name and home phone number, if he needed further testimony.

And then I called national, left a message with them, got their voice mail.
Same reccomendation. If you've ever been in the Victor Dollar Tree, and had
bad customer service by a dark haired teenager named Cameron, please
imediately telephone the store, and tell Al about it. (585) 223-6050.
Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus


Feb 11, 2008, 1:47:01 PM2/11/08
Stormin Mormon wrote:

Sounds like you made a mountain outta a molehill.

Why didn't you just walk off and continue your shopping? Leave him to
figure out a way to open the cash drawer up without you?

And to waste your time calling and posting about such a trivial event is
more mind boggling to me? You probably wasted as much time fuming as he
did supposedly talking....


Feb 11, 2008, 2:14:30 PM2/11/08

"Goomba38" <> wrote in message

Maybe the teenage clerk has an intellectual disability and could not judge
that the customer was getting heated. Maybe the clerk felt the customer was
upset and that explaining things more fully would make the customer less
upset. Maybe the customer needs to tone down it down a notch because being
an officious twit never really helps in this or lots of other situations we
all, as adults, find ourselves in everyday.

Or maybe the event never happened at all. Maybe the OP just enjoys giving
out people's phone numbers to harrass others.

Lots of maybes here. There are lots of Dollar Tree stores in that area. In
fact there are TWO Dollar Tree stores in Victor NY. Just go to the other


Feb 11, 2008, 2:17:37 PM2/11/08
"Stormin Mormon" <cayoung61**> wrote in message

I also live in the NE US.

I once had pickles on my burger at a White Castle when I asked for no
pickles... I didn't memorize the staff's name, hair color, call their
manager or corporate office. I still go there sometimes and never once id
it occur to me that I should be eternally wounded by some bad service.

I once had a guy pump premoum gasoline into my motorcycle when I
specifically asked for "cheap stuff"... I didn't memorize his name, hair
color, call the station manager or corporate office. I still get gas there
but I now am smart enough to know that motorcyclists pump their own gasoline
almost everywhere even when the law says they shouldn't

I once had someone charge me for an appetizer I didn't receive even after I
ordered it. I didn't... Oh you get the point.

I suggest you...

Suck it up...

Build a bridge...

Get over it...

Life is too important to stress out over bad service. If it is a regular,
reoccuring problem, that's a different story. Sounds like you have been
going there for a while and since Cameron has been there for months, I would
guess he served you before.

Actually, sounds like you have another issue with Cameron and are posting
this as a tactic to try and get him in trouble for nothing... But that's
just speculation on my part. It might backfire ya know. People here might
call and praise Cameron's efforts to serve them and then what will your post

Joe in Northern, NJ - V#8013-R

Currently Riding The "Mother Ship"

Ride a motorcycle in or near NJ?

Feb 11, 2008, 3:36:11 PM2/11/08
On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:25:26 -0500, "Stormin Mormon"
<cayoung61**> wrote:

>Just had the worst customer service I can remember in my entire life. At a
>Dollar Tree, in Victor NY. I've had good service there in the past, which is
>why this is so exceptional. The clerk, a teen boy, with the name tag
>"CAMERON" asked if I was finished so he could cash me ot. Needed to get his
>drawer open so he could give the other lady her change. I said I wasn't
>sure, but what the heck. Cash me out.
>He explained that I could continue shopping. He'd done this before, that
>some customers buy one item, and then go back to shopping. So I told him, I
>was finished enough, and he should cash me out. Over a period of 3 to 5
>minutes, I told him four times to go ahead and cash me out. Or was it five.
>He kept talking and talking, until finally I used my best drill sargeant
>voice and ordered him to cash me out.
>He kept talking. It became clear that he was abusing his power, and just
>dangling me on a string. I stormed out of the store. I went home, got the
>number, and called the store manager, and give him a detailed account. Al,
>the manager, sounds like he's not from NY. Very friendly fellow. Including
>reccomend that the boy should be fired immediately. Al says he'll get to the
>bottom of this. But he can't fire the kid after nine months of no

Al was right. First, summary firing is no longer possible even in
right-to-work states. An employer has to have a clear reason for the
action, usually with at least two or three other similar events, and
even with that, the unemployment review may still sock the employer
for an unjustified termination. Secondly, in the military, a
competent commander takes the side of the private in a dispute with
the local populace, and then does whatever dressing down is needed
behind closed doors. Why do you expect it to be different in civilian
life? Third, your response was unreasoned. You could have a much
more positive effect by demanding a personal apology from the clerk,
in the presence of the manager. Fourth, you weren't creative in
response to his trolling you. You could have simply gone in the next
time, gathered a bunch of random items, gone to his checkout, and
halfway through the process, left the store, leaving the sticky ball
of frustration in his hands. BTW, I've had worse customer service
than what you described.


Feb 11, 2008, 4:29:07 PM2/11/08
On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:25:26 -0500, "Stormin Mormon"
<cayoung61**> wrote:

>He explained that I could continue shopping. He'd done this before, that
>some customers buy one item, and then go back to shopping. So I told him, I
>was finished enough, and he should cash me out. Over a period of 3 to 5
>minutes, I told him four times to go ahead and cash me out. Or was it five.
>He kept talking and talking, until finally I used my best drill sargeant
>voice and ordered him to cash me out.

Smile. You're on Candid Camera. Probably the drill sargeant part
scrubbed this take.

Don Klipstein

Feb 11, 2008, 6:26:14 PM2/11/08

If a store clerk wasted 3-5 minutes of my time doing such BS, I would do
no less than making sure the store manager heard from me. If the store
manager failed to appear to take me seriously or gave any indication that
there is no problem to fix or that the problem cannot be fixed, I would
also post.


On a side note: My experience is that Dollar Tree is better than most
other dollar stores - in terms of quality of products. I see better
bungee cords, more truthfully rated (but still subpar) lightbulbs, and
lack of the atrocities known as dollar store compact fluorescents lamps.

- Don Klipstein (

Don Klipstein

Feb 11, 2008, 6:35:01 PM2/11/08
In article <lb1sj.3283$qV2.2816@trnddc04>, Joe wrote:
>"Stormin Mormon" <cayoung61**> wrote in message
>> Just had the worst customer service I can remember in my entire life. At a
>> Dollar Tree, in Victor NY.

<SNIP the rest of the story>

>I also live in the NE US.
>I once had pickles on my burger at a White Castle when I asked for no
>pickles... I didn't memorize the staff's name, hair color, call their
>manager or corporate office. I still go there sometimes and never once id
>it occur to me that I should be eternally wounded by some bad service.

<And so on>

I see a difference between incorrectly including/excluding pickles,
missing or forgetting something, or pumping the wrong gas,

and spending 3-5 minutes of time talking when the customer is trying to
get checked out. That would annoy me a lot more.

- Don Klipstein (

Al Bundy

Feb 11, 2008, 7:25:45 PM2/11/08
On Feb 11, 1:25 pm, "Stormin Mormon"
Careful there. I hope you didn't give them too big a piece of your


Feb 11, 2008, 7:30:19 PM2/11/08
> I see a difference between incorrectly including/excluding pickles,
> missing or forgetting something, or pumping the wrong gas,
> and spending 3-5 minutes of time talking when the customer is trying to
> get checked out. That would annoy me a lot more.

I have to agree with you here... But it still would not be enough for me to
flip out like that. I think I might go see the manager right then and
there, but certainly not post the information to a public forum as broad and
"anonymous" as this one.


Feb 11, 2008, 8:21:28 PM2/11/08
to wrote:

> Fourth, you weren't creative in response to his trolling you. You
>could have simply gone in the next time, gathered a bunch of random
>gone to his checkout, and halfway through the process, left the store,
>leaving the sticky ball of frustration in his hands.

I like this idea best.


George Grapman

Feb 11, 2008, 8:47:13 PM2/11/08
Until recently the local Safeway was was regularly understocked. On
several occasions I walked in and walked out. One time I got the
checkout and there were only two lines each with about 10 customers. I
found a manager and told him I had abandoned my cart. He apologized and
said he was advising customers to call the corporate 800 number to tell
them the dollar amount of the lost business. It might have worked as
they are rarely understaffed now.


Feb 11, 2008, 9:08:31 PM2/11/08
On Feb 11, 1:25 pm, "Stormin Mormon"
<cayoung61**> wrote:
> Just had the worst customer service I can remember in my entire life.

(rest of post snipped)

If THIS is the worst cus. svc. you've ever experienced, then you have
lived a charmed life. You ain't seen nuthin' if this riled you that


Feb 11, 2008, 9:47:54 PM2/11/08
Stormin Mormon wrote:
> Just had the worst customer service I can remember in my entire life. At a
> Dollar Tree, in Victor NY. I've had good service there in the past, which is
> why this is so exceptional. The clerk, a teen boy, with the name tag
> "CAMERON" asked if I was finished so he could cash me ot. Needed to get his
> drawer open so he could give the other lady her change. I said I wasn't
> sure, but what the heck. Cash me out.
> He explained that I could continue shopping. He'd done this before, that
> some customers buy one item, and then go back to shopping. So I told him, I
> was finished enough, and he should cash me out. Over a period of 3 to 5
> minutes, I told him four times to go ahead and cash me out. Or was it five.
> He kept talking and talking, until finally I used my best drill sargeant
> voice and ordered him to cash me out.
> He kept talking. It became clear that he was abusing his power, and just
> dangling me on a string. I stormed out of the store. I went home, got the
> number, and called the store manager, and give him a detailed account. Al,
> the manager, sounds like he's not from NY. Very friendly fellow. Including
> reccomend that the boy should be fired immediately. Al says he'll get to the
> bottom of this. But he can't fire the kid after nine months of no
> complaints. He could if it were something really serious. I explained that
> mistreating customers lost him a sale, and may have lost him a customer. I
> left him my name and home phone number, if he needed further testimony.

Let's see you've let a teenage kid get you completely unwound and you
left your handful of dollar items on the counter. Then you spent even
more time and effort calling managers and so far nothing. So you bring
it all here.

I find it amusing that the two least tolerant individuals in this
group are particularly proud of their christianity.


brother mouse

Feb 12, 2008, 8:40:50 AM2/12/08
On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:25:26 -0500, Stormin Mormon wrote:

> Al, the manager, sounds like he's not from NY. Very friendly
> fellow.

This was my morning laugh.


Slightly Graying Wolf

Feb 12, 2008, 9:45:02 AM2/12/08

"George Grapman" <> wrote in message

Any Safeway store where the front-end staff realize there are more than 3
customers in line and does not react to the best of their ability to open
more checkstands, is not following procedure. It has been this way for over
15 years now, it is doubtful your complaint would have changed anything.

I doubt you were talking to any manager at or above the Assistant Manager
level (probably a clerk in charge at the time). Any manager who tells you to
call the 1 800 # because of wait times might as well have held a gun to his
head by the barrel and asked you to pull the trigger.

Stormin Mormon

Feb 12, 2008, 12:05:35 PM2/12/08
I don't know your def'n of "so far nothing". But I did talk with the store
manager, and this morning a rep from the regional office called.

What's so intolerant about reporting bad service? I didn't ask if he was
Catholic, and then try to shoot him.

Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus

"Jeff" <> wrote in message

George Grapman

Feb 12, 2008, 6:22:40 PM2/12/08
Slightly Graying Wolf wrote:
> "George Grapman" <> wrote in message
> news:BU6sj.6859$
>> Until recently the local Safeway was was regularly understocked. On
>> several occasions I walked in and walked out. One time I got the checkout
>> and there were only two lines each with about 10 customers. I found a
>> manager and told him I had abandoned my cart. He apologized and said he
>> was advising customers to call the corporate 800 number to tell them the
>> dollar amount of the lost business. It might have worked as they are
>> rarely understaffed now.
> Any Safeway store where the front-end staff realize there are more than 3
> customers in line and does not react to the best of their ability to open
> more checkstands, is not following procedure. It has been this way for over
> 15 years now, it is doubtful your complaint would have changed anything.

This store was chronically understaffed until recently. The manger did
his best, sometime being a bagger.

> I doubt you were talking to any manager at or above the Assistant Manager
> level (probably a clerk in charge at the time). Any manager who tells you to
> call the 1 800 # because of wait times might as well have held a gun to his
> head by the barrel and asked you to pull the trigger.

This man was and still is a manager.


Feb 14, 2008, 10:24:32 AM2/14/08
Stormin Mormon wrote:
> I don't know your def'n of "so far nothing". But I did talk with the store
> manager, and this morning a rep from the regional office called.
> What's so intolerant about reporting bad service? I didn't ask if he was
> Catholic, and then try to shoot him.
Aren't we talking of firing some kid over using 3 minutes or so of
your time? I just don't see the return on investment. If a waitress kept
you waiting 3 minutes you wouldn't call the regional manager. Just
seems to me that you have a short fuse.



Feb 14, 2008, 11:30:00 AM2/14/08

did you mean "understaffed"?

Stormin Mormon

Feb 15, 2008, 12:03:49 PM2/15/08
It wasn't just the three minutes. It was the "cat that ate the bird" look,
and it became obvious he was abusing his position.

Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus

"Jeff" <> wrote in message


Feb 15, 2008, 12:16:58 PM2/15/08

Damn, and here I just scheduled a 3-week vacation to Victor, NY. Gotta
run, see if I can cancel those plane tickets...


Even he, to whom most things that most people
would think were pretty smart were pretty dumb,
thought it was pretty smart.

...Douglas Adams

Stormin Mormon

Feb 15, 2008, 5:14:45 PM2/15/08
They still have a Copy Max, and one of the last remaining K-Mart. I'd keep
the tickets. You'll have to check with your tour guide, and change the
schedule around a bit. Find something else to do with the four days you'd
scheduled at Dollar Tree.

Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus

"Steve" <h...@wsx.inv> wrote in message

George Grapman

Feb 17, 2008, 7:11:54 PM2/17/08


Apr 4, 2008, 11:27:36 AM4/4/08
On Feb 11, 2:25 pm, "Stormin Mormon"

With today's economy, why would you (because of one mistake) request
someone be fired? Maybe the person is still learing "Customer
Service" Have some mercay on Cameron. Then you sign your name, with
a quote "Learn more about Jesus" Are you Joking - with such a
judgement attitude you have I don't think anyone would like to learn
more about your Jesus if everyone that "Knows" more about Jesus is so
quick to request someone be fired like you just did!!

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