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Klaudio Zic

Dec 22, 2007, 6:02:52 AM12/22/07
FUTURETRIEVER was first published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2007, Copyright (c) 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights
Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial
purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author,
except when permitted by law.


Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Did you ever fancy a world where wishes come true as future
misfortunes are easily predicted as well as annihilated by the
positive forces of human mind? Would that not be magick? What a
wonderful world it could be!

Would you agree on human beings being influenced by the celestial
bodies much as everything is in mutual influence as enmeshed in
eternal creation?

Mysterious forces at work frame human fate as unfathomed by
astrology. The future is molded in advance by the use of magick1.

We use the organized sky for our precise predictions, the better to
counter fate.

Why do we use the real celestial objects and constellations instead
of irrational means that flatter the superstitious? It is in our
belief that the noble arts of astronomy and astrology were once the
same art, both scientific and divine.

Superstition settles in only upon the fall of some great
civilisation. The profanation of celestial mathematics results in
false zodiacs and mangled astrological imagery. It is a well-known
fact that astronomy parted from pseudo-astrology as soon as the
alleged astrologers ceased to upgrade their calculations to precession
and sound scientific thought. Nowadays astrology is but superstition,
the so-called astrological signs having nothing to do with their
alleged heavenly counterparts. To state but one blatant example, the
sun is still in Libra on November 23rd, albeit the astrologist might
not be informed accordingly2.

Futuretrieving succeeds in atuning one's preferred future to one's
karma. One would otherwise suffer calamity, whether predicted or not,
often on account of bad astrology. Over the past 3000 years much evil
was done by influencing people with fase astrology3.

Pseudo-astrologists have brought much harm to humanity and continue
toi do so. To mention but a most obvious error, the astrologist's
victim is e.g. Told he's a "Scorpio" albeit his natal sun is clearly
in Virgo. It is easy to imagine a terrible series of errors that can
issue from living a life as based on a false identity.

Besides being mathematically off the mark, the false zodiacal
presumptions form a trojan psychological barrier to optimal an life.
The academic zodiac and RTRRT help setting one's futurity in a proper
perspective by determining one's true natal sky, as well as dissolving
the bad transits coming from the future while installing a positive
set of events into the future ahead instead of bad expectancy.

The academic zodiac hosts 22 IAU constellations while the present
ascendant set distributes 16 constellations over your true eastern
horizon. The Night & Day house system matches the 22/16 duo with
perfection. This may be the first time that the principles behind your
own real natal horoscope are available in comprehensive form. Whether
your interest lies in future-changing, astronomy or astrology, the
astronomic zodiac and precessed ascendant set will open a new future
for you. And don't forget that you can always change your future with
the help of the handy RTRRT, your daily magick kit!

It is our fair offer. Nothing less but your real natal sky. It is easy
to agree on that.

Klaudio Zic

Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available

Copyright (c) 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or

Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for
commercial purposes or otherwise,

without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by

1Future changing is achieved by inspiration, meditation and the RTRRT.
The real time reality rendering tools help molding one's future,
whether immediate or distant, into any form, implying freedom of

2Our calculations are based on the NASA ephemerides. Other sources may
have been meant for the doubtful entertainment of the superstitious,
but are of course not at all authoritative according to the current
IAU standards.

3Marriages were broken on account of an e.g. "Neptune in the 7th
house: which was in fact in the 6th house of the horoscope. People
were told they are "Scorpio" when their natal sun was clearly in
Virgo. A woman suffered her "Capricorn" ascendant only to discover it
was Pisces rising over her eastern horizon at birth.

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