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2.3 million US Soldiers vs 11.7 million Iranian Soldiers = DRAFT

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Nov 13, 2007, 3:20:22 PM11/13/07
2.3 million US Soldiers vs 11.7 million Iranian Soldiers = DRAFT

The Truth Will Set You Free | November 12, 2007

Some sobering advice from a fellow blogger at

Alright, I know 90% of you guys follow politics so you've undoubtably
read and/or heard about the current Iran situation. I'd like to
briefly talk about the figurative war with Iran. For the sake of
discussion, let's begin with the questionably optimistic assumption
that no major country would forcefully oppose (economically or
militarily) full-scale US military operations in Iran. Nevermind
Iran's 12% imports with Germany and 10% imports with China - I'm sure
Germany and China's economies don't want Iran's money anyway, right?
Nevermind the fact that Iran exports 2,836,000 barrels of oil per day
to various nations that depend on that oil.

We can all just ride bikes until the 2 month war is over! As to the
Iranians themselves, I'm sure they're just dying (no pun intended) to
be invaded, er, `liberated` by Americans, considering the `horrid` 70%
approval rating of Ahmadinejad and the `devastating` $8,700 gross
domestic product per capita (8.6% better than China). I'm sure we'll
be "welcomed in the streets" after we "shock and awe" all important
looking buildings to Jahannum and back.

With a little help from the boys at GFP, I did some exploring into the
military systems of America and Iran and what I found was
alarming . . .

2,369,239 US Soldiers vs 11,770,000 Iranian Soldiers = DRAFT
The United States of America has 2.37 million soldiers capable of
combat and available for mobilization. Let's compare with little ol'
Iran! Iran has THE MOST military personnel available for combat in the
entire world. In fact, Iran has more combat-ready military personnel
than China and Russia combined. 11.7 million guerillas - Talk about
hell. The bottom line is, America can't even handle Iraq. At one
point, we thought we would rush in, smite some nubs with dirks and
bubble hearth back home in time for American Idol. Not quite. And with
Iran, reality is going to hurt a lot more.
America is War Stomping on Artificial Ice Above the Pit of Sparta

At the risk of loosing all my credibility, allow my concern to
manifest itself in a less than mature way: Our economy is &%$#ed. We
have a -862,300,000,000 dollar cash balance. That puts us LAST in the
world for cash balance of our own currency. This is what people are
talking about when they say deficit. But this is more than a deficit;
this is an abandonment of the dollar. The conclusion? Changes. And not
the type of changes 2Pac wanted. Big changes that will crash into the
hull of the United States.
Nerf Executive Branch

America is tipping back way too far in her easy chair - something is
about to happen. This upcoming 2008 election is extremely pivotal. I'm
not going to name any candidates because this isn't that type of
article. But let the point of this entire post clear: If you think
times are boring, think again. If you think the future is predictable,
think again. My advice to everyone who reads this is to be thoughtful,
be skeptical, be wise. Learn, test what you learn and share it. The
future of your family tree is in the balance.

Bob Young

Nov 13, 2007, 6:39:04 PM11/13/07
I don't doubt your numbers at all. However you leave out one small
detail. Our commander and chief is a mentally ill son of bitch, who hid
out during his own military time and he really doesn't give a shit who
he murders on either side.

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