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We Want Illegal Aliens Out of NY Out of USA!!!!!!!

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Nov 1, 2007, 10:43:43 AM11/1/07
We Want Illegal Aliens Out of NY Out of USA!!!!!!!

Every body I know agree with this thinking.

May be this help we allso make report one by one.

I make report here this Illegal Stripper Uliana Abramova.

Look at this Illegal Uliana!!! She do all crime use any US American
man take husband brake family try & blackmail allso!!! She stay in USA
she do what she like all times. She work in strip club allso hooker!!!
She have face like weseal some bad animal. Yo can see she have no
soul. She care for no body only self only dream of $$$$ and more $$$$.
Any body can see she have no heart or soul.

Illegal Stripper Uliana

Illegal stripper is psycho for sure. How may illgal do more crime
beside come here illegal? May be every one. I think so.

They take to long to drport to her but some time soon this happen.
Seguro que si.

Some people think Louie is spammer but all things I put here are true.
No braking law if every thing yo say is true. People need this info so
they help to deport to her soon & think to report any criminlal
illegal. Any body help to her they have trouble allso!!! Mr Sanjay
talk of law, Give her space to live & job is harboring & helping &
Illegal allso.

Please every body should report to Illegal Alien where they know there
is one. Por favor, this is help to every body. Yo not forget they do
so many extra crime not just come here illegal!!! This makes bigger
problem. More crmininals in USA!!!

Mr Sanjay put up info & I put up again. Every body knows to her now.
All of us should do this!!! Report on Illegal that we know, write to
goverment people. Do all things and may be they listen. Seguro que si.
We push them they have to listen some time if every body thinking this
way. So many people in agree with us so this happen for sure.

(I am Puerto Rican American)


Subject: We wants Illegal Stripper Uliana Abramova Out of NY out of

Perdon. Picture of Stripper on internet was not working. I think
before to see it. Run fast where yo see her walk!!!! Protext family
and self from puta. She take every think from every body when nobody
stop to her

Illegal Stripper Uliana



I see this put on some Google groups by Mr Sanja Karam. Now post is
taken off & I put back.Very wrong what this illegal did, brake visa,
brake family, try & blackmail wife, get into university to. She does
all crimes, brake US immigration laws to. This is illegal and psycho
also. 1 of 25 people psycho like this stripper, doctrs saying. The
post disappear so here I put it again. what a sick chica so bad. I see
her picture to flat tits & no good face. they deport her bak to russia
soon I hope. No good stripper & bad person to.

Her is info for you to think about so protext self, family job &

Picture (new one) of ugly stripper, face like animal

Chat of stripper EXACT PLAN to get into US illegal

For Report Illegal Alien

More criminal like Stripper


Post from Mr. Sanjay.

To Whom it May Concern:

Please be advised that Uliana Abramova, recently dismissed from Scores
NY West Side, is in flagrant violation of her Non-Immigrant J-1 Visa.
She is presently based in New York City, and it is likely that she
will at some point seek employment at another New York City Strip

It has come to our attention that Abramova has tried to prevent
widespread knowledge of her illegal status She also attempted to
coerce several American men into marriage, in order to derive
immigration benefits. Abramova has in fact made serious threats
against the wife of one of the men she seduced, the father of a four
year old child. Her immoral and unethical actions are endangering the
integrity of this family, and the welfare of this child. Please see
the original email she sent to this poor woman, directly following
this posting.

I must state unequivocally that all of the statements contained herein
are factual and verifiable. It is also true that the removal from the
USA of Uliana Abramova would not normally be a matter of such urgency,
except that she is a person who enjoys creating mischief and havoc.
Abramova is an opportunistic depraved person who acts without
conscience nor concern for the welfare of any other person. She is
therefore a liability to anyone who may employ her or come into
contact with her.

Abramova affects an innocent, naive demeanor but is predatory,
unpredictable and dangerous. She is a Russian native and speaks with
an accent, is 5'5" tall and about 105 lbs., with an extremely slight
build and wispy hair dyed red or blond. She has altered her appearance
considerably in the past few years (several surgeries to replace a
bulbous nose), and may continue to do so in the future.

We have documentation which indicates that:

(1) Abramova came to the USA with the definite intention of violating
the conditions of her temporary, Non- Immigrant, nonrenewable J-1Visa.

In her own words: Abramova planned and implemented a plan to obtain a
J-1 visa and then a Social Security number, and intented violation of
this visa once she arrived in the USA. Entry into the USA was granted
to her under the stipulation that she work as a camp counselor at
CCUSA from 5/06 until 10/06. Abramova never showed up to work at the
camp and she also remained in the USA past the term of her temporary
visa, 10/06. She is therefore both in violation of her visa and in

(2) Before leaving Russia: Abramova had been "trolling" for likely
American men who might harbor her once she arrived in the USA
illegally. This was done via at least one Russian dating web site,
site2date. We have the transcript of a chat between her and a man in
Tacoma, WA and he has sent us additional emails between himself and

Rumor has it that Abramova has been admitted to university, possibly
one of those in the New York CUNY system. She has apparently
accomplished this by falsifying admission documents.

Abramova is in fact not legally allowed to work or live anywhere in
the USA. She was recently refused an F-1 (student visa) and therefore
should not be attending college, either. To quote the words of an ICE
agent: "She needs to go home."

Contact has been made with ICE and with the Compliance Unit,
Department of State and Representative Jerrold Nadler of Manhattan
Congressional District 8. All of the above have been interested in the
case and have asked for details. We recently have received word of
its being moved up to the next level. Apparently, the process of
having her removed from the USA is well under way.

Please be good enough to take this information seriously. It should
serve as a warning to avoid employing or associating with persons of
this description. By US Immigration Law, anyone who employs Abramova
or otherwise acts in any manner to enables her to stay in the USA is
guilty of "harboring," an offense punishable by 5 years in jail.

Please be good enough to advise your colleagues of this matter
privately. Thus informed, they can act according to their own best

Sincerely yours,
Sanjay Karam, Esq.

cc: Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Department of Homeland

United States Department of State (Compliance Unit)


Illegal Uliana she make threaten on Mrs Lena. No body can do this
before they not go to jail!!!

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-----Original Message-----

Sent: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 4:34 PM
Subject: ОÑ,веÑ,: Fwd: arthur wrote:

Arthur's wife here. I will get you out of the country, you whore. I
am writing to immigration. You bet, you lost your job because of me.



I was not aware Arthur was married for 4 month , only after 4 month I
found out he is married and has a son. I tried to brake it off, and he
was the one calling me and insisting on seeing me all the time,
although i asked him to break it off. He loves me and if he wants to
be with me, I cant stop him. The only person who can stop it, is
Arthur himself.

When i type my first and last name in google, this what comes up:

and when I click on the first link that what i see:

U have much more to loose then i am. U have friends , family, and U go
to hunter college.

I will post your husbands naked pictures all over the net as well as I have naked pictures, videos of him, making love to
me, etc...

I don't want to hurt your feeling and send u these pictures, unless U
want me to, but if wont remove the link, I will post it in the
internet next week. All of them... and I have more then 10. If U don't
belief me , I send them to U.

Don't go there, its up to him to make a decision. I didn't take him
away from U, he did it all himself.

Its the softest one.


Look again yo see ugly weseal face of illegal stripper. Yo can see she
have no soul. She use all people just dream of American $$$$ and green

Illegal Stripper Uliana

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Nov 19, 2007, 10:30:39 AM11/19/07
Oye. Aqui esta Las noticias for every body.

> Use the time you spend on these posts, to learn how to spell. BY
> spelling this way, people (viewers) will not take your posts
> seriously. SO, do something better with your life. Get a girlfriend
> or get a life.

Stupid guy he make worry for Louie no body can take him seriously. No
body can believe this haha!!! I have very good wife & may be 1 to 2
hour every day help make deport to illegals. I stay in so many
internet group they are helping allso. Every body need have time for
this. Some time I improve to my writing no body can make improve to
truth. Truth is truth.

I have no intent to speak with stupid guy who brake marriage to live
with Illegal Uliana. Si, he brake marriage illegal stripper push him
for doing this.This guy is liar and try to fool to every body. Loose
marriage now all he have is illegal stripper. I am sorry for this guy.

> Better yet, the only reason I got married, is because
> my ex wife got pregnant.

Haha. He has marriage for more than 5 year. He have 4 year old son. I
want make say I knows to this guy. I sees to stupid guy & illegal
stripper allways. He make lie every body know to what is truth.

He is stupid guy think I am special friend of Lena. I am friend to
every family!!! Enemigo to every Illegal!!!! Judger of every body
specially self. Louie is rigteous guy who know right from wrong. I see
fact make judge of all thing & come out correct.

Arthur he cannot change truth that Uliana is illegal stripper!!! He
cannot change truth that she make sex with every taxi driver near to
where she live they give her $$$$. Sorry for yo stupd guy this make
she is hooker allso. May be he doesnt know to this. Stupid guy is more

> Ive been with Uliana Abramova for the past 2 years, and currently we
> are living together. ALL the posts in regards to her name are nothing

Totalmente this is mentira. Uliana she only come to USA less than 2
year. She come mayo 2006. He only want to fix every body know to her
now. He cannot fix this!!! ICE & Homeland Security they knows to her
they look at all facts.What can he say when they call for Illegal
Uliana to make appear?

She write on internet exact plan to brake visa. She is in USA ILLEGAL
& she make INTENT TO COME HERE ILLEGAL. This is criminal acting. She
make try to find some American guy she stay witl when she come here
illegal. This is bad acting. She write all this on internet. Sje send
email. STupid Uliana allso. This is stupid guy he make all lies for
psycho stripper he make trouble for self & business & little boy.

> IM 33 years old, have a business (employing 5 people), and 2 college
> degrees. Do you really thing a 22 year old girl, can mislead me and
> lure me into a marriage.

He has no clear thinking les aseguro. He try and fix all thing for
illegal stripper and so many say she look like she have more than 30
years! She is liar in every thing.

He have no info about psycho people. So many people liek this!!! They
make fool to every body they have no sould feel for no body. Fool to
so many people more clever than this stupid guy. Every body need to
know this & pyschos can do no more harm to people.

Illegal Uliana he cannot fix to what she is & what she do. He cannot
change fact. He make big mistake go with her & help to her. He make
threaten for he self & family & business allso!!!

No body can forget allso he allow to Ilegal stripper make threaten
blackmail on wife Lena.

> U cause pain and destruction. Stop your posts.

Illegal stripper she start all things. Make pain on her self for brake
US law & do harm to others. She is no afraid for any thing. Every body
need to read abot psycho & they see!!!

> I never loved my wife and was cheating on her

Yo have no love for wife yo find new good one. Better yo throw away
illegal stripper she have no interest yo are father to little boy. Yo
needs for to give to him more time. Yo needs to protect him from
illegal stripper. No body knows may be what she do with child she have
no responsible feeling. Any body they have little child needs for
think of child PRIMERO. Needs to thik more than he like to make sex
with Illegal stripper make fiesta all day.

A todos modos ICE throws her out of USA soon & yo need for find new
women, amigo.

> before I meat Uliana.

Hahaha!!! This guy he make insult on my English & he is not good
allso!! Some body look to this and laugh so much!!! He say he meat to
Uliana!!! Meat significa flesh from animal. Carne yo eat. Si, she is
meat like animal. Face like animal y se porta como un animal. She is
stripper an dhooker!!! She show all things and people yes think this
is meat!!! Hahaha he show truth when he try to make lie to every body.

(I am Puerto Rican American patriot & family guy)


On Nov 16, 3:41 pm, art777 <> wrote:

> On Nov 1, 9:43 am, wrote:
> > We Want Illegal Aliens Out of NY Out of USA!!!!!!!
> > Every body I know agree with this thinking.
> > May be this help we allso make report one by one.
> > I make report here this Illegal Stripper Uliana Abramova.
> > Look at this Illegal Uliana!!! She do all crime use any US American
> > man take husband brake family try & blackmail allso!!! She stay in USA
> > she do what she like all times. She work in strip club allso hooker!!!
> > She have face like weseal some bad animal. Yo can see she have no
> > soul. She care for no body only self only dream of $$$$ and more $$$$.
> > Any body can see she have no heart or soul.

> > Illegal Stripper Uliana

> > Illegal Stripper Uliana

> > Louie
> > ............
> > I see this put on some Google groups by Mr Sanja Karam. Now post is
> > taken off & I put back.Very wrong what this illegal did, brake visa,
> > brake family, try & blackmail wife, get into university to. She does
> > all crimes, brake US immigration laws to. This is illegal and psycho
> > also. 1 of 25 people psycho like this stripper, doctrs saying. The
> > post disappear so here I put it again. what a sick chica so bad. I see
> > her picture to flat tits & no good face. they deport her bak to russia
> > soon I hope. No good stripper & bad person to.
> > Her is info for you to think about so protext self, family job &
> > country.

> > Picture (new one) of ugly stripper, face like animal

> > Chat of stripper EXACT PLAN to get into US illegal
> > For Report Illegal Alien

> > More criminal like Stripper

> ...


Nov 29, 2007, 10:33:24 AM11/29/07

The best-kept secret: Enforcement actually works
The Heritage Foundation

Once again, the states are rebelling against Washington.

Fed up with dithering in D.C., states are proving that enforcement
works. Enforcement can not only prevent illegal immigration but
actually reverse it.

Illegal immigrants by the tens of thousands are leaving states that
have adopted tough new laws -- Colorado, Georgia, Arizona and now
Oklahoma. Local efforts are being launched too quickly to count,
involving more than 100 communities so far.

When denied jobs or public benefits, many illegals return to Mexico.
Others move within the U.S. to areas with local amnesty policies.

Left-leaning groups are on the move, too, flocking to the courts in
efforts to block state and local enforcement. Only Congress is
standing still -- except for backsliding efforts to push more back-
door amnesty.

The details of the state and local laws vary, but the impact is
consistent. Typically, they deny public benefits to illegal immigrants
and try to make sure that employers don't hire them.

Oklahoma's law kicked in Thursday. Hispanic leaders claim that 25,000
illegal persons departed the Sooner State before the measure went into
effect. Businesses that catered to them say their sales are down 20
percent. They're backing a lawsuit challenging the new crackdown.

But the crackdown is a gain for taxpayers. Estimates show that illegal
immigrants cost Oklahoma taxpayers $200 million a year, mostly for
education and healthcare.

Arizona's new employer sanctions don't start until Jan. 1. A half
million undocumented people supposedly are awaiting the outcome of
court challenges, but The Arizona Republic still reports the
outmigration already tops 100 per day.

Because of Georgia's new law, businesses with an illegal-alien
customer base have seen sales drop as much as 40 percent. And money
wired from Georgia to Mexico and Central America declined. Similar
sales drops are reported elsewhere.

Colorado supplemented its new laws with a special detachment of state
troopers. An Aug. 31 report to the governor said the first month's
results "exceed anyone's expectations," catching 150 illegal
immigrants plus those who smuggle them.

State legislators this year introduced some 1,400 immigrant-related
bills, and 182 became law. Local ordinances were proposed or adopted
in 104 cities and counties.

Bucking the trend is Illinois, which passed a law prohibiting
employers from using a federal database to screen out illegal
immigrants. That's where the litigation trend cuts both ways: The
Department of Homeland Security is suing Illinois to force it to
comply, saying the state can't pick and choose which federal laws to

Current federal enforcement remains limited, focused on illegals who
have committed violent crimes but not on illegal immigration

So-called sanctuary/amnesty cities are clearly violating federal law,
as New York City learned from a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2000.
It's time for the feds to use that precedent and take other cities and
state scofflaws to court.

The battleground is swiftly shifting into court, where activist judges
are eager to side with border violators. One judge blocked federal
officials from notifying millions of employers that their workers may
be using false Social Security numbers. Hazleton, Pa., had its local
ordinance struck down. More lawsuits are pending. Enforcement works,
but liberals want to stifle it before people realize that.

The big claim is that immigration is solely a federal issue. If
activist judges block state and local enforcement, the public reaction
could rival the anger over decisions about abortion and forced busing.

But there's a difference this time: Those controversial rulings
claimed that the Constitution barred action by any level of

By demonstrating that enforcement works, state and local governments
are clarifying the issues, and tens of thousands of illegal immigrants
are self-deporting. The public outcry that defeated the amnesty bill
this spring has found a new outlet, keeping the heat on Washington all
the way into the 2008 elections.
Ernest Istook is a distinguished fellow at the Heritage Foundation. He
served 14 years as a Republican congressman from Oklahoma.


Dec 3, 2007, 2:56:42 PM12/3/07

On Nov 1, 9:43 am, wrote:
> We Want Illegal Aliens Out of NY Out of USA!!!!!!!
> Every body I know agree with this thinking.
> May be this help we allso make report one by one.
> I make report here this Illegal Stripper Uliana Abramova.
> Look at this Illegal Uliana!!! She do all crime use any US American
> man take husband brake family try & blackmail allso!!! She stay in USA
> she do what she like all times. She work in strip club allso hooker!!!
> She have face like weseal some bad animal. Yo can see she have no
> soul. She care for no body only self only dream of $$$$ and more $$$$.
> Any body can see she have no heart or soul.

> Illegal Stripper Uliana

> Illegal Stripper Uliana

> Louie
> ............
> I see this put on some Google groups by Mr Sanja Karam. Now post is
> taken off & I put back.Very wrong what this illegal did, brake visa,
> brake family, try & blackmail wife, get into university to. She does
> all crimes, brake US immigration laws to. This is illegal and psycho
> also. 1 of 25 people psycho like this stripper, doctrs saying. The
> post disappear so here I put it again. what a sick chica so bad. I see
> her picture to flat tits & no good face. they deport her bak to russia
> soon I hope. No good stripper & bad person to.
> Her is info for you to think about so protext self, family job &
> country.

> Picture (new one) of ugly stripper, face like animal
> Chat of stripper EXACT PLAN to get into US illegal
> For Report Illegal Alien

> More criminal like Stripper


Dec 4, 2007, 8:42:05 AM12/4/07

> before I meat Uliana.


(I am Puerto Rican American patriot & family guy)


On Nov 16, 3:41 pm, art777 <> wrote:

- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

> > Illegal Stripper Uliana

> > ...........

> > Illegal Stripper Uliana

> > Louie

> > ............

> > Louie
> > ..............

> > Post from Mr. Sanjay.



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More options Nov 29, 10:33 am
Newsgroups: alt.politics.democrats, misc.consumers.frugal-living
From: Louie <>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 07:33:24 -0800 (PST)
Local: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 10:33 am
Subject: Re: We Want Illegal Aliens Out of NY Out of USA!!!!!!!
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More options Dec 3, 2:56 pm
Newsgroups: alt.politics.democrats, misc.consumers.frugal-living
From: Louie <>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 11:56:42 -0800 (PST)
Local: Mon, Dec 3 2007 2:56 pm
Subject: Re: We Want Illegal Aliens Out of NY Out of USA!!!!!!!
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> Illegal Stripper Uliana

> ...........

> Illegal Stripper Uliana

> Louie

> ............

> Louie
> ..............

> Post from Mr. Sanjay.



Dec 6, 2007, 2:50:08 PM12/6/07

On Nov 16, 3:35 pm, art777 <> wrote:

Dear Mr Luis and his company

My name is Arthur Zilberman and im the husband of the broken Lena
family. Looks like you have some time on your hands, since you been
very consistent in posting these messages.

Use the time you spend on these posts, to learn how to spell. BY
spelling this way, people (viewers) will not take your posts
seriously. SO, do something better with your life. Get a girlfriend
or get a life.

Ive been with Uliana Abramova for the past 2 years, and currently we

are living together. ALL the posts in regards to her name are nothing

BUT LIES, produced by my ex-wife or her "Caring" friends.

IM 33 years old, have a business (employing 5 people), and 2 college
degrees. Do you really thing a 22 year old girl, can mislead me and

lure me into a marriage. Everything I do, I do myself with clear mind
and conscience. I never loved my wife and was cheating on her way
before I meat Uliana. I was looking for a reason to get out of
marriage for the past 4 years, since the marriage was not a happy one
to begin with. Better yet, the only reason I got married, is because

my ex wife got pregnant.

So if you think Uliana broke the family, you are wrong. I BROKE the
family. Not a silly 22 year old girl. She was just an excuse for me to
leave. Why are u passing judgments, on someone u don't even know, or
you know only the half of the story or seen only one side of the

Don't be a coward, and if you u want to discuss this like a man, call
me 2129204833. Don't pass judgments on someone u don't know. U not a
man of god, as u claim. U cause pain and destruction. Stop your posts.


Oye!!! every body need to read this.

with Illegal stripper make all day party.

A todos modos ICE throws her out of USA soon & yo need for find new
women, amigo.

> before I meat Uliana.

Hahaha!!! This guy he make insult on my English & he is not good
allso!! Some body look to this and laugh so much!!! He say he meat to
Uliana!!! Meat significa flesh from animal. Carne yo eat. Si, she is
meat like animal. Face like animal y se porta como un animal. She is

stripper an dhooker!!! She show all things and people think YES this

is meat!!! Hahaha he show truth when he try to make lie to every body.

Por supuesto this is meat. Face like weseal she have no soul.


(I am Puerto Rican American patriot & family guy)



Are You Ready for a 'Violent Illegal Alien Criminal Empowerment Act'?

Peter Gadiel

I've recently written two columns in FSM illustrating that the tide of
battle has shifted against those who support illegal immigration and
open borders. In October I described how, through their increasingly
violent behavior and falsehoods, the members of the Open Borders Lobby
(OBL) are revealing that they themselves recognize this fact. In
November I wrote of the latest of this year's string of major
victories over the OBL: New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's humiliating
defeat of his scheme to issue driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

Since the publication of those columns there have been additional
developments which confirm the themes of these columns but which
simultaneously provide warning that the war is far from over.

The inability of Gov. Spitzer to implement his illegal alien licensing
plan was a critical defeat for the OBL. It was a certainty that
whichever side won, there would be significant impact on other
states. If the open borders extremists had succeeded in New York many
other states would have fallen, but because national security concerns
carried the day, the influence has instead been beneficial.

The pro-illegal immigration extremists understand the importance of
what occurred. On November 16, the day after Spitzer surrendered, the
Putnam (NY) Journal-News quoted Robin Bikkal, immigration attorney and
illegal alien profiteer, admitting: "It's very painful. It's a
disaster. The thing is, I think we could have been leaders in this
whole process. Now I think everybody's going to be just dug into their
positions." Translation: "Had Spitzer succeeded in implementing his
scheme, many other states would soon be licensing illegal aliens;
instead the movement to expand the licensing of illegals to other
states is all but dead."

Even as Bikkal spoke, proof of the accuracy of his prediction was
being provided by Oregon's Democratic Gov. Ted Kulongoski. Oregon is
one of the seven states that still issue licenses to illegal aliens
and the unknown terrorists and violent felons among them. On the very
day that Spitzer put up the white flag, but presumably before he did
so, Kulongoski issued a statement reaffirming his longstanding support
for licensing illegals, because he said 'it saves lives if they go
through the licensing process.' But the very next day, Mr. Kulongoski
issued an executive order to "dramatically tighten" [italics added]
restrictions on Oregon driver's licenses and make Oregon "a de facto
legal presence state." The reason, said his spokeswoman, was because
"[t]here is an increasing concern, based on ongoing investigations,
that Oregon is becoming a 'safe haven' for unlawfully obtaining

There can be only two possible explanations for Gov. Kulongoski's
astonishing, but welcome, reversal. Either: 1. Gov. Kulongoski was
completely ignorant of the "concern based on ongoing investigations"
on November 15 and, within the space of one day, learned of the
threat, reversed course based on this new knowledge and issued an
executive order or: 2. What happened to Eliot Spitzer persuaded
Mr. Kulongoski to switch sides for political reasons.

Common sense and immigration lawyer Bikkal's comment provide
confirmation that it wasn't newly discovered concern for America's
safety that motivated Oregon's governor; it was newly discovered
concern for his own political future.

Remember too, that earlier this year both Tennessee and North Carolina
ended their practice of licensing illegals because the result had been
fraud, corruption and highway deaths; in the Illinois Legislature, a
bill to give "driving certificates" to illegals has, so far, been
stopped; and Representative Vito Fossella of New York City has
introduced legislation in Congress to prohibit issuance of licenses to
illegals anywhere in the United States. Taken together, we see that,
on the driver's license front, the illegal alien lobby has taken a
severe beating.

Driver's licenses were just one aspect of the OBL's problems. Also
defeated were the Bush-Kennedy Comprehensive Immigration bill and the
so-called "Dream Act" both of which would have given amnesty to
millions of illegals and would give them in-state college tuition
rates. Arizona and Oklahoma are implementing strong anti-illegal
immigration measures statewide. Over 1500 anti-illegal immigration
bills have been introduced in legislatures in fifty states, with
passage of almost 250 in 46 states.

Despite the favorable trend, the madness in support of illegal
immigration continues to express itself and serves to warn us of the
fanaticism of the OBL and the continuing threat. Consider for example
a bill which Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced in the
Congress. That bill, H.R. 750, includes an amnesty for millions of
illegals which is far broader than previous ones. She would allow
illegal aliens who have been convicted of crimes of violence and
sentenced to up to five years in prison to apply for amnesty (past
amnesties have limited eligibility to criminals who have been
sentenced 'only' up to one year's imprisonment). Her bill would
specifically allow states to prohibit state and local police from
cooperating with federal government enforcement on immigration law. It
would also repeal the current provision in federal law (Section 287g)
which allows the Attorney General to enter into agreements with states
and localities which deputizes their police to enforce immigration

Jackson Lee's bill is nothing less than a 'Violent Illegal Alien
Criminal Empowerment Act' and though it is unlikely to get anywhere in
the Congress, it does illustrate three facts about illegal alien
lobbyists: they do not recognize any moral obligation to safeguard the
welfare of our country or its citizens; they are extremists; and they
are not giving up.

My October column addressed another indicator of our success over the
OBL: that their increasingly vicious and dishonest rhetoric indicates
a realization that their victory is no longer assured. Since then,
they have continued to provide us with even more of this.

For example, in November a group calling itself "Christians for
Comprehensive Immigration Reform" issued a pronunciamento chock full
of hateful language which, quite ironically, denounced anyone who
opposes illegal immigration of being "deeply rooted in hate." Using
distortions, lies, and quotes out of context, this group alleges that
those who oppose illegal immigration are "virulently anti-immigrant
and anti-Hispanic," "xenophobes," "purveyors of hate," fear mongers,
and un-Christian. We are accused of being linked with, and no
different from, Ku Klux Klansmen and neo-Nazis.

It is apparent that for these "Christians" the technique of arousing
hatred for we who disagree with them, by lying about the facts and
smearing our characters, is an acceptable means of elevating the tone
of the debate and showing "Christian tolerance" for different

It is not worth analyzing in depth a document which, while ostensibly
issued for the purpose of promoting peace and love, itself relies on
the most hateful techniques of propagandists. However, it is worth
noting that much of the "proof" cited in the document is drawn from
sources such as The National Council of La Raza (its motto: "Inside
the race, everything; outside the race, nothing); open borders
profiteer Frank Sharry of the National Immigration Forum; and others
who utilize lists of "hate groups" to solicit funds.

It should also be noted that "Christians for Comprehensive
Immigration" describes itself as being in partnership with numerous
far left, pro-illegal alien lobby groups including: Move On, Mother
Jones, Center for American Progress, Working Assets, United for a Fair
Economy and others of that ilk.

In short, Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform is nothing
more than one more element of the illegal alien lobby. As such it is
gratifying to see that they confirm, via their vitriolic language,
that their cause is losing.

So, let those of us who understand the very real dangers of unsecured
borders and unrestricted illegal immigration enjoy our victories. Let
us enjoy the spectacle of our opponents resorting to increasingly
vicious rhetoric and behavior as their claims are ever more widely
rejected by the American people. But, let us also not ignore that a
fanaticism confirmed by the events of November will not soon be

We can celebrate our victories but cannot afford to stop fighting.

# #

Peter Gadiel's twenty-three year old son, James, was murdered in the
World Trade Center in the September 11 terrorist attacks. Gadiel
holds a law degree from Case Western Reserve University and is
president of 9/11 Families for a Secure America (, an
organization made up of family members of those killed on 9/11 and
other victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens.

(c) 2003-2007 All Rights Reserved


Dec 6, 2007, 3:00:54 PM12/6/07


with Illegal stripper make fiesta all day.

A todos modos ICE throws her out of USA soon & yo need for find new
women, amigo.

> before I meat Uliana.

Hahaha!!! This guy he make insult on my English & he is not good
allso!! Some body look to this and laugh so much!!! He say he meat to
Uliana!!! Meat significa flesh from animal. Carne yo eat. Si, she is
meat like animal. Face like animal y se porta como un animal. She is
stripper an dhooker!!! She show all things and people think YES this
is meat!!! Hahaha he show truth when he try to make lie to every body.

Por supuesto this is meat. Face like weseal she have no soul.



Dec 6, 2007, 3:01:41 PM12/6/07


Dec 8, 2007, 11:42:27 PM12/8/07

Ariz. Immigration Law Challenge Tossed

Dec 8, 12:41 PM (ET)


PHOENIX (AP) - A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit seeking to
block a new Arizona law that prohibits people from hiring illegal
immigrants and requires businesses to verify whether applicants are
eligible for employment.

The law takes effect Jan. 1.

In his ruling on Friday, U.S. District Judge Neil V. Wake wrote that
the lawsuit was premature because there was no evidence that anybody
had been harmed, and that the plaintiffs - a coalition of business and
immigrant rights groups - were suing the wrong people.

The ruling said the law gives only investigatory authority to the
governor and state attorney general, who were named as defendants.
Wake said county prosecutors, who weren't defendants, actually have
the power to enforce the law.

The plaintiffs had asked for a preliminary injunction blocking the law
from taking effect.

Julie Pace, an attorney for the business groups, said her clients were
meeting Saturday to determine whether to appeal the ruling or file a
separate lawsuit against the county prosecutors. She said the business
groups could pursue both avenues.

Alfredo Gutierrez, a spokesman for immigrant rights groups, said they
plan to refile the lawsuit after Jan. 1, when they might be able to
show damages caused by the law.

A spokesman for Gov. Janet Napolitano said the governor's office had
not yet read the ruling and had no immediate comment.

Napolitano signed the bill in July, saying that while immigration is a
federal responsibility, Congress was apparently "incapable of coping
with the comprehensive immigration reforms our country needs."

The law is intended to curb Arizona's role as the busiest illegal
gateway into the country. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that
illegal immigrants account for one in 10 workers in the Arizona

Under the law, any business that is found to have knowingly hired an
illegal worker is subject to sanctions ranging from probation to a 10-
day suspension of its business licenses. A second violation would
bring permanent revocation of the license.

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit had argued the law was an
unconstitutional attempt by the state to regulate immigration, which
is the responsibility of the federal government. The judge's ruling
did not address that argument.

"He didn't uphold the law," Pace said. "He didn't decide if it was
constitutional. We can have that argument another day."

Attorneys for the state say the groups weren't reading the law
correctly and that it does not conflict with federal law.


Dec 22, 2007, 5:20:15 PM12/22/07
Mira amigos! Hay noticias.

Despues de un dia Louie goes bak to Puerto Rico. My wife me echa de
menos so much & I miss to her allso. Now I am finish with visit to my
daughter in NY hasta que el ano que viene. I doesnt have computer en
mi casa y por eso no voy a escribir nada en los grupos por un rato por
lo menos. Quiza I make visit to San Juan I use to computer de nuevo
pero no se cuando voy alli.

Les prometo que despues de un ano mejore de escribir ingles much! I
hopes to every body think I make help for deport to illegals. I hopes
to here ICE make deport to Psycho Illegal Uliana Abramova they are
take to long. No body can be save mientras ella esta en USA!!!

I try allways for be useful man. I hope to make succeed of this.

Saludos hasta luego,
(I am Puerto Rican American Patriot & Family Man)

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