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Re: The racial murder and rape of White women in America

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Mar 10, 2008, 3:22:49 PM3/10/08
On Mar 10, 8:41 am, News without the Jews
<> wrote:
> The racial murder and rape of White women in America
> How the so-called "Civil Rights" Movement in America has led to loss
> of the most important civil right of all: life.
> The almost simultaneous murders of White co-eds at two different,
> prominent universities, Auburn and University of North Carolina,
> should bring attention to an epidemic of brutal African-American
> crimes against White women in the United States.
> The murder of Eve Carson, Student Body President of UNC has shocked
> her campus and its surrounding community to its core. Ms. Carson was
> found murdered in the middle of an intersection just outside downtown
> Chapel Hill on Wednesday, March 5th. Her body ... which had two gunshot
> wounds, including one to the head, laid just a mile away from her SUV,
> which was left abandoned. Bank ATM video revealed that the murderer-
> carjacker, an African American, apparently attempted to get cash from
> Carson's stolen ATM card shortly after the crime.
> In a similar recent incident, police arrested another African American
> attacker, Courtney L. Lockhart, 23, for the grisly murder and
> attempted rape of Auburn University freshman co-ed, Lauren Burk, on
> March 4. Courtney was arrested on March 7 after having brutally pistol-
> whipped the face of another White victim, 72-year-old Marjorie
> Llewellyn of Newnan, Alabama and briefly kidnapping her at gunpoint
> during an armed robbery and attempted carjacking earlier in the day.
> The recent murders of two White coeds at major universities by Black
> predators underscore a racial reality that the mass media in America
> hides from the public: the tens of millions of White victims of Black
> criminality in America. Over the past four decades since the "civil
> rights" movement, crime figures show that millions of crimes have been
> committed by Blacks and other non-White predators against White
> people. The crimes include robbery, assault, rape and murder.
> The racial component of crime in America has been largely ignored. It
> took a major newspaper outside of America to address the shocking
> epidemic Black crime in America. ( See The Race War of Black Against
> White by Paul Sheehan from the Sydney Morning Herald)
> Black crime rates against White people are many times greater than
> White crimes against Blacks. You wouldn't know it by reading or
> listening to America's mass media. Saturation national and
> international news coverage is given to the very few White cross-race
> crimes against Blacks such as the James Byrd dragging case in Texas,
> as well as the media-hyped Tawana Brawley case in New Jersey and the
> alleged rape of a Black stripper by White lacrosse team members at
> Duke University. Both of those latter cases, after months of front-
> page, sensationalized coverage decrying "White racism," turned out to
> be complete hoaxes.
> There is an incredible disproportionate rate of Black crimes against
> Whites in contrast to White crimes against Blacks. Per capita Black
> cross racial crimes of 50 or even 100 percent greater than Whites
> would be bad enough, but the Black crime rates against Whites are
> actually many times greater than White on Black crimes. Blacks are an
> estimated 57 (that is 5,700 percent!) times more likely to commit
> violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times (13,600
> percent!) more likely to commit robbery. (see the color of crime
> report published by the New Century Foundation - an analysis of crime
> figures taken from official Justice Department crime reports)
> Perhaps the most shocking of all the crime data dealing with cross-
> race crime is the incredible rate of crime by Black males against
> White women. According to U.S. Justice Department figures over 34,460
> White women are sexually assaulted or raped by Black men each year,
> and most authorities believe that the actual rape figures are at least
> twice the reported number. In perhaps the most shocking crime figure
> of all is the number of White rapes against Black women.
> Statistically, it is 0! Because they have fewer than 10 cases
> nationally.
> According to murder figures released by the Justice Department in
> 2002, , Black predators are at least 22 times (2,200 percent) more
> likely to murder White women than the reverse. In regard to gang
> attacks including the horrible specter of gang rape, the figures are
> literally off the charts, with at least a 200 times (that's 20,000
> percent!) greater chance of Blacks committing gang assaults and that
> includes both White men and women victims!
> The staggering personal tragedies connected with these huge crime
> numbers should be a national scandal. Yet, the facts go largely
> unreported. How many times have the public seen media portrayals of
> historical or contemporary racial discrimination against Black people.
> But, the question is, "In the terms of the most important of human
> rights, how does the discrimination of racially segregated water
> fountains or neighborhoods or schools compare with the racially born
> crimes of black slaughter and physical attacks levied against
> thousands of White people each year?
> America has been treated to thousands of media articles for instance
> about the frontier-style vigilante justice of lynchings, events which
> have occurred at least since the time of the American Revolution when
> they began on the Virginia frontier. Lynching got its name from
> Colonel Charles Lynch of Bedford County. He defended his community
> against outlaws and against Tories who were treacherously aiding the
> British. The Lynch organizations not only captured suspicious
> characters but gave them trials. With the frontier moving west and
> often with not a single law enforcement officer for hundreds of miles,
> vigilante committees often hunted down criminals and meted out
> punishment which was called "lynching."
> Lynching also became prominent again in the face of terrible outrages
> against innocent women and children during the Black Reconstruction
> period in the South and was mostly employed there against suspected
> Black rapists and murderers, but lynching was often practiced against
> Whites in the South, and quite often against criminal Whites in the
> North and West.
> Of course, everyone today naturally condemns the practice of lynching,
> as well they should. Mob violence cannot be defended. But, if one
> wants to characterize lynching as a racial crime because lynchings
> were more commonly employed against Blacks in the South than against
> Whites, a few facts must be taken into account. If one considers
> disproportionate rates of Black lynching in the South, one must also
> consider the Black disproportionate crime rate.
> 1) Many scholars who have studied the history of lynching in the
> United States make it clear that lynching wasn't simply a racial
> crime, but one primarily exacted on criminals whether they were Black
> or White. Consider the fact that even today, Blacks commit more
> murders than Whites in the United States, and Blacks are many times
> more likely to commit interracial race crimes such as rape and murder.
> As pointed out by federal crimes studies, a Black man is 57 times more
> likely to commit a violent crime against Whites than vice-versa,
> thousands of times more likely to rape a White women than Whites are
> likely to rape Black women, and 22 times more likely to murder a White
> woman than vice versa. There is no reason not to suspect that similar
> extremely high rates of Black criminality have existed historically.
> Most of the lynchings up until the War Between the States were against
> Whites and Significant numbers of Whites in the late 19th and early
> 20th Century were also lynched. So, considering the rates of crime,
> historical lynching has always been proportionate to Black crime rates
> and not one simply based on racist motives.
> 2) One must also understand that historical lynching was most often
> applied to those guilty of rape, robbery or murder. Of course, there
> were cases where innocent men were lynched, but in contrast, the
> thousands of White women and other White victims of Black crime today
> are guilty of no crime. Lynching cannot be excused in any way, but
> most of those men lynched were undoubtedly guilty of vicious and
> horrible crimes against the innocent, especially against women and
> children. Those were the kinds of heinous crimes that really drove the
> extra-legal executions.
> The U.S. Senate recently issued an apology for not historically taking
> a stand against lynching, something that has been condemned because
> for part of its history Blacks disproportionately suffered from it.
> If that is deemed appropriate, why does the U.S. Senate stand mute
> against the brutal rape of over 34,000 White women per year by Blacks.
> In just one year the number of White women raped by Black males is 6
> times the total number of all lynchings during the entire history of
> the United States. (Estimated to be about 5,000 including both Whites
> and Blacks)
> If racial disparity is an issue, then the Black rate of murder and
> rape against White men and women has a far greater racial disparity
> than that of White and Black lynchings. Remember, according to the
> U.S. Justice Department official figures, 34,000 White women were
> sexually assaulted compared to less than ten Black women assaulted by
> White men.
> One should also consider that the victims of lynching were men; only a
> small number were women (estimates are between 75 and 100 women
> lynched in the history of the United States), and most of those were
> lynched for crimes committed along with their male criminal partners.
> Compare the small number of women who suffered lynching compared to
> the 34,000 women who suffer from Black rape every year. In addition,
> 700 innocent White women are murdered each and every year by Blacks.
> Where is outrage about this racial crime?
> If one wants to talk about moral outrages, the historical lynching of
> men who were overwhelmingly ...

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