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More LIES From Dave Jensen

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Mark Thorson

Nov 8, 2007, 3:43:30 PM11/8/07
Dave wrote:
> All you care about is your pharmaceutical industry boss --

Again you repeat the same LIE that you've been
repeating for months, as shown in these examples:

Here are some more examples of your LIES:

From your 8/14/07 posting:

> However, as a Pharmaceutical industry chemist, you
> SHOULD know that "Head and Neck" is a peer reviewed
> medical journal, edited by the distinguished Ehab Y.
> Hanna, MD at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson
> Cancer Center in Houston.

[Note that I am not a "Pharmaceutical industry chemist",
nor have I ever been. This is just part of Dave's
smear campaign against me.]

From your 8/3/07 posting:

> Your post was from a third tier journal, read by only
> other Pharmaceutical Chemists such as yourself.

[Note that I am not a "Pharmaceutical Chemist",
nor have I ever been. This is how Dave responds
to legitimate criticism of his crap articles.
Attack the critic, not the criticism.]

From your 8/2/07 posting:

> For one, as a pharmaceutical chemist you have some
> concept of science, but you lack credibility because
> you are simply an anonymous made-up name.

[Here we see two lies: the allegation I am a
"pharmaceutical chemist" and the allegation that
I am posting under a name other than my own.
I do not. I really am Mark Thorson.]

You don't defend your articles, because you can't.
My criticism is always on-target and backed up
by peer-reviewed science. With your limited
familiarity with the scientific literature,
you're not in a position to respond in kind.

In frustration, you lash out with childish insults and
make up lying accusations. You've gotten no support
in these newsgroups with your lies, because nobody
wants to associate themselves with such an immature
individual. You seem to be unable to perceive how
people will see your behavior.

Mark Thorson

Nov 8, 2007, 3:43:42 PM11/8/07
Your blogspot web site is most certainly commercial
advertising for the products you are affiliated with.
Here is what you said about your web site (on 7/21/07):

> On occasion, I will mention a product that
> I am affiliated with, and this is clearly
> presented in the text. That only happens
> in about one out of ten or twelve posts.

How many posts does it take to make the
whole web site a commercial advertisement?
Clever spammers don't make their whole
web site advertising, because that tips off
the consumer he's being given a sales pitch.
Clever spammers mix their advertising with
non-advertising to make it seem non-commercial.

This is the basis for saying that your web site
is commercial, and every time you post an
advertisement in a non-commercial discussion
newsgroup, you are spamming. That makes you

Bob F

Nov 8, 2007, 3:57:10 PM11/8/07

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