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Alzheimer's preventative ? Pennies a day

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A Veteran

Nov 2, 2007, 11:18:52 AM11/2/07
Curcumin has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal preparation
made from turmeric or as turmeric powder used as a preservative and
coloring agent in foods (yellow curry powder). Curcumin was isolated as
the major yellow pigment in turmeric, a pure chemical
(diferulomethane). Curcuminąs structure is similar to other plant
pigments called polyphenolics (chemicals containing muliple łphenol˛
groups) which often have potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory
properties and associated health benefits. Many similar plant pigments
are known as potent antioxidants, for example, the pigments extracted
from grapes in red wine ( resveratrol), or in green tea (catechins) or
in fruit juices (blueberries, strawberries, pomegranates etc) typically
contain polyphenolic antioxidants and have been studied for their
possible medicinal or preventive value.

Curcumin has been developed by the US National Cancer Institute
(NCI) and academic investigators around the world as a potent
anti-carcinogen. Because of low toxicity and great efficacy in multiple
in vitro and in vivo cancer models, curcumin was selected for further
development, put through extensive toxicology testing and has
successively made it through the first stages (Phase I) of clinical
testing abroad and is currently in clinical trials at several sites in
the U.S. All of this work by many labs has provided the basis to quickly
and safely explore curcuminąs potential for Alzheimerąs and other
neurological diseases.

Curcumin has shown efficacy in many other pre-clinical culture and
animal models for diseases related to aging and chronic treatment with
related łcurcuminoids˛ have even been able to increase the lifespan of

Curcumin and Alzheimerąs Disease. Our group has tested curcumin
in several models for Alzheimerąs and found that it not only reduces
oxidative damage and inflammation (as expected), but also reduces
amyloid accumulation and synaptic marker loss and promotes amyloid
phagocytosis and clearance. Curcumin worked to prevent synaptic marker
and cognitive deficits caused by amyloid peptide infusion and abeta
oligomer toxicity in vitro. Our work on curcumin and AD is discussed in
detail in our publications. and for information on enrolling in a
curcumin trial see trials link .

when you believe the only tool you have is a hammer.
All problems look like nails.

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